Example 1a: Using in-line configuration (instead of a config file)

Here we do the same simple animation as Example 1, but without using the config file. The parameters are "in-line", and replace the config filename normally used in the "<body...>" tag.


  1. You must separate each parameter with the character sequence: "\n" (without the quote marks)
  2. You must put everything on one line of text! (but see below about 'readability')
  3. You may include extra spaces before the parameter keyname in order to help with readability
  4. Be careful with double- and single-quote mark pairing, since this uses nested strings!

Here is what this looks like:

<body style="width:500px;" onload="HAniS.setup('filenames = TVIS1.GIF, TVIS2.GIF, TVIS3.GIF \n controls = startstop, speed, step, looprock, zoom \n controls_style = display:flex;flex-flow:row; \n buttons_style = flex:auto;margin:2px;' , 'handiv')">

If you want more "readability", you may separate lines by using the continuation character "\" (a single back-slash without the quote marks), at the end of each line, so the HTML would then look like this:

<body style="width:500px;" onload="HAniS.setup( 'filenames = TVIS1.GIF, TVIS2.GIF, TVIS3.GIF \n\ controls = startstop, speed, step, looprock, zoom \n\ controls_style = display:flex;flex-flow:row; \n\ buttons_style = flex:auto;margin:2px;' , 'handiv')">

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