November 2011

Steve Goodman and Greg Mandt Visit CIMSS/ASPB

CIMSS and the NESDIS/Advanced Satellite Products Branch (ASPB) hosted a visit by Greg Mandt and Steve Goodman, GOES-R System Program Director and Senior Program Scientist, on Thursday, 13 October 2011.

Greg and Steve met with CIMSS/ASPB GOES-R teams (Cryosphere, Soundings, Imagery, Wind, Clouds, Aviation, Air Quality, Proxy, AIT-Midwest, and GRAFFIR) to discuss current and planned activities. They also met with CIMSS/ASPB scientists to discuss data assimilation activities on the new NESDIS Super Computer for Satellite Simulation and Data Assimilation Studies (S4), which is hosted and managed by SSEC.

greg and steve

Greg Mandt and Steve Goodman with the NESDIS Super Computer for
Satellite Simulation and Data Assimilation Studies (S4) at SSEC.

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