The Flash Ani(mation)S applet

Page 10 - Data probe and gray-scale images

10. Example of using the data probe and gray-scale images

With the addition of automatic enhancements for gray-scale images (that is, enhance gray-scale images "on-the-fly"), we have also been able to include a "data probe" to allow the user to retrieve data values. [Note: please see this link for important information about using the "overlay_smooth" option with gray-scale images.]

First of all, the enhancement table. Extensions have been added to allow you to specify data value ranges for each of the color ranges specified. In addition, you may add: a) number of decimal places to show, b) the units, and c) a prefix for the label. (See the details here.)

In the example below, the colortable for the Lifted Index begins like this:

*GDLI8 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 value = 25., 24.8, 1, K, LI= 2 123 60 215 40 165 10 115 value = 24.60, 0.28 124 143 128 63 128 63 255 106 value = 0.08, -3.74 144 163 100 233 100 233 0 0 value = -3.94, -7.76 164 183 255 120 0 0 0 0 value = -7.97, -11.78 184 195 80 80 0 0 0 0 value = -12.0, -14.20 196 199 0 0 0 0 0 0 value = -14.4, -15.0 200 214 110 128 110 128 110 128 value= 301, 273.6, 1, K, CTT= 215 230 148 170 148 170 148 170 value= 271.55, 242.09 231 240 190 220 190 220 190 220 value= 240.13, 222.45 241 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 value= 220.49, 193.0 Note that there are two sets of parameters specified: the Lifted Index for the gray-scale values from 0 to 199, and the Cloud Top Temperature from 200 to 255.

In order to automatically apply the enhancement tables to the desired overlays, you need to specify the following parameter (which says the first overlay should use the first enhancement table in the file, and the 2nd overlay should use the second table):

overlay_enhance_table = 1,2

Finally, we add the "probe" control and define it's coloring, as well as the style for the probe read-out:

probe_labels_colors=x000000, xffff00, xffff00 controls = probe, startstop,spacer,step,firstlast,speed,overlay probe_style = 0x303030, 0xffffff,12

Putting it all together:

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If you would like more information, or have questions or suggestions, please contact Tom Whittaker