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SDI NOAAPORT Software Changes

This page lists the software changes included with each SDI NOAAPORT version available on the McIDAS Website. Each version contains all changes in the previous versions.

Modules Updated in Version 2004jun03

Module Inquiry Number Change
bin/* 12476 Updated support for McIDAS port 112.
bin/mcserv none Updated to enable selective dataset restrictions.

Modules Updated in Version 2003jun04

Module Inquiry Number Change
~mcadde/mcidas/bin/adirserv, ~mcadde/mcidas/bin/agetserv none Updated for HIRS radiance output, the new calibration for NOAA-17, and the final GOES-12 calibration.
~mcadde/mcidas/bin/mcserv, ~mcadde/mcidas/bin/gzip, ~mcadde/mcidas/bin/mcinet.sh 11100 Added support for new McIDAS port 112 and gzip.

Modules Updated in Version 2000jun06

Module Inquiry Number Change
~mcadde/mcidas/bin/adirserv, ~mcadde/mcidas/bin/agetserv 10522 Modified to allow ADDE logging by setting a flag in .mcenv.
opt/nport/bin/inge 10644, 10641, 10738 Fixed 23:45 gini file naming, changed the event file name to notify.list from notify.lst, and included additional binary characters on text stream to route products correctly.
opt/gms/bin/inge 10710 Updated to fix leap year problem.
opt/tip/bin/amsua, /opt/tip/bin/amsub, opt/tip/bin/hirs none Added programs to convert AMSU-A, AMSU-B and HIRS/3 level 1b files to AREAs.
opt/tip/bin/l1b none Added program to decommutate level 1b from raw POES.
opt/tip/bin/klm_tip none Added script which is started via SDI mail event to decommutate NOAA-15 tip data.
opt/tip/n15_amsua_template, opt/tip/n15_amsub_template, opt/tip/n15_hirs3_template none New AMSU-A, AMSU-B and HIRS/3 header files.
opt/tip/amsua_lc.n15, opt/tip/amsub_lc.n15, opt/tip/hirs3_lc.n15 none New coefficient files for NOAA-15 support.
opt/tip/noaa12_9_tip.cfg, opt/tip/noaa14_5_tip.cfg, opt/tip/noaa15_7_tip.cfg none New configuration files.
opt/admin/bin/update_poes none Script to install NOAA-15 tip changes.
opt/gvar/bin/inge none Added support for priority interrupt operations on GOES-11.
~mcadde/mcidas/bin/gvaradir, ~mcadde/mcidas/bin/gvaraget 10740 Added new calibration coefficients for GOES-11.
opt/pdus/bin/delxsect.ksh none Modified to check if file is to be RCP'd (affects SSEC only).