002 * This file is part of McIDAS-V
003 *
004 * Copyright 2007-2023
005 * Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC)
006 * University of Wisconsin - Madison
007 * 1225 W. Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706, USA
008 * https://www.ssec.wisc.edu/mcidas
009 * 
010 * All Rights Reserved
011 * 
012 * McIDAS-V is built on Unidata's IDV and SSEC's VisAD libraries, and
013 * some McIDAS-V source code is based on IDV and VisAD source code.  
014 * 
015 * McIDAS-V is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
016 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
017 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
018 * (at your option) any later version.
019 * 
020 * McIDAS-V is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
021 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
023 * GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
024 * 
025 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
026 * along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.
027 */
029package edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.data.hydra;
031import java.io.File;
032import java.io.IOException;
033import java.util.ArrayList;
034import java.util.HashMap;
035import java.util.HashSet;
036import java.util.Iterator;
037import java.util.List;
038import java.util.Map;
039import java.util.Set;
040import java.util.StringTokenizer;
042import org.slf4j.Logger;
043import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
044import ucar.nc2.Attribute;
045import ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile;
048 * Utility class to support Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) functionality.
049 * Documentation referenced is from Suomi NPP Common Data Format Control Book.
050 * See:
051 * http://npp.gsfc.nasa.gov/documents.html
052 * 
053 * @author tommyj
054 *
055 */
057public abstract class JPSSUtilities {
059        private static final Logger logger =
060                LoggerFactory.getLogger(JPSSUtilities.class);
062        public static final String JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR = "_";
063        public static final int NASA_CREATION_DATE_INDEX = 28;
064        public static final int NOAA_CREATION_DATE_INDEX = 35;
066        // Flags to check for SIPS data V2.0.0 and higher
067        // Augments single fill value from prior versions
068        public static final String SIPS_BOWTIE_DELETED_FLAG = "Bowtie_Deleted";
069        public static final String SIPS_FLAG_MEANINGS_ATTRIBUTE = "flag_meanings";
070        public static final String SIPS_FLAG_VALUES_ATTRIBUTE = "flag_values";
072        // This regular expression matches a Suomi NPP Data Product as defined by the 
073        // NOAA spec in CDFCB-X Volume 1, Page 21
074        public static final String SUOMI_NPP_REGEX_NOAA =
075                // Product Id, Multiple (ex: VSSTO-GATMO-VSLTO)
076                "(\\w\\w\\w\\w\\w-)*" + 
077                // Product Id, Single (ex: VSSTO)
078                "\\w\\w\\w\\w\\w" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
079                // Spacecraft Id (ex: npp)
080                "\\w\\w\\w" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
081                // Data Start Date (ex: dYYYYMMDD)
082                "d20[0-3]\\d[0-1]\\d[0-3]\\d" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
083                // Data Start Time (ex: tHHMMSSS)
084                "t[0-2]\\d[0-5]\\d[0-6]\\d\\d" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
085                // Data Stop Time (ex: eHHMMSSS)
086                "e[0-2]\\d[0-5]\\d[0-6]\\d\\d" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
087                // Orbit Number (ex: b00015)
088                "b\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
089                // Creation Date (ex: cYYYYMMDDHHMMSSSSSSSS)
090                "c20[0-3]\\d[0-1]\\d[0-3]\\d[0-2]\\d[0-5]\\d[0-6]\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
091                // Origin (ex: navo)
092                "\\w\\w\\w\\w" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
093                // Domain (ex: ops)
094                "\\w\\w\\w" + 
095                // HDF5 suffix
096                ".h5";
098            // This regular expression matches a VIIRS Enterprise EDR
099        public static final String JPSS_REGEX_ENTERPRISE_EDR =
100            // Product Id, Single (ex: JRR-CloudPhase)
101            "(\\w|-)*" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
102            // Version (e.g v2r3)
103            "v\\dr\\d" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
104            // Origin (ex: npp)
105            "\\w\\w\\w" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
106            // Data Start Date/Time (ex: sYYYYMMDDHHMMSSS)
107            "s20[1-3]\\d[0-1]\\d[0-3]\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
108            // Data End Date/Time (ex: eYYYYMMDDHHMMSSS)
109            "e20[1-3]\\d[0-1]\\d[0-3]\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
110            // Creation Date/Time (ex: cYYYYMMDDHHMMSSS)
111            "c20[1-3]\\d[0-1]\\d[0-3]\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d" +
112            // NetCDF 4 suffix
113            ".nc";
115        // This regular expression matches a Suomi NPP Data Product as defined by the 
116        // NASA spec in TBD (XXX TJJ - find out where is this documented?)
