001    /*
002     * This file is part of McIDAS-V
003     *
004     * Copyright 2007-2013
005     * Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC)
006     * University of Wisconsin - Madison
007     * 1225 W. Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706, USA
008     * https://www.ssec.wisc.edu/mcidas
009     * 
010     * All Rights Reserved
011     * 
012     * McIDAS-V is built on Unidata's IDV and SSEC's VisAD libraries, and
013     * some McIDAS-V source code is based on IDV and VisAD source code.  
014     * 
015     * McIDAS-V is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
016     * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
017     * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
018     * (at your option) any later version.
019     * 
020     * McIDAS-V is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
021     * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
023     * GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
024     * 
025     * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
026     * along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.
027     */
029    package edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.cyclone;
031    import java.util.ArrayList;
032    import java.util.Iterator;
033    import java.util.List;
035    /**
036     * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. User: yuanho Date: Feb 26, 2009 Time: 10:02:45 AM
037     * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
038     */
039    public class StormAODTSceneType {
041            /** _more_ */
042            static int maxsec = 24;
044            /** _more_ */
045            static int maxsecA = 2000;
047            /** _more_ */
048            static double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
050            /**
051             * _more_
052             * 
053             * @param odtcurrent
054             *            _more_
055             * @param rmwsizeman_v72
056             *            _more_
057             * @param areadata
058             *            _more_
059             * @param osstr_v72
060             *            _more_
061             * @param osearch_v72
062             *            _more_
063             * 
064             * @return _more_
065             */
066            static float[] aodtv72_calcscene(StormAODTInfo.IRData odtcurrent,
067                            int rmwsizeman_v72, StormAODTInfo.DataGrid areadata,
068                            float osstr_v72, boolean osearch_v72)
069            /*
070             * Perform Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis and determine scene type
071             * via empirically defined threshold values. Inputs : global structure
072             * odtcurrent_v72 containing current intensity values Outputs : various
073             * elements within structure odtcurrent_v72 Return : -41 : error with FFT
074             * routine -51 : cloud temperature value <-100C or >+40C 0 : o.k.
075             */
076            {
078                    int nbin = 64, iok, a, b, bptr;
079                    int ixx, iyy, izz, iscene, idxcnt, maxsecd2, sxscnt;
080                    int[] sectorcnt;
081                    int cnteye;
082                    float[] bd, cbd, tbd;
084                    float radb, rade, radeye, teye, dx2, eyecnt = 0, rngcnt = 0;
085                    float xangle, xdist, xtemp, slice;
086                    float[] sectordiffa, sectormin;
087                    float[][] sector;
088                    float[] eyearr, sxs;
089                    float sectang1, sectang2;
090                    float[] avex, stdvx, skewx, xs, i2;
091                    float Aaveext, Astdvext, Askewext, Aavesym, Astdvsym, Askewsym;
092                    float Eaveeye, Estdveye, Eskeweye;
093                    float alsdist, alsradb, alsrade, alssum, alst, alscnt;
094                    StormAODTInfo.RingData tcirc;
096                    float eyetemp;
097                    float eyecdosize, rmw;
098                    int eyecat;
100                    /* initialize temperature histogram bin values */
101                    bd = new float[534];
102                    cbd = new float[534];
103                    tbd = new float[534];
104                    for (iyy = 0; iyy < nbin; iyy++) {
105                            bd[iyy] = 26.0f - (float) iyy * 2.0f;
106                    }
107                    /*
108                     * set up arrays for FFT ananlysis. iscene=0 will perform FFT for cloud
109                     * top region while iscene=1 will perform FFT for eye region
110                     */
111                    int cursorx = areadata.numx / 2;
112                    int cursory = areadata.numy / 2;
113                    List<StormAODTInfo.RingData> tcircfirst = aodtv72_readcirc(cursorx,
114                                    cursory, areadata);
116                    for (iscene = 0; iscene <= 1; iscene++) {
117                            for (iyy = 0; iyy < nbin; iyy++) {
118                                    cbd[iyy] = 0.0f;
119                                    tbd[iyy] = 0.0f;
120                            }
122                            /* define start and end radii values */
123                            if (iscene == 0) {
124                                    /* CLOUD TOP */
125                                    radb = (float) StormAODTInfo.kstart_v72;
126                                    rade = (float) StormAODTInfo.kend_v72;
127                            } else {
128                                    /* EYE REGION */
129                                    radb = 0.0f;
130                                    rade = (float) StormAODTInfo.kstart_v72;
131                            }
133                            /* load arrays for FFT analysis */
134                            Iterator iit = tcircfirst.iterator();
136                            while (iit.hasNext()) {
137                                    tcirc = (StormAODTInfo.RingData) iit.next();
138                                    if ((tcirc.dist >= radb) && (tcirc.dist <= rade)) {
139                                            teye = (tcirc.temp - 273.16f);
140                                            for (ixx = 0; ixx < (nbin - 1); ixx++) {
141                                                    if ((teye <= bd[ixx]) && (teye >= bd[ixx + 1])) {
142                                                            cbd[ixx] = cbd[ixx] + 1.0f;
143                                                            tbd[ixx] = tbd[ixx] + teye;
144                                                    }
145                                            }
146                                    }
147                            }
149                            /* perform FFT analysis */
150                            float[] fftOut = aodtv72_fft(cbd);
151                            if (fftOut == null) {
152                                    return null; // return -41;
153                            }
155                            /* assign variables based upon region being analyzed */
156                            if (iscene == 0) {
157                                    rngcnt = fftOut[1]; /* CLOUD TOP */
158                            } else {
159                                    eyecnt = fftOut[1]; /* EYE REGION */
160                            }
161                    }
163                    /*
164                     * compute various cloud and eye region parameters for classification
165                     * scheme
166                     */
168                    /* allocate memory for arrays */
170                    eyearr = new float[maxsecA];
171                    sectorcnt = new int[maxsec];
172                    sectormin = new float[maxsec];
173                    sector = new float[maxsec][maxsecA];
174                    for (ixx = 0; ixx < maxsec; ixx++) {
175                            sectorcnt[ixx] = 0;
176                            sectormin[ixx] = 999.0f;
177                            for (iyy = 0; iyy < maxsecA; iyy++) {
178                                    sector[ixx][iyy] = -999.99f;
179                            }
180                    }
182                    /* load array for analysis */
183                    radb = (float) StormAODTInfo.kstart_v72;
184                    rade = (float) StormAODTInfo.kend_v72;
185                    radeye = (float) StormAODTInfo.kstart_v72;
186                    Iterator it = tcircfirst.iterator();
188                    slice = 360.0f / (float) maxsec;
189                    cnteye = 0;
190                    while (it.hasNext()) {
191                            tcirc = (StormAODTInfo.RingData) it.next();
192                            xangle = tcirc.angle;
193                            xdist = tcirc.dist;
194                            xtemp = tcirc.temp - 273.16f;
195                            if (xangle == 360.0) {
196                                    xangle = 0.0f;
197                            }
198                            ixx = 0;
199                            if ((xdist >= radb) && (xdist <= rade)) {
200                                    while (ixx < maxsec) {
201                                            sectang1 = (float) Math.max(0.0, (float) ixx * slice);
202                                            sectang2 = (float) Math.min(360.0, (float) (ixx + 1)
203                                                            * slice);
204                                            if ((xangle >= sectang1) && (xangle < sectang2)) {
205                                                    sector[ixx][sectorcnt[ixx]] = xtemp;
206                                                    sectorcnt[ixx]++;
207                                                    ixx = maxsec;
208                                            } else {
209                                                    ixx++;
210                                            }
211                                    }
212                            }
213                            if ((xdist >= 0) && (xdist <= radeye)) {
214                                    eyearr[cnteye] = xtemp;
215                                    cnteye++;
216                            }
217                            /*
218                             * the following will count all values w/in the different BD curve
219                             * ranges for the whole cloud region so we can examine the structure
220                             * of the cloud region later
221                             */
222                            // tcirc=tcirc->nextrec;
223                    }
225                    /*
226                     * position annulus at CW max temp distance and determine mean temp w/in
227                     * +/- 40km from this distance. If dist is less than 68km from center,
228                     * annulus will start at 28km
229                     */
230                    alscnt = 0;
231                    alssum = 0.0f;
232                    alsdist = (float) odtcurrent.cwring;
233                    alsradb = Math.max(28.0f, alsdist - 40.0f);
234                    alsrade = Math.max(108.0f, alsdist + 40.0f);
235                    it = tcircfirst.iterator();
236                    while (it.hasNext()) {
237                            tcirc = (StormAODTInfo.RingData) it.next();
238                            xdist = tcirc.dist;
239                            xtemp = tcirc.temp - 273.16f;
240                            if ((xdist >= alsradb) && (xdist <= alsrade)) {
241                                    alssum = alssum + xtemp;
242                                    alscnt++;
243                            }
244                            // tcirc=tcirc->nextrec;
245                    }
246                    alst = alssum / (float) alscnt;
247                    // odtcurrent.cloudt=alst;
248                    if ((odtcurrent.cloudt < -100.0) || (odtcurrent.cloudt > 40.0)) {
249                            return null; // return -51;
250                    }
252                    /*
253                     * determine "minimum" temperature for each sector. This is not the
254                     * actual lowest temperature, but instead is the temperature value of
255                     * the coldest 90% of the values within the sector. This will,
256                     * hopefully, eliminate some outliers
257                     */
259                    /* allocate memory */
260                    xs = new float[maxsecA];
261                    i2 = new float[maxsecA];
262                    sxs = new float[maxsecA];
264                    for (ixx = 0; ixx < maxsec; ixx++) {
265                            sxscnt = sectorcnt[ixx];
266                            for (iyy = 0; iyy < sxscnt; iyy++) {
267                                    sxs[iyy] = sector[ixx][iyy];
268                            }
269                            aodtv72_xxsort(sxs, xs, i2, sxscnt);
270                            izz = (int) (sxscnt - (sxscnt * .1f));
271                            sectormin[ixx] = xs[izz];
272                    }
274                    /* free memory */
276                    /* determine averages, standard deviations and skews for each sector */
277                    /* allocate memory */
278                    avex = new float[maxsec];
279                    stdvx = new float[maxsec];
280                    skewx = new float[maxsec];
281                    sectordiffa = new float[maxsec];
283                    for (ixx = 0; ixx < maxsec; ixx++) {
284                            float[] out = aodtv72_calcskew(sector[ixx], sectorcnt[ixx]);
285                            avex[ixx] = out[0];
286                            stdvx[ixx] = out[1];
287                            skewx[ixx] = out[2];
288                    }
290                    float[] out = aodtv72_calcskew(avex, maxsec);
291                    Aaveext = out[0];
292                    Astdvext = out[1];
293                    Askewext = out[2];
294                    // odtcurrent.cloudt2=Aaveext;
296                    /* these are used to examine symmetry of convection */
297                    maxsecd2 = maxsec / 2;
298                    for (ixx = 0; ixx < maxsecd2; ixx++) {
299                            sectordiffa[ixx] = Math.abs(avex[ixx] - avex[maxsecd2 + ixx]);
300                    }
301                    out = aodtv72_calcskew(sectordiffa, maxsecd2);
302                    Aavesym = out[0];
303                    Astdvsym = out[1];
304                    Askewsym = out[2];
305                    /* these are used to examine properties of the eye region */
306                    out = aodtv72_calcskew(eyearr, cnteye);
307                    Eaveeye = out[0];
308                    Estdveye = out[1];
309                    Eskeweye = out[2];
311                    // odtcurrent.eyestdv=Estdveye;
312                    // odtcurrent.cloudsymave=Aavesym;
313                    // odtcurrent.eyefft=(int)eyecnt;
314                    // odtcurrent.cloudfft=(int)rngcnt;
316                    /* free memory */
