002 * This file is part of McIDAS-V
003 *
004 * Copyright 2007-2023
005 * Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC)
006 * University of Wisconsin - Madison
007 * 1225 W. Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706, USA
008 * https://www.ssec.wisc.edu/mcidas
009 * 
010 * All Rights Reserved
011 * 
012 * McIDAS-V is built on Unidata's IDV and SSEC's VisAD libraries, and
013 * some McIDAS-V source code is based on IDV and VisAD source code.  
014 * 
015 * McIDAS-V is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
016 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
017 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
018 * (at your option) any later version.
019 * 
020 * McIDAS-V is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
021 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
023 * GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
024 * 
025 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
026 * along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.
027 */
028package edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util;
030import static edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util.CollectionHelpers.arrList;
031import static edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util.CollectionHelpers.newLinkedHashMap;
033import java.io.BufferedReader;
034import java.io.File;
035import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
036import java.io.IOException;
037import java.io.InputStream;
038import java.io.InputStreamReader;
039import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory;
040import java.lang.management.OperatingSystemMXBean;
042import java.net.URL;
043import java.nio.file.Path;
044import java.nio.file.Paths;
045import java.text.ParseException;
046import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
047import java.util.Date;
048import java.util.Enumeration;
049import java.util.HashMap;
050import java.util.List;
051import java.util.Map;
052import java.util.Properties;
053import java.util.TimeZone;
054import java.util.TreeSet;
056import java.awt.DisplayMode;
057import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
058import java.awt.GraphicsDevice;
059import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
060import java.awt.Rectangle;
061import java.util.jar.Attributes;
062import java.util.jar.Manifest;
064import javax.management.MBeanServer;
065import javax.management.ObjectName;
066import javax.media.j3d.Canvas3D;
067import javax.media.j3d.VirtualUniverse;
069import com.google.common.base.Splitter;
070import org.python.core.Py;
071import org.python.core.PySystemState;
073import org.python.modules.posix.PosixModule;
074import org.slf4j.Logger;
075import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
077import ucar.nc2.grib.GribConverterUtility;
078import ucar.unidata.idv.ArgsManager;
079import ucar.unidata.idv.IdvResourceManager.IdvResource;
080import ucar.unidata.util.IOUtil;
081import ucar.unidata.util.ResourceCollection;
082import ucar.visad.display.DisplayUtil;
084import edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.Constants;
085import edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.McIDASV;
086import edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.StateManager;
089 * Utility methods for querying the state of the user's machine.
090 */
091public class SystemState {
093    /** Handy logging object. */
094    private static final Logger logger = 
095        LoggerFactory.getLogger(SystemState.class);
097    // Don't allow outside instantiation.
098    private SystemState() { }
100    public static String escapeWhitespaceChars(final CharSequence sequence) {
101        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sequence.length() * 7);
102        for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length(); i++) {
103            switch (sequence.charAt(i)) {
104                case '\t': sb.append("\\t"); break;
105                case '\n': sb.append('\\').append('n'); break;
106                case '\013': sb.append("\\013"); break;
107                case '\f': sb.append("\\f"); break;
108                case '\r': sb.append("\\r"); break;
109                case '\u0085': sb.append("\\u0085"); break;
110                case '\u1680': sb.append("\\u1680"); break;
111                case '\u2028': sb.append("\\u2028"); break;
112                case '\u2029': sb.append("\\u2029"); break;
113                case '\u205f': sb.append("\\u205f"); break;
114                case '\u3000': sb.append("\\u3000"); break;
115            }
116        }
117        return sb.toString();
118    }
120    /**
121     * Query an {@link OperatingSystemMXBean} attribute and return the result.
122     *
123     * @param <T> Type of the expected return value and {@code defaultValue}.
124     * @param attrName Name of the {@code OperatingSystemMXBean} attribute to 
125     *                 query. Cannot be {@code null} or empty.
126     * @param defaultValue Value returned if {@code attrName} could not be 
127     *                     queried.
