Source code for polar2grid._glue_argparser

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2022 Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC),
#  University of Wisconsin-Madison.
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# This file is part of the polar2grid software package. Polar2grid takes
# satellite observation data, remaps it, and writes it to a file format for
# input into another program.
# Documentation:
"""Argument parsing and script setup for the main script."""

from __future__ import annotations

import argparse
import os
import sys
from glob import glob
from typing import Callable, Optional

from polar2grid.core.script_utils import ExtendAction
from polar2grid.utils.dynamic_imports import get_reader_attr, get_writer_attr

# type aliases
ComponentParserFunc = Callable[[argparse.ArgumentParser], tuple]

[docs] def get_reader_parser_function(reader_name: str) -> Optional[ComponentParserFunc]: return get_reader_attr(reader_name, "add_reader_argument_groups")
[docs] def get_writer_parser_function(writer_name: str) -> Optional[ComponentParserFunc]: return get_writer_attr(writer_name, "add_writer_argument_groups")
READER_ALIASES = { "modis": "modis_l1b", "avhrr": "avhrr_l1b_aapp", } WRITER_ALIASES = { "scmi": "awips_tiled", }
[docs] def get_default_output_filename(reader: str, writer: str, is_polar2grid: bool): """Get a default output filename based on what reader we are reading.""" ofile_map = get_writer_attr(writer, "DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILENAMES", {}) pkg_name = "polar2grid" if is_polar2grid else "geo2grid" package_filenames = ofile_map[pkg_name] if reader not in package_filenames: reader = None return package_filenames.get(reader)
[docs] def _fsfiles_for_s3(input_filenames): """Convert S3 URLs to something Satpy can understand and use. Examples: Example S3 URLs (no caching): .. code-block:: bash ... -f s3://noaa-goes16/ABI-L1b-RadC/2019/001/17/*_G16_s20190011702186* Example S3 URLs using fsspec caching: .. code-block:: bash ... -f simplecache::s3://noaa-goes16/ABI-L1b-RadC/2019/001/17/*_G16_s20190011702186* """ import fsspec from satpy.readers import FSFile kwargs = {"anon": True} if "simplecache::" in input_filenames[0]: kwargs = {"s3": kwargs} for open_file in fsspec.open_files(input_filenames, **kwargs): yield FSFile(open_file)
[docs] def _filenames_from_local(input_filenames): for fn in input_filenames: if os.path.isdir(fn): yield from glob(os.path.join(fn, "*")) else: yield fn
[docs] def get_input_files(input_filenames): """Convert directories to list of files.""" if input_filenames and "s3://" in input_filenames[0]: yield from _fsfiles_for_s3(input_filenames) else: yield from _filenames_from_local(input_filenames)
[docs] def get_p2g_defaults_env_var(): return bool(int(os.environ.setdefault("USE_POLAR2GRID_DEFAULTS", "1")))
[docs] class GlueArgumentParser: """Helper class for parsing and grouping command line arguments.""" def __init__(self, argv: list[str], is_polar2grid: bool): self._is_polar2grid = is_polar2grid parser, known_args, reader_group, resampling_group, writer_group = _main_args(argv, self._is_polar2grid) # env used by some writers for default number of threads (ex. geotiff) # must be done before writer args are parsed os.environ["DASK_NUM_WORKERS"] = str(known_args.num_workers) reader_subgroups = _add_component_parser_args(parser, "readers", known_args.readers or []) writer_subgroups = _add_component_parser_args(parser, "writers", known_args.writers or []) self.argv = argv self._args = parser.parse_args(argv) _validate_reader_writer_args(parser, self._args, self._is_polar2grid) self._reader_args = _args_to_dict(self._args, reader_group._group_actions) self._reader_names = self._reader_args.pop("readers") self._separate_scene_init_load_args(reader_subgroups) self._resample_args = _args_to_dict(self._args, resampling_group._group_actions) self._writer_args = _args_to_dict(self._args, writer_group._group_actions) writer_specific_args = self._parse_one_writer_args(writer_subgroups) self._writer_args.update(writer_specific_args) if not self._args.filenames: parser.print_usage() parser.exit(1, "\nERROR: No data files provided (-f flag)\n")
