002 * This file is part of McIDAS-V
003 *
004 * Copyright 2007-2023
005 * Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC)
006 * University of Wisconsin - Madison
007 * 1225 W. Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706, USA
008 * https://www.ssec.wisc.edu/mcidas
009 * 
010 * All Rights Reserved
011 * 
012 * McIDAS-V is built on Unidata's IDV and SSEC's VisAD libraries, and
013 * some McIDAS-V source code is based on IDV and VisAD source code.  
014 * 
015 * McIDAS-V is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
016 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
017 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
018 * (at your option) any later version.
019 * 
020 * McIDAS-V is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
021 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
023 * GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
024 * 
025 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
026 * along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.
027 */
029package edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.data.hydra;
031import java.util.ArrayList;
032import java.util.HashMap;
033import java.util.Iterator;
034import java.util.List;
035import java.util.Map;
036import java.util.Set;
038import org.slf4j.Logger;
039import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
041import edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.data.QualityFlag;
043import ucar.ma2.Array;
044import ucar.ma2.DataType;
045import ucar.ma2.Index;
046import ucar.ma2.IndexIterator;
047import ucar.ma2.Range;
048import ucar.nc2.Attribute;
049import ucar.nc2.Dimension;
050import ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile;
051import ucar.nc2.Structure;
052import ucar.nc2.Variable;
055 * Provides a view and operations on a set of contiguous data granules as if they 
056 * were a single granule.
057 * 
058 * This file needs to implement the same signatures NetCDFFile does,
059 * but for aggregations of consecutive granules.
060 * 
061 * @author tommyj
062 *
063 */
065public class GranuleAggregation implements MultiDimensionReader {
067        private static final Logger logger =
068                LoggerFactory.getLogger(GranuleAggregation.class);
070        // this structure holds the NcML readers that get passed in 
071   List<NetcdfFile> nclist = new ArrayList<>();
073   // this holds the MultiDimensionReaders, here NetCDFFile
074   List<NetCDFFile> ncdfal = null;
076   // need an ArrayList for each variable hashmap structure
077   List<Map<String, Variable>> varMapList = new ArrayList<>();
078   List<Map<String, String[]>> varDimNamesList = new ArrayList<>();
079   List<Map<String, Class>> varDataTypeList = new ArrayList<>();
081   // map of granule index and granule in-track length for each variable
082   Map<String, Map<Integer, Integer>> varGranInTrackLengths = new HashMap<>();
083   Map<String, int[]> varAggrDimLengths = new HashMap<>();
085   // this object is used to handle granules like VIIRS Imagery EDRs, where scan
086   // gaps of varying sizes and locations in the granule must be removed.  If 
087   // present, an initial read with these "cut" ranges will be done before subsetting
088   Map<Integer, List<Range>> granCutRanges = new HashMap<>();
089   Map<Integer, Integer> granCutScans = new HashMap<>();
091   // except quality flags - only need one hashmap per aggregation
092   // it maps the broken out variable name back to the original packed variable name
093   Map<String, QualityFlag> qfMap = null;
095   // For those variables which are assembled from other variables based on LUTs
096   Map<String, float[]> lutMap = null;
098   // variable can have bulk array processor set by the application
099   Map<String, RangeProcessor> varToRangeProcessor = new HashMap<>();
101   private int granuleCount = -1;
102   private String inTrackDimensionName = null;
103   private String inTrackGeoDimensionName = null;
104   private String crossTrackDimensionName = null;
105   private Set<String> products;
106   private String origName = "";
107   // assume we are working with VIIRS, will toggle if not
108   private boolean isVIIRS = true;
110   public GranuleAggregation(List<NetCDFFile> ncdfal, Set<String> products,
111                   String inTrackDimensionName, String inTrackGeoDimensionName, 
112                   String crossTrackDimensionName, boolean isVIIRS) throws Exception {
113           if (ncdfal == null) throw new Exception("No data: empty Suomi NPP aggregation object");
114           this.inTrackDimensionName = inTrackDimensionName;
115           this.crossTrackDimensionName = crossTrackDimensionName;
116           this.inTrackGeoDimensionName = inTrackGeoDimensionName;
117       this.ncdfal = ncdfal;
118       this.products = products;
119       this.isVIIRS = isVIIRS;
120           init(ncdfal);
121   }
123   public GranuleAggregation(List<NetCDFFile> ncdfal, Set<String> products,
124                   String inTrackDimensionName, String inTrackGeoDimensionName, 
125                   String crossTrackDimensionName) throws Exception {
126           this(ncdfal, products, inTrackDimensionName, inTrackGeoDimensionName, crossTrackDimensionName, false);
127   }
129   public GranuleAggregation(List<NetCDFFile> ncdfal, Set<String> products,
130                   String inTrackDimensionName, String crossTrackDimensionName) throws Exception {
131       this(ncdfal, products, inTrackDimensionName, inTrackDimensionName, crossTrackDimensionName, false);
132   }
134   public GranuleAggregation(List<NetCDFFile> ncdfal, Set<String> products,
135                   String inTrackDimensionName, String crossTrackDimensionName, boolean isEDR) throws Exception {
136        this(ncdfal, products, inTrackDimensionName, inTrackDimensionName, crossTrackDimensionName, isEDR);
137   }
139   public Class getArrayType(String array_name) {
140           array_name = mapNameIfQualityFlag(array_name);
141           array_name = mapNameIfLUTVar(array_name);
142           return varDataTypeList.get(0).get(array_name);
143   }
145   public String[] getDimensionNames(String array_name) {
