September 2011

GOES-15 and -14 Imager and Sounder Images

Images from both the Imager and Sounder of GOES-15 have been compared to images from both the operational eastern and western GOES.

GOES-15 is located near longitude 90 West. Data from the Imager and Sounder are being made available until 05 August 2011. Qualitative comparisons show the GOES-15 images to be of good quality, similar to the end of the NOAA science test. Images and animations can be found online.

GOES comparison

The five spectral bands from the GOES-15 Imager, from 18 UTC on 27 July 2011.

In addition, images from both the Imager and Sounder of GOES-14 have been compared to images from both the operational eastern and western GOES.

GOES-14 is located near longitude 105 West. Data from the Imager and Sounder were made available until 19 August 2011. Qualitative comparisons show the GOES-14 images to be of good quality, similar to the end of the NOAA science test. Images and animations can be found online as wells as an animation of fog from three separate GOES.

Other GOES-14 images of Tropical Storm Gert can be found on the CIMSS satellite blog.

goes comparisons

The five spectral bands from the GOES-14 Imager, from 20 UTC on August 19, 2011.

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