[docs] def _separate_scene_init_load_args(self, reader_subgroups) -> None: products = self._reader_args.pop("products") or [] filenames = self._reader_args.pop("filenames") or [] filenames = list(get_input_files(filenames)) reader_specific_args, reader_specific_load_args = self._parse_reader_args(reader_subgroups) # argparse will combine "extended" arguments like `products` automatically # and products should only be provided to the load arguments, not reader creation for _reader_name, _reader_args in reader_specific_args.items(): _reader_args.pop("products", None) # Parse provided files and search for files if provided directories self._scene_creation = { "filenames": filenames, "reader": self._reader_names[0], "reader_kwargs": reader_specific_args.get(self._reader_names[0], {}), } self._load_args = { "products": products, } self._load_args.update(reader_specific_load_args)
[docs] def _parse_reader_args(self, reader_subgroups: list) -> tuple[dict, dict]: reader_args = {} load_args = {} for reader_name, (sgrp1, sgrp2) in zip(self._reader_names, reader_subgroups, strict=True): if sgrp1 is None: continue rargs = _args_to_dict(self._args, sgrp1._group_actions) reader_args[reader_name] = rargs if sgrp2 is not None: load_args.update(_args_to_dict(self._args, sgrp2._group_actions)) return reader_args, load_args
[docs] def _parse_one_writer_args(self, writer_subgroups: list) -> dict: writer_names: list[str] = self._writer_args["writers"] writer_specific_args = {} for writer_name, (sgrp1, sgrp2) in zip(writer_names, writer_subgroups, strict=True): wargs = _args_to_dict(self._args, sgrp1._group_actions) if sgrp2 is not None: wargs.update(_args_to_dict(self._args, sgrp2._group_actions)) writer_specific_args[writer_name] = wargs # get default output filename if "filename" in wargs and wargs["filename"] is None: wargs["filename"] = get_default_output_filename(self._reader_names[0], writer_name, self._is_polar2grid) return writer_specific_args
[docs] def _main_args(argv, use_polar2grid_defaults): binary_name = "polar2grid" if use_polar2grid_defaults else "geo2grid" prog = os.getenv("PROG_NAME", sys.argv[0]) # "usage: " will be printed at the top of this: usage = """ %(prog)s -h see available products: %(prog)s -r <reader> -w <writer> --list-products -f file1 [file2 ...] basic processing: %(prog)s -r <reader> -w <writer> [options] -f file1 [file2 ...] basic processing with limited products: %(prog)s -r <reader> -w <writer> [options] -p prod1 prod2 -f file1 [file2 ...] """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog=prog, usage=usage, fromfile_prefix_chars="@", description="Load, composite, resample, and save datasets.", ) _add_common_arguments(parser, binary_name) reader_group = add_scene_argument_groups(parser, is_polar2grid=use_polar2grid_defaults)[0] resampling_group = add_resample_argument_groups(parser, is_polar2grid=use_polar2grid_defaults)[0] writer_group = add_writer_argument_groups(parser, is_polar2grid=use_polar2grid_defaults)[0] argv_without_help = [x for x in argv if x not in ["-h", "--help"]] _retitle_optional_arguments(parser) args, _ = parser.parse_known_args(argv_without_help) return parser, args, reader_group, resampling_group, writer_group
[docs] def _add_common_arguments(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, binary_name: str) -> None: parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", dest="verbosity", action="count", default=0, help="each occurrence increases verbosity 1 level through " "ERROR-WARNING-INFO-DEBUG (default INFO)", ) parser.add_argument("-l", "--log", dest="log_fn", default=None, help="specify the log filename") parser.add_argument( "--progress", action="store_true", help="Show processing progress bar (Not recommended for logged output)", ) parser.add_argument( "--create-profile", nargs="?", default=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS, # help="Create