002 * This file is part of McIDAS-V
003 *
004 * Copyright 2007-2023
005 * Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC)
006 * University of Wisconsin - Madison
007 * 1225 W. Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706, USA
008 * https://www.ssec.wisc.edu/mcidas
009 * 
010 * All Rights Reserved
011 * 
012 * McIDAS-V is built on Unidata's IDV and SSEC's VisAD libraries, and
013 * some McIDAS-V source code is based on IDV and VisAD source code.  
014 * 
015 * McIDAS-V is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
016 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
017 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
018 * (at your option) any later version.
019 * 
020 * McIDAS-V is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
021 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
023 * GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
024 * 
025 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
026 * along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.
027 */
029package edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.jython;
031import java.io.File;
032import java.io.InputStream;
033import java.net.URL;
034import java.util.ArrayList;
035import java.util.List;
037import org.python.core.Py;
038import org.python.core.PyObject;
039import org.python.core.PyString;
040import org.python.core.PyStringMap;
043 * A {@code Command} is an action that can alter the state of an 
044 * {@link Interpreter}.
045 */
046public abstract class Command {
048    /** Console that created this command. */
049    protected Console console;
051    /**
052     * Creates a command.
053     * 
054     * @param console Console that created this command.
055     */
056    public Command(final Console console) {
057        this.console = console;
058    }
060    /**
061     * Hook to provide various implementations of command execution.
062     * 
063     * @param interpreter Jython interpreter that will execute the command.
064     * 
065     * @throws Exception An error was encountered executing the command. Jython
066     * will catch three standard Python exceptions: SyntaxError, ValueError, 
067     * and OverflowError. Other exceptions are thrown.
068     */
069    public abstract void execute(final Interpreter interpreter)
070        throws Exception;
072    /**
073     * Creates a {@link InputStream} using {@code path}. It's here entirely for
074     * convenience.
075     * 
076     * @param path Path to the desired file.
077     * 
078     * @return {code InputStream} for {@code path}.
079     * 
080     * @throws Exception if there was badness.
081     */
082    protected InputStream getInputStream(final String path) throws Exception {
083        File f = new File(path);
084        if (f.exists()) {
085            return f.toURI().toURL().openStream();
086        }
087        URL url = getClass().getResource(path);
088        if (url != null) { 
089            return url.openStream();
090        }
091        return null;
092    }
096 * This class is a type of {@link Command} that represents a line of Jython. 
097 * These sorts of commands are only created by user input in a {@link Console}.
098 */
099class LineCommand extends Command {
101    /** The line of jython that needs to be passed to the interpreter */
102    private String command;
104    /**
105     * Creates a command based upon the contents of {@code command}.
106     * 
107     * @param console Console where the specified text came from.
108     * @param command Text that will be passed to an {@link Interpreter} for
109     * execution.
110     */
111    public LineCommand(final Console console, final String command) {
112        super(console);
113        this.command = command;
114    }
116    /**
117     * Attempts to execute a line of Jython. Displays the appropriate prompt
118     * on {@link Command#console}, depending upon whether Jython requires more
119     * input.
120     * 
121     * @param interpreter Interpreter that will execute this command.
122     * 
123     * @throws Exception See {@link Command#execute(Interpreter)}.
124     */
125    public void execute(final Interpreter interpreter) throws Exception {
126        if (!interpreter.push(console, command)) {
127            interpreter.handleStreams(console, command);
128            console.prompt();
129        } else {
130            console.moreInput();
131        }
132    }
134    @Override public String toString() {
135        return "[LineCommand@" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode()) +
136            ": command=" + command + "]";
137    }
141 * This class represents a {@link Command} that injects a standard Java 
142 * variable into the local namespace of an {@link Interpreter}. This is useful
143 * for allowing Jython to manipulate objects created by the IDV or McIDAS-V.
144 */
145//class InjectCommand extends Command {
146//    /** Name Jython will use to refer to {@link #pyObject}. */
147//    private String name;
149//    /** Wrapper around the Java object that is being injected. */
150//    private PyObject pyObject;
152//    /**
153//     * Creates an injection command based upon the specified name and object.
154//     * 
155//     * @param console Likely not required in this context!
156//     * @param name Name Jython will use to refer to {@code pyObject}.
157//     * @param pyObject Wrapper around the Java object that is being injected.
158//     */
159//    public InjectCommand(final Console console, final String name, 
160//        final PyObject pyObject) 
161//    {
162//        super(console);
163//        this.name = name;
164//        this.pyObject = pyObject;
165//    }
167//    /**
168//     * Attempts to inject a variable created in Java into the local namespace 
169//     * of {@code interpreter}.
170//     * 
171//     * @param interpreter Interpreter that will execute this command.
172//     * 
173//     * @throws Exception if {@link Interpreter#set(String, PyObject)} had 
174//     * problems.
175//     */
176//    public void execute(final Interpreter interpreter) throws Exception {
177//        interpreter.set(name, pyObject);
178//    }
180//    @Override public String toString() {
181//        return "[InjectCommand@" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode()) + 
182//            ": name=" + name + ", pyObject=" + pyObject + "]";
183//    }
185class InjectCommand extends Command {
187    /** Name Jython will use to refer to {@link #object}. */
188    private String name;
190    /** Wrapper around the Java object that is being injected. */
191    private Object object;
193    /**
194     * Creates an injection command based upon the specified name and object.
195     * 
196     * @param console Likely not required in this context!
197     * @param name Name Jython will use to refer to {@code object}.
198     * @param object Wrapper around the Java object that is being injected.
199     */
200    public InjectCommand(final Console console, final String name, 
201        final Object object) 
202    {
203        super(console);
204        this.name = name;
205        this.object = object;
206    }
208    /**
209     * Attempts to inject a variable created in Java into the local namespace 
210     * of {@code interpreter}.