146           array_name = mapNameIfQualityFlag(array_name);
147           array_name = mapNameIfLUTVar(array_name);
148           return varDimNamesList.get(0).get(array_name);
149   }
151   public int[] getDimensionLengths(String array_name) {
152           array_name = mapNameIfQualityFlag(array_name);
153           array_name = mapNameIfLUTVar(array_name);
154           return varAggrDimLengths.get(array_name);
155   }
157   private String mapNameIfQualityFlag(String array_name) {
158           // only applies if name is from a packed quality flag
159           // we pull data from the "mapped" variable name, a packed byte
160           if (qfMap != null) {
161                   if (qfMap.containsKey(array_name)) {
162                           origName = array_name;
163                           QualityFlag qf = qfMap.get(array_name);
164                           String mappedName = qf.getPackedName();
165                           logger.debug("Key: " + array_name + " mapped to: " + mappedName);
166                           return mappedName;
167                   }
168           }
169           return array_name;
170   }
172   private String mapNameIfLUTVar(String array_name) {
173           // only applies if name is from a LUT pseudo variable
174           // we pull data from a "mapped" variable name, and apply a LUT to that variable
176           if (lutMap != null) {
177                   if (lutMap.containsKey(array_name)) {
178                           origName = array_name;
179                           String mappedName = array_name.substring(0, array_name.length() - 3);
180                           logger.debug("Key: " + array_name + " mapped to: " + mappedName);
181                           return mappedName;
182                   }
183           }
184           return array_name;
185   }
187   public float[] getFloatArray(String array_name, int[] start, int[] count, int[] stride) throws Exception {
188     return (float[]) readArray(array_name, start, count, stride);
189   }
191   public int[] getIntArray(String array_name, int[] start, int[] count, int[] stride) throws Exception {
192     return (int[]) readArray(array_name, start, count, stride);
193   }
195   public double[] getDoubleArray(String array_name, int[] start, int[] count, int[] stride) throws Exception {
196     return (double[]) readArray(array_name, start, count, stride);
197   }
199   public short[] getShortArray(String array_name, int[] start, int[] count, int[] stride) throws Exception {
200     return (short[]) readArray(array_name, start, count, stride);
201   }
203   public byte[] getByteArray(String array_name, int[] start, int[] count, int[] stride) throws Exception {
204     return (byte[]) readArray(array_name, start, count, stride);
205   }
207   public Object getArray(String array_name, int[] start, int[] count, int[] stride) throws Exception {
208     return readArray(array_name, start, count, stride);
209   }
211   public HDFArray getGlobalAttribute(String attr_name) throws Exception {
212     throw new Exception("GranuleAggregation.getGlobalAttributes: Unimplemented");
213   }
215   public HDFArray getArrayAttribute(String array_name, String attr_name) throws Exception {
216           Variable var = varMapList.get(0).get(array_name);
217           if (var == null) return null;
219           Attribute attr = var.findAttribute(attr_name);
220           if (attr == null) return null;
222           Array attrVals = attr.getValues();
223           DataType dataType = attr.getDataType();
224           Object array = attrVals.copyTo1DJavaArray();
226           HDFArray harray = null;
228           if (dataType.getPrimitiveClassType() == Float.TYPE) {
229                   harray = HDFArray.make((float[])array);
230           }
231           else if (dataType.getPrimitiveClassType() == Double.TYPE) {
232                   harray = HDFArray.make((double[])array);
233           }
234           else if (dataType == DataType.STRING) {
235                   harray = HDFArray.make((String[])array);
236           }
237           else if (dataType.getPrimitiveClassType() == Short.TYPE) {
238                   harray = HDFArray.make((short[])array);
239           }
240           else if (dataType.getPrimitiveClassType() == Integer.TYPE) {
241                   harray = HDFArray.make((int[])array);
242           }
243           return harray;
244   }
246   public void close() throws Exception {
247           // close each NetCDF file
248           for (NetcdfFile n : nclist) {
249                   n.close();
250           }
251   }
253   private void init(List<NetCDFFile> ncdfal) throws Exception {
255           logger.debug("init in...");
256           // make a NetCDFFile object from the NcML for each granule
257           for (NetCDFFile n : ncdfal) {
258                   logger.debug("loading another NetCDF file from NcML...");
259                   NetcdfFile ncfile = n.getNetCDFFile();
260                   nclist.add(ncfile);
261           }
263           granuleCount = nclist.size();
264           logger.debug("Granule count: " + granuleCount);
266       // All files do NOT have the same structure, so need to look at each ncfile
267           // For ex, some MODIS granules have slightly different in-track and along-track 
268           // lengths
270           NetcdfFile ncfile = null;
271           for (int ncIdx = 0; ncIdx < nclist.size(); ncIdx++) {
273                   // good place to initialize the cut Range ArrayList for each granule
274                   Integer granuleIndex = new Integer(ncIdx);
275                   List<Range> al = new ArrayList<>();
277                   int cutScanCount = 0;
279                   ncfile = nclist.get(ncIdx); 
281                   Iterator<Variable> varIter = ncfile.getVariables().iterator();
282                   while (varIter.hasNext()) {
283                           Variable var = varIter.next();
284                           logger.trace("Variable " + var.getShortName() + ", Rank: " + var.getRank());
