Source code for polar2grid.tests.test_resample.test_resample_scene

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2021 Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC),
#  University of Wisconsin-Madison.
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# This file is part of the polar2grid software package. Polar2grid takes
# satellite observation data, remaps it, and writes it to a file format for
# input into another program.
# Documentation:
"""Tests for resampling a Scene."""

from unittest import mock

import dask
import pytest
from pyresample.geometry import SwathDefinition
from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
from satpy import Scene
from satpy.resample import DaskEWAResampler, KDTreeResampler, NativeResampler
from satpy.tests.utils import CustomScheduler

from polar2grid.resample._resample_scene import resample_scene

[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ( "input_scene", "grids", "grid_configs", "resampler", "exp_names", "max_computes", "is_polar2grid", "exp_resampler_cls", "exp_cov_filter_count", "extra_kwargs", "exp_kwargs", ), [ ( lazy_fixture("viirs_sdr_i01_scene"), ["wgs84_fit"], lazy_fixture("builtin_grids_yaml"), None, ["I01"], 1, True, DaskEWAResampler, 0, {}, {"weight_delta_max": 40.0, "weight_distance_max": 2.0}, ), ( lazy_fixture("viirs_sdr_i01_scene"), ["wgs84_fit"], [], None, ["I01"], 1, True, DaskEWAResampler, 0, {}, {"weight_delta_max": 40.0, "weight_distance_max": 2.0}, ), ( lazy_fixture("viirs_sdr_i01_scene"), ["211e"], [], None, ["I01"], 1, True, DaskEWAResampler, 1, {"grid_coverage": 0.05}, {"weight_delta_max": 40.0, "weight_distance_max": 2.0}, ), ( lazy_fixture("viirs_sdr_i01_scene"), ["wgs84_fit"], ["grids.conf"], None, ["I01"], 1, True, DaskEWAResampler, 0, {}, {"weight_delta_max": 40.0, "weight_distance_max": 2.0}, ), ( lazy_fixture("viirs_sdr_i01_scene"), ["wgs84_fit"], ["grids.conf"], "ewa", ["I01"], 1, True, DaskEWAResampler, 0, {"weight_distance_max": 3.0, "maximum_weight_mode": True}, {"weight_delta_max": 40.0, "weight_distance_max": 3.0, "maximum_weight_mode": True}, ), ( lazy_fixture("viirs_sdr_i01_scene"), ["wgs84_fit"], ["grids.conf"], None, ["I01"], 1, True, DaskEWAResampler, 0, {"weight_distance_max": 3.0, "maximum_weight_mode": True}, {"weight_delta_max": 40.0, "weight_distance_max": 3.0, "maximum_weight_mode": True}, ), ( lazy_fixture("abi_l1b_c01_scene"), ["wgs84_fit"], lazy_fixture("builtin_grids_yaml"), "nearest", ["C01"], 0, False, KDTreeResampler, 0, {}, {}, ), ( lazy_fixture("abi_l1b_c01_scene"), ["wgs84_fit"], lazy_fixture("builtin_grids_yaml"), None, ["C01"], 0, False, KDTreeResampler, 0, {}, {}, ), ( lazy_fixture("abi_l1b_c01_scene"), ["MAX"], [], None, ["C01"], 0, False, NativeResampler, 0, {}, {}, ), ( lazy_fixture("avhrr_l1b_1_scene"), ["wgs84_fit"], lazy_fixture("builtin_grids_yaml"), None, ["1"], 1, True, DaskEWAResampler, 0, {}, {"weight_delta_max": 10.0, "weight_distance_max": 1.0, "rows_per_scan": 0}, ), ], ) def test_resample_single_result_per_grid( input_scene, grids, grid_configs, resampler, exp_cov_filter_count, exp_names, max_computes, is_polar2grid, exp_resampler_cls, extra_kwargs, exp_kwargs, ): from satpy.resample import resample from polar2grid.filters.resample_coverage import ResampleCoverageFilter with ( dask.config.set(scheduler=CustomScheduler(max_computes)), mock.patch("satpy.resample.resample", wraps=resample) as satpy_resample, mock.patch( "polar2grid.resample._resample_scene.ResampleCoverageFilter", wraps=ResampleCoverageFilter ) as resamp_cov, ): input_scene.load(exp_names) scenes_to_save = resample_scene( input_scene, grids, grid_configs, resampler, is_polar2grid=is_polar2grid, **extra_kwargs, ) assert resamp_cov.call_count == exp_cov_filter_count satpy_resample.assert_called_once() satpy_resample.assert_called_once_with( mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, fill_value=mock.ANY, resampler=mock.ANY, **exp_kwargs ) resample_kwargs = satpy_resample.call_args.kwargs assert isinstance(resample_kwargs["resampler"], exp_resampler_cls) assert len(scenes_to_save) == len(grids) for scene, data_ids_set in scenes_to_save: assert isinstance(scene, Scene) assert len(data_ids_set) == len(exp_names) id_names = [x["name"] for x in data_ids_set] for exp_name in exp_names: assert exp_name in id_names
[docs] def test_partial_filter(viirs_sdr_i01_data_array): """Test that resampling completes even when coverage filters some datasets.""" # make another DataArray that is shifted away from the target area # orig_lons, orig_lats = viirs_sdr_i01_scene['I01'].attrs['area'].get_lonlats() new_i01 = viirs_sdr_i01_data_array.copy() orig_lons = new_i01.attrs["area"].lons orig_lats = new_i01.attrs["area"].lats new_lons = orig_lons + 180.0 new_lons.attrs = orig_lons.attrs.copy() new_swath_def = SwathDefinition(new_lons, orig_lats) new_i01.attrs["name"] = "I01_2" new_i01.attrs["area"] = new_swath_def new_i01.attrs["sensor"] = {"viirs", "modis"} new_scn = Scene() new_scn["I01"] = viirs_sdr_i01_data_array new_scn["I01_2"] = new_i01 # computation 1: input swath 1 polygon # computation 2: input swath 2 polygon (filtered and not resampled) with dask.config.set(scheduler=CustomScheduler(2)): scenes_to_save = resample_scene( new_scn, ["211e"], ["grids.conf"], None, is_polar2grid=True, grid_coverage=0.05, ) assert len(scenes_to_save) == 1 new_scn, data_ids = scenes_to_save[0] assert len(new_scn.keys()) == 1 # I01