an HTML document profiling the execution of the script " # "using dask diagnostic tools.", ) parser.add_argument( "--num-workers", type=int, default=os.getenv("DASK_NUM_WORKERS", 4), help="Specify number of worker threads to use (Default: 4)", ) parser.add_argument( "--extra-config-path", action="append", help="Specify the base directory of additional Satpy configuration " "files. For example, to use custom enhancement YAML file named " "'generic.yaml' place it in a directory called 'enhancements' " "like '/path/to/my_configs/enhancements/generic.yaml' and then " "set this flag to '/path/to/my_configs'. For backwards compatibility, " "with older versions, this flag can also be given a single enhancement " "YAML configuration file.", ) parser.add_argument( "--match-resolution", dest="preserve_resolution", action="store_false", help="When using the 'native' resampler for composites, don't save data " "at its native resolution, use the resolution used to create the " "composite.", ) parser.add_argument( "--list-products", dest="list_products", action="store_true", help="List available {} products and exit".format(binary_name), ) parser.add_argument( "--list-products-all", dest="list_products_all", action="store_true", help="List available {} products and custom/Satpy products and exit".format(binary_name), )
[docs] def _validate_reader_writer_args(parser, args, use_polar2grid_defaults): if args.readers is None: parser.print_usage() parser.exit( 1, "\nERROR: Reader must be provided (-r flag).\n" "Supported readers:\n\t{}\n".format( "\n\t".join(_supported_readers(use_polar2grid_defaults)) ), ) elif len(args.readers) > 1: parser.print_usage() parser.exit( 1, "\nMultiple readers is not currently supported. Got:\n\t" "{}\n".format("\n\t".join(args.readers)), ) return -1 if args.writers is None: parser.print_usage() parser.exit( 1, "\nERROR: Writer must be provided (-w flag) with one or more writer.\n" "Supported writers:\n\t{}\n".format( "\n\t".join(_supported_writers(use_polar2grid_defaults)) ), )
[docs] def _add_component_parser_args( parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, component_type: str, component_names: list[str] ) -> list: _get_args_func = get_writer_parser_function if component_type == "writers" else get_reader_parser_function subgroups = [] for component_name in component_names: parser_func = _get_args_func(component_name) if parser_func is None: # two items in each tuple subgroups += [(None, None)] continue subgroups += [parser_func(parser)] return subgroups
[docs] def _args_to_dict(args, group_actions, exclude=None): if exclude is None: exclude = [] return { ga.dest: getattr(args, ga.dest) for ga in group_actions if hasattr(args, ga.dest) and ga.dest not in exclude }
[docs] def _convert_reader_name(reader_name: str) -> str: return READER_ALIASES.get(reader_name, reader_name)
[docs] def _convert_writer_name(writer_name: str) -> str: return WRITER_ALIASES.get(writer_name, writer_name)
[docs] def _supported_readers(is_polar2grid: bool = False) -> list[str]: if is_polar2grid: readers = [ "acspo", "amsr2_l1b", "amsr_l2_gaasp", "avhrr_l1b_aapp", "clavrx", "mersi2_l1b", "mirs", "modis_l1b", "modis_l2", "nucaps", "viirs_edr_active_fires", "viirs_edr_flood", "viirs_l1b", "viirs_sdr", "virr_l1b", ] else: readers = [ "abi_l1b", "abi_l2_nc", "agri_fy4a_l1", "agri_fy4b_l1", "ahi_hrit", "ahi_hsd", "ami_l1b", "glm_l2", ] return sorted(readers)