128     *
129     * @return Either the value corresponding to {@code attrName} or 
130     *         {@code defaultValue}.
131     */
132    private static <T> T queryPlatformBean(final String attrName,
133                                           final T defaultValue)
134    {
135        assert attrName != null : "Cannot query a null attribute name";
136        assert !attrName.isEmpty() : "Cannot query an empty attribute name";
137        T result = defaultValue;
138        try {
139            final ObjectName objName = 
140                new ObjectName("java.lang", "type", "OperatingSystem");
141            final MBeanServer beanServer = 
142                ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
143            final Object attr = beanServer.getAttribute(objName, attrName);
144            if (attr != null) {
145                // don't suppress warnings because we cannot guarantee that 
146                // this cast is correct.
147                result = (T)attr;
148            }
149        } catch (Exception e) {
150            logger.error("Couldn't query attribute: " + attrName, e);
151        }
152        return result;
153    }
155    /**
156     * Returns the contents of Jython's registry (basically just Jython-specific
157     * properties) as well as some of the information from Python's 
158     * {@literal "sys"} module. 
159     * 
160     * @return Jython's configuration settings. 
161     */
162    public static Map<Object, Object> queryJythonProps() {
163        Map<Object, Object> properties = newLinkedHashMap(PySystemState.registry);
164        try (PySystemState systemState = Py.getSystemState()) {
165            properties.put("sys.argv", systemState.argv.toString());
166            properties.put("sys.path", systemState.path);
167            properties.put("sys.platform", systemState.platform.toString());
168        }
169        properties.put("sys.builtin_module_names", PySystemState.builtin_module_names.toString());
170        properties.put("sys.byteorder", PySystemState.byteorder);
171        properties.put("sys.isPackageCacheEnabled", PySystemState.isPackageCacheEnabled());
172        properties.put("sys.version", PySystemState.version);
173        properties.put("sys.version_info", PySystemState.version_info);
174        return properties;
175    }
177    /**
178     * Attempts to call methods belonging to 
179     * {@code com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean}. If successful, we'll
180     * have the following information:
181     * <ul>
182     *   <li>opsys.memory.virtual.committed: virtual memory that is guaranteed to be available</li>
183     *   <li>opsys.memory.swap.total: total amount of swap space in bytes</li>
184     *   <li>opsys.memory.swap.free: free swap space in bytes</li>
185     *   <li>opsys.cpu.time: CPU time used by the process (nanoseconds)</li>
186     *   <li>opsys.memory.physical.free: free physical memory in bytes</li>
187     *   <li>opsys.memory.physical.total: physical memory in bytes</li>
188     *   <li>opsys.load: system load average for the last minute</li>
189     * </ul>
190     * 
191     * @return Map of properties that contains interesting information about
192     * the hardware McIDAS-V is using.
193     */
194    public static Map<String, String> queryOpSysProps() {
195        Map<String, String> properties = newLinkedHashMap(10);
196        long committed = queryPlatformBean("CommittedVirtualMemorySize", Long.MIN_VALUE);
197        long freeMemory = queryPlatformBean("FreePhysicalMemorySize", Long.MIN_VALUE);
198        long freeSwap = queryPlatformBean("FreeSwapSpaceSize", Long.MIN_VALUE);
199        long cpuTime = queryPlatformBean("ProcessCpuTime", Long.MIN_VALUE);
200        long totalMemory = queryPlatformBean("TotalPhysicalMemorySize", Long.MIN_VALUE);
201        long totalSwap = queryPlatformBean("TotalSwapSpaceSize", Long.MIN_VALUE);
202        double loadAvg = queryPlatformBean("SystemLoadAverage", Double.NaN);
204        Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
205        long currentMem = rt.totalMemory() - rt.freeMemory();
207        properties.put("opsys.cpu.time", Long.toString(cpuTime));
208        properties.put("opsys.load", Double.toString(loadAvg));
209        properties.put("opsys.memory.jvm.current", Long.toString(currentMem));
210        properties.put("opsys.memory.jvm.max", Long.toString(rt.maxMemory()));
211        properties.put("opsys.memory.virtual.committed", Long.toString(committed));
212        properties.put("opsys.memory.physical.free", Long.toString(freeMemory));
213        properties.put("opsys.memory.physical.total", Long.toString(totalMemory));
214        properties.put("opsys.memory.swap.free", Long.toString(freeSwap));
215        properties.put("opsys.memory.swap.total", Long.toString(totalSwap));
217        return properties;
218    }
220    /**
221     * Polls Java for information about the user's machine. We're specifically
222     * after memory statistics, number of processors, and display information.