117        public static final String SUOMI_NPP_REGEX_NASA =
118                        // Product Id, Single (ex: VL1BM)
119                        // NOTE: These are the only supported NASA data at this time
120                "(VL1BD|VL1BI|VL1BM)" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
121                // Platform - always Suomi NPP
122                "snpp" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
123                // Data Start Date (ex: dYYYYMMDD)
124                "d20[0-3]\\d[0-1]\\d[0-3]\\d" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
125                // Data Start Time (ex: tHHMM)
126                "t[0-2]\\d[0-5]\\d\\d\\d" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
127                // Creation Date (ex: cYYYYMMDDHHMMSSSSSSSS)
128                "c20[0-3]\\d[0-1]\\d[0-3]\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d" +
129                // NetCDF 4 suffix
130                ".nc";
132        // This regular expression matches a Suomi NPP geolocation file as defined by the 
133        // NASA spec in TBD
134        public static final String SUOMI_GEO_REGEX_NASA =
135                        // Product Id, Single (ex: VGEOM)
136                        // NOTE: This MUST match the list of product ids in static array in this file!
137                "(VGEOD|VGEOI|VGEOM)" + 
138                        JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
139                // Platform - always Suomi NPP
140                "snpp" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
141                // Data Start Date (ex: dYYYYMMDD)
142                "d20[0-3]\\d[0-1]\\d[0-3]\\d" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
143                // Data Start Time (ex: tHHMM)
144                "t[0-2]\\d[0-5]\\d\\d\\d" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
145                // Creation Date (ex: cYYYYMMDDHHMMSSSSSSSS)
146                "c20[0-3]\\d[0-1]\\d[0-3]\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d" +
147                // NetCDF 4 suffix
148                ".nc";
150        public static String[] validNASAVariableNames = {
151                "M01",
152                "M02",
153                "M03",
154                "M04",
155                "M05",
156                "M06",
157                "M07",
158                "M08",
159                "M09",
160                "M10",
161                "M11",
162                "M12",
163                "M13",
164                "M14",
165                "M15",
166                "M16",
167                "I01",
168                "I02",
169                "I03",
170                "I04",
171                "I05",
172                "DNB_observations"
173        };
175        public static float[] ATMSChannelCenterFrequencies = {
176                23.8f,
177                31.4f,
178                50.3f,
179                51.76f,
180                52.8f,
181                53.596f,
182                54.40f,
183                54.94f,
184                55.50f,
185                57.29032f,
186                57.29033f,
187                57.29034f,
188                57.29035f,
189                57.29036f,
190                57.29037f,
191                88.20f,
192                165.5f,
193                183.3101f,
194                183.3102f,
195                183.3103f,
196                183.3104f,
197                183.3105f
198        };
200        // the list of valid geolocation product ids
201        public static String[] geoProductIDs = {
202        "GATMO",
203        "GCRSO",
204        "GAERO",
205        "GCLDO",
206        "GDNBO",
207        "GNCCO",
208        "GIGTO",
209        "GIMGO",
210        "GITCO",
211        "GMGTO",
212        "GMODO",
213        "GMTCO",
214        "GNHFO",
215        "GOTCO",
216        "GOSCO",
217        "GONPO",
218        "GONCO",
219        "GCRIO",
220        "GATRO",
221        "IVMIM",
222        "VGEOD",
223        "VGEOI",
224        "VGEOM",
225        "VMUGE"
226        };  
228        // This regular expression matches a Suomi NPP geolocation granule, see 
229        // NOAA spec in CDFCB-X Volume 1, Page 21
230        public static final String SUOMI_GEO_REGEX_NOAA =
231                // Geo Id, Single (ex: GMODO)
232                        // NOTE: This MUST match the list of product ids in static array above!