285                           varAggrDimLengths.put(var.getFullName(), new int[var.getRank()]);
286                           varGranInTrackLengths.put(var.getFullName(), new HashMap<>());
288                           // Here, let's try to check the data for EDR fill lines
289                           // and if found, try to handle it by simply adjusting the dimensions
290                           // for this granule.  Sound like a plan?  We'll see...
292                           // TJJ May 2016 
293                           // "simply adjusting the dimensions" he says
294                           // Anyway, we now do this check for EDRs and SDRs, it can manifest for both
296                           if (isVIIRS) {
298                                   // look through lat grid, look for missing scans
299                                   String varName = var.getShortName();
300                                   if (varName.endsWith("Latitude")) {
301                                           // iterate through the scan lines, looking for fill lines
302                                           // NOTE: we only need to check the first column! so set
303                                           // up an appropriate Range to cut the read down significantly
304                                           int[] shape = var.getShape();
305                                           List<Range> alr = new ArrayList<>();
306                                           alr.add(new Range(0, shape[0] - 1, 1));
307                                           alr.add(new Range(0, 1, 1));
308                                           Array a = var.read(alr);
309                                           int granLength = shape[0];
310                                           int scanLength = shape[1];
311                                           Index index = a.getIndex();
312                                           float fVal = 0.0f;
314                                           int rangeOffset = 0;
315                                           boolean prvScanWasCut = false;
316                                           boolean needClosingRange = false;
317                                           boolean hadCutRanges = false;
318                                           boolean someMissing = false;
320                                           for (int i = 0; i < shape[0]; i++) {
322                                                   someMissing = false;
323                                                   fVal = a.getFloat(index.set(i, 0));
324                                                   if (fVal < -90.0f) {
325                                                           someMissing = true;
326                                                   }
328                                                   if (someMissing) {
329                                                           hadCutRanges = true;
330                                                           cutScanCount++;
331                                                           logger.trace("Found a cut scan " + i + ", last val: " + fVal);
332                                                           if ((prvScanWasCut) || (i == 0)) {
333                                                                   if (i == 0) {
334                                                                           rangeOffset = 0;
335                                                                   } else {
336                                                                           rangeOffset = i + 1;
337                                                                   }
338                                                           } else {
339                                                                   try {
340                                                                           // We are using 2D ranges
341                                                                           logger.trace("Adding Range: " + rangeOffset
342                                                                                           + ", " + (i - 1) + ", 1");
343                                                                           al.add(new Range(rangeOffset, i - 1, 1));
344                                                                           logger.trace("Adding Range: " + 0 + ", "
345                                                                                           + (scanLength - 1) + ", 1");
346                                                                           al.add(new Range(0, scanLength - 1, 1));
347                                                                   } catch (Exception e) {
348                                                                          logger.trace("problem creating range", e);
349                                                                   }
350                                                                   rangeOffset = i;
351                                                           }
352                                                           prvScanWasCut = true;
353                                                   } else {
354                                                           prvScanWasCut = false;
355                                                   }
357                                                   // check to see if closing Range needed, good data at end
358                                                   if ((! prvScanWasCut) && (i == (granLength - 1))) {
359                                                       if (hadCutRanges) {
360                                                              needClosingRange = true;
361                                                       }
362                                                   }
363                                           }
365                                           if (needClosingRange) {
366                                                   // We are using 2D ranges
367                           logger.trace("Adding closing cut range: " + rangeOffset + ", " + (shape[0] - 1) + ", 1");