223     * 
224     * @return {@link Map} of properties that describes the user's machine.
225     */
226    public static Map<String, String> queryMachine() {
227        Map<String, String> props = newLinkedHashMap();
229        // cpu count and whatnot
230        int processors = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
231        props.put("opsys.cpu.count", Integer.toString(processors));
233        // memory: available, used, etc
234        props.putAll(queryOpSysProps());
236        // screen: count, resolution(s)
237        GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
238        int displayCount = ge.getScreenDevices().length;
240        for (int i = 0; i < displayCount; i++) {
241            String baseId = "opsys.display."+i+'.';
242            GraphicsDevice dev = ge.getScreenDevices()[i];
243            DisplayMode mode = dev.getDisplayMode();
244            props.put(baseId+"name", dev.getIDstring());
245            props.put(baseId+"depth", Integer.toString(mode.getBitDepth()));
246            props.put(baseId+"width", Integer.toString(mode.getWidth()));
247            props.put(baseId+"height", Integer.toString(mode.getHeight()));
248            props.put(baseId+"refresh", Integer.toString(mode.getRefreshRate()));
249        }
250        return props;
251    }
253    /**
254     * Returns a mapping of display number to a {@link java.awt.Rectangle} 
255     * that represents the {@literal "bounds"} of the display.
256     *
257     * @return Rectangles representing the {@literal "bounds"} of the current
258     * display devices.
259     */
260    public static Map<Integer, Rectangle> getDisplayBounds() {
261        GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
262        int idx = 0;
263        Map<Integer, Rectangle> map = newLinkedHashMap(ge.getScreenDevices().length * 2);
264        for (GraphicsDevice dev : ge.getScreenDevices()) {
265            for (GraphicsConfiguration config : dev.getConfigurations()) {
266                map.put(idx++, config.getBounds());
267            }
268        }
269        return map;
270    }
272    // TODO(jon): this should really be a polygon
273    public static Rectangle getVirtualDisplayBounds() {
274        Rectangle virtualBounds = new Rectangle();
275        for (Rectangle bounds : getDisplayBounds().values()) {
276            virtualBounds = virtualBounds.union(bounds);
277        }
278        return virtualBounds;
279    }
281    /**
282     * Polls Java 3D for information about its environment. Specifically, we 
283     * call {@link VirtualUniverse#getProperties()} and 
284     * {@link Canvas3D#queryProperties()}.
285     * 
286     * @return As much information as Java 3D can provide.
287     */
288    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // casting to Object, so this should be fine.
289    public static Map<String, Object> queryJava3d() {
291        Map<String, Object> universeProps = 
292            (Map<String, Object>)VirtualUniverse.getProperties();
294        GraphicsConfiguration config =
295            DisplayUtil.getPreferredConfig(null, true, false);
296        Map<String, Object> c3dMap = new Canvas3D(config).queryProperties();
298        Map<String, Object> props =
299                newLinkedHashMap(universeProps.size() + c3dMap.size());
300        props.putAll(universeProps);
301        props.putAll(c3dMap);
302        return props;
303    }
305    /**
306     * Gets a human-friendly representation of the information embedded within
307     * IDV's {@code build.properties}.
308     *
309     * @return {@code String} that looks like {@literal "IDV version major.minor<b>revision</b> built <b>date</b>"}.
310     * For example: {@code IDV version 2.9u4 built 2011-04-13 14:01 UTC}.
