002 * This file is part of McIDAS-V
003 *
004 * Copyright 2007-2023
005 * Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC)
006 * University of Wisconsin - Madison
007 * 1225 W. Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706, USA
008 * https://www.ssec.wisc.edu/mcidas
009 * 
010 * All Rights Reserved
011 * 
012 * McIDAS-V is built on Unidata's IDV and SSEC's VisAD libraries, and
013 * some McIDAS-V source code is based on IDV and VisAD source code.  
014 * 
015 * McIDAS-V is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
016 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
017 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
018 * (at your option) any later version.
019 * 
020 * McIDAS-V is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
021 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
023 * GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
024 * 
025 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
026 * along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.
027 */
028package edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.servermanager;
030import java.util.Collections;
031import java.util.List;
032import java.util.Map;
034import edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util.MakeToString;
035import org.slf4j.Logger;
036import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
039 *
040 */
041public class LocalAddeEntry implements AddeEntry {
043    /** Friendly neighborhood logging object. */
044    static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LocalAddeEntry.class);
046    /** Represents a {@literal "bad"} local ADDE entry. */
047    // seriously, don't use null unless you REALLY need it.
048    public static final LocalAddeEntry INVALID_ENTRY = new Builder("INVALID", "INVALID", "/dev/null", AddeFormat.INVALID).build();
050    /** Represents a {@literal "bad"} collection of local ADDE entries. */
051    public static final List<LocalAddeEntry> INVALID_ENTRIES = Collections.singletonList(INVALID_ENTRY);
053    /** Status of this entry. */
054    private EntryStatus entryStatus = EntryStatus.INVALID;
057    /** N1 */
058    private final String group;
060    /** N2 */
061    // this value is built in a non-obvious way. plz to be dox.
062    private final String descriptor;
064    /** RT */
065    private final boolean realtime;
067    /** MCV */
068    private final AddeFormat format;
070    /** R1 */
071    private final String start;
073    /** R2 */
074    private final String end;
076    /** MASK */
077    private final String fileMask;
079    /** C */
080    private final String name;
083    private String asStringId;
085    /** Whether or not this entry is temporary. */
086    private final boolean isTemporary;
088    /** Allows the user to refer to this entry with an arbitrary name. */
089    private String entryAlias;
091    public enum ServerName {
092        // note: if you are adding a new server you may need to edit the
093        // AddeFormat enum below, the "formats" field in both
094        // LocalEntryEditor and LocalEntryShortcut, and the _formats dictionary
095        // in mcvadde.py.
098    }
100    /**
101     * The various kinds of local ADDE data understood by McIDAS-V, along with
102     * some helpful metadata.
103     * 
104     * <ul>
105     * <li>{@literal "Human readable"} format names ({@link #friendlyName}).</li>
106     * <li>Optional tooltip description ({@link #tooltip}).</li>
107     * <li>Type of data ({@link #type}).</li>
108     * <li>File naming pattern {@link #fileFilter}.</li>
109     * </ul>
110     * 
111     * <p>None of {@code AddeFormat}'s fields should contain {@code null}.</p>
112     */
113    public enum AddeFormat {
114        // note: if you are adding a new value to this list, you may need to
115        // edit the ServerName enum, the "formats" field in both
116        // LocalEntryEditor and LocalEntryShortcut, and the _formats dictionary
117        // in mcvadde.py.
