02 Sep 2002 ingestorchanges.txt This file lists each of the five ingestor types and which versions (starting with 1999nov29 - the first version on the web) have changes for the ingestors. Here are the versions, followed by which ingestors were changed in them. The table below lists the version, followed by the ingestor types, with an "X" marking those that were modified for that SDI version. Version GMS GVAR Metsat NOAPORT POES --------- --- ---- ------ ------- ---- 1. 1999nov29 X X X X 2. 2000jan12 X X 3. 2000jun06 X X X X 4. 2001jan26 X X 5. 2001jul20 X X 6. 2001aug24 X 7. 2002mar08 X X 8. 2002mar13 X 9. 2002aug29 X X