318                    /* assign scenetype value in structure odtcurrent_v72 */
319                    return aodtv72_classify(odtcurrent, rmwsizeman_v72, areadata,
320                                    osstr_v72, osearch_v72, alst, Aaveext, Estdveye, Aavesym,
321                                    eyecnt, rngcnt);
323            }
325            /**
326             * _more_
327             * 
328             * @param odtcurrent
329             *            _more_
330             * @param rmwsizeman
331             *            _more_
332             * @param areadata_v72
333             *            _more_
334             * @param osstr_v72
335             *            _more_
336             * @param osearch_v72
337             *            _more_
338             * @param alst
339             *            _more_
340             * @param Aaveext
341             *            _more_
342             * @param Estdveye
343             *            _more_
344             * @param Aavesym
345             *            _more_
346             * @param eyecnt
347             *            _more_
348             * @param rngcnt
349             *            _more_
350             * 
351             * @return _more_
352             */
354            static float[] aodtv72_classify(StormAODTInfo.IRData odtcurrent,
355                            int rmwsizeman, StormAODTInfo.DataGrid areadata_v72,
356                            float osstr_v72, boolean osearch_v72, float alst, float Aaveext,
357                            float Estdveye, float Aavesym, float eyecnt, float rngcnt)
358            /*
359             * Classify scene type based on FFT analysis and histogram temperatures
360             * using empirically defined threshold values. Inputs : global structure
361             * odtcurrent_v72 containing current image analysis Outputs : scenetype in
362             * structure odtcurrent_v72 is modified
363             * 
364             * SCENE TYPES : EYE REGION CLOUD REGION 0 - clear 0 - uniform 1 - pinhole 1
365             * - embedded center 2 - large 2 - irregular cdo 3 - none 3 - curved band 4
366             * - shear
367             */
368            {
370                    int iok, ixx, iyy, cloudfft = 0, cloudcat = 0, eyefft, eyecat = 0, cwtcat = 0, diffcat;
371                    int cbring, cbringval, diffcloudcat;
372                    int sceneeye, scenecloud, spiral = 0, spiralmax;
373                    int lastcscene, lastescene, cbringvalmax;
374                    float xlat, xlon, tempval, lasttno, lasttno12;
375                    float eyetemp, cloudtemp, cloudcwt, eyestdv, cloudsyma;
376                    float essizeDG = 0.0f, esdiffDG = 0.0f;
377                    float lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2;
378                    float eyecdosize, diffcloudt, rmw;
379                    float cbringlatmax, cbringlonmax;
380                    double curtime, curtimem12, xtime, lastvalidtime;
382                    boolean cbfound, cbscene, cbgray, shear, irrcdo, landcheck;
383                    float[] cdodiam = { 0.0f, 85.0f, 140.0f, 195.0f, 250.0f, 999.0f };
384                    float xpart, ddvor;
385                    int cdocat;
387                    boolean embdd = false, checkembc = false;
388                    float Ea, Eb, Ec, Ed, Ee, eyeval, Ca, Cb, Cc, Cd, Ce, cloudval;
389                    float diffeyecloudt, eyecloudcatdiff, eyecwtcatdiff, cloudcatdiff;
390                    float eyepart = 0, cloudpart = 0, cwtpart = 0, diffcat2, lastvalidtno, lastr9, maxtno;
391                    float[] cdomax = { 0.0f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.6f, 0.6f };
392                    int diffeyecloudcat;
393                    boolean foundeye, foundm12;
395                    eyetemp = odtcurrent.eyet;
396                    eyefft = (int) eyecnt;
397                    eyestdv = Estdveye;
398                    cloudtemp = alst;
399                    cloudcwt = odtcurrent.cwcloudt;
400                    cloudfft = (int) rngcnt;
401                    cloudsyma = Aavesym;
402                    xlat = odtcurrent.latitude;
403                    xlon = odtcurrent.longitude;
405                    for (ixx = 0; ixx < 10; ixx++) {
406                            /* compute cloud category */
407                            if ((cloudtemp <= StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[ixx])
408                                            && (cloudtemp > StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[ixx + 1])) {
409                                    cloudcat = ixx;
410                                    xpart = (float) ((cloudtemp - StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[cloudcat]) / (StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[cloudcat + 1] - StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[cloudcat]));
411                                    if (cloudcat == 0) {
412                                            xpart = 0.0f;
413                                    }
414                                    cloudpart = cloudcat + xpart;
415                            }
416                            /* compute eye category */
417                            if ((eyetemp <= StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[ixx])
418                                            && (eyetemp > StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[ixx + 1])) {
419                                    eyecat = ixx;
420                                    xpart = (float) ((eyetemp - StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[eyecat]) / (StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[eyecat + 1] - StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[eyecat]));
421                                    if (eyecat == 0) {
422                                            xpart = 0.0f;
423                                    }
424                                    eyepart = eyecat + xpart;
425                            }
426                            /* compute C-W eye category */
427                            if ((cloudcwt <= StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[ixx])
428                                            && (cloudcwt > StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[ixx + 1])) {
429                                    cwtcat = ixx;
430                                    xpart = (float) ((cloudcwt - StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[cwtcat]) / (StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[cwtcat + 1] - StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[cwtcat]));
431                                    if (cwtcat == 0) {
432                                            xpart = 0.0f;
433                                    }
434                                    cwtpart = cwtcat + xpart;
435                            }
436                    }
438                    /* printf("EYE = temp=%f cat=%d part=%f \n",eyetemp,eyecat,eyepart); */
439                    /*
440                     * printf("CLD = temp=%f cat=%d part=%f \n",cloudtemp,cloudcat,cloudpart)
441                     * ;
442                     */
443                    /* printf("CWT = temp=%f cat=%d part=%f \n",cloudcwt,cwtcat,cwtpart); */
444                    diffcat = Math.max(0, Math.max(cloudcat, cwtcat) - eyecat);
445                    diffcloudt = cloudtemp - cloudcwt;
446                    diffeyecloudt = eyetemp - cloudtemp;
447                    eyecwtcatdiff = cwtpart - eyepart;
448                    eyecloudcatdiff = cloudpart - eyepart;
449                    cloudcatdiff = cloudpart - cwtpart;
450                    diffcloudcat = cloudcat - cwtcat;
451                    diffeyecloudcat = cloudcat - eyecat;
452                    diffcat2 = eyetemp - (Math.min(cloudtemp, cloudcwt));
454                    curtime = aodtv72_calctime(odtcurrent.date, odtcurrent.time);
455                    curtimem12 = curtime - 0.5;
457                    /* determine last Final T# value for curved band/other scene check */
458                    foundeye = false;
459                    maxtno = 0.0f;
460                    lastr9 = 0;
461                    lasttno = maxtno;
462                    lastvalidtno = lasttno;
463                    if (true) { // (odthistoryfirst_v72==0)||(strlen(hfile_v72)==0)) {
464                            foundm12 = true;
465                            lastescene = 3;
466                            lastr9 = 1;
467                            if ((cwtpart < 3.5) && (osstr_v72 < 3.5)) {
468                                    lastcscene = 3;
469                                    lasttno12 = osstr_v72;
470                            } else {
471                                    lastcscene = 0;
472                                    lasttno12 = Math.max(osstr_v72, 4.0f);
473                            }
474                    } /*
475                     * else { odthistory=odthistoryfirst_v72; foundm12=FALSE; lastcscene=3;
476                     * while(odthistory!=0) {
477                     * xtime=aodtv72_calctime(odthistory->IR.date,odthistory->IR.time);
478                     * landcheck=true;
479                     * if(((oland_v72)&&(odthistory->IR.land==1))||(odthistory
480                     * ->IR.Traw<1.0)) landcheck=FALSE; if((xtime<curtime)&&(landcheck)) {
481                     * lastvalidtime=xtime; if((xtime>=curtimem12)&&(!foundm12)) {
482                     * lasttno12=odthistory->IR.Tfinal; foundm12=true; }
483                     * lasttno=odthistory->IR.Tfinal; lastcscene=odthistory->IR.cloudscene;
484                     * lastescene=odthistory->IR.eyescene; if(lastescene<=2) foundeye=true;
485                     * if((lastcscene==4)&&(lastescene==3)) foundeye=FALSE;
486                     * lastvalidtno=lasttno; lastr9=odthistory->IR.rule9; if(lasttno>maxtno)
487                     * maxtno=lasttno; } else { if(!landcheck) {
488                     * 
489                     * if((xtime-lastvalidtime)>0.5) { foundeye=FALSE;
490                     * lasttno=lastvalidtno-(1.0*(xtime-lastvalidtime));
491                     * 
492                     * } } } odthistory=odthistory->nextrec; }
493                     * 
494                     * if(!foundm12) lasttno12=lasttno; }
495                     */
496                    /* printf("foundm12=%d\n",foundm12); */
497                    /* printf("lasttno12=%f\n",lasttno12); */
499                    /* NEW SCENE IDENTIFICATION SCHEME */
500                    /* NEW EYE SCENE THRESHOLD DETERMINATION */
501                    Ec = 0.0f;
502                    Ee = 0.0f;
503                    Ea = 1.0f - ((eyefft - 2) * 0.1f);
504                    Eb = -(eyepart * 0.5f);
505                    if (eyestdv > 10.0) {
506                            Ec = 0.50f;
507                    }
508                    /* Ed=eyecloudcatdiff*0.75; */
509                    Ed = (eyecloudcatdiff * 0.25f) + (eyecwtcatdiff * 0.50f); /* new */
510                    /* printf("Ed=%f\n",Ed); */
511                    /* printf("maxtno=%f Ee=%f\n",maxtno,Ee); */
512                    if ((foundm12) && (lastescene < 3) && (maxtno > 5.0)) {
513                            Ee = Ee + 0.25f;
514                    }
515                    /* printf("Ee=%f\n",Ee); */
516                    /* if(lasttno12<3.5) Ee=Ee-1.0; */
517                    if (lasttno12 <= 4.5) {
518                            Ee = Math.max(-1.0f, lasttno12 - 4.5f); /* new */
519                    }
520                    /* printf("lasttno12=%f  Ee=%f\n",lasttno12,Ee); */
521                    if ((lastr9 > 0) && (lasttno < 4.0)) {
522                            Ee = Ee - 0.5f; /* new */
523                    }
524                    /* printf("Ee=%f\n",Ee); */
525                    eyeval = Ea + Eb + Ec + Ed + Ee;
526                    sceneeye = 3; /* NO EYE */
527                    if (eyeval >= 0.50) {
528                            sceneeye = 0; /* EYE */
529                    }
530                    /*
531                     * if(eyeval>=0.00) sceneeye=5; / OBSCURED EYE / if(eyeval>=1.50)
532                     * sceneeye=4; / RAGGED EYE / if(eyeval>=3.50) sceneeye=0; / CLEAR EYE /
533                     */
535                    /* printf("eyeval= %f  sceneeye=%d \n",eyeval,sceneeye); */
536                    float odtcurrent_v72IRRMW;
537                    eyecdosize = 0.0f;
538                    if (rmwsizeman > 0) {
539                            /* printf("RMW SIZE=%d\n",rmwsizeman_v72); */
540                            odtcurrent_v72IRRMW = (float) rmwsizeman;
541                            eyecdosize = (float) rmwsizeman - 1.0f; /* manually input eye size */
542                    } else {
543                            float[] out = aodtv72_rmw(odtcurrent, areadata_v72);
544                            rmw = out[0];
545                            eyecdosize = out[1];
546                            odtcurrent_v72IRRMW = rmw;
547                    }
549                    /* LARGE EYE CHECKS */
550                    if ((sceneeye == 0) && (eyecdosize >= 45.0)) {
551                            sceneeye = 2; /* large eye */
552                    }
555                    shear = false;
556                    irrcdo = false;
557                    cbscene = true;
558                    cbgray = true;
560                    Cc = 0.0f;
561                    Cd = 0.5f; /* changed to 0.5 */
562                    Ce = 0.0f;
563                    Ca = cwtpart * 0.25f;
564                    Cb = cloudpart * 0.25f;
565                    if (cloudfft <= 2) {
566                            Cc = Math.min(1.50f, cwtpart * 0.25f);
567                    }
568                    if (lastcscene >= 3) {
569                            Cd = -0.50f;
570                    }
571                    /* printf("cwtpart=%f lasttno12=%f\n",cwtpart,lasttno12); */
572                    if (cwtpart > 2.0) { /* new */
573                            if (lasttno12 >= 2.5) {
574                                    if (sceneeye == 0) {
575                                            Ce = Math.min(1.00f, lasttno12 - 2.5f);
576                                    }
577                                    if (lasttno12 >= 3.5) {
578                                            Ce = Ce + 1.00f;
579                                    }
580                            }
581                            if ((foundm12) && (foundeye)) {
582                                    Ce = Ce + 1.25f;
583                            }
584                    }
585                    cloudval = Ca + Cb + Cc + Cd + Ce;
586                    if (cloudval < 0.0) {
587                            shear = true; /* SHEAR */
588                    }
589                    if (cloudval >= 0.00) {
590                            cbscene = true; /* CURVED BAND (gray) */
591                    }
592                    if (cloudval >= 1.00) {
593                            cbscene = true; /* CURVED BAND (gray) */
594                            /* check for irregular CDO */
