2009 ESIP Teacher Workshop - Facilitating the use of Earth Science data in G6-12 Education

SOSE provides a free toolkit for developing scientific e-learning activities
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Main points of this session
  • Importance of using satellite data in Earth Science education
  • Web-based learning is a big part of modern day education
  • Teachers need tools to help them more easily utilize the web
  • Students learn best when activities are interactive, and address real-world scenarios
Remote Sensing concepts
Example 1: Spatial Resolution
Example 2: Temporal Resolution, low
Example 3: Temporal Resolution, high
Example 4: Manipulating Data

Let the student "draw" on the screen
Example 1: Trace the outline of something
Example 2: A different drawing example
Example 3: Multi-disciplinary

Tracking movement
Example 1: Hurricane tracking

Use real-time data
Example 1: Keep it simple
Example 2: Applied to the Contrast Stretch RCO

How can you use the RCO toolkit to build an interactive web page?

Session recap:
  • A great way for students to learn Earth Science is from a web browser, interacting with real data
  • The SOSE project provides a free toolkit teachers can use to create interactive web pages
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