Letter to J. K. Anderson from his Lawyer

From the Law Offices of Helmer, Moulton & Whitman 132 Clark Street, Chicago

James K. Anderson, Esq.;

Oct 16 1909

803 Board of Trade Building

Scranton, Pennsylvania

Dear Sir, -

Replying to your of the 14th inst. would say that if the International Typewriter Company stockholders do not care to change their officers there is no need of their holding an annual meeting. Nothing is lost by a failure to hold a meeting as all of the officers were expressly elected for a period of one year, or until their successors were elected and qualify; so that the directors and officers all remain just as they are until the next annual meeting if you do not elect, and if you should want to change at any time during the year you could call a special meeting by giving the proper notice to that end. No special waiver or action is necessary at the present time.

As we have forwarded our annual tax ($75.00) to the Secretary of State and paid the corporation trust fee everything is now in shape to take care of itself for the coming year.

Yours very truly,

Frank A. Helmer