368                                                   al.add(new Range(rangeOffset, shape[0] - 1, 1));
369                                                   al.add(new Range(0, scanLength - 1, 1));
370                                           }
372                                           // if only one contiguous range, process as a normal clean granule
373                                           if (! hadCutRanges) {
374                                                   al.clear();
375                                           }
377                                           logger.debug("Total scans cut this granule: " + cutScanCount);
379                                   }
380                           }
381                   }
382                   granCutScans.put(granuleIndex, new Integer(cutScanCount));
383               granCutRanges.put(granuleIndex, al);
384           }
386           for (int ncIdx = 0; ncIdx < nclist.size(); ncIdx++) {
388                   ncfile = nclist.get(ncIdx);
390                   Map<String, Variable> varMap = new HashMap<>();
391                   Map<String, String[]> varDimNames = new HashMap<>();
392                   Map<String, Class> varDataType = new HashMap<>();
394                   Iterator<Variable> varIter = ncfile.getVariables().iterator();
395                   int varInTrackIndex = -1;
396                   while (varIter.hasNext()) {
397                           Variable var = varIter.next();
399                           boolean foundProduct = false;
400                           for (String s : products) {
401                                   if (s.contains(var.getFullName())) {
402                                           logger.trace("Valid product: " + var.getFullName());
403                                           foundProduct = true;
404                                           break;
405                                   }
406                           }
408                           if (! foundProduct) {
409                                   logger.trace("Skipping variable: " + var.getFullName());
410                                   continue;
411                           }
413                           if (var instanceof Structure) {
414                                        // simply skip these, applicable only to IASI far as I know
415                                        continue;
416                           }
418                           int rank = var.getRank();
420                           // bypass any less-than-2D variables for now...
421                           if (rank < 2) {
422                                   continue;
423                           }
425                           String varName = var.getFullName();
426                           varMap.put(varName, var);
427                           Iterator<Dimension> dimIter = var.getDimensions().iterator();
428                           String[] dimNames = new String[rank];
429                           int[] dimLengths = new int[rank];
430                           int cnt = 0;
431                           boolean notDisplayable = false;
432                           varInTrackIndex = getInTrackIndex(var);
434                           while (dimIter.hasNext()) {
435                                   Dimension dim = dimIter.next();
436                                   String s = dim.getShortName();
437                                   if ((s != null) && (!s.isEmpty())) {
438                                           if ((! s.equals(inTrackDimensionName)) && 
439                                                           ((! s.startsWith("Band")) && (cnt == 0)) &&
440                                                           (! varName.endsWith("Latitude")) &&
441                                                           (! varName.endsWith("latitude")) &&
442                                                           (! varName.endsWith("Latitude_TC")) &&
443                                                           (! varName.endsWith("Longitude")) &&
444                                                           (! varName.endsWith("longitude")) &&
445                                                           (! varName.endsWith("Longitude_TC")) &&
446                                                           (! s.equals(crossTrackDimensionName))) {
447                                                   notDisplayable = true;
448                                                   break;
449                                           }
450                                   }
451                                   String dimName = dim.getShortName();
452                                   logger.debug("GranuleAggregation init, variable: " + varName + ", dimension name: " + dimName + ", length: " + dim.getLength());
453                                   if (dimName == null)  dimName = "dim" + cnt;
454                                   if (dimName.isEmpty()) {
455                                           dimName = "dim" + cnt;
456                                   }
457                                   dimNames[cnt] = dimName;
458                                   dimLengths[cnt] = dim.getLength();
459                                   cnt++;
460                           }
462                           // skip to next variable if it's not displayable data
463                           if (notDisplayable) continue;
465                           // adjust in-track dimension if needed (scans were cut)
466                           int cutScans = 0;
467                           if (! granCutScans.isEmpty() && granCutScans.containsKey(ncIdx)) {
468                               cutScans = granCutScans.get(new Integer(ncIdx));
469                           } else {
470                               granCutScans.put(new Integer(ncIdx), new Integer(0));
471                           }
473                           dimLengths[varInTrackIndex] = dimLengths[varInTrackIndex] - cutScans;
475                           // XXX TJJ - can below block go away?  Think so...