118        // sorry. :(
119        MCIDAS_AREA(ServerName.AREA, "McIDAS AREA"),
120        MCIDAS_MD(ServerName.MD, "McIDAS MD", "McIDAS MD", EntryType.POINT),
121        AMSRE_L1B(ServerName.AMSR, "AMSR-E L 1b", "AMSR-E Level 1b"),
122        AMSRE_L2A(ServerName.AMSE, "AMSR-E L 2a", "AMSR-E Level 2a"),
123        AMSRE_RAIN_PRODUCT(ServerName.AMRR, "AMSR-E Rain Product"),
124        GINI(ServerName.GINI, "GINI"),
125        GOES16_ABI(ServerName.ABIN, "GOES ABI", "GOES ABI"),
126        HIMAWARI8(ServerName.WARI, "Himawari 8", "Himawari 8"),
127        HIMAWARICAST(ServerName.WARC, "HimawariCast", "HimawariCast"),
128        INSAT3D_IMAGER(ServerName.INDI, "INSAT-3D Imager", "INSAT-3D Imager"),
129        INSAT3D_SOUNDER(ServerName.INDS, "INSAT-3D Sounder", "INSAT-3D Sounder"),
130        LRIT_GOES9(ServerName.FSDX, "LRIT GOES-9", "EUMETCast LRIT GOES-9"),
131        LRIT_GOES10(ServerName.FSDX, "LRIT GOES-10", "EUMETCast LRIT GOES-10"),
132        LRIT_GOES11(ServerName.FSDX, "LRIT GOES-11", "EUMETCast LRIT GOES-11"),
133        LRIT_GOES12(ServerName.FSDX, "LRIT GOES-12", "EUMETCast LRIT GOES-12"),
134        LRIT_MET5(ServerName.FSDX, "LRIT MET-5", "EUMETCast LRIT MET-5"),
135        LRIT_MET7(ServerName.FSDX, "LRIT MET-7", "EUMETCast LRIT MET-7"),
136        LRIT_MTSAT1R(ServerName.FSDX, "LRIT MTSAT-1R", "EUMETCast LRIT MTSAT-1R"),
137        METEOSAT_OPENMTP(ServerName.OMTP, "Meteosat OpenMTP"),
138        METOP_AVHRR_L1B(ServerName.LV1B, "Metop AVHRR L 1b", "Metop AVHRR Level 1b"),
139        MODIS_L1B_MOD02(ServerName.MODS, "MODIS MOD 02 - Level-1B Calibrated Geolocated Radiances", "MODIS Level 1b"),
140        MODIS_L2_MOD06(ServerName.MODX, "MODIS MOD 06 - Cloud Product", "MODIS Level 2 (Cloud Top Properties)"),
141        MODIS_L2_MOD07(ServerName.MODX, "MODIS MOD 07 - Atmospheric Profiles", "MODIS Level 2 (Atmospheric Profile)"),
142        MODIS_L2_MOD35(ServerName.MODX, "MODIS MOD 35 - Cloud Mask", "MODIS Level 2 (Cloud Mask)"),
143        MODIS_L2_MOD04(ServerName.MOD4, "MODIS MOD 04 - Aerosol Product", "MODIS Level 2 (Aerosol)"),
144        MODIS_L2_MOD28(ServerName.MOD8, "MODIS MOD 28 - Sea Surface Temperature", "MODIS Level 2 (Sea Surface Temperature)"),
145        MODIS_L2_MODR(ServerName.MODR, "MODIS MOD R - Corrected Reflectance", "MODIS Level 2 (Corrected Reflectance)"),
146        MSG_HRIT_FD(ServerName.MSGT, "MSG HRIT FD", "MSG HRIT (Full Disk)"),
147        MSG_HRIT_HRV(ServerName.MSGT, "MSG HRIT HRV", "MSG HRIT (High Resolution Visible)"),
148        MSG_NATIVE(ServerName.MSGS, "MSG Native Format", "MSG Native Format (*.nat) data"),
149        MTSAT_HRIT(ServerName.MTST, "MTSAT HRIT"),
150        NOAA_AVHRR_L1B(ServerName.LV1B, "NOAA AVHRR L 1b", "NOAA AVHRR Level 1b"),
151        SCMI(ServerName.SCMI, "SCMI", "Sectorized CMI"),
152        SSMI(ServerName.SMIN, "SSMI", "Terrascan netCDF (SMIN)"),
153        TRMM(ServerName.TMIN, "TRMM", "Terrascan netCDF (TMIN)"),
154        VIIRSD(ServerName.VIIR, "VIIRS SDR Day/Night Band", "JPSS VIIRS SDR Day/Night Band"),
155                VIIRSI(ServerName.VIIR, "VIIRS SDR I-Band", "JPSS VIIRS SDR I-Band"),
156        VIIRSM(ServerName.VIIR, "VIIRS SDR M-Band", "JPSS VIIRS SDR M-Band"),
157                VIIREI(ServerName.VIIR, "VIIRS EDR I-Band", "JPSS VIIRS EDR I-Band"),
158                VIIREM(ServerName.VIIR, "VIIRS EDR M-Band", "JPSS VIIRS EDR M-Band"),
159        INVALID(ServerName.INVALID, "", "", EntryType.INVALID);
161        /** Name of the McIDAS-X server. */
162        private final ServerName servName;
164        /** {@literal "Human readable"} format name. This is returned by {@link #toString()}. */
165        private final String friendlyName;
167        /** Description of the format. */
168        private final String tooltip;
170        /** Data type. Corresponds to {@code TYPE} in {@literal "RESOLV.SRV"}. */
171        private final EntryType type;
173        /** 
174         * Filename pattern used when listing files in a directory. 
