Class Console

All Implemented Interfaces:
KeyListener, Runnable, EventListener

public class Console extends Object implements Runnable, KeyListener
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Console

      public Console()
      Build a console with no initial commands.
    • Console

      public Console(boolean exitOnClose)
    • Console

      public Console(boolean exitOnClose, List<String> initialCommands)
      Builds a console and executes a list of Jython statements. It's been useful for dirty tricks needed during setup.
      initialCommands - Jython statements to execute.
  • Method Details

    • getPanel

      public JPanel getPanel()
      Returns the panel containing the various UI components.
    • getTextPane

      protected JTextPane getTextPane()
      Returns the JTextPane used by the console.
    • injectObject

      public void injectObject(String name, Object object)
      Inserts the specified object into Jython's local namespace using the specified name.

      Example: console.injectObject("test", new PyJavaInstance("a test")) Allows the interpreter to refer to the String "a test" as test.

      name - Object name as it will appear within the interpreter.
      object - Object to place in the interpreter's local namespace.
    • ejectObjectByName

      public void ejectObjectByName(String name)
    • ejectObject

      public void ejectObject(org.python.core.PyObject pyObject)
    • runFile

      public void runFile(String name, String path)
      Runs the file specified by path in the Interpreter.
      name - __name__ attribute to use for loading path.
      path - The path to the Jython file.
    • result

      public void result(String text)
      Displays non-error output.
      text - The message to display.
    • error

      public void error(String text)
      Displays an error.
      text - The error message.
    • prompt

      public void prompt()
      Shows the normal Jython prompt.
    • generatedOutput

      public void generatedOutput(String text)
      Displays non-error output that was not the result of an "associated" Command.
      text - The text to display.
      See Also:
    • generatedError

      public void generatedError(String text)
      Displays error output. Differs from error(String) in that this is intended for output not "associated" with a Command.

      Example: say you fire off a background thread. If it generates an error somehow, this is the method you want.

      text - The error message.
    • moreInput

      public void moreInput()
      Shows the prompt that indicates more input is needed.
    • moreInput

      public void moreInput(int blockLevel)
    • showBanner

      private void showBanner() throws BadLocationException
      Will eventually display an initial greeting to the user.
      BadLocationException - Upon attempting to clear out an invalid portion of the document.
    • endln

      protected void endln(Color color)
      Inserts a newline character at the end of the input.
      color - Perhaps this should go!?
    • insert

      protected void insert(Color color, String text)
      Does the actual work of displaying color-coded messages in textPane.
      color - The color of the message.
      text - The actual message.
    • insertAtCaret

      protected void insertAtCaret(Color color, String text)
    • canInsertAt

      private boolean canInsertAt(int position)
      Determines whether or not position is an acceptable place to insert text. Currently the criteria for "acceptable" means that position is located within the last (or active) line, and not within either PS1 or PS2.
      position - Position to test. Values less than zero are not allowed.
      Whether or not text can be inserted at position.
    • getLineCount

      public int getLineCount()
      Number of lines in the document.
    • getLineOffsetStart

      public int getLineOffsetStart(int lineNumber)
    • getLineOffsetEnd

      public int getLineOffsetEnd(int lineNumber)
    • getLineOffsets

      public int[] getLineOffsets(int lineNumber)
    • getOffsetLine

      public int getOffsetLine(int offset)
      Returns the line number that contains the specified offset.
      offset - Offset whose line number you want.
      Line number.
    • locateLastLine

      private int[] locateLastLine()
      Returns the offsets of the beginning and end of the last line.
    • onLastLine

      private boolean onLastLine()
      Determines whether or not the caret is on the last line.
    • getCaretLine

      public int getCaretLine()
      The line number of the caret's offset within the text.
    • getLineText

      public String getLineText(int lineNumber)
      Returns the line of text that occupies the specified line number.
      lineNumber - Line number whose text is to be returned.
      Either the line of text or null if there was an error.
    • getLineJython

      public String getLineJython(int lineNumber)
      Returns the line of Jython that occupies a specified line number. This is different than getLineText(int) in that both PS1 and PS2 are removed from the returned line.
      lineNumber - Line number whose text is to be returned.
      Either the line of Jython or null if there was an error.
    • getPromptLength

      public static int getPromptLength(String line)
      Returns the length of PS1 or PS2 depending on the contents of the specified line.
      line - The line in question. Cannot be null.
      Either the prompt length or zero if there was none.
      NullPointerException - if line is null.
    • getBlockDepth

      public static int getBlockDepth(String line, String whitespace)
      Returns the "block depth" of a given line of Jython.


