Source code for polar2grid.glue

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2021 Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC),
#  University of Wisconsin-Madison.
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# This file is part of the polar2grid software package. Polar2grid takes
# satellite observation data, remaps it, and writes it to a file format for
# input into another program.
# Documentation:
"""Connect various satpy components together to go from satellite data to output imagery format."""

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import logging
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
from import Iterable
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional, Union

# isort: off
# hdf5plugin must be imported before h5py and xarray or it won't be available
# Used by the FCI reader
    import hdf5plugin
except ImportError:
    hdf5plugin = None  # type: ignore
# isort: on

import dask
import satpy
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar
from pyresample import SwathDefinition
from satpy import DataID, Scene
from satpy.writers import compute_writer_results

from polar2grid._glue_argparser import GlueArgumentParser, get_p2g_defaults_env_var
from polar2grid.core.script_utils import create_exc_handler, rename_log_file, setup_logging
from polar2grid.filters import filter_scene
from polar2grid.readers._base import ReaderProxyBase
from polar2grid.resample import resample_scene
from polar2grid.utils.config import add_polar2grid_config_paths
from polar2grid.utils.dynamic_imports import get_reader_attr
from polar2grid.utils.legacy_compat import get_sensor_alias

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    "suominpp": "npp",
    "npp": "npp",
    "snpp": "npp",
    "n20": "noaa20",
    "n21": "noaa21",
    "n22": "noaa22",
    "n23": "noaa23",
    "noaa18": "noaa18",
    "noaa19": "noaa19",
    "noaa20": "noaa20",
    "noaa21": "noaa21",
    "noaa22": "noaa22",
    "noaa23": "noaa23",
    "jpss1": "noaa20",
    "jpss2": "noaa21",
    "jpss3": "noaa22",
    "jpss4": "noaa23",
    "j1": "noaa20",
    "j2": "noaa21",
    "j3": "noaa22",
    "j4": "noaa23",
    "fy3b": "fy3b",
    "fy3c": "fy3c",
    "fy3d": "fy3d",
    "eosaqua": "aqua",
    "eosterra": "terra",
    "aqua": "aqua",
    "terra": "terra",
    "gcomw1": "gcom-w1",
    "metopa": "metopa",
    "metopb": "metopb",
    "metopc": "metopc",