311     */
312    public static String getIdvVersionString() {
313        Map<String, String> info = queryIdvBuildProperties();
314        return "IDV version " + info.get("idv.version.major") + '.' +
315               info.get("idv.version.minor") + info.get("idv.version.revision") +
316               " built " + info.get("idv.build.date");
317    }
319    /**
320     * Gets a human-friendly representation of the information embedded within
321     * McIDAS-V's {@code build.properties}.
322     * 
323     * @return {@code String} that looks like {@literal "McIDAS-V version major.minor<b>release</b> built <b>date</b>"}.
324     * For example: {@code McIDAS-V version 1.02beta1 built 2011-04-14 17:36}.
325     */
326    public static String getMcvVersionString() {
327        Map<String, String> info = queryMcvBuildProperties();
328        return "McIDAS-V version " + info.get(Constants.PROP_VERSION_MAJOR) + '.' +
329               info.get(Constants.PROP_VERSION_MINOR) + info.get(Constants.PROP_VERSION_RELEASE) +
330               " built " + info.get(Constants.PROP_BUILD_DATE);
331    }
333    /**
334     * Gets a human-friendly representation of the version information embedded 
335     * within VisAD's {@literal "DATE"} file.
336     * 
337     * @return {@code String} that looks
338     * {@literal "VisAD version <b>revision</b> built <b>date</b>"}.
339     * For example: {@code VisAD version 5952 built Thu Mar 22 13:01:31 CDT 2012}.
340     */
341    public static String getVisadVersionString() {
342        Map<String, String> props = queryVisadBuildProperties();
343        return "VisAD version " + props.get(Constants.PROP_VISAD_REVISION) + " built " + props.get(Constants.PROP_VISAD_DATE);
344    }
346    /**
347     * Gets a human-friendly representation of the ncIdv.jar version
348     * information.
349     *
350     * @return {@code String} that looks like
351     * {@literal "netCDF-Java version <b>revision</b> <b>built</b>"}.
352     */
353    public static String getNcidvVersionString() {
354        Map<String, String> props = queryNcidvBuildProperties();
355        return "netCDF-Java version " + props.get("version") + " built " + props.get("buildDate");
356    }
358    /**
359     * Open a file for reading.
360     *
361     * @param name File to open.
362     *
363     * @return {@code InputStream} used to read {@code name}, or {@code null}
364     * if {@code name} could not be found.
365     */
366    private static InputStream resourceAsStream(final String name) {
367        return ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(name);
368    }
370    /**
371     * Returns a {@link Map} containing any relevant version information. 
372     * 
373     * <p>Currently this information consists of the date visad.jar was built, 
374     * as well as the (then-current) Subversion revision number.
375     * 
376     * @return {@code Map} of the contents of VisAD's DATE file.
377     */
378    public static Map<String, String> queryVisadBuildProperties() {
379        Map<String, String> props = newLinkedHashMap(4);
381        try (BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(
382                                        new InputStreamReader(
383                                            resourceAsStream("DATE")))) 
384        {
385            String contents = input.readLine();
386            // string should look like: Thu Mar 22 13:01:31 CDT 2012  Rev:5952
387            String splitAt = "  Rev:";
388            int index = contents.indexOf(splitAt);
389            String buildDate = "ERROR";
390            String revision = "ERROR";
391            String parseFail = "true";
392            if (index > 0) {
393                buildDate = contents.substring(0, index);
394                revision = contents.substring(index + splitAt.length());
395                parseFail = "false";
396            }
397            props.put(Constants.PROP_VISAD_ORIGINAL, contents);
398            props.put(Constants.PROP_VISAD_PARSE_FAIL, parseFail);
399            props.put(Constants.PROP_VISAD_DATE, buildDate);
400            props.put(Constants.PROP_VISAD_REVISION, revision);
401        } catch (IOException e) {
402            logger.error("could not read from VisAD DATE file", e);
403        }
404        return props;
405    }
407    /**
408     * Determine the actual name of the McIDAS-V JAR file.
