VisAD Python Scripts 1. Overview The visad.python package defines a Python-based language for using VisAD. The classes in this package are: JPythonEditor - an editor for VisAD Python scripts that can be incorporated in application programs JPythonFrame - a program and GUI for editing and running VisAD Python scripts JPythonMethods - a set of functions for accessing VisAD that can be called from VisAD Python scripts Python scripts are usually stored in files with the .py extension. The package includes a few example script files, such as VisAD is a Java API and its full power is only accessible by writing Java programs. However, Python scripts can be much simpler so VisAD includes this package. For example, the following script computes and displays a 2-D histogram of 2 bands of a McIDAS area file: # load a McIDAS area file area = load("../examples/AREA0008") # compute a 2-D histogram of the first two bands of the area histogram = hist(area, [0, 1]) # plot the histogram clearplot() plot(histogram) Python is an object-oriented language so it is also possible to write quite complex VisAD Python programs. However, the main purpose of this package is to support simple scripts. 2. Installation To run VisAD Python scripts, you nee to install: VisAD from JPython from Java 2 and Java3D (see the Prerequisites section of the VisAD web page) Jama from if you want to use the VisAD Python matrix functions 3. Editing and Running VisAD Python Scripts To edit and run VisAD Python scripts, run the command: java visad.python.JPythonFrame If you think you'll be using a lot of memory, run: java -mx256m visad.python.JPythonFrame or something similar (the -mx256m means use 256 MB of memory). Note that VisAD's JPythonEditor puts an implicit line: from visad.python.JPythonMethods import * at the start of every VisAD Python script. This is invisible if you are using the JPythonEditor (e.g., by running JPythonFrame) but allows you to run your scripts from any JPython interpreter. 4. The VisAD Python Language VisAD uses the great JPython interpreter, written in Java, as the basis for its Python language. See: for more information about it. And see: for a tutorial on the Python language. 4.1 Using VisAD data in Python scripts Python programs can manipulate all kinds of data. The key for VisAD Python scripts is manipulating VisAD data objects. These are created when you load a file, and when you call VisAD Python functions. You can write ordinary arithmetic expressions involving VisAD data object. For example, you can load two McIDAS area files: area1 = load("AREA0001") area2 = load("AREA0002") then compute their difference by: difference = area1 - area2 This is like array operations in IDL or Matlab, except that the images will be georeferenced before their difference is computed. That is, it is a pointwise difference, but first the image in area2 is resampled to the pixel locations in area1. You can access the pixels in area1 like an array. For example you can compute the total of pixel values in area1 by: sum = 0 for i = range(area.length): sum = sum + area[i] Note that range(area.length) is standard Python and means that i takes the values 0, 1, 2, ..., area.length - 1. 4.2 VisAD data objects Not all VisAD data objects are images. In fact, one of the key ideas in VisAD is that its data objects can be virtually any numerical data. Every VisAD data object has a "MathType" that describes its organization. You can find out its MathType by: print data.getType() A second key idea in VisAD is that metadata are integrated into data operations. As for example the McIDAS areas were implicitly georeferenced when we computed their difference. VisAD metadata include MathTypes, units, coordinate systems, sampling geometry and topology, missing data indicators and error estimates. Unit conversions, coordinate transforms, resampling, and propagation of missing data and error estimates are implicit in data operations. Here are a few example of VisAD data objects and their MathTypes. A pixel radiance might have MathType: band1 In VisAD the radiance object is called a Real. It includes a real value, the name "band1", possibly a unit such as w/m^2, and possibly an estimate of the variance of error of the real value. An earth location may have MathType: (latitude, longitude) In VisAD this is called a Tuple. Tuple components can be any VisAD data objects. If they are all reals, then the Tuple is a RealTuple. Note that latitude and longitude may have degrees or radians as units. The coordinates of a pixel in an image may be a RealTuple with MathType: (line, element) If the image has earth navigation, then this RealTuple may have a CoordinateSystem that defines an invertable mapping: (line, element) <--> (latitude, longitude) An image defines a function from image coordinates to radiances, sampled at a finite number of pixels. In VisAD this is called a Field, and may have a MathType: ((line, element) -> band1) You get a Field with this sort of MathType when you load a McIDAS area file by a statement like: area1 = load("AREA0001") Note that Fields can be mappings from any RealTuple to any MathType at all. For example, a time sequence of images may have MathType: (time -> ((line, element) -> band1)) Here time may have units of "seconds since 