175         * If {@link #servName} is {@link ServerName#MSGT} then 
176         * {@literal "*PRO*"} is used, otherwise {@literal "*"}. 
177         */
178        private final String fileFilter;
180        /**
181         * Builds an {@literal "ADDE format"} and its associated metadata in 
182         * a typesafe way.
183         * 
184         * @param servName {@link ServerName} that McIDAS-X uses for this format. 
185         * @param friendlyName {@literal "Human readable"} name of the format; returned by {@link #toString()}.
186         * @param tooltip If non-empty, this is used as a tooltip in the local entry editor.
187         * @param type {@link EntryType} used by this format.
188         */
189        AddeFormat(final ServerName servName, final String friendlyName, final String tooltip, final EntryType type) {
190            this.servName = servName;
191            this.friendlyName = friendlyName;
192            this.tooltip = tooltip;
193            this.type = type;
194            this.fileFilter = (servName != ServerName.MSGT) ? "*" : "*PRO*";
195        }
197        /**
198         * Builds an {@literal "imagery ADDE Format"} <b>without</b> a tooltip.
199         *
200         * @param servName {@link ServerName} that McIDAS-X uses for this format.
201         * @param friendlyName {@literal "Human readable"} name of the format; returned by {@link #toString()}.
202         */
203        AddeFormat(final ServerName servName, final String friendlyName) {
204            this(servName, friendlyName, "", EntryType.IMAGE);
205        }
207        /**
208         * Builds an {@literal "imagery ADDE Format"} <b>with</b> a tooltip.
209         *
210         * @param servName {@link ServerName} that McIDAS-X uses for this format.
211         * @param friendlyName {@literal "Human readable"} name of the format; returned by {@link #toString()}.
212         * @param tooltip If non-empty, this is used as a tooltip in the local entry editor.
213         */
214        AddeFormat(final ServerName servName, final String friendlyName, final String tooltip) {
215            this(servName, friendlyName, tooltip, EntryType.IMAGE);
216        }
218        /**
219         * Gets the McIDAS-X {@link ServerName} for this format.
220         *
221         * @return Either the name of this format's McIDAS-X server, or
222         * {@link ServerName#INVALID}.
223         */
224        public ServerName getServerName() {
225            return servName;
226        }
228        /**
229         * Gets the tooltip text to use in the server manager GUI for this
230         * format.
231         *
232         * @return Text to use as a GUI tooltip. Cannot be {@code null}, though
233         * empty {@code String} values are permitted.
234         */
235        public String getTooltip() {
236            return tooltip;
237        }
239        /**
240         * Gets the type of data used by this format. This value dictates the
241         * chooser(s) where this format can appear.
242         *
243         * @return One of {@link AddeEntry.EntryType EntryType}, or
244         * {@link AddeEntry.EntryType#INVALID INVALID}.
245         */
246        public EntryType getType() {
247            return type;
248        }
250        /**
251         * Gets the string used to filter out files that match this format.
252         *
253         * @return Either a specialized {@code String}, like {@literal "*PRO*"}
254         * or {@literal "*"}.
255         */
256        public String getFileFilter() {
257            return fileFilter;
258        }
260        /**
261         * Gets the {@code String} representation of this format.
262         *
263         * @return the value of {@link #friendlyName}.
264         */
265        @Override public String toString() {
266            return friendlyName;
267        }
268    }
270    /**
271     * Creates a new local ADDE entry from the given {@code builder} object.
272     *
273     * @param builder Builder that represents a local ADDE entry.