409     *
410     * <p>This is needed because we're now following the Maven naming
411     * convention, and this means that {@literal "mcidasv.jar"} no longer
412     * exists.</p>
413     *
414     * @param jarDir Directory containing all of the McIDAS-V JARs.
415     *               Cannot be {@code null}.
416     *
417     * @return Name (note: not path) of the McIDAS-V JAR file.
418     *
419     * @throws IOException if there was a problem locating the McIDAS-V JAR.
420     */
421    private static String getMcvJarname(String jarDir)
422        throws IOException
423    {
424        File dir = new File(jarDir);
425        File[] files = dir.listFiles();
426        if (files == null) {
427            throw new IOException("Could not get list of files within " +
428                "'"+jarDir+"'");
429        }
430        for (File f : files) {
431            String name = f.getName();
432            if (name.startsWith("mcidasv-") && name.endsWith(".jar")) {
433                return name;
434            }
435        }
436        throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find McIDAS-V JAR file");
437    }
439    /**
440     * Return McIDAS-V's classpath.
441     *
442     * <p>This may differ from what is reported by 
443     * {@code System.getProperty("java.class.path")}. This is because McIDAS-V
444     * specifies its classpath using {@code META-INF/MANIFEST.MF} in 
445     * {@code mcidasv.jar}.
446     * </p>
447     *
448     * <p>This is used by console_init.py to figure out where the VisAD,
449     * IDV, and McIDAS-V JAR files are located.</p>
450     *
451     * @return Either a list of strings containing the path to each JAR file
452     * in the classpath, or an empty list.
453     */
454    public static List<String> getMcvJarClasspath() {
455        String jarDir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
456        if (jarDir == null) {
457            jarDir = PosixModule.getcwd().toString();
458        }
460        // 64 chosen because we're currently at 38 JARs.
461        List<String> jars = arrList(64);
462        try {
463            String mcvJar = getMcvJarname(jarDir);
464            Path p = Paths.get(jarDir, mcvJar);
465            String path = "jar:file:"+p.toString()+"!/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF";
466            InputStream stream = IOUtil.getInputStream(path);
467            if (stream != null) {
468                Manifest manifest = new Manifest(stream);
469                Attributes attrs = manifest.getMainAttributes();
470                if (attrs != null) {
471                    String classpath = attrs.getValue("Class-Path");
472                    Splitter split = Splitter.on(' ')
473                        .trimResults()
474                        .omitEmptyStrings();
475                    for (String jar : split.split(classpath)) {
476                        jars.add(Paths.get(jarDir, jar).toFile().toString());
477                    }
478                }
479            }
480        } catch (IOException | NullPointerException e) {
481            logger.warn("Exception occurred:", e);
482        }
483        return jars;
484    }
486    /**
487     * Returns a {@link Map} containing {@code version} and {@code buildDate}
488     * keys.
489     *
490     * @return {@code Map} containing netCDF-Java version and build date.
491     */
492    public static Map<String, String> queryNcidvBuildProperties() {
493        // largely taken from LibVersionUtil's getBuildInfo method.
494        GribConverterUtility util = new GribConverterUtility();
495        Map<String, String> buildInfo = new HashMap<>(4);
496        // format from ncidv.jar
497        SimpleDateFormat formatIn =
498            new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ");
499        // format of output timestamp
500        SimpleDateFormat formatOut =
501            new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ");
502        formatOut.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
503        try {
504            Enumeration<URL> resources = 
505                util.getClass()
506                    .getClassLoader()
507                    .getResources("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
509            while (resources.hasMoreElements()) {
510                Manifest manifest =
511                    new Manifest(resources.nextElement().openStream());
512                Attributes attrs = manifest.getMainAttributes();
513                if (attrs != null) {
514                    String implTitle = 
515                        attrs.getValue("Implementation-Title");
516                    if ((implTitle != null) && implTitle.contains("ncIdv")) {
517                        buildInfo.put(
518                            "version",
519                            attrs.getValue("Implementation-Version"));
520                        String strDate = attrs.getValue("Built-On");
521                        Date date = formatIn.parse(strDate);
522                        buildInfo.put("buildDate", formatOut.format(date));
523                        break;
524                    }
525                }
526            }
527        } catch (IOException e) {
528            logger.warn("exception occurred:", e);
529        } catch (ParseException pe) {
530            logger.warn("failed to parse build date from ncIdv.jar", pe);
531        }
532        return buildInfo;
533    }
535    /**
536     * Returns a {@link Map} of the (currently) most useful contents of
537     * {@code ucar/unidata/idv/resources/build.properties}.
