15 Dec 2015 fastrack2015.2_changes.txt This file contains the list of McIDAS-X version 2015.2 modules that were changed since the previous release (version 2015.1). This information is provided so you can see exactly what has changed between those versions (and note bug fixes, try new features, etc.). The changes are listed below, sorted by SSEC inquiry number. Each entry contains the following information: - SSEC inquiry number (the five-digit number at the beginning) - each module that was updated in the inquiry, followed by the module's CVS version number - a general description of the changes and how they impact McIDAS Modules released 15-Dec-15 in version 2015.2 -------------------------------------------- 16003 m0wwmisc.ch 1.21 The text messages describing Flood warnings/watches messages have increased in length which caused WWDISP to fail. The size of the array holding these messages has been increased to 80,000 characters. Additionally, the number of zones that can be plotted has been increased to 3000. 15995 mcaget.for 1.92 The maximum calibration block size was increased from 10,000 to 20,000 words. This was necessary to store the lookup tables sent from the INSAT-3D servers. Lookup tables are used to convert raw counts to physical quantities such as temperature, albedo and radiance. 15965 flatten-interix-bin.sh 1.2 makefile 1.331 mccomp.sh 1.101 mcidas.sh 1.68 mcinst.sh 1.136 McIDAS-X 2015.2 now includes the HDF5 libraries which are needed for servers of INSAT-3D and HDF5 formatted Kalpana satellite data. These libraries are not compatible with vendor compilers on Solaris. All operating systems are now limited to the installation of McIDAS-X 2015.2 using GCC compilers. Additionally, the netCDF libraries were updated to version 4.3. 15958 mcidas-xrd/DMakefile 1.6 mcidas/DMakefile 1.33 mcidas/make/DMake.generic 1.41 mcidas/make/DMake.unix 1.54 mcidas/mcidas-xrd/DMakefile 1.5 Updates to SSEC only files for creating in-house testing environment. 15956 wariadir.cp 1.18 wariaget.cp 1.30 Updated the Himawari servers to correctly file the image date and time into words 46 and 47 of the AREA file. The values needed to be added to conform to the data structure defined in the McIDAS-X Programmer's Manual. 15939 CORE.SAT 1.22 SATANNOT 1.39 The TRMM satellite was inadvertently removed from SATANNOT. This information has been added back into CORE.SAT. 15935 build-dmakefiles 1.160 indiadir.cp 1.10 indiaget.cp 1.24 isir.for 1.53 kbxindi.dlm 1.8 SATBAND 1.87 First release of the INSAT-3D imager server that uses the lookup tables in the signal to calculate physical quantities such as radiance, temperature and albedo. 15933 omtpadir2.f 1.3 omtpaget2.f 1.6 Updated the McIDAS-XRD OMTP servers to write out the correct value for the starting image time. 15926 makefile 1.319 Updating version of netCDF to 4.3. 15924 frmlabel.pgm 1.27 za.pgm 1.51 Updated help sections of both ZA and FRMLABEL to better define what is displayed wiht STYPE is chosen. The value used comes from the file SATANNOT. 15916 DCISHP 1.7 The amount of ship and buoy observation has increased. This increase required the number of columns in the ISHP-schema MD files created by McIDAS-XCD to be increased. 15915 gvaradir.cp 1.36 SDIUtil.h 1.23 IMGLIST wast taking considerable more time than expected when GOES satellites entered into a minute imagery schedule. Performance was improved by moving code that tested for specific images out of a tight loop and added code to keep the descriptor information in memory. 