274     * 
275     * @see LocalAddeEntry.Builder
276     */
277    private LocalAddeEntry(final Builder builder) {
278        this.group = builder.group;
279        this.descriptor = builder.descriptor;
280        this.realtime = builder.realtime;
281        this.format = builder.format;
282        this.fileMask = builder.mask;
283        this.name = builder.name;
284        this.start = builder.start;
285        this.end = builder.end;
286        this.entryStatus = builder.status;
287        this.isTemporary = builder.temporary;
288        this.entryAlias = builder.alias;
289        logger.debug("created local: {}", this);
290    }
292    @Override public AddeAccount getAccount() {
293        return RemoteAddeEntry.DEFAULT_ACCOUNT;
294    }
296    @Override public String getAddress() {
297        return "localhost";
298    }
300    @Override public EntrySource getEntrySource() {
301        return EntrySource.USER;
302    }
304    @Override public EntryStatus getEntryStatus() {
305        return entryStatus;
306    }
308    @Override public String getEntryText() {
309        return "localhost/"+getGroup();
310    }
312    @Override public EntryType getEntryType() {
313        return format.getType();
314    }
316    @Override public EntryValidity getEntryValidity() {
317        return (isValid()) ? EntryValidity.VERIFIED : EntryValidity.INVALID;
318    }
320    // TODO(jon): fix this noop
321    @Override public String getEntryAlias() {
322        String tmp = entryAlias;
323        if (entryAlias == null) {
324            tmp = "";
325        }
326        return tmp;
327    }
329    // TODO(jon): fix this noop
330    @Override public void setEntryAlias(final String newAlias) {
331        if (newAlias == null) {
332            throw new NullPointerException("Null aliases are not allowable.");
333        }
334        this.entryAlias = newAlias;
335    }
337    @Override public void setEntryStatus(EntryStatus newStatus) {
338        entryStatus = newStatus;
339    }
341    @Override public boolean isEntryTemporary() {
342        return isTemporary;
343    }
345    @Override public String getGroup() {
346        return group;
347    }
349    @Override public String getName() {
350        return name;
351    }
353    /**
354     * Gets the ADDE descriptor for the current local ADDE entry.
355     * 
356     * @return ADDE descriptor (corresponds to the {@literal "N2"} section of
357     * a RESOLV.SRV entry).
358     */
359    public String getDescriptor() {
360        return descriptor;
361    }
363    /**
364     * Gets the ADDE dataset format for the current local ADDE entry.
365     * 
366     * @return ADDE format (corresponds to the {@literal "MCV"} section of a
367     * RESOLV.SRV entry).
368     */
369    public AddeFormat getFormat() {
370        return format;
371    }
373    /**
374     * Gets the ADDE file mask for the current local ADDE entry.
375     * 
376     * @return ADDE file mask (corresponds to the {@literal "MASK"} section
377     * of a RESOLV.SRV entry).
378     */
379    public String getMask() {
380        return fileMask;
381    }
383    /**
384     * Gets the ADDE file mask for the current local ADDE entry.
385     * 
386     * @return ADDE file mask (corresponds to the {@literal "MASK"} section
387     * of a RESOLV.SRV entry).
388     */
389    public String getFileMask() {
390        return fileMask;
391    }
393    /**
394     * Gets the ADDE realtime status of the current local ADDE entry.
395     * 
396     * @return Whether or not the current dataset is {@literal "realtime"}.
397     * Corresponds to the {@literal "RT"} section of a RESOLV.SRV entry.
398     */
399    public boolean getRealtime() {
400        return realtime;
401    }
403    /**
404     * Gets the starting number of the current local ADDE dataset.
405     * 
406     * @return Corresponds to the {@literal "R1"} section of a RESOLV.SRV entry.
407     */
408    public String getStart() {
409        return start;
410    }
412    /**
413     * Gets the ending number of the current local ADDE dataset.
414     * 
415     * @return Corresponds to the {@literal "R2"} section of a RESOLV.SRV entry.
416     */
417    public String getEnd() {
418        return end;
419    }
421    /**
422     * Tests the current local ADDE dataset for validity.
423     * 
424     * @return {@code true} iff {@link #group} and {@link #name} are not empty.
425     */
426    public boolean isValid() {
427//        return !((group.isEmpty()) || (descriptor.isEmpty()) || (name.isEmpty()));
428        return !(group.isEmpty() || name.isEmpty());
429    }
431    /**
432     * Gets the local ADDE dataset's realtime status as a value suitable for
433     * RESOLV.SRV (one of {@literal "Y"} or {@literal "N"}).
434     * 
435     * @return RESOLV.SRV-friendly representation of the current realtime status.
436     */
437    public String getRealtimeAsString() {
438        return realtime ? "Y" : "N";
439    }
441    /**
442     * @see LocalAddeEntry#generateHashCode(String, String, String, String, boolean, AddeFormat)
443     */
444    @Override public int hashCode() {
445        return generateHashCode(name, group, fileMask, entryAlias, isTemporary, format);
446    }
448    /**
449     * Checks a given object for equality with the current {@code LocalAddeEntry}
450     * instance.
