McIDAS-V CC meeting minutes - January 24, 2007

AWIPS II - TomW started by talking about the AWIPS II presentation.  Raytheon has been contracted for this and they're now using java, and it will be open source.  They want community input and are going to be using RCP (rich client platform).  They're working on a 4-5 year time line.  TomA talked to FSL about possibly using the VisAD data model.

AMS - TomW also quickly ran through TomA's AMS presentation about Mc-V. 

HYDRA - TomR updated the group on getting HYDRA functionality into Mc-V.  He gave TomW a demo for AMS, and TomW reported that he gave six demos of HYDRA at AMS.  TomR expects to have even more cool things to demonstrate at the October McIDAS Users' Group Meeting.

USE CASES - TomW brought up the need to gather and post use cases for Mc-V.  Becky will most likely be the one responsible for gathering and posting the use cases submitted by others in the group.  The purpose is to identify scenarios of how scientists will use Mc-V to do their work.  ScottM indicated that we need to make sure to pull out the requirements from these use cases, or else putting together the use cases is wasted work.  TomR is going to work on formalizing the requirements and use cases for the HYDRA portion of the project.  TomW is going to look into a WIKI to use for this.   Dee added that Soils Science has a very nice one that she and Jerry have used.  A side topic came up about cvs -vs- subversion.  ScottM is going to talk to TC about what they plan to support. 

SCRIPTING LANGUAGE FOR Mc-V -  Becky asked the status of the scripting language discussion that we had at our December team meeting.  TomW has just begun to look at Kathy's scripts, which are much simpler than Jerry's.  Eventually we need to do Use Cases and Requirements for this portion of the project as well.  ScottM said that one of his main reasons for being involved in the Mc-V project is to make sure that we come up with a good scripting language, and not XML
(although he hasn't been directly tasked with this, it is one of his goals)

JAVA SERVERS - Becky asked the status of the java server work.  The answer was that ScottM was coming up with a plan that he just sent out to that group.   Dee and Dave said that they received the report on Tuesday and have comments for him.

UML TALK NEXT WEEK - ScottM asked if we had anything we want him to specifically discuss at his UML talk next week.  He needs to be sure to not only talk about what UML is and how it's used, but also answer the question WHY would somebody want to use this.  This is something we need to keep in mind for Mc-V training as well.

MUG MEETING IN OCTOBER - TomW brought up that by October the MUG trainers need to be Mc-V experts.  They should be running Mc-V on their desktops and should be spending time learning every aspect of Mc-V.   Dee said that they've been told that, but finding the actual time to do this is hard, when they have their other jobs to do as well.  TomR came up with the idea that each trainer could focus on individual parts of Mc-V.  He also mentioned that we should come up with some well-defined exercises for the training.  Kathy added that they already have lab exercises for HYDRA that are fun to go through.     Becky asked if Mc-V will look like IDV or have a new GUI.  Dee said that Mc-V cannot look exactly like the IDV.   TomW said that structurally we'll have something like the dashboard, but it will not look exactly like the IDV.  We need to start working on the new Mc-V look. 

RCP (Rich Client Platform) - ScottM asked when Mc-V will move to RCP, because it will happen.   RCP is an application framework with a blank format so that different users can write little pieces, but they'll have the same basic format.  TomW's response was that he'd like to see how AWIPS II does with RCP. 

Subsecting AREA files - TomR asked if we'd get some time to subsect AREA files and to update the calibration for MSG.  TomW's answer was that we can work on that now. 

IASI - TomR asked how we go down the path to get IASI data.  Dee said that currently we have no access to that data.   Kathy said that we are working on getting a new dish for MetOP data.  Dee said that we have quite a few people interested in this data, and that we need to work on getting it here.  She'll talk to TomA about how to go about doing that.