[docs] def _get_platform_name_alias(satpy_platform_name): return _PLATFORM_ALIASES.get(satpy_platform_name.lower().replace("-", ""), satpy_platform_name)
[docs] def _overwrite_platform_name_with_aliases(scn): """Change 'platform_name' for every DataArray to Polar2Grid expectations.""" for data_arr in scn: if "platform_name" not in data_arr.attrs: continue pname = _get_platform_name_alias(data_arr.attrs["platform_name"]) data_arr.attrs["platform_name"] = pname
[docs] def _overwrite_sensor_with_aliases(scn): """Change 'sensor' for every DataArray to Polar2Grid expectations.""" for data_arr in scn: if "sensor" not in data_arr.attrs: continue pname = get_sensor_alias(data_arr.attrs["sensor"]) data_arr.attrs["sensor"] = pname
[docs] def _write_scene( scn: Scene, writers: list[str], writer_args: dict[str, dict], data_ids: list[DataID], to_save: Optional[list] = None ): if to_save is None: to_save = [] if not data_ids: # no datasets to save return to_save _assign_default_native_area_id(scn, data_ids) for writer_name in writers: wargs = writer_args[writer_name] _write_scene_with_writer(scn, writer_name, data_ids, wargs, to_save) return to_save
[docs] def _assign_default_native_area_id(scn: Scene, data_ids: list[DataID]) -> None: for data_id in data_ids: area_def = scn[data_id].attrs.get("area") if area_def is None or hasattr(area_def, "area_id"): continue scn[data_id].attrs["area"].area_id = "native"
[docs] def _write_scene_with_writer(scn: Scene, writer_name: str, data_ids: list[DataID], wargs: dict, to_save: list) -> None: res = scn.save_datasets(writer=writer_name, compute=False, datasets=data_ids, **wargs) if res and isinstance(res[0], (tuple, list)): # list of (dask-array, file-obj) tuples to_save.extend(zip(*res, strict=True)) else: # list of delayed objects to_save.extend(res)
[docs] def _print_list_products(reader_info, is_polar2grid: bool, p2g_only: bool): available_p2g_names, available_custom_names, available_satpy_names = reader_info.get_available_products() available_satpy_names = ["*" + _sname for _sname in available_satpy_names] available_custom_names = ["*" + _sname for _sname in available_custom_names] project_name = "Polar2Grid" if is_polar2grid else "Geo2Grid" print("### Custom User Products") print("\n".join(sorted(available_custom_names)) if available_custom_names else "<None>") print() if not p2g_only: print("### Non-standard Satpy Products") print("\n".join(sorted(available_satpy_names)) if available_satpy_names else "<None>") print() print(f"### Standard Available {project_name} Products") print("\n".join(sorted(available_p2g_names)) if available_p2g_names else "<None>")
[docs] def _create_scene(scene_creation: dict) -> Optional[Scene]: try: scn = Scene(**scene_creation) except ValueError as e: LOG.error("{} | Enable debug message (-vvv) or see log file for details.".format(str(e))) LOG.debug("Further error information: ", exc_info=True) return except OSError: LOG.error("Could not open files. Enable debug message (-vvv) or see log file for details.") LOG.debug("Further error information: ", exc_info=True) return return scn
[docs] def _resample_scene_to_grids( scn: Scene, reader_names: list[str], resample_args: dict, filter_kwargs: dict, preserve_resolution: bool, use_polar2grid_defaults: bool, ) -> list[tuple]: ll_bbox = resample_args.pop("ll_bbox") if ll_bbox: scn = scn.crop(ll_bbox=ll_bbox) scn = filter_scene( scn, reader_names, **filter_kwargs, ) if scn is None:"No remaining products after filtering.") return [] areas_to_resample = resample_args.pop("grids") antimeridian_mode = resample_args.pop("antimeridian_mode") if "ewa_persist" in resample_args: resample_args["persist"] = resample_args.pop("ewa_persist") scenes_to_save = resample_scene( scn, areas_to_resample, antimeridian_mode=antimeridian_mode, preserve_resolution=preserve_resolution, is_polar2grid=use_polar2grid_defaults, **resample_args, ) return scenes_to_save
[docs] def _save_scenes(scenes_to_save: list[tuple], reader_info, writer_args) -> list: to_save = [] for scene_to_save, products_to_save in scenes_to_save: _overwrite_platform_name_with_aliases(scene_to_save) _overwrite_sensor_with_aliases(scene_to_save) reader_info.apply_p2g_name_to_scene(scene_to_save) to_save = _write_scene( scene_to_save, writer_args["writers"], writer_args, products_to_save, to_save=to_save, ) return to_save
[docs] def _get_glue_name(args): reader_name = "NONE" if args.readers is None else args.readers[0] writer_names = "-".join(args.writers or []) return f"{reader_name}_{writer_names}"