235                        JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
236                // Spacecraft Id (ex: npp)
237                "\\w\\w\\w" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
238                // Data Start Date (ex: dYYYYMMDD)
239                "d20[0-3]\\d[0-1]\\d[0-3]\\d" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
240                // Data Start Time (ex: tHHMMSSS)
241                "t[0-2]\\d[0-5]\\d[0-6]\\d\\d" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
242                // Data Stop Time (ex: eHHMMSSS)
243                "e[0-2]\\d[0-5]\\d[0-6]\\d\\d" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
244                // Orbit Number (ex: b00015)
245                "b\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
246                // Creation Date (ex: cYYYYMMDDHHMMSSSSSSSS)
247                "c20[0-3]\\d[0-1]\\d[0-3]\\d[0-2]\\d[0-5]\\d[0-6]\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
248                // Origin (ex: navo)
249                "\\w\\w\\w\\w" + JPSSUtilities.JPSS_FIELD_SEPARATOR +
250                // Domain (ex: ops)
251                "\\w\\w\\w" + 
252                // HDF5 suffix
253                ".h5";
255        /**
256         * Determine if the input variable name is a valid NASA product
257         *
258         * @param varName Variable name to validate.
259         *
260         * @return {@code true} if {@code varName} passes checks.
261         */
263        public static boolean isValidNASA(String varName) {
264                boolean isValid = false;
265                if (varName == null) return isValid; 
266                for (String s : validNASAVariableNames) {
267                        if (s.equals(varName)) {
268                                isValid = true;
269                                break;
270                        }
271                }
272                return isValid;
273        }
275        /**
276         * Determine if the set if filenames constitutes contiguous SNPP granules
277         * of the same geographic coverage.
278         *
279         * @param fileList List of files to validate.
280         *
281         * @return {@code true} if {@code fileList} passes checks.
282         */
284        public static boolean isValidSet(List fileList) {
286                // map with filename from start date through orbit will be used for comparisons
287        Map<String, List<String>> metadataMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
289        // Pass 1, populate the list of products selected, and empty maps
290        for (Object o : fileList) {
291                String filename = (String) o;
292                // start at last path separator to clip off absolute paths
293                int lastSeparator = filename.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar);
294                // NOAA style products
295                if (filename.endsWith(".h5")) {
296                        // products go to first underscore, see regex above for more detail
297                        int firstUnderscore = filename.indexOf("_", lastSeparator + 1);
298                        String prodStr = filename.substring(lastSeparator + 1, firstUnderscore);
299                        if (! metadataMap.containsKey(prodStr)) {
300                                        List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>();
301                                        metadataMap.put(prodStr, l);
302                        }
303                }
304                // NASA style products
305                if (filename.endsWith(".nc")) {
306                        // products end at first underscore, see regex above for more detail
307                        int firstUnderscore = filename.indexOf("_", lastSeparator + 1);
308                        int secondUnderscore = filename.indexOf("_", firstUnderscore + 1);
309                        String prodStr = filename.substring(firstUnderscore + 1, secondUnderscore);
310                        if (! metadataMap.containsKey(prodStr)) {
311                                        List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>();
312                                        metadataMap.put(prodStr, l);
313                        }
314                }
315        }
317        // Pass 2, build up the lists of meta data strings and full filenames
318        for (Object o : fileList) {
319                String filename = (String) o;
320                // start at last path separator to clip off absolute paths
321                int lastSeparator = filename.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar);
323                // NOAA style products
324                if (filename.endsWith(".h5")) {
325                        // products go to first underscore, see regex above for more detail
326                        int firstUnderscore = filename.indexOf("_", lastSeparator + 1);
327                        // this is the key for the maps
328                        String prodStr = filename.substring(lastSeparator + 1, firstUnderscore);
329                        // this is the value for the meta data map - start time through orbit 
330                        String metaStr = filename.substring(firstUnderscore + 1, firstUnderscore + 39);
331                        // get the appropriate list, add the new value
332                        List<String> l = (List<String>) metadataMap.get(prodStr);
333                        l.add(metaStr);
334                        metadataMap.put(prodStr, l);
335                }
337                // NASA style products
338                if (filename.endsWith(".nc")) {
339                        // products end at first underscore, see regex above for more detail
