Unit names and abbreviations for use in VisAD


This page details the unit specifications that VisAD can handle (through the visad.data.units.DefaultUnitsDB class). It is recommended that when possible, you adhere to the recommendations of NIST, modified as follows:

  1. Use case-sensitive symbols when possible
  2. If you must use names, change any spaces to underscores (e.g., "deg F" should be specified as "deg_F")

The unit names contained herein are the ones that can be used or may appear in any of the following:

If you need to create your own unit as a combination of things, here are some examples of how you would specify "degrees Celsius per kilometer per week":

degC/(km.week) degC.km-1.week-1 but not:
degC/km.week degC/km/week

Note in each group, the word in quotes to the left of the = sign is the acceptable name for the unit (except as noted).

Fast find - click on these links:

The unit prefix names in order of lexicographic length:

"centi" = 1e-2 "femto" = 1e-15 "hecto" = 1e2 "micro" = 1e-6 "milli" = 1e-3 "yocto" = 1e-24 "yotta" = 1e24 "zepto" = 1e-21 "zetta" = 1e21 "atto" = 1e-18 "deca" = 1e1 // Spelling according to "ISO 2955: // Information processing -- // Representation of SI and other units // in systems with limited character // sets" "deci" = 1e-1 "deka" = 1e1 // Spelling according to "ASTM // Designation: E 380 - 85: Standard // for METRIC PRACTICE" ="ANSI/IEEE Std // 260-1978 (Reaffirmed 1985): IEEE // Standard Letter Symbols for Units of // Measurement" =and NIST Special // Publication 811, 1995 Edition: // "Guide for the Use of the // International System of Units (SI)". "giga" = 1e9 // 1st syllable pronounced "jig" // according to "ASTM Designation: E // 380 - 85: Standard for METRIC // PRACTICE". "kilo" = 1e3 "mega" = 1e6 "nano" = 1e-9 "peta" = 1e15 "pico" = 1e-12 "tera" = 1e12 "exa" = 1e18 Back to top

The unit prefix symbols in order of lexicographic length:

"da" = 1e1 "E" = 1e18 "G" = 1e9 "M" = 1e6 "P" = 1e15 "T" = 1e12 "Y" = 1e24 "Z" = 1e21 "a" = 1e-18 "c" = 1e-2 "d" = 1e-1 "f" = 1e-15 "h" = 1e2 "k" = 1e3 "m" = 1e-3 "n" = 1e-9 "p" = 1e-12 "u" = 1e-6 "y" = 1e-24 "z" = 1e-21 Back to top

The base units:

"A" = SI.ampere (Electric Current) "cd" = SI.candela (Luminous Intensity) "K" = SI.kelvin (Temperature) "kg" = SI.kilogram (Mass) "m" = SI.meter (Length) "mol" = SI.mole (Amount of substance) "s" = SI.second (Time) "rad" = SI.radian (Angle) "sr" = SI.steradian (Solid Angle) Back to top


"%" = new ScaledUnit(0.01) "percent" = "%" "PI" = new ScaledUnit(Math.PI) "bakersdozen" = new ScaledUnit(13) "pair" = new ScaledUnit(2) "ten" = new ScaledUnit(10) "dozen" = new ScaledUnit(12) "score" = new ScaledUnit(20) "hundred" = new ScaledUnit(100) "thousand" = new ScaledUnit(1.0e3) "million" = new ScaledUnit(1.0e6) // NB: "billion" is ambiguous (1e9 in U.S. but 1e12 in U.K.) Back to top

All subsequent definitions must be given in terms of earlier definitions. Forward referencing is not permitted.


"amp" = "ampere" "abampere" = get("A").scale(10) // exact "gilbert" = get("A").scale(7.957747e-1) "statampere" = get("A").scale(3.335640e-10) "biot" = "abampere" Back to top


