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Track Controls

The track controls display trajectory data sets, e.g., aircraft track, ship, buoys, etc. This data can be loaded in the General->Files/Directories chooser of the Data Sources tab of the Data Explorer, with the Data Type of Track files. You can display your data in the form of a chart, table, track, or as a Point Data Plot drawn in the Main Display window. The items in the Layer Controls for a Point Data plot are the same as the controls for displaying regular Point Data. If you are working with data for a lot of times, or have many parameters included with your data, you may be prompted to subset the point data. This gives you the option of only including the necessary fields to cut down on memory usage and time to display the data.

To draw a track in the Main Display window, select your field in the Fields panel, the Track Colored By Parameter display type, and hit Create Display. These same controls are utilized for the Trajectory Colored By Parameter display type. The track controls consist of two tabs, Layout and Times.

The Layout tab controls the appearance of the display:

Image 1: Layout Tab of the Track Controls Dialog
Image 1: Layout Tab of the Track Controls Dialog

The second tab controls the Times used for the display:

Image 2: Times Tab of the Track Controls Dialog
Image 2: Times Tab of the Track Controls Dialog

Many of the menu items seen utilizing this display are standard options that can be found in the Menus section of the Layer Controls page. However, there is one item that is unique to this display.

The Edit menu has this unique option:

The View menu has this unique option:

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