[docs] def add_scene_argument_groups(parser, is_polar2grid=False): if is_polar2grid: filter_dn_products = 0.1 filter_doc = " and is enabled by default." else: filter_dn_products = False filter_doc = ", but is disabled by default." readers = _supported_readers(is_polar2grid) group_1 = parser.add_argument_group(title="Reading") group_1.add_argument( "-r", "--reader", action="append", dest="readers", metavar="READER", type=_convert_reader_name, help="Name of reader used to read provided files. " "Supported readers: " + ", ".join(readers), ) group_1.add_argument( "-f", "--filenames", nargs="+", default=[], help="Input files to read. For a long list of " "files, use '-f @my_files.txt' " "to provide a list of filenames from another " "file (one filename per line). Files can also " "be passed at the end of the command line by " "using two hyphens (--) to separate the list " "of files from the other arguments. " "arguments (ex. '%(prog)s ... -- /path/to/files*')", ) group_1.add_argument("filenames", nargs="*", action="extend", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # help="Alternative to '-f' flag. Use two hyphens (--) " # "to separate these files from other command line " # "arguments (ex. '%(prog)s ... -- /path/to/files*')") group_1.add_argument( "-p", "--products", nargs="+", default=None, action=ExtendAction, help="Names of products to create from input files", ) group_1.add_argument( "--filter-day-products", nargs="?", type=float_or_false, default=filter_dn_products, metavar="fraction_of_day", help="Don't produce products that require " "daytime data when most of the image " "is nighttime (ex. reflectances). The " "list of products checked is currently limited " "to reflectance bands and true and false color " "composites. Default is 0.1 (at least 10%% " "day)" + filter_doc, ) group_1.add_argument( "--filter-night-products", nargs="?", type=float_or_false, default=filter_dn_products, metavar="fraction_of_night", help="Don't produce products that require " "nighttime data when most of the image " "is daytime. The " "list of products checked is currently limited " "to temperature difference fog " "composites. Default is 0.1 (at least 10%% " "night)" + filter_doc, ) group_1.add_argument( "--sza-threshold", type=float, default=100, help="When making filter decisions based on amount " "of day or amount of night, use this solar " "zenith angle value as the transition point. " "Less than this is day, greater than or equal to " "this value is night.", ) group_1.add_argument( "--no-persist-geolocation", action="store_true", # help="After data is loaded, compute all geolocation arrays and hold " # "them in memory. This should allow processing to perform faster " # "in most cases at the cost of higher memory usage. This will " # "have the biggest impact on readers whose lon/lat arrays are " # "expensive to load (ex. modis_l1b). This currently only works " # "on swath-based geolocation data and has no effect otherwise.", help=argparse.SUPPRESS, ) return (group_1,)
[docs] def float_or_false(val): if isinstance(val, str) and val.lower() == "false": return False return float(val)
[docs] def _supported_writers(is_polar2grid: bool = False) -> list[str]: if is_polar2grid: writers = [ "geotiff", "awips_tiled", "binary", "hdf5", ] else: writers = [ "geotiff", "awips_tiled", ] return writers
[docs] def add_writer_argument_groups(parser, is_polar2grid=False): writers = _supported_writers(is_polar2grid) group_1 = parser.add_argument_group(title="Writing") group_1.add_argument( "-w", "--writer", action="append", dest="writers", type=_convert_writer_name, metavar="WRITER", help="Writer used to save datasets. " "Supported writers: " + ", ".join(writers), # help="Writers to save datasets with. Multiple writers " # "can be provided by specifying '-w' multiple " # "times (ex. '-w geotiff -w awips_tiled'). " # "Supported writers: " + ", ".join(writers), ) return (group_1,)
[docs] def add_resample_argument_groups(parser, is_polar2grid=None): if is_polar2grid is None: # if we are being loaded from documentation then this won't be # specified so we need to load it directly from the environment variable is_polar2grid = get_p2g_defaults_env_var() group_1 = parser.add_argument_group(title="Resampling") if is_polar2grid: DEBUG_EWA = bool(int(os.getenv("P2G_EWA_LEGACY", "0"))) methods = ["ewa", "native", "nearest"] if DEBUG_EWA: methods.append("ewa_legacy") group_1.add_argument( "--method", dest="resampler", default=None, choices=methods, help="resampling algorithm to use (default: <sensor