451     * 
452     * @param obj Object to check. {@code null} values allowed.
453     * 
454     * @return {@code true} if {@code obj} is {@literal "equal"} to the current
455     * {@code LocalAddeEntry} instance.
456     */
457    @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) {
458        if (this == obj) {
459            return true;
460        }
461        if (obj == null) {
462            return false;
463        }
464        if (!(obj instanceof LocalAddeEntry)) {
465            return false;
466        }
467        LocalAddeEntry other = (LocalAddeEntry) obj;
468        if (fileMask == null) {
469            if (other.fileMask != null) {
470                return false;
471            }
472        } else if (!fileMask.equals(other.fileMask)) {
473            return false;
474        }
475        if (format == null) {
476            if (other.format != null) {
477                return false;
478            }
479        } else if (!format.toString().equals(other.format.toString())) {
480            return false;
481        }
482        if (group == null) {
483            if (other.group != null) {
484                return false;
485            }
486        } else if (!group.equals(other.group)) {
487            return false;
488        }
489        if (name == null) {
490            if (other.name != null) {
491                return false;
492            }
493        } else if (!name.equals(other.name)) {
494            return false;
495        }
496        if (entryAlias == null) {
497            if (other.entryAlias != null) {
498                return false;
499            }
500        } else if (!entryAlias.equals(other.entryAlias)) {
501            return false;
502        }
503        if (isTemporary != other.isTemporary) {
504            return false;
505        }
506        return true;
507    }
509    @Override public String asStringId() {
510        if (asStringId == null) {
511            asStringId = "localhost!"+group+'!'+EntryType.IMAGE.name()+'!'+name;
512        }
513        return asStringId;
514    }
516    @Override public String toString() {
517        return MakeToString.fromInstance(this)
518                           .add("name", name)
519                           .addQuoted("group", group)
520                           .addQuoted("fileMask", fileMask)
521                           .add("descriptor", descriptor)
522                           .add("serverName", format.getServerName().name())
523                           .add("format", format.name())
524                           .add("description", format.getTooltip())
525                           .add("type", format.getType())
526                           .add("status", entryStatus.name())
527                           .add("temporary", isTemporary)
528                           .add("alias", entryAlias).toString();
529    }
531    public static int generateHashCode(final LocalAddeEntry entry) {
532        return generateHashCode(entry.getName(), entry.getGroup(), entry.getMask(), entry.getEntryAlias(), entry.isEntryTemporary(), entry.getFormat());
533    }
535    public static int generateHashCode(String name, String group, String fileMask, String entryAlias, boolean isTemporary, AddeFormat format) {
536        final int prime = 31;
537        int result = 1;
538        result = prime * result
539            + ((fileMask == null) ? 0 : fileMask.hashCode());
540        result = prime * result + ((format == null) ? 0 : format.toString().hashCode());
541        result = prime * result + ((group == null) ? 0 : group.hashCode());
542        result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode());
543        result = prime * result + ((entryAlias == null) ? 0 : entryAlias.hashCode());
544        result = prime * result + (isTemporary ? 1231 : 1237);
545        return result;
546    }
548    /**
549     * A builder of (mostly) immutable {@link LocalAddeEntry} instances.
550     * 
551     * <p>Usage example: <pre>    {@code
552     *     LocalAddeEntry entry = new LocalAddeEntry
553     *         .Builder(group, name, format, mask)
554     *         .realtime("Y")
555     *         .range(start, end)
556     *         .type(EntryType.POINT)
557     *         .build();}</pre>
558     * 
559     * Only the values required by the Builder constructor are required.
560     */
561    public static class Builder {
562        // required
563        /** Corresponds to RESOLV.SRV's {@literal "N1"} section. */
564        private final String group;
566        /** Corresponds to RESOLV.SRV's {@literal "C"} section. */
567        private final String name;
569        /** Corresponds to RESOLV.SRV's {@literal "MCV"} section. */
570        private final AddeFormat format;
572        /** Corresponds to RESOLV.SRV's {@literal "MASK"} section. */
573        private final String mask;
575        // generated
576        private String descriptor;
578        // optional
579        /**
580         * Corresponds to RESOLV.SRV's {@literal "RT"} section.
581         * Defaults to {@code false}.
582         */
583        private boolean realtime = false;
585        /**
586         * Corresponds to RESOLV.SRV's {@literal "R1"} section.
