VISITview Lesson Builder Overview


When you first start the VISITview Lesson Builder, you will get a screen much like was is shown below.  Each element of the window is defined just below this snapshot.

The Lesson Display is the upper half of the window, while the Browse Images is the lower half.

First, the controls for the Lesson Display:

File menu so you can:

Edit menu so you can: The page label / title is for you to specify the label that appears in VISITview for each page of your lesson.  You may enter text here for whatever page is selectedImportant: when you type in text, be sure to press the Enter button or your text will not be recorded.  Also, do NOT put in a page number -- a page number is automatically prefixed to your label when you save the lesson. Finally, since a comma or quotation mark may not appear in a label, these characters are removed from the text you type.

The lesson images will appear in the five spaces in the top section of window.  You select a page or a frame by clicking on it.  When you are viewing pages then the first frame of the page appears; when you are viewing frames then the Frames from the selected page (who number appears beside the Label/Title box) are displayed.

The slider to the left of the Show Pages button is used to position your view within the lesson when more than five pages or frames are involved.

Each page, portal or frame is labeled above the image with the page or frame number; below the image is the file name.  When you are viewing pages or viewing portals then the number of frames associated with that page or portal is shown in parentheses beside the page or portal number.

Once you select a Page or Portal then you may:

Once you select a Frame then you may: The Layout Portals button is active when you are viewing pages. When you click it, a separate window is shown that allows you to add or remove, position and resize any of the portals you have defined, for this page. You may use more than one portal on a page, but they may not overlap. You may also use one portal on more than one page.

Note: the number of frames in a page must be equal to the number of frames for all portals used on that page. This is checked when you attempt to save the file, but not before.

The Browse Images section occupies the lower portion of the window.

By clicking on the Browse Directories button, you will get a dialog box, from which you may choose a file to "browse".  Once the file is chosen, two things happen:

  1. if the file is a GIF or JPEG image, it will appear in the Browse Image viewport
  2. a list of all potential image files from the directory will appear in the File List box
In order to browse a different image, you may either click on its name in the File List box, or again click on the Browse Directories button.  If you click on its name in the List box, a thumbnail will appear, and the filename will be highlighted in the list.  You may click on more than one image.  If you do that, the Append All button will also become active.

To de-select a file, just click on it's name again.  If the image you de-select is the one in the thumbnail, another image will be selected to appear there.

If you want to make the browsed image part of the lesson then either:

or... or... If you want to undo something, use the Edit -->  Undo  and the lesson will be restored to the state just prior to the last change you made.

If you have any questions, please send email to


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