476                           int[] aggrDimLengths = varAggrDimLengths.get(varName);
477                           for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
478                                   if (i == varInTrackIndex) {
479                                           aggrDimLengths[i] += dimLengths[i];
480                                   } else {
481                                           aggrDimLengths[i] = dimLengths[i];
482                                   }
483                           }
485                           varDimNames.put(varName, dimNames);
486                           varDataType.put(varName, var.getDataType().getPrimitiveClassType());
488                           if (varInTrackIndex < 0) {
489                                   logger.debug("Skipping variable with unknown dimension: " + var.getFullName());
490                                   continue;
491                           }
493                           Map<Integer, Integer> granIdxToInTrackLen = varGranInTrackLengths.get(varName);
494                           granIdxToInTrackLen.put(ncIdx, new Integer(dimLengths[varInTrackIndex]));
496                           dimLengths[varInTrackIndex] = dimLengths[varInTrackIndex] * granuleCount;
497                           varDataType.put(varName, var.getDataType().getPrimitiveClassType());
498                   }
500                   // add the new hashmaps to our enclosing lists
501                   varMapList.add(varMap);
502                   varDimNamesList.add(varDimNames);
503                   varDataTypeList.add(varDataType);
505           }
506   }
508   /**
509    * Based on the names of the variable dimensions, determine the in-track index.
510    *
511    * @param v {@code Variable} that {@literal "contains"} dimension names that
512    * allow for inference of the in-track index. {@code null} is allowed.
513    *
514    * @return correct index (0 or greater), or -1 if error.
515    */
517   private int getInTrackIndex(Variable v) {
519           int index = -1;
520           boolean is2D = false;
521           boolean is3D = false;
523           String inTrackName = null;
525           // typical sanity check
526           if (v == null) return index;
528           // lat/lon vars have different dimension names
529       // Set a default that will work for Enterprise EDRs
530       inTrackName = inTrackGeoDimensionName;
531           if ((v.getFullName().endsWith("Latitude")) || 
532                           (v.getFullName().endsWith("Latitude_TC")) ||
533                           (v.getFullName().endsWith("Longitude")) ||
534                           (v.getFullName().endsWith("latitude")) ||
535                           (v.getFullName().endsWith("longitude")) ||
536                           (v.getFullName().endsWith("Longitude_TC"))) {
537                   if ((v.getFullName().startsWith("All_Data")) || 
538                           (v.getFullName().startsWith("observation_data"))) {
539                           inTrackName = inTrackDimensionName;
540                   } else {
541                           inTrackName = inTrackGeoDimensionName;
542                   }
543           } else {
544                   inTrackName = inTrackDimensionName;
545           }
547           // pull out the dimensions
548           List<Dimension> dList = v.getDimensions();
550           // right now, we only handle 2D and 3D variables.
551           // TJJ XXX it does get trickier, and we will have to expand this
552           // to deal with for example CrIS data...
553           int numDimensions = dList.size();
555           // the only 4D data right now is CrIS, return 0
556           if (numDimensions == 4) return 0;
558           if ((numDimensions == 2) || (numDimensions == 3)) {
559                   if (numDimensions == 2) is2D = true;
560                   if (numDimensions == 3) is3D = true;
561           } else {
562                   return index;
563           }
565           // if the data is 2D, we use the SwathAdapter class,
566           // if 3D, we use the SpectrumAdapter class
567           for (int i = 0; i < numDimensions; i++) {
568                   if (is2D) {
569                           // XXX TJJ - if empty name, in-track index is 0
570                           if ((dList.get(i).getShortName() == null) || (dList.get(i).getShortName().isEmpty())) {
571                                   logger.trace("Empty dimension name!, assuming in-track dim is 0");
572                                   return 0;
573                           }
574                           if (dList.get(i).getShortName().equals(inTrackName)) {
575                                   index = i;
576                                   break;
577                           }
578                   }
579                   if (is3D) {
580                           // XXX TJJ - if empty name, in-track index is 0
581                           if ((dList.get(i).getShortName() == null) || (dList.get(i).getShortName().isEmpty())) {
582                                   logger.debug("Empty dimension name!, assuming in-track dim is 0");
583                                   return 0;
584                           }
585                           if (dList.get(i).getShortName().equals(inTrackName)) {
586                                   index = i;
587                                   break;
588                           }
589                   }
590           }
592           // hopefully we found the right one
593           return index;
594   }
596   private synchronized Object readArray(String array_name, int[] start, int[] count, int[] stride) throws Exception {
598           String mapName = array_name;
599           array_name = mapNameIfQualityFlag(array_name);
600           array_name = mapNameIfLUTVar(array_name);
601           // how many dimensions are we dealing with
602           int dimensionCount = start.length;
