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McIDAS-V: Current Task List

In no particular order: (distributed 10 October 2006)
  • HYDRA integration  (TomR, BruceF, GailD)
         - add the key functionality of HYDRA to the IDV
         - trim down the IDV GUI to be more HYDRA-specific
         - local HDF4 access (means maintaining the current plug-in)
         - GUI for describing new datasets to the system (XML
            description -- review current Hydra ideas....see below)
  • Easier Install and Configuration for Mc-X, Mc-V, Local ADDE Servers
    (DaveP, etc)
         - one stop setup for most common platforms (Linux, Windows, Mac-OS?)
         - GUI to help with RESOLV.SRV setup and maintenance - goal:
            these config files should never be exposed to the user.
         - Anything else that makes it work better!
  • Figure out what to do to emulate the "D" key in Mc-V  (GailD)
         - modify the bridge to send cursor position to Mc-X?
         - write an application in IDV to do this?
         - Other?
         - Propose solutions, then dive in...
         - Question: are there other things the "bridge" should do?
  • Improved Image GUI (GailD)
         - one-click using XML-based selector -- make it easier to set
             up (GUI configuration?)
         - Geo-referenced (map) selector (in conjunction with HYDRA)
         - Explore making different "look and feel" to the current IDV
             -- ala, "IDV Lite"
  • Investigate and resolve the background (and headless) generation of
    images (TomR, DaveP)
         - identify issues (for example, maybe only 2D will work in this mode)
         - question - does anyone think that 3D is important for this?  How
            can you create a "canned" 3D depiction without user interaction?
  • Java ADDE servers - long-term goal is all Java local servers (Kevin, DaveP)
         - meet to talk about design to hook the BUFR server to existing ADDE
         - explore IASI and AVHRR servers as well.
         - others?