15902 grib2NavLookup.txt 1.34 grib2Parameters.txt 1.15 Added the parameter and navigation information for the following new RTGRIDS datasets: HRR-USLCDRES, GFS-GLMEP25D, GFS-PRMEP25D, NDF-USLCDRES, PSS-USLCDRES, GFS-WAME, ESSA, ESSP, WRFE, WRFN and RTOF. 15891 wariaget.cp 1.26 Updated the Himawari servers to correctly download data using large magnifications. Previously this was causing a vertical line of bad data down the center of the AREA file. 15890 wariaget.cp 1.28 Updated the Himawari servers to return the correct amount of data when using SIZE=SAME and MAG= with a negative value. Previously, you had to specify the exact size. This option calculates the correct size. 15881 wariadir.cp 1.16 wariaget.cp 1.27 The Himawari servers were updated to correctly list out Japan sector images. Previously the line was being listed 4 times. 15879 aboutgui.gui 1.31 awipaput.c 1.5 grdcopy.pgm 1.74 grddisp.pgm 1.169 grdimg.pgm 1.51 grdinfo.pgm 1.59 grdlist.pgm 1.93 gvarinfo.f 1.9 imgcheck.f 1.4 imgparm.pgm 1.11 makefile 1.325 mccomp.sh 1.102 mcinst.sh 1.137 msgsadir.cp 1.2 msgsaget.cp 1.2 VERSION.TXT 1.102 wxsymb.f 1.4 XRD.TXT 1.15 Updated system files for 2015.2. 15878 wariadir.cp 1.16 wariaget.cp 1.27 Updated the Himawari servers to work correctly if a directory does not contain all segements for a full image. 15877 CONTOUR.DEF 1.3 The native units of some sea level pressure grids can be sent in Pascals (Pa). When trying to display one of these grids, the GRDDISP command failed due to attempting to draw too many contour lines. A line was added to CONTOUR.DEF for MSL in units of Pa. 15871 imgprobe.pgm 1.135 Changed the output for the D and IMGPROBE LIST POINT commands to remove the space following the latitude value. This change moved the longitude value and preceding slash (/) one space to the left to accommodate large image line numbers (which in previous versions could run into the end of the longitude value). If you use the D or IMGPROBE LIST POINT command and have scripts that parse the longitude value or the preceding slash (/) from the output you will need to modify the scripts to accommodate their new location in the output. 15868 m0ptget.for 1.32 ptdisp.pgm 1.95 SFCPLOT.CORE 1.28 sfcplot.pgm 1.71 Added capability to plot cloud cover symbols to PTDISP and SFCPLOT. Symbols can be plotted using the parameters CIGC, CC1 and CC2 and FORMAT=SYMB. When using SFCPLOT PLOT, the default station location is now a cloud symbol, this required a change to SFCPLOT.CORE. In this case, the symbol plotted is the maximum value for CIGC, CC1 and CC2. An open circle is plotted if no clouds are reported. 15866 lv1butil.c 1.53 Fixed problem with image commands if older and newer file formatted NOAA Level 1b data existed in the same directory. 15861 SATBAND 1.84 Added five new bands for NSSX calibration. 17 NSS: CLD Probability 18 NSS: CLD Fraction 19 NSS: CLD Mask 20 NSS: CLD Altitude 21 NSS: DCP Visible Transmission 15860 kbxnexr.dlm 1.6 nexradir.cp 1.12 nexraget.cp 1.19 nexrutil.c 1.17 servutil.c 1.16 Added support for TDWR 256-level Base Reflectivity (TSx, product code 180), 16-level Base Velocity (TVx, product code 183), 8-level Base Spectrum Width (TSx, product code 185) and 16-level long range Base Reflectivity (TZx, product code 189) products. 15849 imgcheck.f 1.3 A new McIDAS-XRD command, IMGCHECK, returns basic statistical information for an entire image. Included are number of pixels, average, standard deviation and variance. A histogram of the image is also shown. The command is limited to 1 byte values. 