587         * Defaults to {@literal "1"}.
588         */
589        private String start = "1";
591        /**
592         * Corresponds to RESOLV.SRV's {@literal "R2"} section.
593         * Defaults to {@literal "999999"}.
594         */
595        private String end = "999999";
597        /**
598         * Defaults to {@link AddeEntry.EntryStatus#INVALID}.
599         */
600        private EntryStatus status = EntryStatus.INVALID;
602        /**
603         * Corresponds to RESOLV.SRV's {@literal "TYPE"} section.
604         * Defaults to {@link AddeEntry.EntryType#IMAGE IMAGE}.
605         */
606        private EntryType type = EntryType.IMAGE;
608        /**
609         * Corresponds to RESOLV.SRV's {@literal "K"} section.
610         * Defaults to {@literal "NOT_SET"}.
611         */
612        private String kind = "NOT_SET";
614        /**
615         * Defaults to {@link ServerName#INVALID}.
616         */
617        private ServerName safeKind = ServerName.INVALID;
619        /** */
620        private boolean temporary = false;
622        /** */
623        private String alias = "";
625        public Builder(final Map<String, String> map) {
626            if (!map.containsKey("C") || !map.containsKey("N1") || !map.containsKey("MASK") || !map.containsKey("MCV")) {
627                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot build a LocalAddeEntry without the following keys: C, N1, MASK, and MCV.");
628            }
630            this.name = map.get("C");
631            this.group = map.get("N1");
632            this.mask = map.get("MASK");
633            this.format = EntryTransforms.strToAddeFormat(map.get("MCV"));
635//            descriptor(map.get("N2"));
636            type(EntryTransforms.strToEntryType(map.get("TYPE")));
637            kind(map.get("K").toUpperCase());
638            realtime(map.get("RT"));
639            start(map.get("R1"));
640            end(map.get("R2"));
642            if (map.containsKey("TEMPORARY")) {
643                temporary(map.get("TEMPORARY"));
644            }
645        }
647        /**
648         * Creates a new {@code LocalAddeEntry} {@literal "builder"} with the 
649         * required fields for a {@code LocalAddeEntry} object.
650         * 
651         * @param name Name of the local ADDE dataset.
652         * @param group ADDE group name.
653         * @param mask Local file mask.
654         * @param format Type of data.
655         */
656        public Builder(final String name, final String group, final String mask, final AddeFormat format) {
657            this.name = name;
658            this.group = group;
659            this.mask = mask;
660            this.format = format;
661        }
663        /**
664         * This method is currently a no-op.
665         *
666         * @param descriptor Local ADDE entry descriptor. Currently ignored.
667         *
668         * @return {@code LocalAddeEntry.Builder} with ADDE descriptor.
669         */
670        public Builder descriptor(final String descriptor) {
671//            if (descriptor != null) {
672//                this.descriptor = descriptor;
673//            }
674            return this;
675        }
677        /**
678         *
679         *
680         * @param realtimeAsStr Whether or not the local ADDE entry is
681         *                      {@literal "real time"}.
682         *
683         * @return {@code LocalAddeEntry.Builder} with ADDE realtime flag.
684         */
685        // looks like mcidasx understands ("Y"/"N"/"A")
686        // should probably ignore case and accept "YES"/"NO"/"ARCHIVE"
687        // in addition to the normal boolean conversion from String
688        public Builder realtime(final String realtimeAsStr) {
689            if (realtimeAsStr == null) {
690                return this;
691            }
693            if ("Y".equalsIgnoreCase(realtimeAsStr) || "YES".equalsIgnoreCase(realtimeAsStr)) {
694                this.realtime = true;
695            } else {
696                this.realtime = Boolean.valueOf(realtimeAsStr);
697            }
698            return this;
699        }
701        /**
702         *
703         *
704         * @param realtime Whether or not the local ADDE entry is
705         *                 {@literal "real time"}.
706         *
707         * @return {@code LocalAddeEntry.Builder} with ADDE realtime flag.
708         */
709        public Builder realtime(final boolean realtime) {
710            this.realtime = realtime;
711            return this;
712        }
714        /**
715         *
716         *
717         * @param type ADDE data type.
718         *
719         * @return {@code LocalAddeEntry.Builder} with ADDE data type.