"candle" = "candela" Back to top


"degree kelvin" = "K" "degrees kelvin" = "K" "degK" = "K" "degreeK" = "K" "degreesK" = "K" "deg K" = "K" "degree K" = "K" "degrees K" = "K" "Cel" = new OffsetUnit(273.15, (BaseUnit)get("K")) "celsius" = "Cel" "degree celsius" = "Cel" "degrees celsius" = "Cel" "centigrade" = "Cel" "degree centigrade" = "Cel" "degrees centigrade" = "Cel" "degC" = "Cel" "degreeC" = "Cel" "degreesC" = "Cel" "deg C" = "Cel" "degree C" = "Cel" "degrees C" = "Cel" (NOTE: "C" means `coulomb') "rankine" = get("K").scale(1/1.8) "degree rankine" = "rankine" "degrees rankine" = "rankine" "degR" = "rankine" "degreeR" = "rankine" "degreesR" = "rankine" "deg R" = "rankine" "degree R" = "rankine" "degrees R" = "rankine" (NOTE: "R" means "roentgen") "fahrenheit" = get("Rankine").shift(459.67) "degree fahrenheit" = "fahrenheit" "degrees fahrenheit" = "fahrenheit" "degF" = "fahrenheit" "degreeF" = "fahrenheit" "degreesF" = "fahrenheit" "deg F" = "fahrenheit" "degree F" = "fahrenheit" "degrees F" = "fahrenheit" (NOTE: "F" means "farad") Back to top


"assay ton" = get("kg").scale(2.916667e-2) "avoirdupois ounce" = get("kg").scale(2.834952e-2) "avoirdupois pound" = get("kg").scale(4.5359237e-1) // exact "carat" = get("kg").scale(2e-4) "gr" = get("kg").scale(6.479891e-5) // exact "g" = get("kg").scale(1e-3) // exact "long hundredweight" = get("kg").scale(5.080235e1) "tne" = get("kg").scale(1e3) // exact "pennyweight" = get("kg").scale(1.555174e-3) "short hundredweight" = get("kg").scale(4.535924e1) "slug" = get("kg").scale(14.59390) "troy ounce" = get("kg").scale(3.110348e-2) "troy pound" = get("kg").scale(3.732417e-1) "amu" = get("kg").scale(1.66054e-27) "scruple" = get("gr").scale(20) "apdram" = get("gr").scale(60) "apounce" = get("gr").scale(480) "appound" = get("gr").scale(5760) "gram" = "g" // was "gravity" "tonne" = "tne" "metric ton" = "tne" "apothecary ounce" = "troy ounce" "apothecary pound" = "troy pound" "pound" = "avoirdupois pound" "metricton" = "tne" "grain" = "gr" "atomicmassunit" = "amu" "atomic mass unit" = "amu" "t" = "tne" "lb" = "avoirdupois pound" "bag" = get("pound").scale(94) "short ton" = get("pound").scale(2000) "long ton" = get("pound").scale(2240) "ton" = "short ton" "shortton" = "short ton" "longton" = "long ton" Back to top


"angstrom" = get("m").scale(1e-10) "au" = get("m").scale(1.495979e11) "fermi" = get("m").scale(1e-15) // exact "light year" = get("m").scale(9.46073e15) "micron" = get("m").scale(1e-6) // exact "mil" = get("m").scale(2.54e-5) // exact "nautical mile" = get("m").scale(1.852000e3) // exact "parsec" = get("m").scale(3.085678e16) "printers point" = get("m").scale(3.514598e-4) "metre" = "m" "prs" = "parsec" (NOTE: There's an international foot and a US survey foot and they're not the same!) "US survey foot" = get("m").scale(1200/3937.) // exact "US survey yard" = get("US survey foot").scale(3) // exact "US survey mile" = get("US survey foot").scale(5280) // exact "rod" = get("US survey foot").scale(16.5) // exact "furlong" = get("US survey foot").scale(660) // exact "fathom" = get("US survey foot").scale(6) // exact "US survey feet" = "US survey foot" "US statute mile" = "US survey mile" "pole" = "rod" "perch" = "rod" "perches" = "perch" "international inch" = get("m").scale(.0254) // exact "international foot" = get("international inch").scale(12) // exact "international yard" = get("international foot").scale(3) // exact "international mile" = get("international foot").scale(5280) // exact "international inches" = "international inch" // alias "international feet" = "international foot" // alias "inch" = "international inch" // alias "foot" = "international foot" // alias "yard" = "international yard" // alias "mile" = "international mile" // alias // The following should hold regardless: "inches" = "inch" // alias "in" = "inches" // alias "feet" = "foot" // alias "ft" = "feet" // alias "yd" = "yard" // alias "mi" = "mile" // alias "chain" = get("m").scale(2.011684e1) "pica" = get("printers point").scale(12) // exact "printers pica" = "pica" "astronomicalunit" = "au" "astronomical unit" = "au" "asu" = "au" "nmile" = "nautical mile" "nmi" = "nautical mile" "big point" = get("inch").scale(1./72) // exact "barleycorn" = get("inch").scale(1./3) "arpentlin" = get("foot").scale(191.835) Back to top


