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Web Map Server(WMS)/Background Image Controls

The WMS Controls display imagery from WMS servers. A set of predefined links to WMS servers for topographic, shaded relief and aerial imagery is also provided with the Background Image control.

To use the pre-defined background images, in the Main Display window, select the Display->Add Background Image menu item. To choose imagery from web map servers, bring up the Catalog Chooser in the Data Explorer and enter the URL that points to the Capabilities document of the desired WMS. We also provide links to a set of useful WMSs from the idvcatalog. If it is not in the Catalog pull down menu, enter the following url:


From this catalog open the Web Map Servers tab and select the WMS you would like to access.

The WMS Controls makes a request to the Web Map Server for an image that covers the area currently being displayed in the Main Display window. Due to the time it takes to access remote servers, the WMS Control does not request new images while the user pans and zooms.

Image 1: WMS Control Dialog
Image 1: WMS Control Dialog

Many of the menu items seen utilizing this display are standard options that can be found in the Menus section of the Layer Controls page. However, there are several options that are unique to this display.

The File menu has this unique option:

The View menu has these unique options:

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