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SDI MTSAT version 2005jul08
Software and Instructions

SDI MTSAT version 2005jul08 is the first release of the SDI MTSAT with support of MTSAT-1R data in the HiRID format. The HiRID format is similar to the previous GMS-5 S-VISSR format with the addition of channel IR4. Also, all four of the IR channels are now 10 bit data instead of 8 bit, like the previous GMS. When the higher resolution HRIT data is available in the United States, SSEC plans to modify the SDI MTSAT to support the HRIT signal format.

See the SDI MTSAT Software Changes page to see the list of changes for all versions of SDI MTSAT available on the McIDAS Website.

You can obtain the SDI MTSAT version 2005jul08 files through this webpage if you purchased MUG support for your SDI MTSAT system or have been contacted and been given apporoval by SSEC. You will be prompted for your site's login and password when you attempt to download the installation files. If you do not know the login and password, ask your site coordinator. If you know the login and password and still have a problem obtaining these files via the web, ask your site coordinator to contact the McIDAS Help Desk by e-mail or by phone at (608) 262-2455.

Important Note: The SDI installation opens only port 112 (ports 500 and 503 are no longer opened). Therefore, 2005jul08 SDI MTSAT servers will respond only to data requests from clients running McIDAS-X version 2005 or 2004 (and also 2003 if the client’s MCCOMPRESS environment variable is set to "gzip"). Thus, commands sent to server port 500 or 503 from clients running older versions will fail on the client (eventually timeout because of no response). See the McIDAS-X Version 2005 Upgrade Procedure for more information.

Complete the following steps to obtain and install the SDI MTSAT software.

  1. Download the following two files to the ~mcadde directory on your SDI MTSAT ingestor. If you ftp the files from another workstation, be sure to use binary file transfers.
    File name Size Description
    sdi_mtsat_2005jul08.sh 9 KB shell script that does the build/install
    sdi_mtsat_2005jul08.tar.Z 2906 KB compressed tar file containing the server binaries, ingestor binaries, and data files

  2. Log on to the ingestor as root. Run all commands below from the ~mcadde directory.

  3. Install SDI MTSAT version 2005jul08.

      Type: sh ./sdi_mtsat_2005jul08.sh install

  4. Make a backup of ~mcadde/mcidas/data/RESOLV.SRV if you want to keep your dataset names or other SERVER dataset settings the same.

      Type: cp mcidas/data/RESOLV.SRV mcidas/data/RESOLV.SRV.BAK

  5. Cutover to the default installation of the new MTSAT-1R ingestor.

    This step will also delete old data files from /data. Any files that contain "gvar" "pdus" "poes" "poesrelay" or "AREA" will be deleted from /data. It will also overwrite ~mcadde/mcidas/data/RESOLV.SRV, /etc/init.d/ingcntl, /etc/rc3.d/S99inge and ~mcadde/.mcenv.   If you have any settings that you want retained, make backups before completing this step.

      Type: /opt/admin/bin/installing mtsat

  6. Edit /etc/init.d/ingcntl to change the number of AREA files to save for VIS and IR.

    The AREAS= variable defines both the number of visible and IR AREA files to save.
    For example, if AREAS=100
      VIS AREAs will be AREA0001 - AREA0100
       IR AREAs will be AREA0101 - AREA0200

    If AREAS=75
      VIS AREAs will be AREA0001 - AREA0075
       IR AREAs will be AREA0076 - AREA0150
  7. Edit ~mcadde/mcidas/data/RESOLV.SRV and change its settings to reflect the AREA ranges specified in step 6.

  8. If you want an email event sent at the completion of an image ingest, add the email address to /data/notify.list to set the image complete notifications.

  9. Start the ingestor.

      Type: /etc/init.d/ingcntl start