604           // pull out a representative variable so we can determine which index is in-track
605           Variable vTmp = varMapList.get(0).get(array_name);
606           logger.trace("");
607           logger.trace("Working on var: " + array_name);
608           int vInTrackIndex = getInTrackIndex(vTmp);
610           int loGranuleId = 0;
611           int hiGranuleId = 0;
613           Map<Integer, Integer> granIdxToInTrackLen = varGranInTrackLengths.get(array_name);
614           int numGrans = granIdxToInTrackLen.size();
616           int[] vGranuleLengths = new int[numGrans];
617           for (int k = 0; k < numGrans; k++) {
618                   vGranuleLengths[k] = granIdxToInTrackLen.get(k);
619                   logger.debug("readArray, gran len: " + vGranuleLengths[k] + ", scans cut: " + granCutScans.get(k));
620           }
622           int strt = start[vInTrackIndex];
623           int stp = strt + (count[vInTrackIndex] - 1) * stride[vInTrackIndex];
624           int cnt = 0;
625           for (int k = 0; k < numGrans; k++) {
626                   int granLen = granIdxToInTrackLen.get(k);
627                   cnt += granLen;
628                   if (strt < cnt) {
629                           loGranuleId = k;
630                           break;
631                   }
632           }
634           cnt = 0;
635           for (int k = 0; k < numGrans; k++) {
636                   int granLen = granIdxToInTrackLen.get(k);
637                   cnt += granLen;
638                   if (stp < cnt) {
639                           hiGranuleId = k;
640                           break;
641                   }
642           }
644       int totalScansCut = 0;
645       for (int k = loGranuleId; k <= hiGranuleId; k++) {
646           totalScansCut += granCutScans.get(k); 
647       }
648       logger.debug("Scans cut for this selection: " + totalScansCut);
650           // next, we break out the offsets, counts, and strides for each granule
651           int granuleSpan = hiGranuleId - loGranuleId + 1;
653           logger.debug("readArray req, loGran: " + loGranuleId + ", hiGran: " + 
654                           hiGranuleId + ", granule span: " + granuleSpan + ", dimCount: " + dimensionCount);
656           for (int i = 0; i < dimensionCount; i++) {
657                   logger.debug("start[" + i + "]: " + start[i]);
658                   logger.debug("count[" + i + "]: " + count[i]);
659                   logger.debug("stride[" + i + "]: " + stride[i]);
660           }
662           int [][] startSet = new int [granuleSpan][dimensionCount];
663           int [][] countSet = new int [granuleSpan][dimensionCount];
664           int [][] strideSet = new int [granuleSpan][dimensionCount];
665           int countSubtotal = 0;
667       int inTrackTotal = 0;
668       for (int i = 0; i < loGranuleId; i++) {
669           inTrackTotal += vGranuleLengths[i];
670       }
672           // this part is a little tricky - set the values for each granule we need to access for this read
673           for (int i = 0; i < granuleSpan; i++) {
675           inTrackTotal += vGranuleLengths[loGranuleId + i];
677                   for (int j = 0; j < dimensionCount; j++) {
678                           // for all indeces other than the in-track index, the numbers match what was passed in
679                           if (j != vInTrackIndex) {
680                                   startSet[i][j] = start[j];
681                                   countSet[i][j] = count[j] * stride[j];
682                                   strideSet[i][j] = stride[j];  
683                           } else {
684                                   // for the in-track index, it's not so easy...
685                                   // for first granule, start is what's passed in
686                                   if (i == 0) {
687                                       if (inTrackTotal > vGranuleLengths[loGranuleId + i]) {
688                                               startSet[i][j] = 
689                                                  (start[j] % (inTrackTotal - vGranuleLengths[loGranuleId + i]));
690                                       } else {
691                                           startSet[i][j] = start[j];
692                                       }
693                                   } else {  
694                                       startSet[i][j] = 
695                          ((inTrackTotal - (vGranuleLengths[loGranuleId + i])) % stride[j]);
696                                       // if there is a remainder, need to offset stride - remainder into next gran
697                                       if (startSet[i][j] != 0) startSet[i][j] = stride[j] - startSet[i][j];
698                                   }
700                                   // counts may be different for start, end, and middle granules
701                                   if (i == 0) {
702                                           // is this the first and only granule?
703                                           if (granuleSpan == 1) {
704                                                   countSet[i][j] = count[j] * stride[j];
705                                   // TJJ May 2016
706                                   // This condition manifests because there are times when 
707                                   // "fill" scans are cut from otherwise fine granules.
708                               // e.g., to the chooser it may look like there are 3072 valid lines,
709                           // but by the time we get here we realize there are really 3056
710                                   // This typically shortens the granule by one scan (16 lines)
711                                   if (countSet[i][j] > (vGranuleLengths[loGranuleId+i])) 
712                                       countSet[i][j] = vGranuleLengths[loGranuleId+i];
714                                           // or is this the first of multiple granules...