15842 imgparm.pgm 1.6 imgprobe.pgm 1.134 makefile 1.316 mcgetscantime.for 1.5 The calculation of scan line times for AHI, ABI and COMS satellites has been added to mcgetscantime.for. 15835 gbtbpds001.av1 1.6 grib2NCEPModels.txt 1.11 Updated the GRIB tables to match entries found at the following web site: http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/tablea.html. GRIB data from many data sources have not been included in the NOAAPORT data stream. 15818 imgcopy.pgm 1.126 Updated documentation for IMGCOPY stating that a user can specify MAG= and SIZE=SAME in the same command. The resultant image will be size of the original image divided by the specified magnification. For example, if the original size of an image is 2500x2500 and you specify MAG=-5 and SIZE=SAME an AREA file of size 500x500 is created. In the above case, the source image is sampled. 15812 imgparm.pgm 1.4 imgprobe.pgm 1.133 mcgetscantime.for 1.6 A new function, mcgetscantime.for has been written to return the scan time of a line in a satellite image. Some of this code was found in IMGPARM and IMGPROBE and is now centrally located for easy maintenance. 15801 imgparm.pgm 1.9 kbximgp.dlm 1.2 makefile 1.315 mcidas-xrd/tool/makefile 1.23 SATBAND 1.85 The McIDAS-XRD command IMGPARM has been moved to McIDAS-X and is now fully supported. To compliment the command, a new calibration module, kbximgp.dlm, has been released to make the AREA files created by IMGPARM more readily usable by ADDE image commands. AREA files created by IMGPARM are assigned an SS number of 0 (derived data). 15795 areaaget.cp 1.2 comsadir.cp 1.3 comsaget.cp 1.3 fsdxadir.cp 1.3 fsdxaget.cp 1.3 gridgdir.cp 1.2 gridgget.cp 1.2 makecw24.c 1.8 modsaget.cp 1.57 msgtadir.cp 1.7 msgtaget.cp 1.7 msgxadir.cp 1.4 msgxaget.cp 1.4 mtstadir.cp 1.2 mtstaget.cp 1.2 omtpadir.c 1.3 omtpaget.c 1.3 Added a return code of 0 signifying the successful completion of server transaction. These changes were necessary for the LLVM compilers included with OSX version 10.9. 15792 grib2Parameters.txt 1.13 New parameters were added for the GFS model, including: Discipline 0, Category 0: Temperature Discipline 0, Category 1: Moisture Discipline 0, Category 16: Forecast Radar Imagery Discipline 0, Category 19: Physical atmospheric properties Discipline 3, Category 192: Forecast Satellite Imagery Information regarding these changes can be found at the following webpage: http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table0-0.shtml 15791 addegribgdir.c 1.4 addegribgget.c 1.3 database.c 1.38 When specifying FHOUR= with any of the grid client commands. The maximum number of grids listed or displayed is limited to 37. This corresponds to 12 hourly grids for the GFS model which has maximum forecast hour of 384 hours. Before this maximum was implemented, client commands were failing unexpectedly. 15788 mct_obuf.c 1.19 The McIDAS-X text window was crashing and thus making the session unusable. This occurred only when using running McIDAS on a remote workstation using an X Windows server. A check for an invalid buffer length was removed to prevent the problem. 15787 mcidas-xrd/tool/makefile 1.19 wxsymb.f 1.3 A new McIDAS-XRD program, WXSYMB, plots individual WMO weather symbols from the font files wxsymr*.bdf. The program can also list descriptions of the weather symbols and their codes for plotting. 