595                            if ((diffcat2 < 0.0) && (cloudsyma > 40.0)) {
596                                    irrcdo = true; /* IRREGULAR CDO */
597                            }
598                    }
599                    if ((cloudval >= 2.00) && (cloudval < 3.00)) {
600                            cbscene = true; /* CURVED BAND (gray) */
601                            /* check for irregular CDO */
602                            /* if((diffcloudcat<0)&&(diffcloudt>8.0)&&(cloudsyma>30.0)) { */
603                            if ((diffcat2 < 0.0) && (cloudsyma > 30.0)) {
604                                    irrcdo = true; /* IRREGULAR CDO */
605                            }
606                            if (cwtcat >= 3) {
607                                    /* if xcwt>3.0 try black/white CB check */
608                                    if ((diffcloudcat > 0) && (diffcloudt < -8.0)) {
609                                            cbgray = false; /* CURVED BAND (black/white) */
610                                    }
611                                    /* check for large/ragged eye */
612                                    if ((sceneeye == 0)
613                                                    || ((eyepart > 1.00) && (diffeyecloudcat >= 2.00))) {
614                                            cbscene = false; /* EYE */
615                                    }
616                                    /* check for CDO */
617                                    if ((cloudcatdiff <= 0.0) && (eyecwtcatdiff < 1.00)) {
618                                            cbscene = false; /* CDO */
619                                    }
620                            }
621                    }
622                    if (cloudval >= 3.00) {
623                            cbscene = false; /* CDO */
624                            /* check for irregular CDO */
625                            if ((diffcloudcat < 0) && (diffcloudt > 8.0) && (cloudsyma > 30.0)) {
626                                    irrcdo = true; /* IRREGULAR CDO */
627                                    cbscene = true;
628                            }
629                    }
630                    /* EMBEDDED CENTER CHECK */
631                    if ((cloudtemp < cloudcwt) && (cloudcwt < eyetemp)) {
632                            checkembc = true;
633                    }
634                    if ((!cbscene) && (checkembc)) {
635                            tempval = (float) StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[cwtcat + 1] + 273.16f;
636                            float[] out = aodtv72_logspiral(xlat, xlon, tempval, 1, odtcurrent,
637                                            areadata_v72);
638                            spiral = (int) out[0];
639                            if ((spiral >= 8) && (spiral < 20)) {
640                                    embdd = true;
641                            }
642                            /* printf(" EMBDD : cwtcat=%d spiral=%d \n",cwtcat,spiral); */
643                    }
645                    /*
646                     * printf("cloudval= %f  shear=%d cbscene=%d cbgray=%d irrcdo=%d \n",cloudval
647                     * ,shear,cbscene,cbgray,irrcdo);
648                     */
649                    // (void)aodtv72_julian2cmonth(odtcurrent_v72IR.date,cdate);
650                    /*
651                     * printf("%9s %6d %4.1f %4.1f %2d %2d %5.1f %5.1f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f
652                     * %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %2d %2d %4.1f %4.1f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f
653                     * %5.2f %5.2f %6.2f %7.2f %3.1f \n",cdate,odtcurrent_v72->IR.time,
654                     * cloudpart
655                     * ,cwtpart,cloudfft,diffcloudcat,diffcloudt,cloudsyma,Ca,Cb,0.0
656                     * ,Cc,Cd,Ce,cloudval,
657                     * eyefft,diffeyecloudcat,eyepart,eyestdv,Ea,Eb,Ec,Ed
658                     * ,Ee,eyeval,xlat,xlon,lasttno);
659                     */
661                    /* CLASSIFY CLOUD REGION */
662                    cbring = 0;
663                    cbringval = 0;
664                    cbringvalmax = 0;
665                    cbringlatmax = xlat;
666                    cbringlonmax = xlon;
668                    // L100:
669                    if (cbscene) {
670                            if (shear) {
671                                    sceneeye = 3; /* NO EYE */
672                                    scenecloud = 4; /* SHEAR */
673                                    tempval = (float) StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[3] + 273.16f;
674                                    float[] out = aodtv72_cdoshearcalc(xlat, xlon, tempval, 3,
675                                                    areadata_v72);
676                                    eyecdosize = Math.max(4.0f, out[0]);
677                            } else if (irrcdo) {
678                                    sceneeye = 3; /* NO EYE */
679                                    scenecloud = 2; /* IRREGULAR CDO */
680                            } else {
681                                    cbfound = false;
682                                    // L200:
683                                    if (cbgray) {
684                                            /* perform Curved Band analysis */
685                                            ixx = 4; /* start with LIGHT GRAY */
686                                            while ((ixx >= 2) && (!cbfound)) {
687                                                    tempval = (float) StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[ixx] + 273.16f;
688                                                    float[] out0 = aodtv72_logspiral(xlat, xlon, tempval,
689                                                                    1, odtcurrent, areadata_v72);
690                                                    spiral = (int) out0[0];
691                                                    /* printf("BD level=%d  spiral=%d\n",ixx,spiral); */
692                                                    if ((out0[0] >= 8) || (ixx == 2)) { /*
693                                                                                                                             * 10 = .375% -- 10
694                                                                                                                             * ==> 9 arcs of 15
695                                                                                                                             * degrees
696                                                                                                                             */
697                                                            if (spiral > 25) {
698                                                                    if (ixx == 4) {
699                                                                            cbgray = false;
700                                                                            // goto L200;
701                                                                            cbscene = false;
702                                                                            ixx = 6;
703                                                                            while ((ixx > 4) && (!cbfound)) {
704                                                                                    tempval = (float) StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[ixx] + 273.16f;
705                                                                                    float[] out = aodtv72_logspiral(xlat,
706                                                                                                    xlon, tempval, 1, odtcurrent,
707                                                                                                    areadata_v72);
708                                                                                    spiral = (int) out[0];
709                                                                                    if ((spiral >= 9) && (spiral <= 25)) {
710                                                                                            cbfound = true;
711                                                                                    } else {
712                                                                                            ixx--;
713                                                                                    }
714                                                                            }
715                                                                    } else {
716                                                                            ixx = 0;
717                                                                    }
718                                                            } else {
719                                                                    if ((ixx == 2) && (spiral < 7)) { /*
720                                                                                                                                     * 7 = .25% --
721                                                                                                                                     * 10 ==> 6 arcs
722                                                                                                                                     * of 15 degrees
723                                                                                                                                     */
724                                                                            /* probably shear */
725                                                                            cbfound = false;
726                                                                            shear = true;
727                                                                            // goto L100;
728                                                                            sceneeye = 3; /* NO EYE */
729                                                                            scenecloud = 4; /* SHEAR */
730                                                                            tempval = (float) StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[3] + 273.16f;
731                                                                            float[] out = aodtv72_cdoshearcalc(xlat,
732                                                                                            xlon, tempval, 3, areadata_v72);
733                                                                            eyecdosize = Math.max(4.0f, out[0]);
734                                                                    } else {
735                                                                            cbfound = true;
736                                                                    }
737                                                            }
738                                                    } else {
739                                                            ixx--;
740                                                    }
741                                            }
742                                    } else {
743                                            /* try BLACK and WHITE rings */
744                                            cbscene = false;
745                                            ixx = 6;
746                                            while ((ixx > 4) && (!cbfound)) {
747                                                    tempval = (float) StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[ixx] + 273.16f;
748                                                    float[] out = aodtv72_logspiral(xlat, xlon, tempval, 1,
749                                                                    odtcurrent, areadata_v72);
750                                                    spiral = (int) out[0];
751                                                    if ((spiral >= 9) && (spiral <= 25)) {
752                                                            cbfound = true;
753                                                    } else {
754                                                            ixx--;
755                                                    }
756                                            }
757                                    }
758                                    if (cbfound) {
759                                            /* found curved band scenes */
760                                            cbring = ixx;
761                                            cbringval = spiral;
762                                            sceneeye = 3; /* NO EYE */
763                                            scenecloud = 3; /* CURVED BAND */
764                                            /*
765                                             * search for maximum curved band analysis location within
766                                             * 1-degree box
767                                             */
768                                            tempval = (float) StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[cbring] + 273.16f;
769                                            if (osearch_v72) {
770                                                    float[] out = aodtv72_logspiral(xlat, xlon, tempval, 2,
771                                                                    odtcurrent, areadata_v72);
772                                                    spiralmax = (int) out[0];
773                                                    lat2 = out[1];
774                                                    lon2 = out[2];
776                                                    cbringvalmax = (int) out[0];
777                                                    cbringlatmax = out[1];
778                                                    cbringlonmax = out[2];
779                                            }
780                                    } else {
781                                            /*
782                                             * did not find curved band scenes, mark as non-eye/eye
783                                             * scene
784                                             */
785                                            scenecloud = 0;
786                                            cbscene = false;
787                                            embdd = false; /* redundant declaration */
788                                            // goto L100;
789                                            scenecloud = 0; /* UNIFORM */
790                                            if (embdd) {
791                                                    scenecloud = 1; /* EMBEDDED CENTER */
792                                            }
793                                            /* PINHOLE EYE TEST */
794                                            /*