538     *
539     * <p>Consider the output of {@link #getIdvVersionString()}; it's built
540     * with the the following:
541     * <ul>
542     *   <li><b>{@code idv.version.major}</b>: currently {@literal "3"}</li>
543     *   <li><b>{@code idv.version.minor}</b>: currently {@literal "0"}</li>
544     *   <li><b>{@code idv.version.revision}</b>: currently {@literal "u2"}}</li>
545     *   <li><b>{@code idv.build.date}</b>: varies pretty frequently,
546     *   as it's the build timestamp for idv.jar</li>
547     * </ul>
548     *
549     * @return A {@code Map} of at least the useful parts of build.properties.
550     */
551    public static Map<String, String> queryIdvBuildProperties() {
552        Map<String, String> versions = newLinkedHashMap(4);
553        InputStream input = null;
554        try {
555            input = resourceAsStream("ucar/unidata/idv/resources/build.properties");
556            Properties props = new Properties();
557            props.load(input);
558            String major = props.getProperty("idv.version.major", "no_major");
559            String minor = props.getProperty("idv.version.minor", "no_minor");
560            String revision = props.getProperty("idv.version.revision", "no_revision");
561            String date = props.getProperty("idv.build.date", "");
562            versions.put("idv.version.major", major);
563            versions.put("idv.version.minor", minor);
564            versions.put("idv.version.revision", revision);
565            versions.put("idv.build.date", date);
566        } catch (Exception e) {
567            logger.error("could not read from IDV build.properties", e);
568        } finally {
569            if (input != null) {
570                try {
571                    input.close();
572                } catch (Exception ex) {
573                    logger.error("could not close IDV build.properties", ex);
574                }
575            }
576        }
577        return versions;
578    }
580    /**
581     * Returns a {@link Map} of the (currently) most useful contents of
582     * {@code edu/wisc/ssec/mcidasv/resources/build.properties}.
583     *
584     * <p>Consider the output of {@link #getMcvVersionString()}; it's built
585     * with the the following:
586     * <ul>
587     *   <li><b>{@code mcidasv.version.major}</b>:
588     *   currently {@literal "1"}</li>
589     *   <li><b>{@code mcidasv.version.minor}</b>:
590     *   currently {@literal "02"}</li>
591     *   <li><b>{@code mcidasv.version.release}</b>: currently
592     *   {@literal "beta1"}</li>
593     *   <li><b>{@code mcidasv.build.date}</b>: varies pretty frequently, as
594     *   it's the build timestamp for mcidasv.jar.</li>
595     * </ul>
596     *
597     * @return A {@code Map} of at least the useful parts of build.properties.
598     */
599    public static Map<String, String> queryMcvBuildProperties() {
600        Map<String, String> versions = newLinkedHashMap(4);
601        InputStream input = null;
602        try {
603            input = resourceAsStream("edu/wisc/ssec/mcidasv/resources/build.properties");
604            Properties props = new Properties();
605            props.load(input);
606            String major = props.getProperty(Constants.PROP_VERSION_MAJOR, "0");
607            String minor = props.getProperty(Constants.PROP_VERSION_MINOR, "0");
608            String release = props.getProperty(Constants.PROP_VERSION_RELEASE, "");
609            String date = props.getProperty(Constants.PROP_BUILD_DATE, "Unknown");
610            versions.put(Constants.PROP_VERSION_MAJOR, major);
611            versions.put(Constants.PROP_VERSION_MINOR, minor);
612            versions.put(Constants.PROP_VERSION_RELEASE, release);
613            versions.put(Constants.PROP_BUILD_DATE, date);
614        } catch (Exception e) {
615            logger.error("could not read from McIDAS-V build.properties!", e);
616        } finally {
617            if (input != null) {
618                try {
619                    input.close();
620                } catch (Exception ex) {
621                    logger.error("could not close McIDAS-V build.properties!", ex);
622                }
623            }
624        }
625        return versions;
626    }
628    /**
629     * Queries McIDAS-V for information about its state. There's not a good way
630     * to characterize what we're interested in, so let's leave it at 
631     * {@literal "whatever seems useful"}.