715                                           } else {
716                                                   if ((inTrackTotal - start[j]) < (count[j] * stride[j])) {    
717                               countSet[i][j] = inTrackTotal - start[j];
718                                                   } else {
719                                                           countSet[i][j] = count[j] * stride[j];
720                                                   }
721                                                   countSubtotal += countSet[i][j];
722                                           }
723                                   } else {
724                                           // middle granules
725                                           if (i < (granuleSpan - 1)) {
726                                                   countSet[i][j] = vGranuleLengths[loGranuleId+i] - startSet[i][j];
727                                                   countSubtotal += countSet[i][j];
728                                           } else {
729                                                   // the end granule
730                                                   countSet[i][j] = (count[j] * stride[j]) - countSubtotal - startSet[i][j];
731                                   // TJJ May 2016
732                                   // This condition manifests because there are times when 
733                                   // "fill" scans are cut from otherwise fine granules.
734                                                   // e.g., to the chooser it may look like there are 3072 valid lines,
735                                                   // but by the time we get here we realize there are really 3056
736                                   // This typically shortens the granule by one scan (16 lines)
737                                   if (countSet[i][j] > (vGranuleLengths[loGranuleId+i] - startSet[i][j])) 
738                                       countSet[i][j] = vGranuleLengths[loGranuleId+i] - startSet[i][j];
739                                           }
740                                   }
741                                   // luckily, stride never changes
742                                   strideSet[i][j] = stride[j];
743                           }
744                   }
745           }
747           int totalLength = 0;
748           int rangeListCount = 0;
749           List<Array> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
750           for (int granuleIdx = 0; granuleIdx < granuleCount; granuleIdx++) {
751                   if ((granuleIdx >= loGranuleId) && (granuleIdx <= hiGranuleId)) {
752                           Variable var = varMapList.get(loGranuleId + (granuleIdx-loGranuleId)).get(array_name);
754                           if (var instanceof Structure) {
755                                   // what to do here?
756                           } else {
757                                   List<Range> rangeList = new ArrayList<>();
758                                   for (int dimensionIdx = 0; dimensionIdx < dimensionCount; dimensionIdx++) {
759                                           logger.debug("Creating new Range: " + startSet[rangeListCount][dimensionIdx] +
760                                                           ", " + (startSet[rangeListCount][dimensionIdx] + countSet[rangeListCount][dimensionIdx] - 1) + ", " + strideSet[rangeListCount][dimensionIdx]);
761                                           Range range = new Range(
762                                                           startSet[rangeListCount][dimensionIdx], 
763                                                           startSet[rangeListCount][dimensionIdx] + countSet[rangeListCount][dimensionIdx] - 1,
764                                                           strideSet[rangeListCount][dimensionIdx]
765                                           );
766                                           rangeList.add(dimensionIdx, range);
767                                   }
768                                   rangeListCount++;
770                                   // If there were chunks of fill data to remove...
771                                   List<Range> al = granCutRanges.get(new Integer(granuleIdx));
772                                   if (! al.isEmpty()) {
773                                           List<Variable> varChunks = new ArrayList<>();
774                                           for (int rangeCount = 0; rangeCount < al.size(); rangeCount+=2) {
775                                                   List<Range> rl = new ArrayList<>();
776                                                   rl.add(al.get(rangeCount));
777                                                   rl.add(al.get(rangeCount + 1));
778                                                   varChunks.add(var.section(rl));
779                                           }
781                                           int [] newShape = var.getShape();
782                                           int cutScans = granCutScans.get(granuleIdx);
783                                           newShape[0] = newShape[0] - cutScans;
784                                           logger.trace("New Shape: " + newShape[0] + ", " + newShape[1]);
785                                           Array single = Array.factory(var.getDataType(), newShape);
787                                           // now read variable chunk data into single contiguous array
788                                           int idx = 0;
789                                           for (Variable v : varChunks) {
790                                                   Array data = v.read();
791                                                   int [] tmpShape = v.getShape();
792                                                   for (int tIdx = 0; tIdx < tmpShape.length; tIdx++) {
793                                                           logger.trace("Shape[" + tIdx + "]: " + tmpShape[tIdx]);
794                                                   }
795                                                   IndexIterator ii = data.getIndexIterator();
796                                                   while (ii.hasNext()) {
797                                                           single.setFloat(idx, ii.getFloatNext());