795                                             * printf("sceneeye=%d diffeyecloudcat=%d eyefft=%d cwtpart=%f scenecloud=%d cloudfft=%d lasttno12=%f\n"
796                                             * ,
797                                             * sceneeye,diffeyecloudcat,eyefft,cwtpart,scenecloud,cloudfft
798                                             * ,lasttno12);
799                                             */
800                                            if ((rmwsizeman > 0) && (rmwsizeman < 5.0)) {
801                                                    sceneeye = 1;
802                                            }
803                                            if ((eyeval > -0.25) && (eyeval < 1.50)
804                                                            && (diffeyecloudcat >= 2) && (eyefft <= 2)
805                                                            && (cwtpart > 6.0) && (scenecloud <= 1)
806                                                            && (cloudfft <= 4) && (lasttno12 >= 3.5)) {
807                                                    sceneeye = 1; /* PINHOLE EYE CHECK */
808                                            }
809                                    }
810                            }
811                    } else {
812                            scenecloud = 0; /* UNIFORM */
813                            if (embdd) {
814                                    scenecloud = 1; /* EMBEDDED CENTER */
815                            }
816                            /* PINHOLE EYE TEST */
817                            /*
818                             * printf("sceneeye=%d diffeyecloudcat=%d eyefft=%d cwtpart=%f scenecloud=%d cloudfft=%d lasttno12=%f\n"
819                             * ,
820                             * sceneeye,diffeyecloudcat,eyefft,cwtpart,scenecloud,cloudfft,lasttno12
821                             * );
822                             */
823                            if ((rmwsizeman > 0) && (rmwsizeman < 5.0)) {
824                                    sceneeye = 1;
825                            }
826                            if ((eyeval > -0.25) && (eyeval < 1.50) && (diffeyecloudcat >= 2)
827                                            && (eyefft <= 2) && (cwtpart > 6.0) && (scenecloud <= 1)
828                                            && (cloudfft <= 4) && (lasttno12 >= 3.5)) {
829                                    sceneeye = 1; /* PINHOLE EYE CHECK */
830                            }
831                    }
832                    if ((scenecloud <= 2) && (sceneeye == 3)) {
833                            /* for CDO TESTS */
834                            for (ixx = 2; ixx <= 6; ixx++) { /* DG,MG,LG,B,W */
835                                    tempval = (float) StormAODTInfo.ebd_v72[ixx] + 273.16f;
836                                    /* printf("xlat=%f xlon=%f tempval=%f\n",xlat,xlon,tempval); */
837                                    float[] out = aodtv72_cdoshearcalc(xlat, xlon, tempval, 1,
838                                                    areadata_v72);
839                                    /*
840                                     * printf("CDO : ixx=%d  cdosize=%f  cdosize/111=%f  \n",ixx,cdosize
841                                     * ,cdosize/111.0);
842                                     */
843                                    if (ixx == 2) {
844                                            eyecdosize = out[0];
845                                    }
846                            }
847                    }
849                    /*
850                     * odtcurrent_v72IR.eyescene=sceneeye;
851                     * odtcurrent_v72IR.cloudscene=scenecloud;
852                     * odtcurrent_v72IR.eyesceneold=-1; odtcurrent_v72IR.cloudsceneold=-1;
853                     * odtcurrent_v72IR.eyecdosize=eyecdosize;
854                     * odtcurrent_v72IR.ringcb=cbring; odtcurrent_v72IR.ringcbval=cbringval;
855                     * odtcurrent_v72IR.ringcbvalmax=cbringvalmax;
856                     * odtcurrent_v72IR.ringcblatmax=cbringlatmax;
857                     * odtcurrent_v72IR.ringcblonmax=cbringlonmax;
858                     */
859                    float[] odt = { sceneeye, scenecloud, eyecdosize, cbring, cbringval,
860                                    cbringvalmax, cbringlatmax, cbringlonmax, odtcurrent_v72IRRMW,
861                                    alst, Aaveext, Estdveye, Aavesym, eyecnt, rngcnt };
863                    return odt;
865            }
867            /**
868             * 
869             * @param odtcurrent
870             * @param areadata
871             * @return
872             */
874            static float[] aodtv72_rmw(StormAODTInfo.IRData odtcurrent,
875                            StormAODTInfo.DataGrid areadata)
876            /*
877             * Determine radius of maximum wind based upon Jim Kossin's regression based
878             * scheme Inputs : ix0 - element location of center point iy0 - line
879             * location of center point Outputs : rmw - radius of maximum wind distance
880             * eyesize - eye size radius (km) -1 = error/eyewall not found 0 = radius
881             * found
882             */
883            {
884                    int ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax;
885                    int ixc, iyc, i, ix, iy, idx1 = 0, idy1 = 0, idx2 = 0, idy2 = 0;
886                    float dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2, dav, xlat, xlon, xclat, xclon, xangle;
887                    float tcrit = 228.0f, warm = 223.0f;
888                    float rmw;
889                    float eyesize;
891                    /*
892                     * calculate cursorx/cursory from numx/numy... values should be
893                     * 0.5*numx/y
894                     */
895                    ixc = areadata.numx / 2;
896                    iyc = areadata.numy / 2;
897                    ixmax = Math.min(areadata.numx, ixc + 320);
898                    ixmin = Math.max(0, ixc - 320);
899                    iymax = Math.min(areadata.numy, iyc + 240);
900                    iymin = Math.max(0, iyc - 240);
902                    if (odtcurrent.cloudt >= warm) {
903                            tcrit = (odtcurrent.eyet + (2.0f * odtcurrent.cloudt)) / 3.0f;
904                    }
906                    rmw = -99.9f;
907                    eyesize = -99.9f;
908                    /* iterate five times */
909                    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
910                            ix = ixc;
911                            while (areadata.temp[iyc][ix] > tcrit) {
912                                    ix = ix - 1;
913                                    if (ix == ixmin) {
914                                            return null;
915                                    }
916                            }
917                            idx1 = ix;
918                            ix = ixc;
919                            while (areadata.temp[iyc][ix] > tcrit) {
920                                    ix = ix + 1;
921                                    if (ix == ixmax) {
922                                            return null;
923                                    }
924                            }
925                            idx2 = ix;
926                            iy = iyc;
927                            while (areadata.temp[iy][ixc] > tcrit) {
928                                    iy = iy - 1;
929                                    if (iy == iymin) {
930                                            return null;
931                                    }
932                            }
933                            idy1 = iy;
934                            iy = iyc;
935                            while (areadata.temp[iy][ixc] > tcrit) {
936                                    iy = iy + 1;
937                                    if (iy == iymax) {
938                                            return null;
939                                    }
940                            }
941                            idy2 = iy;
942                            ixc = (int) ((((float) (idx1 + idx2)) / 2.0));
943                            iyc = (int) ((((float) (idy1 + idy2)) / 2.0));
944                    }
945                    xclat = areadata.lat[iyc][ixc];
946                    xclon = areadata.lon[iyc][ixc];
947                    xlat = areadata.lat[iyc][idx1];
948                    xlon = areadata.lon[iyc][idx1];
949                    float[] out = aodtv72_distance(xlat, xlon, xclat, xclon, 1);
950                    dx1 = out[0];
952                    xlat = areadata.lat[iyc][idx2];
953                    xlon = areadata.lon[iyc][idx2];
954                    out = aodtv72_distance(xlat, xlon, xclat, xclon, 1);
955                    dx2 = out[0];
956                    xlat = areadata.lat[idy1][ixc];
957                    xlon = areadata.lon[idy1][ixc];
958                    out = aodtv72_distance(xlat, xlon, xclat, xclon, 1);
959                    dy1 = out[0];
961                    xlat = areadata.lat[idy2][ixc];
962                    xlon = areadata.lon[idy2][ixc];
963                    out = aodtv72_distance(xlat, xlon, xclat, xclon, 1);
964                    dy2 = out[0];
966                    dav = (dx1 + dx2 + dy1 + dy2) / 4.0f;
967                    if (dav > 0.0) {
968                            rmw = 2.8068f + (0.8361f * dav); /* Howard's coeffs */
969                            eyesize = dav;
970                    }
971                    float[] outf = { rmw, eyesize };
973                    return outf;
974            }
976            /**
977             * 
978             * @param inlat
979             * @param inlon
980             * @param searchtemp
981             * @param searchtype
982             * @param odtcurrent_v72IR
983             * @param areadata_v72
984             * @return
985             */
986            static float[] aodtv72_logspiral(float inlat, float inlon,
987                            float searchtemp, int searchtype,
988                            StormAODTInfo.IRData odtcurrent_v72IR,
989                            StormAODTInfo.DataGrid areadata_v72)
990            /*
991             * Determine storm location using 10^ Log-spiral analysis. Algorithm will
992             * attempt to match the spiral with the image pixels at or below the
993             * threshold temperature based on BD-enhancement curve values Inputs : inlat
994             * - center latitude of analysis grid inlon - center longitude of analysis
995             * grid searchtemp - temperature threshold value searchtype - 1=search at
996             * single point;2=search over 2^box Outputs : bestlat - best latitude
997             * location from analysis bestlon - best longitude location from analysis
998             * bestspiral - number of consecutive arcs through which spiral passes
999             */
1000            {
1002                    int ixx, iyy, izz, iskip, rotfac = 0, theta, b;
1003                    int imaxx, iminx, imaxy, iminy, ycount;
1004                    int spiralconsec, maxconsec, spiralbest, spiralbestrot, bestrot = 0;
1005                    float xrad = 57.29578f, A = 25.0f, B = 10.0f / xrad;
1006                    float maxx, minx, maxy, miny, xmindist;
1007                    float xlat = 0.f, xlon = 0.f;
1008                    float ylatdiff, ylondiff, xres = 6.0f;
1009                    float thetax, r, thetaval, thetaval2;
1010                    /* float zlat[bufsiz],zlon[bufsiz]; */
1011                    float[] zlat, zlon, lres;
1012                    int np, ipt;
1013                    int bestspiral;
1014                    float bestlat = 0.f;
1015                    float bestlon = 0.f;
1017                    if (odtcurrent_v72IR.sattype == 5) {
1018                            xres = 12.0f;
1019                    }
1020                    /* allocate memory */
1021                    int nn = areadata_v72.numx * areadata_v72.numy;
1022                    zlat = new float[nn];
1023                    zlon = new float[nn];
1025                    if (searchtype == 2) {
1026                            /* search over 2.0 degree box */
1027                            maxx = inlat + 1.0f;
1028                            minx = inlat - 1.0f;
1029                            maxy = inlon + 1.0f;
1030                            miny = inlon - 1.0f;
1031                            imaxx = (int) (maxx * 100.0);
1032                            iminx = (int) (minx * 100.0);
1033                            imaxy = (int) (maxy * 100.0);
1034                            iminy = (int) (miny * 100.0);
1035                    } else {
1036                            /* search at a single point */
1037                            imaxx = (int) (inlat * 100.0);
1038                            iminx = (int) (inlat * 100.0);
1039                            imaxy = (int) (inlon * 100.0);
1040                            iminy = (int) (inlon * 100.0);
1041                    }
1043                    bestspiral = 0;
1045                    /* initialize arrays */
1046                    np = 0;
1047                    for (ixx = 0; ixx < areadata_v72.numx; ixx++) {
1048                            for (iyy = 0; iyy < areadata_v72.numy; iyy++) {
1049                                    if (areadata_v72.temp[iyy][ixx] <= searchtemp) {
1050                                            zlat[np] = areadata_v72.lat[iyy][ixx];
1051                                            zlon[np] = areadata_v72.lon[iyy][ixx];
1052                                            np++;
1053                                    }
1054                            }
1055                    }
1057                    /* loop through x-axis/elements of analysis grid box */
1058                    for (ixx = iminx; ixx <= imaxx; ixx = ixx + 20) {
1059                            xlat = (float) ixx / 100.0f;
1060                            /* loop through y-axis/lines of analysis grid box */
1061                            for (iyy = iminy; iyy <= imaxy; iyy = iyy + 20) {
1062                                    xlon = (float) iyy / 100.0f;
1063                                    iskip = 0;
1064                                    /* determine distance from each point in box to current location */
1065                                    if (searchtype == 2) {
1066                                            xmindist = 12.0f;
1067                                            for (izz = 0; izz < np; izz++) {
1068                                                    float[] out3 = aodtv72_distance(xlat, xlon, zlat[izz],
1069                                                                    zlon[izz], 1);
1070                                                    if (out3[0] <= xmindist) {
1071                                                            /*
1072                                                             * if the lat/lon point is too close to cold cloud
1073                                                             * tops, do not calculate log spiral at this point.