NOTE: Interval between 2 successive passages of sun through vernal equinox (365.242198781 days -- see http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/pubinfo/leaflets/, http://aa.usno.navy.mil/AA/ and http://adswww.colorado.edu/adswww/astro coord.html): "year" = get("s").scale(3.15569259747e7) "d" = get("s").scale(8.64e4) // exact "h" = get("s").scale(3.6e3) // exact "min" = get("s").scale(60) // exact "shake" = get("s").scale(1e-8) // exact "sidereal day" = get("s").scale(8.616409e4) "sidereal hour" = get("s").scale(3.590170e3) "sidereal minute" = get("s").scale(5.983617e1) "sidereal second" = get("s").scale(0.9972696) "sidereal year" = get("s").scale(3.155815e7) "day" = "d" "hour" = "h" "minute" = "min" "sec" = "s" // avoid "lunar month" = get("d").scale(29.530589) "common year" = get("d").scale(365) // exact: 153600e7 seconds "leap year" = get("d").scale(366) // exact "Julian year" = get("d").scale(365.25) // exact "Gregorian year" = get("d").scale(365.2425) // exact "tropical year" = "year" "sidereal month" = get("d").scale(27.321661) "tropical month" = get("d").scale(27.321582) "fortnight" = get("d").scale(14) "week" = get("d").scale(7) // exact "jiffy" = get("s").scale(1e-2) // it's true "eon" = get("y").scale(1e9) // fuzzy "month" = get("y").scale(1./12) // on average "tropical year" = "year" "yr" = "year" "a" = "year" // "anno" "ann" = "year" // "anno" "hr" = "h" Back to top


"circle" = get("radian").scale(2*Math.PI) "deg" = get("radian").scale(Math.PI/180.) "'" = get("deg").scale(1./60) "\"" = get("deg").scale(1./3600) "grade" = get("deg").scale(0.9) // exact "cycle" = get("circle") "turn" = "circle" "revolution" = "cycle" "gon" = "grade" "angular degree" = "deg" "angular minute" = "'" "angular second" = "\"" "arcdeg" = "deg" "degree" = "deg" "arcminute" = "'" "mnt" = "'" "arcsecond" = "\"" // px("sec" = "\"" // avoid "arcmin" = "'" "arcsec" = "\"" "degree true" = get("deg") "degrees true" = get("deg") "degrees north" = get("deg") "degrees east" = get("deg") "degrees south" = get("degrees north").scale(-1) "degrees west" = get("degrees east").scale(-1) "degree north" = "degrees north" "degreeN" = "degrees north" "degree N" = "degrees north" "degreesN" = "degrees north" "degrees N" = "degrees north" "degree east" = "degrees east" "degreeE" = "degrees east" "degree E" = "degrees east" "degreesE" = "degrees east" "degrees E" = "degrees east" "degree west" = "degrees west" "degreeW" = "degrees west" "degree W" = "degrees west" "degreesW" = "degrees west" "degrees W" = "degrees west" "degree true" = "degrees true" "degreeT" = "degrees true" "degree T" = "degrees true" "degreesT" = "degrees true" "degrees T" = "degrees true" Back to top

The following are derived units with special names. They are useful for defining other derived units.

"Hz" = get("second").pow(-1) "N" = get("kg").multiply(get("m").divide(get("s").pow(2))) "C" = get("A").multiply(get("s")) "lm" = get("cd").multiply(get("sr")) "Bq" = get("Hz") // SI unit of activity of a radionuclide "standard free fall" = get("m").divide( get("s").pow(2)).scale(9.806650) "Pa" = get("N").divide(get("m").pow(2)) "J" = get("N").multiply(get("m")) "lx" = get("lm").divide(get("m").pow(2)) "sphere" = get("steradian").scale(4*Math.PI) "W" = get("J").divide(get("s")) "Gy" = get("J").divide(get("kg")) // absorbed dose. derived unit "Sv" = get("J").divide(get("kg")) // dose equivalent. derived unit "V" = get("W").divide(get("A")) "F" = get("C").divide(get("V")) "Ohm" = get("V").divide(get("A")) "S" = get("A").divide(get("V")) "Wb" = get("V").multiply(get("s")) "T" = get("Wb").divide(get("m").pow(2)) "H" = get("Wb").divide(get("A")) "newton" = "N" "hertz" = "Hz" "watt" = "W" "force" = "standard free fall" "gravity" = "standard free fall" "free fall" = "standard free fall" "conventional mercury" = get("gravity").multiply( get("kg").divide(get("m").pow(3))).scale(13595.10) "mercury 0C" = get("gravity").multiply( get("kg").divide(get("m").pow(3))).scale(13595.1) "mercury 60F" = get("gravity").multiply( get("kg").divide(get("m").pow(3))).scale(13556.8) "conventional water" = get("gravity").multiply( get("kg").divide(get("m").pow(3))).scale(1000) // exact "water 4C" = get("gravity").multiply( get("kg").divide(get("m").pow(3))).scale(999.972) "water 60F" = get("gravity").multiply( get("kg").divide(get("m").pow(3))).scale(999.001) NOTE: "g" = get("gravity")) // approx. should be `local'.avoid. "mercury 32F" = "mercury 0C" "water 39F" = "water 4C" // actually 39.2 degF "mercury" = "conventional mercury" "water" = "conventional water" "farad" = "F" "Hg" = "mercury" "H2O" = "water" Back to top