15786 database.c 1.37 grdcopy.pgm 1.73 grddisp.pgm 1.168 grdimg.pgm 1.50 grdinfo.pgm 1.58 grdlist.pgm 1.92 m0gsort.for 1.47 m0levuni.for 1.8 mcchangeheader.for 1.1 mcgdir.for 1.38 mcgget.for 1.43 Some of the new model grids have pressure levels with native units of HPA rather than MB. This was causing scripts to break. Updates to the server allow you to specify either MB or HPA in the LEV= keyword and it will match on grids with either of those units. The output units (e.g., in GRDLIST's listing and GRDCOPY's output grid) will be the units specified rather than the native units. Also, a new keyword, PUNIT=, was added to let you specify the preferred output pressure units (MB or HPA) for all levels so that if multiple levels are required you don't have to list all of them in the LEV= keyword. 15785 comm_maaa.h 1.2 m0cache.c 1.12 m0file.c 1.17 ma.h 1.5 ma_commDoc.h 1.4 maa.h 1.5 maa_commDoc.h 1.4 maaa.h 1.4 maaaadir.c 1.5 maaaaget.c 1.8 maaadir.c 1.5 maaaget.c 1.8 maaautil.c 1.4 maadir.c 1.5 maaget.c 1.8 maautil.c 1.4 mautil.c 1.4 Significant performance improvements were made to McIDAS-XRD's A, AA and AAA servers. 15784 DMake.solaris 1.16 DMake.unix 1.53 dsserve.pgm 1.86 kph5adir.cp 1.11 kph5aget.cp 1.13 laloutil.c 1.19 latlon.h 1.5 nvxlalo.dlm 1.11 First release of ADDE servers for Kalpana Level 1b HDF5 data. 15783 build-dmakefiles.pl 1.159 indiadir.cp 1.8 indiaget.cp 1.7 indsadir.cp 1.17 indsaget.cp 1.37 instadir.cp 1.13 instaget.cp 1.29 First release of the INSAT-3D imager and sounder servers that use the calibration coefficients found in the signal to calculate physical quantities such as temperature, radiance and albedo. 15764 mcservl.cp 1.15 When running McIDAS-V on a Windows 7 platform, there were occasions when some of the child and parent processes were not exiting properly. An update to the mcservl program now checks for these processes before ending. 15763 makefile 1.305 mcserv.cp 1.43 There have been occasions when users have an OS version of gzip or gunzip found in their environmental variable PATH prior to the one in ~mcidas/bin. Version differences can potentially cause unexpected results with ADDE transactions. Preparatory steps are being made so McIDAS-X will execute only the version supplied with the installation package. To prevent this problem, users should include ~mcidas/bin as the first directory in their PATH environmental variable. 15760 comsadir2.for 1.5 comsaget2.for 1.6 fsdxaget2.for 1.10 giniadir.cp 1.6 giniaget.cp 1.5 gvaradir.cp 1.37 gvaraget.cp 1.39 indiadir.cp 1.4 indiaget.cp 1.5 indsadir.cp 1.10 indsaget.cp 1.24 instadir.cp 1.8 instaget.cp 1.14 kalpadir.c 1.4 kalpaget.c 1.3 kph5adir.cp 1.7 kph5aget.cp 1.7 lv1badir.cp 1.19 mod4adir.cp 1.4 mod4aget.cp 1.6 mod8adir.cp 1.4 mod8aget.cp 1.7 modsadir.cp 1.22 modsaget.cp 1.58 modxadir.cp 1.19 modxaget.cp 1.34 msgsadir2.for 1.6 msgsaget2.for 1.12 msgtadir2.for 1.13 msgtaget2.for 1.33 mtstadir2.for 1.20 mtstaget2.for 1.28 nexradir.cp 1.14 nexraget.cp 1.21 omtpadir2.f 1.3 omtpaget2.f 1.4 poesadir.cp 1.27 poesaget.cp 1.39 viiradir.cp 1.2 wariadir.cp 1.17 wariaget.cp 1.29 Updated ADDE servers to make error messages consistent when an invalid band is specified. This change is also beneficial for users of McIDAS-V. 15757 awipaput.c 1.4 Updated the AWIPS servers to use a North Pole projection. 15743 mtstadir2.for 1.21 mtstaget2.for 1.29 The MTSAT servers were not working correctly when either visible or infrared sectors were missing. Updates to the server now allow this configuration and in these cases, BAND= can be omitted from client commands. 15737 makefile 1.320 mcinst.sh 1.129 Added support for HDF5 libraries needed for the INSAT-3D servers. 15736 clabel.for 1.16 indiaget.cp 1.4 indsaget.cp 1.23 instaget.cp 1.13 kbxindi.dlm 1.2 kbxinst.dlm 1.12 Created a calibration module for the new INSAT-3D imager and sounder servers that use the calibration coefficients found in the signal to calculate physical quantities such as temperature, radiance and albedo. 