632     * 
633     * @param mcv The McIDASV {@literal "god"} object.
634     * 
635     * @return Information about the state of McIDAS-V.
636     */
637    // need: argsmanager, resource manager
638    public static Map<String, Object> queryMcvState(final McIDASV mcv) {
639        // through some simple verification, props generally has under 250 elements
640        Map<String, Object> props = newLinkedHashMap(250);
642        ArgsManager args = mcv.getArgsManager();
643        props.put("mcv.state.islinteractive", args.getIslInteractive());
644        props.put("mcv.state.offscreen", args.getIsOffScreen());
645        props.put("mcv.state.initcatalogs", args.getInitCatalogs());
646        props.put("mcv.state.actions", mcv.getActionHistory());
647        props.put("mcv.plugins.installed", args.installPlugins);
648        props.put("mcv.state.commandline", mcv.getCommandLineArgs());
650        // loop through resources
651        List<IdvResource> resources =
652                (List<IdvResource>)mcv.getResourceManager().getResources();
653        for (IdvResource resource : resources) {
654            String id = resource.getId();
655            props.put(id+".description", resource.getDescription());
656            if (resource.getPattern() == null) {
657                props.put(id+".pattern", "null");
658            } else {
659                props.put(id+".pattern", resource.getPattern());
660            }
662            ResourceCollection rc = 
663                mcv.getResourceManager().getResources(resource);
664            int rcSize = rc.size();
665            List<String> specified = arrList(rcSize);
666            List<String> valid = arrList(rcSize);
667            for (int i = 0; i < rcSize; i++) {
668                String tmpResource = (String)rc.get(i);
669                specified.add(tmpResource);
670                if (rc.isValid(i)) {
671                    valid.add(tmpResource);
672                }
673            }
675            props.put(id+".specified", specified);
676            props.put(id+".existing", valid);
677        }
678        return props;
679    }
681    /**
682     * Builds a (filtered) subset of the McIDAS-V system properties and returns
683     * the results as a {@code String}.
684     * 
685     * @param mcv The McIDASV {@literal "god"} object.
686     * 
687     * @return The McIDAS-V system properties in the following format: 
688     * {@code KEY=VALUE\n}. This is so we kinda-sorta conform to the standard
689     * {@link Properties} file format.
690     * 
691     * @see #getStateAsString(edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.McIDASV, boolean)
692     */
693    public static String getStateAsString(final McIDASV mcv) {
694        return getStateAsString(mcv, false);
695    }
697    /**
698     * Builds the McIDAS-V system properties and returns the results as a 
699     * {@code String}.
700     * 
701     * @param mcv The McIDASV {@literal "god"} object.
702     * @param firehose If {@code true}, enables {@literal "unfiltered"} output.
703     * 
704     * @return The McIDAS-V system properties in the following format: 
705     * {@code KEY=VALUE\n}. This is so we kinda-sorta conform to the standard
706     * {@link Properties} file format.