"Gal" = get("m").divide(get("s").pow(2)).scale(1e-2) "gals" = "Gal" // avoid "gal" (gallon) Back to top


"are" = get("m").pow(2).scale(1e2) // exact "barn" = get("m").pow(2).scale(1e-28) // exact "circular mil" = get("m").pow(2).scale(5.067075e-10) "darcy" = get("m").pow(2).scale(9.869233e-13) // permeability of porous solids "hectare" = get("hectoare") // exact "har" = "hectare" // exact "acre" = get("rod").pow(2).scale(160) // exact Back to top


"abfarad" = get("F").scale(1e9) // exact "abhenry" = get("H").scale(1e-9) // exact "abmho" = get("S").scale(1e9) // exact "abohm" = get("Ohm").scale(1e-9) // exact "megohm" = get("Ohm").scale(1e6) // exact "kilohm" = get("Ohm").scale(1e3) // exact "abvolt" = get("V").scale(1e-8) // exact "e" = get("C").scale(1.60217733-19) "chemical faraday" = get("C").scale(9.64957e4) "physical faraday" = get("C").scale(9.65219e4) "C12 faraday" = get("C").scale(9.648531e4) "gamma" = get("nT") // exact "gauss" = get("T").scale(1e-4) // exact "maxwell" = get("Wb").scale(1e-8) // exact "Oe" = get("A").divide(get("m")).scale(7.957747e1) "statcoulomb" = get("C").scale(3.335640e-10) "statfarad" = get("F").scale(1.112650e-12) "stathenry" = get("H").scale(8.987554e11) "statmho" = get("S").scale(1.112650e-12) "statohm" = get("Ohm").scale(8.987554e11) "statvolt" = get("V").scale(2.997925e2) "unit pole" = get("Wb").scale(1.256637e-7) "henry" = "H" "siemens" = "S" "ohm" = "Ohm" "tesla" = "T" "volt" = "V" "weber" = "Wb" "mho" = "siemens" "oersted" = "Oe" "faraday" = "C12 faraday" // charge of 1 mole of electrons "coulomb" = "C" Back to top


"eV" = get("J").scale(1.602177e-19) "bev" = get("eV").scale(1e9) "erg" = get("J").scale(1e-7) // exact "IT Btu" = get("J").scale(1.05505585262e3) // exact "EC therm" = get("J").scale(1.05506e8) // exact "thermochemical calorie" = get("J").scale(4.184000) // exact "IT calorie" = get("J").scale(4.1868) // exact "ton TNT" = get("J").scale(4.184e9) "US therm" = get("J").scale(1.054804e8) // exact "Wh" = get("W").multiply(get("h")) "joule" = "J" "therm" = "US therm" "watthour" = "Wh" "Btu" = "IT Btu" "calorie" = "IT calorie" "electronvolt" = "eV" "electron volt" = "eV" "thm" = "therm" "cal" = "calorie" Back to top


"dyne" = get("N").scale(1e-5) // exact "pond" = get("N").scale(9.806650e-3) // exact "force kilogram" = get("N").scale(9.806650) // exact "force gram" = get("N").scale(9.806650e-3) // exact "force ounce" = get("N").scale(2.780139e-1) "force pound" = get("N").scale(4.4482216152605) // exact "poundal" = get("N").scale(1.382550e-1) "force ton" = get("force pound").scale(2000) // exact "gf" = "force gram" "lbf" = "force pound" "ounce force" = "force ounce" "kilogram force" = "force kilogram" "pound force" = "force pound" "ozf" = "force ounce" "kgf" = "force kilogram" "ton force" = "force ton" "gram force" = "force gram" "kip" = get("lbf").scale(1e3) Back to top