15716 tirchk.f 1.4 Updated the McIDAS-XRD command TIRCHK. Previously the code did not work correctly on little endian machines and mislabeled the time output. 15709 lanfit.for 1.13 mcsound.for 1.12 sdsort.for 1.5 uacross.pgm 1.39 vrtfit.for 1.7 Updated the maximum number of levels that can be used by UACROSS from 100 to 250. When the number of levels was exceeded, the map was not drawn. 15699 mccomp.sh 1.98 txtgserv.cp 1.13 Updated the script that compiles McIDAS-X code, mccomp.sh, and the text server to support OS X 10.10. 15696 GEO.CORE 1.11 geo.pgm 1.44 GEODATA.CORE 1.19 IMGDISP.CORE 1.21 LEO.CORE 1.2 leo.pgm 1.21 LEODATA.CORE 1.16 map.c 1.77 MAP.CORE 1.20 RAOBCON.CORE 1.10 raobcon.pgm 1.51 RAOBPLOT.CORE 1.14 raobplot.pgm 1.48 SFCCON.CORE 1.19 sfccon.pgm 1.58 SFCPLOT.CORE 1.26 sfcplot.pgm 1.67 stnlist.c 1.40 stnplot.c 1.22 Updated McIDAS-X *.CORE files and associated commands to give more accurate information as to how defaults are determined. Documentation is now more consistent across all commands. 15688 gvarinfo.f 1.8 Checks were added to indicate if an event, such as star look, ended prematurely. Also corrected a couple of lines that extended beyond the 72 character limit. 15682 addegribgdir.c 1.3 grib2func.c 1.28 gribgdir.cp 1.34 mcgdir.for 1.39 Users are notified if the parameters of a GRIB2 file are not found in grib2Parameters.txt. 15681 m0gfsmos.f 1.13 m0nammos.f 1.3 STNDB.CORE 1.80 UPDATEMOS.BAT 1.1 Over 200 GFSMOS and NAMMOS station updates were added to STNDB.CORE. 15680 mcncdf.h 1.23 Add satellite tag ID from AWIPS D2D. 15675 gribfunc.c 1.73 Updated the grid servers to correctly calculate the latitude and longitude spacing of mercator grids. 15673 imgfilt.pgm 1.60 Updated help section for the CLEAN option to match User's Guide and to improve clarity and consistency. 15668 build-dmakefiles.pl 1.155 grib2func.c 1.27 Model grids were exceeding the maximum number of points. Increasing the array sizes for the the maximum grid points was not sufficient for Linux 64 operating systems. Memory is now allocated using the system function setrlimit. This fix does not work for Windows 7 platforms. 15667 awipaput.c 1.3 Many geographic regions including Alaska have been added to AWIPS servers. 15662 fntplt_.c 1.11 The name of the font family was incorrectly being determined by looking for just a period. This caused a problem when the directory containing the .bdf file contained a period. Code was updated to look for .bdf instead of a period. 15654 imgdisp.pgm 1.121 If not specified, the element magnification now defaults to the value specified for line magnification. 15652 USCOUNTY.MAP 1.28 USSTATE.MAP 1.17 USZONE.MAP 1.23 Updated the U.S. County, State and Zone maps to keep in pace with the files from AWIPS. 15645 MCAWIPS.CORE 1.2 mcawips.f 1.3 Added the context file, MCAWIPS.CORE for the McIDAS-XRD command MCAWIPS. This context file follows the same conventions as used in other McIDAS-X core commands such as SFCPLOT.CORE. 15642 build-dmakefilesrd.pl 1.10 mcidas-xrd/tool/makefile 1.17 satcomp.f 1.4 A new McIDAS-XRD command, SATCOMP, creates a composite of satellite images by comparing either parallax error or satellite subpoint differences to choose the resultant pixel value. If two pixels fall within a specified threshold, a weighted average is applied. The input images must be created using IMGPARM. 