707     */
708    public static String getStateAsString(final McIDASV mcv, final boolean firehose) {
709        int builderSize = firehose ? 45000 : 1000;
710        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(builderSize);
712        Map<String, String> versions = ((StateManager)mcv.getStateManager()).getVersionInfo();
713        Properties sysProps = System.getProperties();
714        Map<String, Object> j3dProps = queryJava3d();
715        Map<String, String> machineProps = queryMachine();
716        Map<Object, Object> jythonProps = queryJythonProps();
717        Map<String, Object> mcvProps = queryMcvState(mcv);
719        if (sysProps.contains("line.separator")) {
720            sysProps.put("line.separator", escapeWhitespaceChars((String)sysProps.get("line.separator")));
721        }
723        String maxMem = Long.toString(Long.valueOf(machineProps.get("opsys.memory.jvm.max")) / 1048576L);
724        String curMem = Long.toString(Long.valueOf(machineProps.get("opsys.memory.jvm.current")) / 1048576L);
726        buf.append("# Software Versions:")
727            .append("\n# McIDAS-V:    ").append(versions.get("mcv.version.general")).append(" (").append(versions.get("mcv.version.build")).append(')')
728            .append("\n# VisAD:       ").append(versions.get("visad.version.general")).append(" (").append(versions.get("visad.version.build")).append(')')
729            .append("\n# IDV:         ").append(versions.get("idv.version.general")).append(" (").append(versions.get("idv.version.build")).append(')')
730            .append("\n# netcdf-Java: ").append(versions.get("netcdf.version.general")).append(" (").append(versions.get("netcdf.version.build")).append(')')
731            .append("\n\n# Operating System:")
732            .append("\n# Name:         ").append(sysProps.getProperty("os.name"))
733            .append("\n# Version:      ").append(sysProps.getProperty("os.version"))
734            .append("\n# Architecture: ").append(sysProps.getProperty("os.arch"))
735            .append("\n\n# Java:")
736            .append("\n# Version: ").append(sysProps.getProperty("java.version"))
737            .append("\n# Vendor:  ").append(sysProps.getProperty("java.vendor"))
738            .append("\n# Home:    ").append(sysProps.getProperty("java.home"))
739            .append("\n\n# JVM Memory")
740            .append("\n# Current: ").append(curMem).append(" MB")
741            .append("\n# Maximum: ").append(maxMem).append(" MB")
742            .append("\n\n# Java 3D:")
743            .append("\n# Renderer: ").append(j3dProps.get("j3d.renderer"))
744            .append("\n# Pipeline: ").append(j3dProps.get("j3d.pipeline"))
745            .append("\n# Vendor:   ").append(j3dProps.get("native.vendor"))
746            .append("\n# Version:  ").append(j3dProps.get("j3d.version"))
747            .append("\n\n# Jython:")
748            .append("\n# Version:     ").append(jythonProps.get("sys.version_info"))
749            .append("\n# python.home: ").append(jythonProps.get("python.home"));
751        if (firehose) {
752            buf.append("\n\n\n#Firehose:\n\n# SOFTWARE VERSIONS\n");
753            for (String key : new TreeSet<>(versions.keySet())) {
754                buf.append(key).append('=').append(versions.get(key)).append('\n');
755            }
757            buf.append("\n# MACHINE PROPERTIES\n");
758            for (String key : new TreeSet<>(machineProps.keySet())) {
759                buf.append(key).append('=').append(machineProps.get(key)).append('\n');
760            }
762            buf.append("\n# JAVA SYSTEM PROPERTIES\n");
763            for (Object key : new TreeSet<>(sysProps.keySet())) {
764                buf.append(key).append('=').append(sysProps.get(key)).append('\n');
765            }
767            buf.append("\n# JAVA3D/JOGL PROPERTIES\n");
768            for (String key : new TreeSet<>(j3dProps.keySet())) {
769                buf.append(key).append('=').append(j3dProps.get(key)).append('\n');
770            }
772            buf.append("\n# JYTHON PROPERTIES\n");
773            for (Object key : new TreeSet<>(jythonProps.keySet())) {
774                buf.append(key).append('=').append(jythonProps.get(key)).append('\n');
775            }
777            // get idv/mcv properties
778            buf.append("\n# IDV AND MCIDAS-V PROPERTIES\n");
779            for (String key : new TreeSet<>(mcvProps.keySet())) {
780                buf.append(key).append('=').append(mcvProps.get(key)).append('\n');
781            }
782        }
783        return buf.toString();
784    }