0Z, 1 Jan 1970", and the field defines images at a finite number of time samples. VisAD includes one other type of data, Sets. These are finite sets of points in some real vector space defined by a RealTuple. For example, map outlines are a Set with MathType: Set(latitude, longitude) and in fact you can such a data object when you load a McIDAS map outline file by a statement like: map = load("OUTLUSAM") Sets are also included as metadata in Fields, to define the locations of samples. The power of VisAD data objects comes because you can combine Real, Text, Tuple, Field and Set objects in any complex way you like. You can learn more about VisAD data objects in the Tutorials and Developer's Guide available on the VisAD web page. 4.3 More about accessing VisAD data from Python scripts Given a Tuple data object, you can find out how many components it has by: number_of_components = tuple_data.length and you can access the components by: component_0 = tuple_data[0] component_1 = tuple_data[1] . . . component_last = tuple_data[number_of_components - 1] Given a Field data object, you can find out how many samples it has by: number_of_samples = field_data.length; and you can get the samples by: for i in range(number_of_samples): sample = field_data[i] You can also get the Set of sample locations of the Field by: set = field_data.getDomainSet() You can get the number of locations in the set, and access the locations, by: number_of_locations = set.length for i in range(number_of_locations): location = set[i] You can access Field samples by location as well as by index, so we could replace the difference: area1 = area1 - area2 by the code: set = area1.getDomainSet() for i in range(set.length): area1[i] = area1[i] - area2[set[i]] The expression "area2[set[i]]" is the radiance of area2 at the location of the i-th sample of area1. Please note that this way of computing the difference is much slower than "area1 - area2". In general, your scripts will run much faster if you can avoid explicitly looping over all the points in a Set or Field, but rather do it implicitly. Note also "area[i] = ..." indicates that you can set values in Fields by index. But you cannot set Tuple components this way. Just for kicks, you could compute image radiances along a map outline by: map = load("OUTLUSAM") area1 = load("AREA0001") for i in range(map.length): print area1[map[i]] 5. The VisAD Python Library Functions This is a list of functions specially designed for accessing VisAD from Python scripts. For a more complete description, see visad.python.JPythonMethods in the VisAD JavaDoc, available on-line at: Note that any VisAD class or method is accessible from Python scripts, so you are not restricted to just these functions. 5.1 File loading function load(String location) - reads in data from the given location (filename or URL) Note that VisAD currently knows how to read the following kinds of files: McIDAS AREA and map OUTLine files (including from ADDE), netCDF, HDF-5, HDF-EOS (HDF-5 and HDF-EOS require native code to be installed, as described on the VisAD web page), Vis5D, FITS, GIF and JPEG. Some users have written VisAD adapters for other formats such as Shape and ARCGRID ASCII files. The load function will determine the format of the named file and read it approproiately. 5.2 Plotting functions clearplot() - clear the onscreen data display plot(data) - plot data plot(data, red, green, blue) - plot data Controls for how data are plotted are brought up in a GUI. The plot function includes implicit georeferencing, for example to overlay a McIDAS area with a map outline. We are currently adding improvements to the ViaAD Python plot function, which should be available soon. 5.3 Pointwise math library functions abs(data) - return pointwise absolute value of data acos(data) - return pointwise arccos value of data, in radians acosDegrees(data) - return pointwise arccos value of data, in degrees asin(data) - return pointwise arcsin value of data, in radians asinDegrees(data) - return pointwise arcsin value of data, in degrees atan(data) - return pointwise arctan value of data, in radians atanDegrees(data) - return pointwise arctan value of data, in degrees atan2(data1, data2) - return pointwise tan value of data1 / data2, in radians atan2Degrees(data1, data2) - return pointwise tan value of data1 / data2, in degrees ceil(data) - return pointwise ceil value of data (smallest integer not less than) cos(data) - return pointwise cos value of data cosDegrees(data) - return pointwise cos value of data exp(data) - return pointwise exp value of data floor(data) - return pointwise floor value of data (largest integer not greater than) log(data) - return pointwise log value of data max(data1, data2) - return pointwise maximum value of data1 and data2 min(data1, data2) - return pointwise minimum value of data1 and data2 round(data) - return pointwise round value of data (closest integer) sin(data) - return pointwise sin value of data, assuming radians sinDegrees(data) - return pointwise sin value of data, assuming degrees sqrt(data) - return pointwise square root value of data tan(data) - return pointwise tan value of data, assuming radians tanDegrees(data) - return pointwise tan value of data, assuming degrees The arguments to