340                        int firstUnderscore = filename.indexOf("_", lastSeparator + 1);
341                        int secondUnderscore = filename.indexOf("_", firstUnderscore + 1);
342                        // this is the key for the maps
343                        String prodStr = filename.substring(firstUnderscore + 1, secondUnderscore);
344                        // this is the value for the meta data map - date and time 
345                        int dateIndex = filename.indexOf("_d");
346                        int creationIndex = filename.indexOf("_c");
347                        String metaStr = filename.substring(dateIndex + 1, creationIndex);
348                        // get the appropriate list, add the new value
349                        List<String> l = (List<String>) metadataMap.get(prodStr);
350                        l.add(metaStr);
351                        metadataMap.put(prodStr, l);
352                }
353        }
355        // loop over metadata map, every list much match the one for ALL other products
356        Set<String> s = metadataMap.keySet();
357        Iterator iterator = s.iterator();
358        List prvList = null;
359        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
360                String key = (String) iterator.next();
361                List l = (List) metadataMap.get(key);
362                for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
363                        if (prvList != null) {
364                                if (! l.equals(prvList)) return false;
365                        }
366                }
367                prvList = l;
368        }
370                return true;
371        }
373        /**
374         * Replace last substring within input string which matches the input with the 
375         * provided replacement string.
376         * 
377         * @param string
378         * @param substring
379         * @param replacestr
380         * @return
381         */
383        public static String replaceLast(String string, String substring, String replacestr) {
384                // Sanity check on input
385                if (string == null) return null;
386                if ((substring == null) || (replacestr == null)) return string;
388                int index = string.lastIndexOf(substring);
390                // substring not present
391                if (index == -1)
392                        return string;
393                // it's there, swap it
394                return string.substring(0, index) + replacestr
395                                + string.substring(index + substring.length());
396        }
398        /**
399         * Determine if a set if filenames which constitutes contiguous SNPP
400         * granules of various products all share the same geolocation data type.
401         *
402         * @param fileList List of files to validate.
403         * @param directory Used when {@literal "GEO"} is not embedded within one
404         *                  of {@code fileList}.
405         *
406         * @return {@code true} if {@code fileList} passes checks.
407         */
409        public static boolean hasCommonGeo(List fileList, File directory) {
410                Set<String> s = new HashSet<String>();
411                boolean isCombinedProduct = false;
413                // loop through all filenames provided
414        for (Object o : fileList) {
415                isCombinedProduct = false;
416                String filename = (String) o;
418                // check the case where GEO is embedded in the data granules
419                int lastSeparator = filename.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar);
420                int firstUnderscore = filename.indexOf("_", lastSeparator + 1);
421                String prodStr = filename.substring(lastSeparator + 1, firstUnderscore);
422            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(prodStr, "-");
423            while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
424                String singleProd = st.nextToken();
425                for (int i = 0; i < JPSSUtilities.geoProductIDs.length; i++) {
426                        if (singleProd.equals(JPSSUtilities.geoProductIDs[i])) {
427                                s.add(singleProd);
428                                isCombinedProduct = true;
429                                break;
430                        }
431                }
432            }
433            // GEO not embedded in file, need to see which GEO file is
434                        // referenced in the global attribute
435            if (! isCombinedProduct) {
436                try {
437                        String fileFullPath = directory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + filename;
438                                        NetcdfFile ncfile = NetcdfFile.open(fileFullPath);
439                                        Attribute a = ncfile.findGlobalAttribute("N_GEO_Ref");
440                                        if (a != null) {
441                                                String geoFromAttr = a.getStringValue().substring(0, 5);
442                                                s.add(geoFromAttr);
443                                        }
444                                        ncfile.close();
445                                } catch (IOException ioe) {
446                        logger.error("problem reading from attribute", ioe);
447                                }
448            }
449        }
451        // if the products chosen utilize multiple GEO types, fail the selection
452        if (s.size() > 1) return false;
453                return true;
454        }