1074                                                             * Trying to eliminate "false" arc locations by
1075                                                             * forcing the system to use some of the arc points
1076                                                             * on the spiral away from the start of the spiral
1077                                                             * (were getting "false echos" without this".
1078                                                             */
1079                                                            iskip = 1;
1080                                                            break;
1081                                                    }
1082                                            }
1083                                    }
1085                                    spiralbest = 0;
1086                                    spiralbestrot = 0;
1087                                    /*
1088                                     * if arc location passes analysis above, proceed with placement
1089                                     * of spiral
1090                                     */
1091                                    if (iskip == 0) {
1092                                            /*
1093                                             * rotate the arc spiral thru entire revolution at 30 degree
1094                                             * intervals
1095                                             */
1096                                            for (rotfac = 0; rotfac <= 330; rotfac = rotfac + 30) {
1097                                                    spiralconsec = 0;
1098                                                    maxconsec = 0;
1100                                                    /*
1101                                                     * calculate position of each point on spiral from 0 to
1102                                                     * 540^
1103                                                     */
1104                                                    for (theta = 0; theta <= 540; theta = theta + 15) {
1105                                                            thetax = (float) theta / xrad;
1106                                                            r = A * (float) Math.exp((B * thetax));
1107                                                            thetaval = (float) theta + (float) rotfac;
1108                                                            if (xlat < 0.0) {
1109                                                                    thetaval = (float) (-1 * theta)
1110                                                                                    + (float) rotfac;
1111                                                            }
1112                                                            thetaval2 = thetaval + 180.0f;
1113                                                            float[] out2 = aodtv72_distance2(xlat, xlon, r,
1114                                                                            thetaval2);
1115                                                            ycount = 0;
1116                                                            for (izz = 0; izz < np; izz++) {
1117                                                                    ylatdiff = Math.abs(out2[0] - zlat[izz]);
1118                                                                    ylondiff = Math.abs(out2[1] - zlon[izz]);
1119                                                                    /*
1120                                                                     * if a point is within 0.1^ latitude/longitude
1121                                                                     * determine distance
1122                                                                     */
1123                                                                    if ((ylatdiff <= 0.1) && (ylondiff <= 0.1)) {
1124                                                                            float[] out3 = aodtv72_distance(out2[0],
1125                                                                                            out2[1], zlat[izz], zlon[izz], 1);
1126                                                                            /*
1127                                                                             * if distance from spiral point is within
1128                                                                             * 6km from an accepted temperature
1129                                                                             * threshold point, count it
1130                                                                             */
1131                                                                            if (out3[0] <= xres) {
1132                                                                                    ycount++;
1133                                                                            }
1134                                                                    }
1135                                                            }
1136                                                            /*
1137                                                             * if there are 4 or more threshold points
1138                                                             * associated with each spiral point, count within
1139                                                             * consecutive spiral point counter
1140                                                             */
1141                                                            if (ycount >= 4) {
1142                                                                    spiralconsec++;
1143                                                                    /*
1144                                                                     * save spiral that has the maximum consecutive
1145                                                                     * spiral counts for each rotation though 360^
1146                                                                     * at each center location
1147                                                                     */
1148                                                                    if (spiralconsec > maxconsec) {
1149                                                                            maxconsec = spiralconsec;
1150                                                                    }
1151                                                            } else {
1152                                                                    spiralconsec = 0;
1153                                                            }
1154                                                            /*
1155                                                             * if this spiral has the greatest number of
1156                                                             * consecutive spiral points, save the location and
1157                                                             * number of points
1158                                                             */
1159                                                            if (maxconsec > spiralbest) {
1160                                                                    spiralbest = maxconsec;
1161                                                                    spiralbestrot = rotfac;
1162                                                            }
1163                                                    }
1164                                            } /* rotfac loop */
1165                                            if (spiralbest > bestspiral) {
1166                                                    bestspiral = spiralbest;
1167                                                    bestlat = xlat;
1168                                                    bestlon = xlon;
1169                                                    bestrot = spiralbestrot;
1170                                            }
1171                                    } /* iskip if */
1172                            } /* iyy loop */
1173                    } /* ixx loop */
1175                    /* free memory */
1177                    /* load array for best spiral band */
1178                    ipt = 0;
1179                    for (theta = 0; theta <= 540; theta = theta + 15) {
1180                            thetax = (float) theta / xrad;
1181                            r = A * (float) Math.exp((B * thetax));
1182                            thetaval = (float) theta + (float) bestrot;
1183                            if (xlat < 0.0) {
1184                                    thetaval = (float) (-1 * theta) + (float) rotfac;
1185                            }
1186                            thetaval2 = thetaval + 180.0f;
1187                            float[] out2 = aodtv72_distance2(bestlat, bestlon, r, thetaval2);
1188                            /* load array for external plotting of spiral band */
1189                            // spiralband_v72[0][ipt]=out2[0];
1190                            // spiralband_v72[1][ipt]=out2[1];
1191                            ipt++;
1192                    }
1194                    float[] out = { bestspiral, bestlat, bestlon };
1195                    return out;
1197            }
1199            /**
1200             * _more_
1201             * 
1202             * @param bin
1203             *            _more_
1204             * @param nbin
1205             *            _more_
1206             * 
1207             * @return _more_
1208             */
1209            static float[] aodtv72_calcskew(float[] bin, int nbin)
1210            /*
1211             * Calculate average, standard deviation, and skew for a given data set.
