polar2grid.readers.viirs_edr_active_fires module

The VIIRS EDR Active Fires reader operates on CSPP NetCDF I-Band (AFIMG) Resolution or M-Band Resolution (AFMOD) Environmental Data Record files.

Files supported usually have the following naming schemes:

AFIMG_j01_d20221006_t2101052_e2102297_b25304_c20221006214545032016_cspp_dev.nc and/or, AFMOD_npp_d20221006_t2017005_e2018247_b56701_c20221006205259096916_cspp_dev.nc

For more information about the this CSPP product, please visit the CSPP LEO website: https://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/cspp/.

This reader’s default resampling algorithm --method is nearest for Nearest Neighbor resampling. The frontend can be specified with the polar2grid.sh command using the viirs_edr_active_fires frontend name. The VIIRS Active Fire frontend provides the following products:

Product Name



Fire Confidence Category (AFIMG Resolution Only)


I-Band 4 Temperature (AFIMG Resolution Only)


Fire Radiative Power


Fire Confidence Percentage (AFMOD Resolution Only)


M-Band 13 Temperature (AFMOD Resolution Only)

class polar2grid.readers.viirs_edr_active_fires.ReaderProxy(scn: Scene, user_products: list[str])[source]

Bases: ReaderProxyBase

Provide Polar2Grid-specific information about this reader’s products.

property _aliases: dict[str, DataQuery]
get_all_products() list[str][source]

Get all polar2grid products that could be loaded.

get_default_products() list[str][source]

Get products to load if users hasn’t specified any others.

is_polar2grid_reader: bool = True
polar2grid.readers.viirs_edr_active_fires.add_reader_argument_groups(parser: ArgumentParser, group: _ArgumentGroup | None = None) tuple[_ArgumentGroup | None, _ArgumentGroup | None][source]

Add reader-specific command line arguments to an existing argument parser.

If group is provided then arguments are added to this group. If not, a new group is added to the parser and arguments added to this new group.