Source code for polar2grid.readers._base

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2021 Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC),
#  University of Wisconsin-Madison.
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# This file is part of the polar2grid software package. Polar2grid takes
# satellite observation data, remaps it, and writes it to a file format for
# input into another program.
# Documentation:
"""Base class and other utilities for wrapping Satpy readers."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Optional, Union

import satpy
from satpy import DataID, DataQuery, Scene

from polar2grid.utils.dynamic_imports import get_reader_attr
from polar2grid.utils.legacy_compat import AliasHandler

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ReaderProxyBase: """Helper to provide Polar2Grid-specific information about a reader. In the most common cases, a subclass should define the following: * **is_polar2grid_reader** or **is_geo2grid_reader**: If this reader should be used for Polar2Grid or Geo2Grid. * **get_default_products**: Get a list of Polar2Grid names (not Satpy names or DataQuery objects) that should be loaded if the user hasn't specified any. * **get_all_products**: Get all Polar2Grid names that this reader could possibly load. This list of products will be used by other methods to determine what available products for loading are custom or Satpy products and what products are "guaranteed" products from Polar2Grid/Geo2Grid. * **_aliases**: A property that returns a dictionary mapping Polar2Grid name for a product to a Satpy DataQuery or name. """ is_polar2grid_reader: bool = False is_geo2grid_reader: bool = False def __init__(self, scn: Scene, user_products: list[str]): self.scn = scn self._orig_user_products = user_products @cached_property def _alias_handler(self): return self._create_alias_handler()
[docs] @classmethod def from_reader_name(cls, reader_name: str, *args): reader_info_cls = get_reader_attr(reader_name, "ReaderProxy") if reader_info_cls is None: reader_info_cls = cls return reader_info_cls(*args)
@property def _binary_name(self): if self.is_geo2grid_reader: return "geo2grid" return "polar2grid" @property def _aliases(self) -> dict[str, Union[DataQuery, str]]: return {}
[docs] def get_default_products(self) -> list[str]: """Get products to load if user hasn't specified any others.""" return []
[docs] def get_all_products(self) -> list[str]: """Get all polar2grid products that could be loaded.""" return []
[docs] def get_available_products( self, p2g_product_names: Optional[list[str]] = None, possible_satpy_ids: Optional[list[DataID]] = None, ) -> tuple[list[str], list[str]]: """Get custom/satpy products and polar2grid products that are available for loading.""" if possible_satpy_ids is None: possible_satpy_ids = self.scn.available_dataset_ids(composites=True) available_custom_products = self.get_user_custom_products() if p2g_product_names is None: p2g_product_names = self.get_all_products() if not p2g_product_names: logger.warning( "Provided readers are not configured in %s. All " "products will be listed with internal Satpy names.", self._binary_name, ) return sorted(set([x["name"] for x in possible_satpy_ids])), [] return self._alias_handler.available_product_names( p2g_product_names, available_custom_products, possible_satpy_ids )
[docs] def get_user_custom_products( self, ): satpy_and_p2g_ids = self.scn.available_dataset_ids(composites=True) with satpy.config.set(config_path=[]): satpy_only_ids = self.scn.available_dataset_ids(composites=True) return sorted(set(satpy_and_p2g_ids) - set(satpy_only_ids))
[docs] def apply_p2g_name_to_scene( self, scn: Scene, ): """Add a 'p2g_name' attribute to each DataArray in the provided Scene.""" self._alias_handler.apply_p2g_name_to_scene(scn)
[docs] def get_satpy_products_to_load(self) -> Optional[list[Union[DataQuery, str]]]: """Get Satpy product names and DataQuery objects to load.""" no_handler = self._alias_handler is None no_user_products = not self._orig_user_products no_defaults = not self.get_default_products() if no_handler and no_user_products and no_defaults: logger.error( "Reader does not have a default set of products to load, " "please specify products to load with `--products`." ) return None elif no_handler: # This shouldn't happen unless _create_alias_handler is changed raise RuntimeError("Converting to Satpy identifiers failed in an unexpected way.") products_to_load = list(self._alias_handler.convert_p2g_name_to_satpy()) if not products_to_load and no_user_products and not no_defaults: msg = "Default products were not found in available file products." debug_msg = "Default products were not found in available file products:\n\t{}" debug_msg = debug_msg.format("\n\t".join(self.scn.all_dataset_names())) logger.error(msg) logger.debug(debug_msg) return products_to_load
[docs] def _create_alias_handler(self, allow_empty_list=False): user_products = self._orig_user_products default_products = self.get_default_products() all_dataset_names = None use_defaults = not user_products and default_products if use_defaults:"Using default product list: {}".format(default_products)) user_products = default_products all_dataset_names = self.scn.all_dataset_names(composites=True) elif not user_products and not allow_empty_list: return None alias_handler = AliasHandler(self._aliases, user_products) if all_dataset_names is not None: # only use defaults that actually exist for the provided files alias_handler.remove_unknown_user_products(all_dataset_names) return alias_handler