720         */
721        // my assumption is that if "format" is known, you can infer "type"
722        public Builder type(final EntryType type) {
723            if (type != null) {
724                this.type = type;
725            }
726            return this;
727        }
729        /**
730         *
731         *
732         * @param kind ADDE server binary used to handle data.
733         *
734         * @return {@code LocalAddeEntry.Builder} with ADDE kind.
735         */
736        // my assumption is that if "format" is known, you can infer "kind"
737        public Builder kind(final String kind) {
738            if (kind == null) {
739                return this;
740            }
742            this.kind = kind;
743            try {
744                this.safeKind = ServerName.valueOf(kind);
745            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { 
746                this.safeKind = ServerName.INVALID;
747            }
748            return this;
749        }
751        /**
752         *
753         *
754         * @param start Beginning of local ADDE dataset.
755         *
756         * @return {@code LocalAddeEntry.Builder} with ADDE dataset
757         * {@literal "start"}.
758         */
759        public Builder start(final String start) {
760            if (start != null) {
761                this.start = start;
762            }
763            return this;
764        }
766        /**
767         *
768         *
769         * @param end End of local ADDE dataset.
770         *
771         * @return {@code LocalAddeEntry.Builder} with ADDE dataset
772         * {@literal "end"}.
773         */
774        public Builder end(final String end) {
775            if (end != null) {
776                this.end = end;
777            }
778            return this;
779        }
781        /**
782         *
783         *
784         * @param start Beginning of local ADDE dataset.
785         * @param end End of local ADDE dataset.
786         *
787         * @return {@code LocalAddeEntry.Builder} with ADDE dataset
788         * {@literal "start" and "end"} values.
789         */
790        public Builder range(final String start, final String end) {
791            if (start != null && end != null) {
792                this.start = start;
793                this.end = end;
794            }
795            return this;
796        }
798        /**
799         *
800         *
801         * @param status String representation of local ADDE entry status.
802         *
803         * @return {@code LocalAddeEntry.Builder} with
804         * {@link AddeEntry.EntryStatus}.
805         */
806        public Builder status(final String status) {
807            if (status != null && status.length() > 0) {
808                this.status = EntryTransforms.strToEntryStatus(status);
809            }
810            return this;
811        }
813        /**
814         * 
815         * 
816         * @param status Local ADDE entry status.
817         * 
818         * @return {@code LocalAddeEntry.Builder} with
819         * {@link AddeEntry.EntryStatus}.
820         */
821        public Builder status(final EntryStatus status) {
822            if (status != null) {
823                this.status = status;
824            }
825            return this;
826        }
828        /**
829         * 
830         * 
831         * @param temporary Whether or not the local ADDE entry will be saved
832         *                  between application sessions.
833         * 
834         * @return {@code LocalAddeEntry.Builder} with the specified temporary
835         * status.
836         */
837        public Builder temporary(final boolean temporary) {
838            this.temporary = temporary;
839            return this;
840        }
842        public Builder temporary(final String temporary) {
843            this.temporary = Boolean.valueOf(temporary);
844            return this;
845        }
847        /**
848         * 
849         * 
850         * @param alias Set an alias to use for the local ADDE entry.
851         * 
852         * @return {@code LocalAddeEntry.Builder} with the specified alias.
853         */
854        public Builder alias(final String alias) {
855            this.alias = alias;
856            return this;
857        }
859        /**
860         * 
861         * 
862         * @return New {@code LocalAddeEntry} instance.
863         */
864        public LocalAddeEntry build() {
865            // apparently need to hack up the descriptor for certain formats
866            switch (format) {
867                case MSG_HRIT_FD: this.descriptor = "FD"; break;
868                case MSG_HRIT_HRV: this.descriptor = "HRV"; break;
869                case LRIT_GOES9: this.descriptor = "GOES9"; break;
870                case LRIT_GOES10: this.descriptor = "GOES10"; break;
871                case LRIT_GOES11: this.descriptor = "GOES11"; break;
872                case LRIT_GOES12: this.descriptor = "GOES12"; break;
873                case LRIT_MET5: this.descriptor = "MET5"; break;
874                case LRIT_MET7: this.descriptor = "MET7"; break;
875                case LRIT_MTSAT1R: this.descriptor = "MTSAT1R"; break;
876                default:
877                    this.descriptor = Integer.toHexString(generateHashCode(name, group, mask, alias, temporary, format));
878                    break;
879            }
880            return new LocalAddeEntry(this);
881        }
882    }