specific>)", ) group_1.add_argument( "-g", "--grids", default=None, nargs="*", help="Area definition to resample to. Empty means " 'no resampling (default: "wgs84_fit" for ' "non-native resampling)", ) # EWA options group_1.add_argument( "--weight-delta-max", default=argparse.SUPPRESS, type=float, help="Maximum distance in grid cells over which " 'to distribute an input swath pixel (--method "ewa"). ' 'This is equivalent to the old "--fornav-D" flag. ' "Default is 10.0.", ) group_1.add_argument( "--weight-distance-max", default=argparse.SUPPRESS, type=float, help="Distance in grid cell units at which to " 'apply a minimum weight. (--method "ewa"). ' 'This is equivalent to the old "--fornav-d" flag. ' "Default is 1.0.", ) group_1.add_argument( "--maximum-weight-mode", dest="maximum_weight_mode", default=argparse.SUPPRESS, action="store_true", help='Use maximum weight mode (--method "ewa"). Default is off.', ) group_1.add_argument( "--rows-per-scan", dest="rows_per_scan", default=argparse.SUPPRESS, type=int, help="Number of data rows making up one instrument scan. " '(--method "ewa"). Defaults to value extracted from ' "reader.", ) group_1.add_argument( "--ewa-persist", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS, # help="Pre-compute geolocation to determine what " # "chunks of data should be resampled " # '(--method "ewa"). This can reduce the ' # "overall work required by the algorithm, " # "but only if a small amount of swath data " # "lies on the target area.", ) else: group_1.add_argument( "--method", dest="resampler", default=None, choices=["native", "nearest"], help="resampling algorithm to use (default: native)", ) group_1.add_argument( "-g", "--grids", default=None, nargs="*", help='Area definition to resample to. Empty means no resampling (default: "MAX")', ) # shared options group_1.add_argument( "--grid-coverage", default=0.1, type=float, help="Fraction of target grid that must contain " "data to continue processing product.", ) group_1.add_argument( "--cache-dir", help="Directory to store resampling intermediate " "results between executions. Not used with native " "resampling or resampling of ungridded or swath data.", ) group_1.add_argument( "--grid-configs", nargs="+", default=tuple(), help="Specify additional grid configuration files. " "(.conf for legacy CSV grids, .yaml for " "SatPy-style areas)", ) group_1.add_argument( "--ll-bbox", nargs=4, type=float, metavar=("lon_min", "lat_min", "lon_max", "lat_max"), help=argparse.SUPPRESS if is_polar2grid else "Crop data to region specified by lon/lat " "bounds (lon_min lat_min lon_max lat_max). " "Coordinates must be valid in the source data " "projection. Can only be used with gridded " "input data.", ) group_1.add_argument( "--antimeridian-mode", default="modify_crs", choices=("modify_extents", "modify_crs", "global_extents"), help="Behavior when dynamic grids are converted to 'frozen' grids and " "data crosses the anti-meridian. Defaults to 'modify_crs' where " "the prime meridian is shifted 180 degrees to make the result one " "contiguous coordinate space. 'modify_extents' will attempt to " "surround the data but will often cause artifacts over the " "antimeridian. 'global_extents' will force the X extents to -180 " "and 180 to create one large grid. This currently only affects " "lon/lat projections.", ) # nearest neighbor resampling group_1.add_argument( "--radius-of-influence", default=argparse.SUPPRESS, type=float, help="Specify radius to search for valid input " 'pixels for nearest neighbor resampling (--method "nearest"). ' "Value is in geocentric meters regardless of input or output projection. " "By default this will be estimated based on input and output projection and pixel size.", ) return tuple([group_1])
[docs] def _retitle_optional_arguments(parser): """Hack to make the optional arguments say what we want.""" opt_args = [x for x in parser._action_groups if x.title == "optional arguments"] if len(opt_args) == 1: opt_args = opt_args[0] opt_args.title = "Global Options"