798                                                           idx++;
799                                                   }
800                                           }
802                                           // finally, apply subset ranges
803                                           logger.debug("Size of cut src array: " + single.getSize());
804                                           Array subarray = single.section(rangeList);
805                                           totalLength += subarray.getSize();
806                                           arrayList.add(subarray);
807                                           logger.debug("Size of cut sub array: " + subarray.getSize());
809                                   } else {
810                                           Array subarray = var.read(rangeList);
811                                           totalLength += subarray.getSize();
812                                           logger.debug("Size of reg sub array: " + subarray.getSize());
813                                           arrayList.add(subarray);
814                                   }
816                           }
817                           // put in an empty ArrayList placeholder to retain a slot for each granule
818                   } else {
819                           Array emptyArray = null;
820                           arrayList.add(emptyArray);
821                   }
822           }
824           // last, concatenate the individual NetCDF arrays pulled out 
826           Class arrayType = getArrayType(array_name);
827           RangeProcessor rngProcessor = varToRangeProcessor.get(array_name);
829           logger.debug("Creating aggregated array, totalLength: " + totalLength);
831           // TJJ May 2016
832           // I'm starting to think there may be a bug in the Java NetCDF section/subarray
833           // code - I have chased this quite a bit with no solution, the total length 
834           // sectioned out sometimes exceeds the total requested. It's almost as if a
835           // previous section length is retained. Anyway, as a hack for now I will just
836           // truncate if this occurs. We also need to watch for overflow in the arraycopy
837           // calls below
839           if (count.length < 3) {
840               if (totalLength > (count[0] * count[1])) {
841                   totalLength = count[0] * count[1];
842               }
843           }
845           float[] finalArray = new float[totalLength];
847           int destPos = 0;
848           int granIdx = 0;
850           int remaining = totalLength;
851           for (Array a : arrayList) {
852                   if (a != null) {
853                           Object primArray = a.copyTo1DJavaArray();
854                           primArray = processArray(
855                              mapName, array_name, arrayType, granIdx, primArray, rngProcessor, start, count
856                           );
857                           if (a.getSize() > remaining) {
858                               System.arraycopy(primArray, 0, finalArray, destPos, remaining);
859                           } else {
860                               System.arraycopy(primArray, 0, finalArray, destPos, (int) a.getSize());
861                           }
862                           destPos += a.getSize();
863                           remaining -= (int) a.getSize();
864                   }
865                   granIdx++;
866           }
868           return finalArray;
869   }
871   /**
872    * @param qfMap the qfMap to set
873    */
875   public void setQfMap(Map<String, QualityFlag> qfMap) {
876           this.qfMap = qfMap;
877   }
879   /**
880    * @param lutMap the lutMap to set
881    */
883   public void setLUTMap(Map<String, float[]> lutMap) {
884           this.lutMap = lutMap;
885   }   
887   public Map<String, Variable> getVarMap() {
888           return varMapList.get(0);
889   }
891   public List<NetCDFFile> getReaders() {
892     return this.ncdfal;
893   }
895   /* pass individual granule pieces just read from dataset through the RangeProcessor */
896   private Object processArray(String mapName, String array_name, Class arrayType, int granIdx, Object values, RangeProcessor rngProcessor, int[] start, int[] count) {
898           if (rngProcessor == null) {
899                   return values;
900           }
901           else {
902                   ((AggregationRangeProcessor) rngProcessor).setWhichRangeProcessor(granIdx);
904                   Object outArray = null;
906                   if (arrayType == Short.TYPE) {
907                           // if variable is a LUT var, apply LUT
908                           if ((lutMap != null) && (lutMap.containsKey(mapName))) {
909                                   float lut[] = lutMap.get(mapName);
910                                   outArray = rngProcessor.processRangeApplyLUT((short []) values, lut);
911                           } else {
912                                   outArray = rngProcessor.processRange((short[]) values, null);
913                           }
914                   } else if (arrayType == Byte.TYPE) {
915                           // if variable is a bit-field quality flag, apply mask
916                           if ((qfMap != null) && (qfMap.containsKey(origName))) {
917                                   QualityFlag qf = qfMap.get(origName);
918                                   outArray = rngProcessor.processRangeQualityFlag((byte[]) values, null, qf);
919                           } else {
920                                   outArray = rngProcessor.processRange((byte[]) values, null);
921                           }
922                   } else if (arrayType == Float.TYPE) {
923                           outArray = rngProcessor.processRange((float[]) values, null);
924                   } else if (arrayType == Double.TYPE) {
925                           outArray = rngProcessor.processRange((double[]) values, null);
926                   }
928                   return outArray;
929           }
930   }
932   /* Application can supply a RangeProcessor for a variable 'arrayName' */
933   public void addRangeProcessor(String arrayName, RangeProcessor rangeProcessor) {
934           varToRangeProcessor.put(arrayName, rangeProcessor);
935   }