15637 mcsndanl.c 1.18 The upper-air commands were updated, so that when the LFC is below the LCL, it is made equal to the LCL. In the past, very unstable soundings could result in the LFC being plotted below the LCL. 15620 avgi.pgm 1.22 McIDAS-X version 2014.1 increased the maximum number of elements to be processed. The AVGI command was inadvertently left off the list of code updated in 2014.1 and thus has been updated in this 2015.2 release. 15618 special.c 1.15 A new environmental variable MCTMPDIR now allows a user to specify the directory to store temporary files. The default remains as $HOME/.mctmp. 15609 modxadir.cp 1.18 Corrected a problem with band 53 MOD06 data. The scientific dataset name as defined by the array in the netCDF was incorrectly used as Water_Path; it was updated to look for Cloud_Water_Path. 15591 m0pirdec.f 1.49 Some pilot reports were not decoded correctly for sky cover. The McIDAS-XCD pilot report decoder was updated to correctly identify sky cover for unconventionally formatted reports. 15588 STNDB.CORE 1.82 The station database files have been updated based upon NWS technical implementation notices. 15585 build-dmakefiles.pl 1.158 makefile 1.303 mcidas-xrd/tool/makefile 1.20 msgsadir.cp 1.1 msgsadir2.for 1.3 msgsaget.cp 1.1 msgsaget2.for 1.9 First release of ADDE servers for native format Meteosat Second Generation Level 1.5 files transmitted by EUMETSAT. 15564 fsdxadir2.for 1.7 fsdxaget2.for 1.9 The FSDX LRIT servers now support data from Meteosat-7. 15536 mcsndanl.c 1.17 sndanl.for 1.19 In previous versions of McIDAS-X, precipitable water calculations from rawinsonde data were derived from SFC -> 500mb. This calculation now uses the levels SFC -> 300mb. 15470 mccape.c 1.13 Corrected the equation for calculating CAPE values. The layer difference from the surface to the first layer was being done incorrectly. 15428 hex80.inc 1.9 m0ptbuf.for 1.6 m0ptget.for 1.31 m0ptmem_.c 1.5 If a user was defining a derived parameter, incorrect contour analyses were being created due to missing values. Checks have now been added to exclude missing values from contour analyses. 15404 addefunc.c 1.29 gvaradir.cp 1.36 gvaraget.cp 1.38 imgdisp.pgm 1.122 m0file.c 1.17 m0instr.c 1.6 mcaget.c 1.90 mcaget.for 1.91 mcasort.for 1.37 SDIUtil.h 1.23 Updated the archive satellite servers to allow multi-day requests from client commands. 15309 mcfndgrd.for 1.24 A memory issue was discovered due to an incorrect subroutine being called. Multiple levels can now be requested on all supported platforms. 15262 imgremap.pgm 1.117 msgtadir2.for 1.11 Updated IMGREMAP so a user can make a request to the archive satellite servers with both DAY= and positive position number. 15155 gbtbpds001.bv1 1.16 Corrected the defined numbers of rows and columns for GFS grids with a GRIB ID of 225. 15148 omtpadir2.f 1.3 omtpaget2.f 1.3 The scan line time calculation was incorrect for data from METEOSAT-7 and earlier satellites. The scan line time has been corrected by using the correct scanning direction of South to North. 14180 mcgget.for 1.44 The native units of some parameters from newer model grids have been updated. An example is pressure grids using Pascals instead of Hectopascals. When a user requested a different unit with a different magnitude, the contours did not match up correctly. A check has been added to identify if the native units and requested units differ by just an order of magnitude. The rounding is now done correctly and contours match. 14091 gridparm.inc 1.22 mcidas.h 1.109 To accommodate the increased resolution of new model data, the maximum number of grid points has been increased to 10,000,000. These larger grids will not work on the Windows 7 version of McIDAS-X.