these functions may be any VisAD data object. They are augmented by support for python infix expressions for + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), / (division) and % (remainder). Binary operators (e.g., + and max) require consistency between the MathTypes of the operands, although Reals can be combined with any other data. Literal constants can be used with binary operators, as long as they do not occur first for infix operators. That is, "data + 1" is legal but "1 + data" is not. The forward trig functions (e.g., sin but not asin) assume their default units of either radians (e.g., sin) or degrees (e.g., sinDegrees) only if data values do not have units convertable to radians. If they do then data units are used. 5.4 Fourier transform functions fft(field) - return forward Fourier transform of field ifft(field) - return backward Fourier transform of field 5.5 Field creation functions field(float[] values) - return a VisAD Field field(float[][] values) - return a VisAD Field field(set, String name, float[] values) - return a VisAD Field field(set, String name, float[][] values) - return a VisAD Field field(String name, float[] values) - return a VisAD Field field(String name, float[][] values) - return a VisAD Field 5.6 Histogram functions hist(field, int[] ranges) - return histogram of field values hist(field, int[] ranges, int[] sizes) - return histogram of field values hist(field, set) - return histogram of field values 5.7 Matrix functions chol(data) - return matrix Cholesky Decomposition of data cond(data) - return matrix condition of data (ratio of largest to smallest singular value) det(data) - return matrix determinant of data eig(data) - return matrix Eigenvalue Decomposition of data inverse(data) - return matrix inverse of data lu(data) - return matrix LU Decomposition of data matrixMultiply(data1, data2) - return matrix multiply of data1 * data2 norm1(data) - return matrix one norm of data (maximum column sum) norm2(data) - return matrix two norm of data (maximum singular value) normF(data) - return matrix Frobenius norm of data (sqrt of sum of squares of all elements) normInf(data) - return matrix infinity norm of data (maximum row sum) qr(data) - return matrix QR Decomposition of data rank(data) - return matrix effective numerical rank (from SVD) of data solve(data1, data2) - return matrix soluton X of data1 * X = data2 svd(data) - return matrix Singular Value Decomposition of data trace(data) - return matrix trace of data (sum of the diagonal elements) transpose(data) - return matrix transpose of data 6. Example VisAD Python Scripts A number of VisAD Python scripts are distributed with the VisAD source code. They are the *.py files in the visad/python directory. Here are some of them. # # # load two McIDAS area files area7 = load("../examples/AREA0007") area8 = load("../examples/AREA0008") # extract one band from area8 area8 = area8.extract(0) # subtract one area from the other, georeferenced difference = area8 - area7 # plot area difference clearplot() plot(difference) # # # load a netCDF file containg a NAST-I spectrum data = load("../examples/") # extract the spectrum data2 = data[2][0] spectrum = data2[data2.length-1] # print the VisAD MathType of the spectrum print spectrum.getType() # compute the Fourier transform of the spectrum ft = fft(spectrum) # plot the Fourier transform in red = 1, green = 0, blue = 0 # i.e., red clearplot() plot(ft, 1, 0, 0) # # # load a McIDAS area file area = load("../examples/AREA0008") # compute a 2-D histogram of the first two bands of the area histogram = hist(area, [0, 1]) # plot the histogram clearplot() plot(histogram) # # # construct a 2 x 2 matrix in a VisAD Field matrix = field([[1, 2], [1, 3]]) # construct a 2 vector in a VisAD Field vector = field([2, 1]) # solve the linear system solution = solve(matrix, vector) # print the solution print solution[0], solution[1] # prints 4.0 -1.0 # # note # 1 2 4 2 # * = # 1 3 -1 1 # # # load a McIDAS area file area = load("../examples/AREA2001") print area.length # make a scratch across the top of the area for i in range(20000, 21000): area[i] = 0 # load a McIDAS map file map = load("../examples/OUTLSUPW") print map.length # print area pixel values at some map locations for j in range(map.length/200): i = 200 * j print "area = ", area[map[i]], " at ", map[i] # plot the area overlaid with the map clearplot() plot(area) plot(map) # # # load two McIDAS area files area7 = load("../examples/AREA0007") area8 = load("../examples/AREA0008") # extract one band from area8 area8 = area8.extract(0) # get set of area8 pixel locations set = area8.getDomainSet() # resample area7 to area8 locations area9 = area7.resample(set) # resample area7 to area8 locations one pixel at a time # and compute difference with all at once resample # NOTE - this is slow for i in range(set.length): area9[i] = area9[i] - area7[set[i]] clearplot() plot(area9) """\ An example of a JPython script that utilizes VisAD functionality. To execute at the command prompt, type: jpython To execute within the JPython editor, launch the editor with: java visad.python.JPythonFrame Then open this file and choose "Command", "Run" """ # load a GIF image file data = load("../ss/cut.gif") # plot the GIF image clearplot() plot(data)