"clo" = get("K").multiply( get("m").pow(2).divide(get("W"))).scale(1.55e-1) Back to top


"lumen" = "lm" "lux" = "lx" "footcandle" = get("lux").scale(1.076391e-1) "footlambert" = get("cd").divide( get("m").pow(2)).scale(3.426259) "lambert" = get("cd").divide( get("m").pow(2)).scale(1e4/Math.PI) // exact "stilb" = get("cd").divide( get("m").pow(2)).scale(1e4) "phot" = get("lm").divide( get("m").pow(2)).scale(1e4) // exact "nit" = get("cd").multiply( get("m").pow(2)) // exact "langley" = get("J").divide( get("m").pow(2)).scale(4.184000e4) // exact "blondel" = get("cd").divide( get("m").pow(2)).scale(1./Math.PI) "apostilb" = "blondel" "nt" = "nit" "ph" = "phot" "sb" = "stilb" Back to top


"denier" = get("kg").divide(get("m")).scale(1.111111e-7) "tex" = get("kg").divide(get("m")).scale(1e-6) Back to top


"perm 0C" = get("kg").divide( get("Pa").multiply(get("s")).multiply( get("m").pow(2))).scale(5.72135e-11) "perm 23C" = get("kg").divide( get("Pa").multiply(get("s")).multiply( get("m").pow(2))).scale(5.74525e-11) Back to top


"VA" = get("V").multiply(get("A")) "voltampere" = "VA" "boiler horsepower" = get("W").scale(9.80950e3) "shaft horsepower" = get("W").scale(7.456999e2) "metric horsepower" = get("W").scale(7.35499) "electric horsepower" = get("W").scale(7.460000e2) // exact "water horsepower" = get("W").scale(7.46043e2) "UK horsepower" = get("W").scale(7.4570e2) "refrigeration ton" = get("Btu").divide(get("h")).scale(12000) "horsepower" = "shaft horsepower" "ton of refrigeration" = "refrigeration ton" "hp" = "horsepower" Back to top


"bar" = get("Pa").scale(1e5) // exact "standard atmosphere" = get("Pa").scale(1.01325e5) // exact "technical atmosphere" = get("kg").multiply(get("gravity").divide( get("m").scale(.01).pow(2))) "inch H2O 39F" = get("inch").multiply(get("water 39F")) "inch H2O 60F" = get("inch").multiply(get("water 60F")) "inch Hg 32F" = get("inch").multiply(get("mercury 32F")) "inch Hg 60F" = get("inch").multiply(get("mercury 60F")) "mm Hg 0C" = get("m").scale(1e-3).multiply( get("mercury 0C")) "cmHg" = get("m").scale(1e-2).multiply(get("Hg")) "cmH2O" = get("m").scale(1e-2).multiply(get("water")) "inch Hg" = get("inch").multiply(get("Hg")) "torr" = get("m").scale(1e-3).multiply(get("Hg")) "foot H2O" = get("foot").multiply(get("water")) "psi" = get("pound").multiply( get("gravity").divide(get("inch").pow(2))) "ksi" = get("kip").divide(get("inch").pow(2)) "barie" = get("N").divide(get("m").pow(2)).scale(0.1) "footH2O" = "foot H2O" "ftH2O" = "foot H2O" "millimeter Hg" = "torr" "mm Hg" = "torr" "mm Hg" = "torr" "pascal" = "Pa" "pal" = "Pa" "inHg" = "inch Hg" "in Hg" = "inch Hg" "at" = "technical atmosphere" "atmosphere" = "standard atmosphere" "atm" = "standard atmosphere" "barye" = "barie" Back to top


"Ci" = get("Bq").scale(3.7e10) // exact "rem" = get("Sv").scale(1e-2) // exact dose equivalent "rd" = get("Gy").scale(1e-2) // absorbed dose. exact. // use instead of "rad" "R" = get("C").divide(get("kg")).scale(2.58e-4) "gray" = "Gy" "sie" = "Sv" "becquerel" = "Bq" "rads" = "rd" // avoid "rad" (radian) "roentgen" = "R" "curie" = "Ci" Back to top


