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October 2009 SDI GVAR
Server Binary Updates for GOES-14

Note: This version (Oct 2009) is the first server binary update to the current SDI GVAR full release (2005jun01). The server binaries for this version are no longer available because a more recent update is available. See the SDI Software page for the latest full release (2005jun01) and update (Jan 2012).

The servers on SDI GOES systems were updated in October 2009 to support GOES-14. Rather than packaging a completely new version (like 2005jun01), we are distributing updated server binaries for you to install in the /home/mcadde/mcidas/bin directory. See the SDI GVAR Software Changes page to see the list of changes for all versions of SDI GVAR available on the McIDAS Website.

You can obtain the files in step 4 below if you purchased MUG support for your SDI GVAR system or have been contacted and been given approval by SSEC. You will be prompted for your site's login and password when you attempt to download the installation files. If you do not know the login and password, ask your site coordinator. If you know the login and password and still have a problem obtaining these files via the web, ask your site coordinator to contact the McIDAS Help Desk by e-mail or by phone at (608) 262-2455.

Complete the following steps to obtain and install the software.

  1. Login to the SDI GVAR workstation as user root.

  2. Change to the /home/mcadde/mcidas/bin directory .
      Type: cd /home/mcadde/mcidas/bin

  3. Make backup copies of the existing gvaradir, gvaraget and gvarnavf binaries by renaming them to gvaradir.bak, gvaraget.bak and gvarnavf.bak, respectively.
      Type: mv gvaradir gvaradir.bak
      Type: mv gvaraget gvaraget.bak
      Type: mv gvarnavf gvarnavf.bak

  4. Install the updated binaries by downloading the following three files to the /home/mcadde/mcidas/bin directory.

    File name Size Description
    gvaradir 6984 KB gvaradir server binary
    gvaraget 7002 KB gvaraget server binary
    gvarnavf 6977 KB gvarnavf server binary

  5. Use the chmod command to give the new server binaries the correct permissions.
      Type: chmod 755 gvaradir
      Type: chmod 755 gvaraget
      Type: chmod 755 gvarnavf