       "print 'x'"         -> 0
       "    print 'x'"     -> 1
       "            die()" -> 3
      line - Line to test. Can't be null.
      whitespace - The indent String used with line. Can't be null.
      Either the block depth (>= 0) or -1 if there was an error.
    • setCallbackHandler

      public void setCallbackHandler(ConsoleCallback newHandler)
      Registers a new callback handler with the console. Note that to maximize utility, this method also registers the same handler with jythonRunner.
      newHandler - The new callback handler.
      NullPointerException - if the new handler is null.
    • getJythonReferencesTo

    • getJavaInstances

      Returns a subset of Jython's local namespace containing only variables that are "pure" Java objects.
      Jython variable names mapped to their Java instantiation.
    • getJythonObject

      public org.python.core.PyObject getJythonObject(String var)
      Retrieves the specified Jython variable from the interpreters local namespace.
      var - Variable name to retrieve.
      Either the variable or null. Note that null will also be returned if Runner.copyLocals() returned null.
    • getLocalNamespace

      public Map<String,org.python.core.PyObject> getLocalNamespace()
      Returns a copy of Jython's local namespace.
      Jython variable names mapped to PyObjects.
    • handlePaste

      public void handlePaste()
    • handleHome

      public void handleHome()
      Handles the user hitting the Home key. If the caret is on a line that begins with either PS1 or PS2, the caret will be moved to just after the prompt. This is done mostly to emulate CPython's IDLE.
    • handleEnd

      public void handleEnd()
      Moves the caret to the end of the line it is currently on, rather than the end of the document.
    • handleUp

      public void handleUp()
    • handleDown

      public void handleDown()
    • handleTab

      public void handleTab()
      Inserts the contents of WHITESPACE wherever the cursor is located.
    • handleDelete

      public void handleDelete()
    • handleEnter

      public void handleEnter()
      Handles the user pressing enter by basically grabbing the line of jython under the caret. If the caret is on the last line, the line is queued for execution. Otherwise the line is reinserted at the end of the document--this lets the user preview a previous command before they rerun it.
    • getHistory

      public List<String> getHistory()
      Returns the Jython statements as entered by the user, ordered from first to last.
      User's history.
    • queueLine

      public void queueLine(String line)
      Sends a line of Jython to the interpreter via jythonRunner and saves it to the history.
      line - Jython to queue for execution.
    • queueBatch

      public void queueBatch(String name, List<String> commands)
      Sends a batch of Jython commands to the interpreter. This is different than simply calling queueLine(String) for each command; the interpreter will attempt to execute each batched command before returning "control" to the console.

      This method is mostly useful for restoring Console sessions. Each command in commands will appear in the console as though the user typed it. The batch of commands will also be saved to the history.

      name - Identifier for the batch. Doesn't need to be unique, merely non-null.
      commands - The commands to execute.
    • addPretendHistory

      public void addPretendHistory(String line)
    • run

      public void run()
      Puts together the GUI once EventQueue has processed all other pending events.
      Specified by:
      run in interface Runnable
    • keyPressed

      public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
      Specified by:
      keyPressed in interface KeyListener
    • keyReleased

      public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
      Specified by:
      keyReleased in interface KeyListener
    • keyTyped

      public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
      Specified by:
      keyTyped in interface KeyListener
    • hasAction

      private static boolean hasAction(JTextPane jtp, KeyEvent e)
    • getUserPath

      public static String getUserPath(String[] args)
    • testConsole

      public static void testConsole(boolean exitOnClose)
    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)