1212             * Inputs : bin - data array nbin - number of points in data array Outputs :
1213             * ave - average value in array stdv - standard deviation of data array skew
1214             * - skew of data array histogram
1215             */
1216            {
1217                    int ixx;
1218                    float xave, xstdv, xskew;
1219                    float a2sum = 0.0f, a3sum = 0.0f, nsum = 0.0f;
1220                    float ave, stdv, skew;
1222                    for (ixx = 0; ixx < nbin; ixx++) {
1223                            nsum = nsum + bin[ixx];
1224                    }
1225                    /* compute average value of data array */
1226                    xave = nsum / (float) nbin;
1228                    for (ixx = 0; ixx < nbin; ixx++) {
1229                            a2sum = a2sum + ((bin[ixx] - xave) * (bin[ixx] - xave));
1230                            a3sum = a3sum
1231                                            + ((bin[ixx] - xave) * (bin[ixx] - xave) * (bin[ixx] - xave));
1232                    }
1233                    if (nbin <= 1) {
1234                            xstdv = 0.0f;
1235                            xskew = 0.0f;
1236                    } else {
1237                            /* calculate standard deviation of data array */
1238                            xstdv = (float) Math.sqrt((1.0f / ((float) nbin - 1.0f)) * a2sum);
1239                            /* calculate skew of data array */
1240                            xskew = (float) ((1.0f / ((float) nbin - 1.0f)) * a3sum)
1241                                            / (xstdv * xstdv * xstdv);
1242                    }
1244                    /* return desired values */
1245                    ave = xave;
1246                    stdv = xstdv;
1247                    skew = xskew;
1248                    float[] out = { ave, stdv, skew };
1249                    return out;
1250            }
1252            /**
1253             * _more_
1254             * 
1255             * @param x1
1256             *            _more_
1257             * @param x2
1258             *            _more_
1259             * @param i2
1260             *            _more_
1261             * @param ndim
1262             *            _more_
1263             */
1264            static void aodtv72_xxsort(float[] x1, float[] x2, float[] i2, int ndim) {
1265                    int ih, i;
1266                    float x, top;
1268                    ih = aodtv72_fminx(x1);
1269                    x = x1[ih];
1270                    top = x - 1.0f;
1271                    for (i = 0; i < ndim; i++) {
1272                            ih = aodtv72_fmaxx(x1);
1273                            i2[i] = ih;
1274                            x2[i] = x1[ih];
1275                            x1[ih] = top;
1276                    }
1277            }
1279            /**
1280             * _more_
1281             * 
1282             * @param f
1283             *            _more_
1284             * 
1285             * @return _more_
1286             */
1287            static int aodtv72_fminx(float[] f) {
1288                    int i;
1289                    int im;
1290                    int ndim = f.length;
1291                    float x;
1293                    im = 0;
1294                    x = f[0];
1295                    for (i = 1; i < ndim; i++) {
1296                            if (f[i] < x) {
1297                                    x = f[i];
1298                                    im = i;
1299                            }
1300                    }
1301                    return im;
1302            }
1304            /**
1305             * _more_
1306             * 
1307             * @param f
1308             *            _more_
1309             * 
1310             * @return _more_
1311             */
1312            static int aodtv72_fmaxx(float[] f) {
1313                    int i;
1314                    int im;
1315                    int ndim = f.length;
1316                    float x;
1318                    im = 0;
1319                    x = f[0];
1320                    for (i = 1; i < ndim; i++) {
1321                            if (f[i] > x) {
1322                                    x = f[i];
1323                                    im = i;
1324                            }
1325                    }
1326                    return im;
1327            }
1329            /**
1330             * _more_
1331             * 
1332             * @param cbd
1333             *            _more_
1334             * 
1335             * @return _more_
1336             */
1337            static float[] aodtv72_fft(float[] cbd) {
1338                    int ixx, idxc, iok;
1339                    double[] xr, xi, magn;
1340                    double dx, a, x;
1341                    float dx2;
1342                    int idxcnt;
1344                    xr = new double[64];
1345                    xi = new double[64];
1346                    magn = new double[64];
1347                    /* initialize arrays */
1348                    for (ixx = 1; ixx <= 64; ++ixx) {
1349                            xr[ixx - 1] = cbd[ixx - 1];
1350                            xi[ixx - 1] = (float) 0.;
1351                            magn[ixx - 1] = (float) 0.;
1352                    }
1353                    /* call FFT routine */
1354                    iok = aodtv72_dfft(xr, xi, 64);
1355                    if (iok <= 0) {
1356                            return null;
1357                    }
1358                    for (ixx = 1; ixx <= 64; ++ixx) {
1359                            magn[ixx - 1] = aodtv72_cmplx_abs(xr[ixx - 1], xi[ixx - 1]);
1360                    }
1361                    /* compute number of harmonics and magnitude of main harmonic */
1362                    dx = (float) 0.;
1363                    idxc = 0;
1364                    for (ixx = 2; ixx <= 31; ++ixx) {
1365                            a = magn[ixx - 2];
1366                            x = magn[ixx - 1];
1367                            dx += (x + a) / (float) 2.;
1368                            if ((magn[ixx - 1] > magn[ixx - 2]) && (magn[ixx - 1] > magn[ixx])) {
1369                                    ++idxc;
1370                            }
1371                    }
1372                    dx2 = (float) (dx / magn[0]);
1374                    idxcnt = idxc;
1376                    float[] out = { dx2, idxcnt };
1378                    return out;
1380            } /* MAIN__ */
1382            /**
1383             * _more_
1384             * 
1385             * @param real
1386             *            _more_
1387             * @param imag
1388             *            _more_
1389             * 
1390             * @return _more_
1391             */
1392            static double aodtv72_cmplx_abs(double real, double imag) {
1393                    double temp;
1394                    if (real < 0) {
1395                            real = -real;
1396                    }
1397                    if (imag < 0) {
1398                            imag = -imag;
1399                    }
1400                    if (imag > real) {
1401                            temp = real;
1402                            real = imag;
1403                            imag = temp;
1404                    }
1405                    if ((real + imag) == real) {
1406                            return (real);
1407                    }
1409                    temp = imag / real;
1410                    temp = real * Math.sqrt(1.0 + temp * temp); /* overflow!! */
1411                    return (temp);
1413            }
1415            /*
1416             * A Duhamel-Hollman split-radix dif fft Ref: Electronics Letters, Jan. 5,
1417             * 1984 Complex input and output data in arrays x and y Length is n.
1418             */
1420            /**
1421             * _more_
1422             * 
1423             * @param x
1424             *            _more_
1425             * @param y
1426             *            _more_
1427             * @param np
1428             *            _more_
1429             * 
1430             * @return _more_
1431             */
1432            static int aodtv72_dfft(double[] x, double[] y, int np) {
1434                    int i, j, k, m, n, i0, i1, i2, i3, is, id, n1, n2, n4;
1435                    double a, e, a3, cc1, ss1, cc3, ss3, r1, r2, s1, s2, s3, xt;
1437                    double px[] = { 0, x[0] };
1438                    double py[] = { 0, y[0] };
1440                    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
1441                            px[i] = x[i] - 1;
1442                            py[i] = y[i] - 1;
1443                    }
1445                    i = 2;
1446                    m = 1;
1448                    while (i < np) {
1449                            i = i + i;
1450                            m = m + 1;
1451                    }
1452                    ;
1453                    n = i;
1454                    if (n != np) {
1455                            for (i = np + 1; i <= n; i++) {
1456                                    px[i] = 0.0;
1457                                    py[i] = 0.0;
1458                            }
1459                            /* printf("\nuse %d point fft",n); */
1460                    }
1462                    n2 = n + n;
1463                    for (k = 1; k <= m - 1; k++) {
1464                            n2 = n2 / 2;
1465                            n4 = n2 / 4;
1466                            e = 2.0 * PI / n2;
1467                            a = 0.0;
1468                            for (j = 1; j <= n4; j++) {
1469                                    a3 = 3.0 * a;
1470                                    cc1 = Math.cos(a);
1471                                    ss1 = Math.sin(a);
1472                                    cc3 = Math.cos(a3);
1473                                    ss3 = Math.sin(a3);
1474                                    a = j * e;
1475                                    is = j;
1476                                    id = 2 * n2;
1477                                    while (is < n) {
1478                                            for (i0 = is; i0 <= n - 1; i0 = i0 + id) {
1479                                                    i1 = i0 + n4;
1480                                                    i2 = i1 + n4;
1481                                                    i3 = i2 + n4;
1482                                                    r1 = px[i0] - px[i2];
1483                                                    px[i0] = px[i0] + px[i2];
1484                                                    r2 = px[i1] - px[i3];
1485                                                    px[i1] = px[i1] + px[i3];
1486                                                    s1 = py[i0] - py[i2];
1487                                                    py[i0] = py[i0] + py[i2];
1488                                                    s2 = py[i1] - py[i3];
1489                                                    py[i1] = py[i1] + py[i3];
1490                                                    s3 = r1 - s2;
1491                                                    r1 = r1 + s2;
1492                                                    s2 = r2 - s1;
1493                                                    r2 = r2 + s1;
1494                                                    px[i2] = r1 * cc1 - s2 * ss1;
1495                                                    py[i2] = -s2 * cc1 - r1 * ss1;
1496                                                    px[i3] = s3 * cc3 + r2 * ss3;
1497                                                    py[i3] = r2 * cc3 - s3 * ss3;
1498                                            }
1499                                            is = 2 * id - n2 + j;
1500                                            id = 4 * id;
1501                                    }
1502                            }
1503                    }
1505                    /*
1506                     * ---------------------Last stage, length=2
1507                     * butterfly---------------------
1508                     */
1509                    is = 1;
1510                    id = 4;
1511                    while (is < n) {
1512                            for (i0 = is; i0 <= n; i0 = i0 + id) {
1513                                    i1 = i0 + 1;
1514                                    r1 = px[i0];
1515                                    px[i0] = r1 + px[i1];
1516                                    px[i1] = r1 - px[i1];
1517                                    r1 = py[i0];
1518                                    py[i0] = r1 + py[i1];
1519                                    py[i1] = r1 - py[i1];
1520                            }
1521                            is = 2 * id - 1;
1522                            id = 4 * id;
1523                    }
1525                    /*
1526                     * c--------------------------Bit reverse counter
1527                     */
1528                    j = 1;
1529                    n1 = n - 1;
1530                    for (i = 1; i <= n1; i++) {
1531                            if (i < j) {
1532                                    xt = px[j];
1533                                    px[j] = px[i];
1534                                    px[i] = xt;
1535                                    xt = py[j];
1536                                    py[j] = py[i];
1537                                    py[i] = xt;
1538                            }
1539                            k = n / 2;
1540                            while (k < j) {
1541                                    j = j - k;
1542                                    k = k / 2;
1543                            }
1544                            j = j + k;
1545                    }
1547                    /*
1548                     * for (i = 1; i<=16; i++) printf("%d  %g   %gn",i,*(px+i),(py+i));
1549                     */
1551                    return (n);
1552            }
1554            /**
1555             * _more_
1556             * 
1557             * @param keyer
1558             *            _more_
1559             * @param areadata
1560             *            _more_
1561             * 
1562             * @return _more_
1563             */
1564            static public StormAODTInfo.IRData aodtv72_gettemps(int keyer,
1565                            StormAODTInfo.DataGrid areadata)
1566            /*
1567             * Determine eye and coldest-warmest cloud temperatures. Inputs : keyer -
1568             * eye radius (km) Outputs : odtcurrent_v72 - structure containing current
1569             * image information Return : -51 : eye, cloud, or warmest temperature
1570             * <-100C or >+40C
1571             */
1572            {
1574                    int cursorx, cursory;
1575                    int iok, idist, iret;
1576                    float cursortemp, eyet, cloudt;
1577                    float cursorlat, cursorlon, warmlat, warmlon, eyeangle, eyedist;
1578                    StormAODTInfo sinfo = new StormAODTInfo();
1579                    StormAODTInfo.IRData odtcurrent = sinfo.new IRData();
1581                    /*
