Class History


public class History extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • ReadHistoryFile

      public void ReadHistoryFile(String filename) throws IOException
    • HistoryNumberOfRecords

      public static int HistoryNumberOfRecords()
    • ListHistory

      public static String ListHistory(int OutputStyle, int OutputFormatTypeID, String ATCFFileSourceIDString, String ATCFStormIDString)
      List the ASCII history file between given date/times.
      OutputStyle - Output one record (-1) or entire file (0).
      OutputFormatTypeID - 0=ATCF, -1=History List.
      ATCFFileSourceIDString - ATCF file source identifier.
      ATCFStormIDString - ATCF storm identifier.
      Matching part of the ASCII history file.
    • InsertHistoryRecord

      public static int[] InsertHistoryRecord(boolean RunFullAnalysis, String HistoryFileName)
      Insert or overwrite a record in a history file. Global structure HistoryRecordPtr will be modified and the ASCII history file will be rewritten in another routine.
      RunFullAnalysis - Full analysis toggle.
      HistoryFileName - File to modify.
      Array of two integers. The first value represents the number of inserted records. The second value is flag that describes the "type" of modification (possible values are 1, 2, 3, 4).
      1. Overwritten
      2. Inserted
      3. Record placed at start of new history structure.
      4. Record placed at end of existing history structure.
    • DeleteHistoryRecords

      public static int[] DeleteHistoryRecords(boolean RunFullAnalysis, String HistoryFileName)
      Delete record(s) in a history file.

      Routine will modify structure HistoryRecordPtr, which will then be rewritten to ASCII history file in another subroutine.

      RunFullAnalysis - Full analysis toggle.
      HistoryFileName - File to modify.
      Array containing two integer values. The first value is the number of modified records, and the seconds value is the number of deleted records.
    • CommentHistoryRecords

      public static int CommentHistoryRecords(String CommentString)
      Insert comment in history file at specifified date/time.
      CommentString - Character string field to be inserted.
      If -1, there was an error finding record, if >= 0 , number of modified records.
    • WriteHistoryFile

      public static int WriteHistoryFile(String HistoryFileName) throws IOException
      Write HistoryRecordPtr structure to ASCII history file.
      HistoryFileName - File to write.
      If >= 0, the value represents the number of records written. If -2, there was an error reading HistoryFileName. If -3, there was an error writing HistoryFileName. Finally, if -5, there was an error closing HistoryFileName.
      IOException - if there was a problem writing to HistoryFileName.
    • InitCurrent

      public static void InitCurrent(boolean InitialFlagTF)