211     * 
212     * @param interpreter Interpreter that will execute this command.
213     * 
214     * @throws Exception if {@link Interpreter#set(String, PyObject)} had 
215     * problems.
216     */
217    public void execute(final Interpreter interpreter) throws Exception {
218        interpreter.set(name, object);
219    }
221    @Override public String toString() {
222        return "[InjectCommand@" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode()) + 
223            ": name=" + name + ", object=" + object + "]";
224    }
228 * This class represents a {@link Command} that removes an object from the 
229 * local namespace of an {@link Interpreter}. These commands can remove any 
230 * Jython objects, while {@link InjectCommand} may only inject Java objects.
231 */
232class EjectCommand extends Command {
234    /** Name of the Jython object to remove. */
235    private String name;
237    /**
238     * Creates an ejection command for {@code name}.
239     * 
240     * @param console Console that requested {@code name}'s removal.
241     * @param name Name of the Jython object that needs removin'.
242     */
243    public EjectCommand(final Console console, final String name) {
244        super(console);
245        this.name = name;
246    }
248    /**
249     * Attempts to remove whatever Jython knows as {@code name} from the local
250     * namespace of {@code interpreter}.
251     * 
252     * @param interpreter Interpreter whose local namespace is required.
253     * 
254     * @throws Exception if {@link PyObject#__delitem__(PyObject)} had some
255     * second thoughts about ejection.
256     */
257    public void execute(final Interpreter interpreter) throws Exception {
258        interpreter.getLocals().__delitem__(name);
259    }
261    @Override public String toString() {
262        return String.format("[EjectCommand@%x: name=%s]", hashCode(), name);
263    }
266// TODO(jon): when documenting this, make sure to note that the commands appear
267// in the console as "normal" user input.
268class BatchCommand extends Command {
270    private final String bufferSource;
272    private final List<String> commandBuffer;
274    public BatchCommand(final Console console, final String bufferSource,
275        final List<String> buffer) 
276    {
277        super(console);
278        this.bufferSource = bufferSource;
279        this.commandBuffer = new ArrayList<>(buffer);
280    }
282    public void execute(final Interpreter interpreter) throws Exception {
283        PyStringMap locals = (PyStringMap)interpreter.getLocals();
284        PyObject currentName = locals.__getitem__(new PyString("__name__"));
285        locals.__setitem__("__name__", new PyString("__main__"));
287        for (String command : commandBuffer) {
288            console.insert(Console.TXT_NORMAL, command);
289            if (!interpreter.push(console, command)) {
290                interpreter.handleStreams(console, command);
291                console.prompt();
292            } else {
293                console.moreInput();
294            }
295        }
296        locals.__setitem__("__name__", currentName);
297        commandBuffer.clear();
298    }
300    @Override public String toString() {
301        return String.format("[BatchCommand@%x: bufferSource=%s, commandBuffer=%s]",
302            hashCode(), bufferSource, commandBuffer);
303    }
306class RegisterCallbackCommand extends Command {
308    private final ConsoleCallback callback;
310    public RegisterCallbackCommand(final Console console, final ConsoleCallback callback) {
311        super(console);
312        this.callback = callback;
313    }
315    public void execute(final Interpreter interpreter) throws Exception {
316        if (interpreter == null) {
317            throw new NullPointerException("Interpreter is null!");
318        }
319        interpreter.setCallbackHandler(callback);
320    }
324 * This class is a type of {@link Command} that represents a request to use
325 * Jython to run a file containing Jython statements. This is conceptually a 
326 * bit similar to importing a module, but the loading is done behind the scenes
327 * and you may specify whatever namespace you like (be careful!).
328 */
329class LoadFileCommand extends Command {
331    /** Namespace to use when executing {@link #path}. */
332    private String name;
334    /** Path to the Jython file awaiting execution. */
335    private String path;
337    /**
338     * Creates a command that will attempt to execute a Jython file in the 
339     * namespace given by {@code name}.
340     * 
341     * @param console Originating console.
342     * @param name Namespace to use when executing {@code path}.
343     * @param path Path to a Jython file.
344     */
345    public LoadFileCommand(final Console console, final String name, 
346        final String path) 
347    {
348        super(console);
349        this.name = name;
350        this.path = path;
351    }
353    /**
354     * Tries to load the file specified by {@code path} using {@code moduleName}
355     * for the {@code __name__} attribute. Note that this command does not
356     * currently display any results in the originating {@link Console}.
357     * 
358     * <p>If {@code moduleName} is not {@code __main__}, this command is 
359     * basically the same thing as doing {@code from moduleName import *}.
360     * 
361     * <p>If {@code moduleName} <b>is</b> {@code __main__}, then this command
362     * will work for {@code if __name__ == '__main__'} and will run main 
363     * functions as expected.
364     * 
365     * @param interpreter Interpreter to use to load the specified file.
366     * 
367     * @throws Exception if Jython has a problem with running {@code path}.
368     */
369    public void execute(final Interpreter interpreter) throws Exception {
370        InputStream stream = getInputStream(path);
371        if (stream == null) {
372            return;
373        }
374        PyStringMap locals = (PyStringMap)interpreter.getLocals();
375        PyObject currentName = locals.__getitem__(new PyString("__name__"));
376        locals.__setitem__("__name__", new PyString(name));
377        interpreter.execfile(stream, path);
378        locals.__setitem__("__name__", currentName);
380        Py.getSystemState().stdout.invoke("flush");
381        Py.getSystemState().stderr.invoke("flush");
382//        interpreter.handleStreams(console, " ");
383//        console.prompt();
384    }
386    @Override public String toString() {
387        return "[LoadFileCommand@" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode()) + 
388            ": path=" + path + "]";
389    }