1582                     * calculate cursorx/cursory from numx/numy... values should be
1583                     * 0.5*numx/y
1584                     */
1585                    cursorx = areadata.numx / 2;
1586                    cursory = areadata.numy / 2;
1587                    cursortemp = areadata.temp[cursory][cursorx];
1588                    cursorlat = areadata.lat[cursory][cursorx];
1589                    cursorlon = areadata.lon[cursory][cursorx];
1591                    // tcircfirst_v72=(struct ringdata *)calloc(1,sizeof(struct ringdata));
1593                    /* load array containing data on rings around center location */
1594                    List<StormAODTInfo.RingData> tcircfirst = aodtv72_readcirc(cursorx,
1595                                    cursory, areadata);
1597                    iret = 0;
1598                    /* compute eye/warmest pixel temperature */
1599                    StormAODTInfo.RingData eye = aodtv72_calceyetemp(keyer, cursortemp,
1600                                    tcircfirst);
1601                    eyet = eye.temp;
1602                    if ((eyet < -100.0) || (eyet > 40.0)) {
1603                            iret = -51;
1604                    }
1606                    if (keyer == StormAODTInfo.keyerA_v72) {
1607                            /* set warmest pixel temperature */
1608                            odtcurrent.warmt = eyet;
1609                            /* calculate warmest pixel location */
1610                            float[] out2 = aodtv72_distance2(cursorlat, cursorlon, eye.dist,
1611                                            eye.angle);
1613                            odtcurrent.warmlatitude = out2[0]; // warmlat;
1614                            odtcurrent.warmlongitude = out2[1]; // warmlon;
1615                            /* store forecast location temperature in eyet */
1616                            odtcurrent.eyet = cursortemp - 273.16f;
1617                            // free(tcircfirst_v72);
1618                    } else {
1619                            /* set eye temperature */
1620                            odtcurrent.eyet = eyet;
1621                            /* set cloud temperature and ring distance */
1622                            float[] out3 = aodtv72_calccloudtemp(tcircfirst);
1623                            cloudt = out3[0];
1624                            idist = (int) out3[1];
1625                            if ((eyet < -100.0) || (eyet > 40.0)) {
1626                                    iret = -51;
1627                            }
1628                            odtcurrent.cwcloudt = cloudt;
1629                            odtcurrent.cwring = idist;
1630                    }
1632                    return odtcurrent;
1633            }
1635            /**
1636             * _more_
1637             * 
1638             * @param keyer
1639             *            _more_
1640             * @param cursortemp
1641             *            _more_
1642             * @param tcircfirst
1643             *            _more_
1644             * 
1645             * @return _more_
1646             */
1647            static public StormAODTInfo.RingData aodtv72_calceyetemp(int keyer,
1648                            float cursortemp, List<StormAODTInfo.RingData> tcircfirst)
1649            /*
1650             * Determine eye/warmest temperature by examining the satellite data between
1651             * 0 and 24/75 km from the storm center location. Eye temperature will be
1652             * warmest temperature found. Inputs : keyer - analysis region radius
1653             * cursortemp - temperature of pixel at cursor location Outputs : eyeangle -
1654             * angle to warmest temperature in eye region (if found) eyedist - distance
1655             * to warmest temperature in eye region (if found) Return : return value is
1656             * warmest eye temperature
1657             */
1658            {
1660                    List<StormAODTInfo.RingData> tcirc;
1661                    StormAODTInfo.RingData eye = null;
1662                    /* set eye temp to cursor location temperature */
1663                    eye.temp = cursortemp;
1665                    eye.dist = 0.0f;
1666                    eye.angle = 0.0f;
1667                    tcirc = tcircfirst;
1668                    Iterator it = tcirc.iterator();
1669                    while (it.hasNext()) {
1670                            StormAODTInfo.RingData rd = (StormAODTInfo.RingData) it.next();
1671                            if (rd.dist <= (float) keyer) {
1672                                    if (rd.temp > eye.temp) {
1673                                            eye.temp = rd.temp;
1674                                            eye.dist = rd.dist;
1675                                            eye.angle = rd.angle;
1676                                    }
1677                            }
1679                    }
1681                    /* convert temperature to C from K */
1682                    eye.temp = (eye.temp - 273.16f);
1684                    return eye;
1685            }
1687            /**
1688             * _more_
1689             * 
1690             * @param tcircfirst
1691             *            _more_
1692             * 
1693             * @return _more_
1694             */
1695            static public float[] aodtv72_calccloudtemp(
1696                            List<StormAODTInfo.RingData> tcircfirst)
1697            /*
1698             * Determine surrounding cloud top region temperature by examining the
1699             * satellite data between kstart_v72(24 km) and kend_v72 (136 km) from the
1700             * storm center location. Cloud temperature will be the coldest value of an
1701             * array of warmest ring temperatures (4 km ring sizes for 4 km infrared
1702             * data). This is the "coldest-warmest" pixel. Inputs : none Outputs :
1703             * irdist - distance (km) from center to cloud top temperature value
1704             * (distance to ring) return value is cloud top temperature value
1705             */
1706            {
1707                    int iyy, b;
1708                    int numrings = (StormAODTInfo.kend_v72 - StormAODTInfo.kstart_v72)
1709                                    / StormAODTInfo.kres_v72;
1710                    int kring;
1711                    /* float maxtemp[200]; */
1712                    float[] maxtemp;
1714                    List<StormAODTInfo.RingData> tcirc;
1716                    float cloudtemp = 10000.0f;
1718                    float[] out = new float[2];
1719                    int irdist = 0;
1720                    /* initialize maxtemp array */
1721                    maxtemp = new float[numrings];
1723                    tcirc = tcircfirst;
1724                    Iterator it = tcirc.iterator();
1725                    while (it.hasNext()) {
1726                            StormAODTInfo.RingData rd = (StormAODTInfo.RingData) it.next();
1727                            if ((rd.dist >= (float) StormAODTInfo.kstart_v72)
1728                                            && (rd.dist < (float) StormAODTInfo.kend_v72)) {
1729                                    kring = ((int) rd.dist - StormAODTInfo.kstart_v72)
1730                                                    / StormAODTInfo.kres_v72;
1731                                    if (rd.temp > maxtemp[kring]) {
1732                                            maxtemp[kring] = rd.temp;
1733                                    }
1734                            }
1735                    }
1737                    /* search maxtemp array for coldest temperature */
1738                    for (iyy = 0; iyy < numrings; iyy++) {
1739                            if ((maxtemp[iyy] < cloudtemp) && (maxtemp[iyy] > 160.0)) {
1740                                    cloudtemp = maxtemp[iyy];
1741                                    irdist = (iyy * StormAODTInfo.kres_v72)
1742                                                    + StormAODTInfo.kstart_v72;
1743                            }
1744                    }
1746                    cloudtemp = (cloudtemp - 273.16f);
1747                    out[0] = cloudtemp;
1748                    out[1] = irdist;
1749                    return out;
1750            }
1752            /**
1753             * _more_
1754             * 
1755             * @param ixc
1756             *            _more_
1757             * @param iyc
1758             *            _more_
1759             * @param areadata
1760             *            _more_
1761             * 
1762             * @return _more_
1763             */
1764            static public List<StormAODTInfo.RingData> aodtv72_readcirc(int ixc,
1765                            int iyc, StormAODTInfo.DataGrid areadata)
1766            /*
1767             * Read array of satellite data temperatures and load array containing
1768             * temperatures and lat/lon positions. Inputs : ixc - element location of
1769             * center point iyc - line location of center point Outputs : global
1770             * structure tcirc containing temperature/locations
1771             */
1772            {
1773                    int ixx, iyy, b, count = 0;
1774                    float xclat, xclon, xlat, xlon, xdist, xangle;
1775                    StormAODTInfo sinfo = new StormAODTInfo();
1776                    StormAODTInfo.RingData tcirc = null;
1778                    List<StormAODTInfo.RingData> tcircfirst = new ArrayList();
1780                    /* obtain center/cursor x,y position */
1781                    xclat = areadata.lat[iyc][ixc];
1782                    xclon = areadata.lon[iyc][ixc];
1783                    /* load tcirc array with distance, angle, and temp info */
1785                    for (iyy = 0; iyy < areadata.numy; iyy++) {
1786                            for (ixx = 0; ixx < areadata.numx; ixx++) {
1787                                    xlat = areadata.lat[iyy][ixx];
1788                                    xlon = areadata.lon[iyy][ixx];
1789                                    float[] outDA = aodtv72_distance(xlat, xlon, xclat, xclon, 1);
1790                                    xdist = outDA[0];
1791                                    xangle = outDA[1];
1792                                    if (xdist <= (float) (StormAODTInfo.kend_v72 + 80)) { /*
1793                                                                                                                                             * add 80.0
1794                                                                                                                                             * to allow
1795                                                                                                                                             * for
1796                                                                                                                                             * correct
1797                                                                                                                                             * calculation
1798                                                                                                                                             * of
1799                                                                                                                                             * annulus
1800                                                                                                                                             * temp
1801                                                                                                                                             */
1802                                            count++;
1803                                            tcirc = sinfo.new RingData(xdist, xangle,
1804                                                            areadata.temp[iyy][ixx]);
1805                                            tcircfirst.add(tcirc);
1806                                            // tcirc.nextrec=NULL; /* make pointer for last record equal
1807                                            // to 0 */
1808                                    }
1809                            }
1810                    }
1812                    return tcircfirst;
1813            }
1815            /**
1816             * _more_
1817             * 
1818             * @param rrlat
1819             *            _more_
1820             * @param rrlon
1821             *            _more_
1822             * @param pplat
1823             *            _more_
1824             * @param pplon
1825             *            _more_
1826             * @param iunit
1827             *            _more_
1828             * 
1829             * @return _more_
1830             */
1831            static float[] aodtv72_distance(float rrlat, float rrlon, float pplat,
1832                            float pplon, int iunit)
1833            /*
1834             * Calculate distance and angle between two points (rrlat,rrlon and
1835             * pplat,pplon). Inputs : rrlat - latitude of starting point rrlon -
1836             * longitude of starting point rrlat - latitude of ending point rrlon -
1837             * longitude of ending point iunit - flag for output unit type
1838             * (1-km,2-mi,3-nmi) Outputs : dist - distance between two points ang -
1839             * angle between two points (0=north)
1840             */
1841            {
1842                    float z = 0.017453292f, r = 6371.0f;
1843                    float rlat, rlon, plat, plon;
1844                    float crlat, crlon, srlat, srlon;
1845                    float cplat, cplon, splat, splon;
1846                    float aa, xx, yy, zz, idist, xdist, xang;
1847                    float[] out = new float[2];
1848                    float dist;
1849                    float ang;
1851                    idist = 0.0f;
1852                    rlat = rrlat * z;
1853                    rlon = rrlon * z;
1854                    plat = pplat * z;
1855                    plon = pplon * z;
1856                    crlat = (float) Math.cos(rlat);
1857                    crlon = (float) Math.cos(rlon);
1858                    srlat = (float) Math.sin(rlat);
1859                    srlon = (float) Math.sin(rlon);
1860                    cplat = (float) Math.cos(plat);
1861                    cplon = (float) Math.cos(plon);
1862                    splat = (float) Math.sin(plat);
1863                    splon = (float) Math.sin(plon);
1864                    xx = (cplat * cplon) - (crlat * crlon);
1865                    yy = (cplat * splon) - (crlat * srlon);
1866                    zz = splat - srlat;
1867                    aa = (xx * xx) + (yy * yy) + (zz * zz);
1868                    idist = (float) Math.sqrt(aa);
1869                    /* xdist is distance in kilometers */
1870                    xdist = 2.0f * (float) Math.asin(idist / 2.0f) * r;
1872                    if (iunit == 2) {
1873                            xdist = ((69.0f * xdist) + 55f) / 111.0f; /* conversion to miles */
1874                    }
1875                    if (iunit == 3) {
