McIDAS User's Guide
Version 2012.1

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Adding Frames

By default, a McIDAS-X session starts with ten 480 by 640 frames. To start a McIDAS-X session with additional frames, use the -f start-up flag. If you plan to add more frames during your McIDAS-X session, also specify a memory pool for the frames at startup using the -e flag. See the section Configuring McIDAS-X Sessions with .mcidasrc for more information. Use the F command to list the current frame configuration for your session. To add more frames during the session, use the MAKFRM command. New frames are appended to the end of the current frame list.

If your workstation does not have the available memory to create the number of frames requested in your MAKFRM entry, McIDAS-X tries to create frames in storage mode. If that fails, MAKFRM informs you that there is insufficient memory available.

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