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def _create_profile_html_if(create_profile: Union[False, None, str], project_name: str, glue_name: str): from dask.diagnostics import CacheProfiler, Profiler, ResourceProfiler, visualize if create_profile is False: yield return if create_profile is None: profile_filename = "{project_name}_{glue_name}_{start_time:%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}.html" else: profile_filename = create_profile start_time = with CacheProfiler() as cprof, ResourceProfiler() as rprof, Profiler() as prof: yield end_time = profile_filename = profile_filename.format( project_name=project_name, glue_name=glue_name, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, ) profile_filename = os.path.abspath(profile_filename) visualize([prof, rprof, cprof], file_path=profile_filename, show=False) print(f"Profile HTML: file://{profile_filename}")
[docs] def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): ret = -1 try: processor = _GlueProcessor(argv) except FileNotFoundError: return ret try: ret = processor() finally: processor.cleanup() return ret
[docs] class _GlueProcessor: """Helper class to make calling processing steps easier.""" def __init__(self, argv): add_polar2grid_config_paths() self.is_polar2grid = get_p2g_defaults_env_var() self.arg_parser = GlueArgumentParser(argv, self.is_polar2grid) self.glue_name = _get_glue_name(self.arg_parser._args) self.rename_log = _prepare_initial_logging(self.arg_parser, self.glue_name) self.tmp_config_paths = [] self._handle_extra_config_paths(self.arg_parser._args) self._clean = False
[docs] def _handle_extra_config_paths(self, args): if not args.extra_config_path: return _check_valid_config_paths(args.extra_config_path) new_config_paths = [] # Preserve user's specified order to handle inheritance/overrides for extra_config_path in args.extra_config_path: if os.path.isdir(extra_config_path): new_config_paths.append(extra_config_path) continue tmp_config_path = _create_tmp_enhancement_config_dir(extra_config_path) new_config_paths.append(tmp_config_path) self.tmp_config_paths.append(tmp_config_path) _add_extra_config_paths(new_config_paths) LOG.debug(f"Satpy config path is: {satpy.config.get('config_path')}")
[docs] def cleanup(self): self._clean = True for tmp_config_path in self.tmp_config_paths: LOG.debug(f"Deleting temporary config directory: {tmp_config_path}") shutil.rmtree(tmp_config_path, ignore_errors=True)
def __call__(self): # Set up dask and the number of workers common_args = self.arg_parser._args if common_args.num_workers: dask.config.set(num_workers=common_args.num_workers) with _create_profile_html_if( common_args.create_profile, "polar2grid" if self.is_polar2grid else "geo2grid", self.glue_name, ): return self._run_processing()
[docs] def _run_processing(self):"Sorting and reading input files...") arg_parser = self.arg_parser preferred_chunk_size = get_reader_attr(arg_parser._scene_creation["reader"], "PREFERRED_CHUNK_SIZE", 1024) _set_preferred_chunk_size(preferred_chunk_size) scn = _create_scene(arg_parser._scene_creation) if scn is None: return -1 if self.rename_log: stime = getattr(scn, "start_time", scn.attrs.get("start_time")) rename_log_file(self.glue_name + stime.strftime("_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.log")) # Load the actual data arrays and metadata (lazy loaded as dask arrays)"Loading product metadata from files...") load_args = arg_parser._load_args.copy() user_products = load_args.pop("products") reader_info = ReaderProxyBase.from_reader_name(arg_parser._scene_creation["reader"], scn, user_products) if arg_parser._args.list_products or arg_parser._args.list_products_all: _print_list_products(reader_info, self.is_polar2grid, not arg_parser._args.list_products_all) return 0 products = reader_info.get_satpy_products_to_load() persist_geolocation = not arg_parser._reader_args.pop("no_persist_geolocation", False) if not products: return -1 scn.load(products, **load_args, generate=False) if persist_geolocation: scn = _persist_swath_definition_in_scene(scn) scn.generate_possible_composites(True) reader_args = arg_parser._reader_args filter_kwargs = { "sza_threshold": reader_args["sza_threshold"], "day_fraction": reader_args["filter_day_products"], "night_fraction": reader_args["filter_night_products"], } scenes_to_save = _resample_scene_to_grids( scn, arg_parser._reader_names, arg_parser._resample_args, filter_kwargs, arg_parser._args.preserve_resolution, self.is_polar2grid, ) to_save = _save_scenes(scenes_to_save, reader_info, arg_parser._writer_args) if arg_parser._args.progress: pbar = ProgressBar() pbar.register()"Computing products and saving data to writers...") if not to_save: LOG.warning( "No product files produced given available valid data and " "resampling settings. This can happen if the writer " "detects that no valid output will be written or the " "input data does not overlap with the target grid." ) compute_writer_results(to_save)"SUCCESS") return 0