"c" = get("m").divide( get("s")).scale(2.997925e+8) "kt" = get("nautical mile").divide(get("h")) "knot international" = "kt" "international knot" = "kt" "knot" = "kt" Back to top


"P" = get("Pa").multiply(get("s")).scale(1e-1) // exact "St" = get("m").pow(2).divide(get("s")).scale(1e-4) // exact "rhe" = get("Pa").multiply(get("s")).pow(-1).scale(10) "poise" = "P" "stokes" = "St" Back to top


"acre feet" = get("m").pow(3).scale(1.233489e3) // but `acre foot' is 1233.4867714897 m^3. Odd. "board feet" = get("m").pow(3).scale(2.359737e-3) "bushel" = get("m").pow(3).scale(3.523907e-2) "UK liquid gallon" = get("m").pow(3).scale(4.546090e-3) // exact "Canadian liquid gallon"= get("m").pow(3).scale(4.546090e-3) // exact "US dry gallon" = get("m").pow(3).scale(4.404884e-3) "US liquid gallon" = get("m").pow(3).scale(3.785412e-3) "cc" = get("m").scale(.01).pow(3) "liter" = get("m").pow(3).scale(1e-3) // exact. However, from 1901 to 1964, 1 liter = 1.000028 dm3 "stere" = get("m").pow(3) // exact "register ton" = get("m").pow(3).scale(2.831685) "US dry quart" = get("US dry gallon").scale(1./4) "US dry pint" = get("US dry gallon").scale(1./8) "US liquid quart" = get("US liquid gallon").scale(1./4) "US liquid pint" = get("US liquid gallon").scale(1./8) "US liquid cup" = get("US liquid gallon").scale(1./16) "US liquid gill" = get("US liquid gallon").scale(1./32) "US liquid ounce" = get("US liquid gallon").scale(1./128) "UK liquid quart" = get("UK liquid gallon").scale(1./4) "UK liquid pint" = get("UK liquid gallon").scale(1./8) "UK liquid cup" = get("UK liquid gallon").scale(1./16) "UK liquid gill" = get("UK liquid gallon").scale(1./32) "UK liquid ounce" = get("UK liquid gallon").scale(1./160) "US fluid ounce" = "US liquid ounce" "UK fluid ounce" = "UK liquid ounce" "liquid gallon" = "US liquid gallon" "fluid ounce" = "US fluid ounce" "dry quart" = "US dry quart" "dry pint" = "US dry pint" "liquid quart" = get("liquid gallon").scale(1./4) "liquid pint" = get("liquid gallon").scale(1./8) "bbl" = get("US liquid gallon").scale(42) // petroleum industry definition "pt" = get("liquid pint") "gallon" = "liquid gallon" "quart" = "liquid quart" "cup" = get("liquid gallon").scale(1./16) "gill" = get("liquid gallon").scale(1./32) "tablespoon" = get("US fluid ounce").scale(0.5) "teaspoon" = get("tablespoon").scale(1./3) "peck" = get("bushel").scale(1./4) "acre foot" = "acre feet" "board foot" = "board feet" "barrel" = "bbl" "gal" = get("gallon") // "gal" is also acceleration unit "oz" = "fluid ounce" "floz" = "fluid ounce" "Tbl" = "tablespoon" "Tbsp" = "tablespoon" "tbsp" = "tablespoon" "Tblsp" = "tablespoon" "tblsp" = "tablespoon" "litre" = "liter" "L" = "liter" "l" = "liter" "tsp" = "teaspoon" "pk" = "peck" "bu" = "bushel" "fldr" = get("floz").scale(1./8) "dr" = get("floz").scale(1./16) "firkin" = get("bbl").scale(1./4) // exact but "barrel" is vague "pint" = "pt" "dram" = "dr" Back to top


"sverdrup" = get("m").pow(3).scale(1e6).divide(get("s")) // oceanographic flow Back to top


"bit" = new ScaledUnit(1) // unit of information "Bd" = get("Hz") "bps" = get("Hz") "cps" = get("cycle").divide(get("s")) "baud" = "Bd" Back to top


"kayser" = get("m").pow(-1).scale(1e2) // exact "rps" = get("revolution").divide(get("s")) "rpm" = get("revolution").divide(get("min")) "geopotential" = get("gravity") "work year" = get("hours").scale(2056) "work month" = get("work year").scale(1./12) "count" = "" "gp" = "geopotential" "dynamic" = "geopotential" "gpm" = get("geopotential").multiply(get("meter"))
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