This is dbCRAS output. dbCRAS model runs use the CRAS forecast system with initial satellite data provided by direct-broadcast MODIS data. Model output are written to grib2 files, and McIDAS-V is then used to generate forecast imagery.

dbCRAS model output

Initial Time 22 Sep 2008 12:00 UTC Color-shaded water vapor 11-micron image with rain MSLP Precipitable Water Relative Humidity Vectors/Speed (300 hPa) Vectors/Vorticity (500 hPa) Vectors/Vertical motion (700 hPa) Vectors/Temperature (850 hPa)
Initial Time 25 Sep 2008 12:00 UTC Color-shaded water vapor 11-micron image with rain MSLP Precipitable Water Relative Humidity Vectors/Speed (300 hPa) Vectors/Vorticity (500 hPa) Vectors/Vertical motion (700 hPa) Vectors/Temperature (850 hPa)

The MODIS data does change the initial fields during the 12-h 'preforecast' run. Check out this WV loop and this loop of precipitable water to see how those forecast fields are changed by the insertion of MODIS data as Hurricane Ike was making landfall. These loops are from 00-12 UTC for the run that starts at 12 UTC on 13 September