[docs] def _prepare_initial_logging(arg_parser, glue_name: str) -> bool: global LOG LOG = logging.getLogger(glue_name) # Prepare logging args = arg_parser._args rename_log = False if args.log_fn is None: rename_log = True args.log_fn = glue_name + "_fail.log" levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn) logging.getLogger("rasterio").setLevel(levels[min(1, args.verbosity)]) logging.getLogger("fsspec").setLevel(levels[min(2, args.verbosity)]) logging.getLogger("s3fs").setLevel(levels[min(2, args.verbosity)]) logging.getLogger("aiobotocore").setLevel(levels[min(2, args.verbosity)]) logging.getLogger("botocore").setLevel(levels[min(2, args.verbosity)]) sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler( if levels[min(3, args.verbosity)] > logging.DEBUG: import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") LOG.debug("Starting script with arguments: %s", " ".join(arg_parser.argv)) return rename_log
[docs] def _add_extra_config_paths(extra_paths: list[str]): config_path = satpy.config.get("config_path")"Adding additional configuration paths: {extra_paths}") satpy.config.set(config_path=config_path + extra_paths)
[docs] def _check_valid_config_paths(extra_config_paths: Iterable): single_file_configs = [config_path for config_path in extra_config_paths if os.path.isfile(config_path)] config_paths = [config_path for config_path in extra_config_paths if os.path.isdir(config_path)] invalid_paths = set(extra_config_paths) - (set(single_file_configs) | set(config_paths)) if invalid_paths: str_paths = "\n\t".join(sorted(invalid_paths)) msg = f"Specified extra config paths don't exist:\n\t{str_paths}" LOG.error(msg) raise FileNotFoundError(msg)
[docs] def _create_tmp_enhancement_config_dir(enh_yaml_file: str) -> str: config_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="p2g_tmp_config") enh_dir = os.path.join(config_dir, "enhancements") LOG.debug(f"Creating temporary config directory for enhancement file {enh_yaml_file!r}: {enh_dir}") os.makedirs(enh_dir) new_enh_file = os.path.join(enh_dir, "generic.yaml") shutil.copy(enh_yaml_file, new_enh_file) return config_dir
[docs] def _set_preferred_chunk_size(preferred_chunk_size: int) -> None: pcs_in_mb = (preferred_chunk_size * preferred_chunk_size) * 8 // (1024 * 1024) if "PYTROLL_CHUNK_SIZE" not in os.environ: LOG.debug(f"Setting preferred chunk size to {preferred_chunk_size} pixels or {pcs_in_mb:d}MiB") os.environ["PYTROLL_CHUNK_SIZE"] = f"{preferred_chunk_size:d}" dask.config.set({"array.chunk-size": f"{pcs_in_mb:d}MiB"}) else: LOG.debug(f"Using environment variable chunk size: {os.environ['PYTROLL_CHUNK_SIZE']}")
[docs] def _persist_swath_definition_in_scene(scn: Scene) -> None: to_persist_swath_defs = _swaths_to_persist(scn) if not to_persist_swath_defs: return scn to_update_data_arrays, to_persist_lonlats = zip(*to_persist_swath_defs.values(), strict=True)"Loading swath geolocation into memory...") persisted_lonlats = dask.persist(*to_persist_lonlats) persisted_swath_defs = [SwathDefinition(plons, plats) for plons, plats in persisted_lonlats] new_scn = scn.copy() for arrays_to_update, persisted_swath_def in zip(to_update_data_arrays, persisted_swath_defs, strict=True): for array_to_update in arrays_to_update: array_to_update.attrs["area"] = persisted_swath_def new_scn._datasets[array_to_update.attrs["_satpy_id"]] = array_to_update LOG.debug(f"{len(to_persist_swath_defs)} unique swath definitions persisted") return new_scn
[docs] def _swaths_to_persist(scn: Scene) -> dict: to_persist_swath_defs = {} for data_arr in scn.values(): swath_def = data_arr.attrs.get("area") if not isinstance(swath_def, SwathDefinition): continue this_swath_data_array_copies, _ = to_persist_swath_defs.setdefault( swath_def, ([], (swath_def.lons, swath_def.lats)) ) this_swath_data_array_copies.append(data_arr.copy()) return to_persist_swath_defs
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())