1876                            xdist = ((60.0f * xdist) + 55f) / 111.0f; /*
1877                                                                                                             * conversion to nautical
1878                                                                                                             * miles
1879                                                                                                             */
1880                    }
1881                    dist = xdist;
1883                    xang = 0.0f;
1884                    if (Math.abs(xdist) > 0.0001) {
1885                            xang = (float) ((Math.sin(rlon - plon) * Math.sin((3.14159 / 2.0)
1886                                            - plat)) / Math.sin(idist));
1887                    }
1888                    if (Math.abs(xang) > 1.0) {
1889                            xang = (xang >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
1890                    }
1891                    xang = (float) Math.asin(xang) / z;
1892                    if (plat < rlat) {
1893                            xang = 180.0f - xang;
1894                    }
1895                    if (xang < 0.0) {
1896                            xang = 360.0f + xang;
1897                    }
1898                    ang = xang;
1899                    out[0] = dist;
1900                    out[1] = ang;
1902                    return out;
1903            }
1905            /**
1906             * _more_
1907             * 
1908             * @param rlat
1909             *            _more_
1910             * @param rlon
1911             *            _more_
1912             * @param xdist
1913             *            _more_
1914             * @param xang
1915             *            _more_
1916             * 
1917             * @return _more_
1918             */
1919            static float[] aodtv72_distance2(float rlat, float rlon, float xdist,
1920                            float xang)
1921            /*
1922             * Calculate a latitude and longitude position from an initial
1923             * latitude/longitude and distance/angle values. Inputs : rlat - initial
1924             * latitude rlon - initial longitude dist - distance from initial position
1925             * ang - angle from initial position Outputs : plat - derived latitude plon
1926             * - derived longitude
1927             */
1928            {
1929                    float z = 0.017453292f, z90 = 1.570797f;
1930                    float clat, clon, cltv, cdis, cang;
1931                    float qlat, qlon, argu, tv;
1932                    int iang;
1933                    float plat, plon;
1934                    float[] out = new float[2];
1936                    clat = (90.0f - rlat) * z;
1937                    cltv = clat;
1938                    clon = rlon * z;
1939                    if (rlat < 0.0) {
1940                            cltv = -(90.0f + rlat) * z;
1941                            clon = (rlon - 180.0f) * z;
1942                            xang = 360 - xang;
1943                    }
1944                    iang = (int) xang;
1945                    cang = -(float) (((540 - iang) % 360) * z);
1946                    cdis = (xdist / 111.1f) * z;
1947                    qlat = (float) Math.acos((Math.cos(clat) * Math.cos(cdis))
1948                                    + (Math.sin(clat) * Math.sin(cdis) * Math.cos(cang)));
1949                    if (Math.abs(qlat) < 0.0000001) {
1950                            qlon = 0.0f;
1951                    } else {
1952                            argu = (float) (Math.sin(cdis) * Math.sin(cang))
1953                                            / (float) Math.sin(qlat);
1954                            if (Math.abs(argu) > 1.0) {
1955                                    argu = (argu >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
1956                                    ;
1957                            }
1958                            qlon = (float) Math.asin(argu);
1959                            tv = (float) Math.atan(Math.sin(z90 - cang))
1960                                            / (float) Math.tan(z90 - cdis);
1961                            if (tv > cltv) {
1962                                    qlon = (2.0f * z90) - qlon;
1963                            }
1964                    }
1965                    qlon = clon - qlon;
1966                    plat = 90.0f - (qlat / z);
1967                    plon = (float) ((int) (10000 * (qlon / z)) % 3600000) / 10000.0f;
1968                    if (plon < -180) {
1969                            plon = plon + 360;
1970                    }
1972                    out[0] = plat;
1973                    out[1] = plon;
1975                    return out;
1976            }
1978            /**
1979             * _more_
1980             * 
1981             * @param date
1982             *            _more_
1983             * @param time
1984             *            _more_
1985             * 
1986             * @return _more_
1987             */
1988            static double aodtv72_calctime(int date, int time)
1989            /*
1990             * Compute time in xxxxx.yyy units, where xxxxx is the day and yyy is the
1991             * percentage of the day. This routine will also correct for Y2K problems.
1992             * Inputs : date - Julian date time - time in HHMMSS format Outputs :
1993             * function return value
1994             */
1995            {
1996                    int iyy;
1997                    float sec, min, hour, partday;
1998                    double timeout;
2000                    if ((date % 1000) == 0) {
2001                            return 0;
2002                    }
2003                    if (time < 0) {
2004                            return 0;
2005                    }
2007                    iyy = date / 1000; /* obtain year */
2008                    /*
2009                     * check for millenium designation in the year. if it is not there, add
2010                     * it onto the beginning
2011                     */
2012                    if (iyy < 1900) {
2013                            if (iyy > 70) {
2014                                    date = 1900000 + date;
2015                            } else {
2016                                    date = 2000000 + date;
2017                            }
2018                    }
2020                    sec = ((float) (time % 100)) / 3600.0f;
2021                    min = ((float) ((time / 100) % 100)) / 60.0f;
2022                    hour = (float) (time / 10000);
2023                    partday = (hour + min + sec) / 24.0f;
2024                    timeout = (double) date + (double) partday;
2026                    return timeout;
2027            }
2029            /**
2030             * 
2031             * @param xlat
2032             * @param xlon
2033             * @param tempval
2034             * @param atype
2035             * @param areadata
2036             *            _more_
2037             * @return
2038             */
2039            static float[] aodtv72_cdoshearcalc(float xlat, float xlon, float tempval,
2040                            int atype, StormAODTInfo.DataGrid areadata)
2041            /*
2042             * Determine eye size or shear distance for a given scene. Inputs : xlat -
2043             * center latitude of analysis grid xlon - center longitude of analysis grid
2044             * tempval - temperature threshold value to be used atype - analysis type
2045             * (1-cdo size,2-eye size,3-shear distance) Outputs : valb - eye/cdo radius
2046             * or shear distance valc - eye/cdo symmetry value or 0
2047             */
2048            {
2050                    int ixx, iyy, np, b, numvalid = 0;
2051                    float smalldist, vc, maxdist;
2052                    float[] zlat, zlon;
2053                    float a1, a2, a3, a4, v1, v2, v3;
2054                    float valb = 0.f, valc = 0.f;
2055                    /* allocate memory */
2057                    np = 0;
2058                    int nn = areadata.numx * areadata.numy;
2059                    zlat = new float[nn];
2060                    zlon = new float[nn];
2061                    /* CDO size determination - RETURNS RADIUS */
2062                    if (atype == 1) {
2063                            /* a1=999.9;a2=999.9;a3=999.9;a4=999.9; */
2064                            a1 = 300.0f;
2065                            a2 = 300.0f;
2066                            a3 = 300.0f;
2067                            a4 = 300.0f;
2068                            for (ixx = 0; ixx < areadata.numx; ixx++) {
2069                                    for (iyy = 0; iyy < areadata.numy; iyy++) {
2070                                            if (areadata.temp[iyy][ixx] > tempval) {
2071                                                    zlat[np] = areadata.lat[iyy][ixx];
2072                                                    zlon[np] = areadata.lon[iyy][ixx];
2073                                                    np++;
2074                                            }
2075                                    }
2076                            }
2077                            /*
2078                             * printf("np=%d  numx*numy=%d\n",np,areadata_v72->numx*areadata_v72-
2079                             * >numy);
2080                             */
2081                            maxdist = 0.0f;
2082                            if (np < (areadata.numx * areadata.numy)) {
2083                                    for (ixx = 0; ixx < np; ixx++) {
2084                                            float[] out = aodtv72_distance(xlat, xlon, zlat[ixx],
2085                                                            zlon[ixx], 1);
2086                                            if (out[0] > maxdist) {
2087                                                    maxdist = out[0];
2088                                            }
2089                                            /* determine size of CDO */
2090                                            if (out[0] > StormAODTInfo.keyerM_v72) {
2091                                                    if ((Math.abs(out[1] - 45.0) <= 15.0) && (out[0] < a1)) {
2092                                                            a1 = out[0];
2093                                                    }
2094                                                    if ((Math.abs(out[1] - 135.0) <= 15.0) && (out[0] < a2)) {
2095                                                            a2 = out[0];
2096                                                    }
2097                                                    if ((Math.abs(out[1] - 225.0) <= 15.0) && (out[0] < a3)) {
2098                                                            a3 = out[0];
2099                                                    }
2100                                                    if ((Math.abs(out[1] - 315.0) <= 15.0) && (out[0] < a4)) {
2101                                                            a4 = out[0];
2102                                                    }
2103                                            }
2104                                    }
2105                                    /* printf("a1=%f a2=%f a3=%f a4=%f\n",a1,a2,a3,a4); */
2106                                    numvalid = 4;
2107                                    v3 = StormAODTInfo.keyerM_v72 + StormAODTInfo.kres_v72;
2108                                    if (a1 < v3) {
2109                                            numvalid--;
2110                                    }
2111                                    if (a2 < v3) {
2112                                            numvalid--;
2113                                    }
2114                                    if (a3 < v3) {
2115                                            numvalid--;
2116                                    }
2117                                    if (a4 < v3) {
2118                                            numvalid--;
2119                                    }
2120                            } else {
2121                                    a1 = 0.0f;
2122                                    a2 = 0.0f;
2123                                    a3 = 0.0f;
2124                                    a4 = 0.0f;
2125                            }
2126                            if (numvalid < 3) {
2127                                    valb = 0.0f;
2128                                    valc = 0.0f;
2129                            } else {
2130                                    a1 = Math.min(a1, maxdist);
2131                                    a2 = Math.min(a2, maxdist);
2132                                    a3 = Math.min(a3, maxdist);
2133                                    a4 = Math.min(a4, maxdist);
2134                                    valb = (a1 + a2 + a3 + a4) / 4.0f;
2135                                    /*  *valc=A_ABS(((a1+a3)/2.0)-((a2+a4)/2.0))/2.0; */
2136                                    v1 = a1 + a3;
2137                                    v2 = a2 + a4;
2138                                    vc = v1 / v2;
2139                                    vc = Math.max(vc, 1.0f / vc);
2140                                    valc = vc;
2141                            }
2142                            /*
2143                             * printf("\nnp=%5.5d  a1=%5.1f a2=%5.1f a3=%5.1f a4=%5.1f  ",np,a1,a2
2144                             * ,a3,a4);
2145                             */
2146                    }
2148                    /* shear distance determination */
2149                    if (atype == 3) {
2150                            a1 = 999.9f;
2151                            a2 = 999.9f;
2152                            a3 = 999.9f;
2153                            a4 = 999.9f;
2154                            for (ixx = 0; ixx < areadata.numx; ixx++) {
2155                                    for (iyy = 0; iyy < areadata.numy; iyy++) {
2156                                            if (areadata.temp[iyy][ixx] <= tempval) {
2157                                                    zlat[np] = areadata.lat[iyy][ixx];
2158                                                    zlon[np] = areadata.lon[iyy][ixx];
2159                                                    np++;
2160                                            }
2161                                    }
2162                            }
2163                            smalldist = 999.9f;
2164                            for (ixx = 0; ixx < np; ixx++) {
2165                                    float[] out = aodtv72_distance(xlat, xlon, zlat[ixx],
2166                                                    zlon[ixx], 1);
2167                                    if (out[0] < smalldist) {
2168                                            smalldist = out[0];
2169                                    }
2170                            }
2171                            valb = smalldist;
2172                            valc = 0.0f;
2174                    }
2176                    /* free memory */
2178                    float[] out = { valb, valc };
2179                    return out;
2181            }
2183    }