002 * This file is part of McIDAS-V
003 *
004 * Copyright 2007-2024
005 * Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC)
006 * University of Wisconsin - Madison
007 * 1225 W. Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706, USA
008 * https://www.ssec.wisc.edu/mcidas/
009 * 
010 * All Rights Reserved
011 * 
012 * McIDAS-V is built on Unidata's IDV and SSEC's VisAD libraries, and
013 * some McIDAS-V source code is based on IDV and VisAD source code.  
014 * 
015 * McIDAS-V is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
016 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
017 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
018 * (at your option) any later version.
019 * 
020 * McIDAS-V is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
021 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
023 * GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
024 * 
025 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
026 * along with this program.  If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
027 */
029package edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv;
031import static edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util.CollectionHelpers.cast;
032import static javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.BASELINE;
033import static javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING;
034import static javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.TRAILING;
035import static javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE;
036import static javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE;
037import static javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED;
038import static ucar.unidata.util.GuiUtils.*;
040import java.awt.BorderLayout;
041import java.awt.CardLayout;
042import java.awt.Color;
043import java.awt.Component;
044import java.awt.Container;
045import java.awt.Dimension;
046import java.awt.FlowLayout;
047import java.awt.Font;
048import java.awt.Graphics;
049import java.awt.Graphics2D;
050import java.awt.Insets;
051import java.awt.RenderingHints;
052import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
053import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
054import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
055import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
056import java.net.URL;
057import java.text.Collator;
058import java.text.DecimalFormat;
059import java.util.ArrayList;
060import java.util.Arrays;
061import java.util.Collection;
062import java.util.Collections;
063import java.util.Enumeration;
064import java.util.HashMap;
065import java.util.Hashtable;
066import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
067import java.util.List;
068import java.util.Map;
069import java.util.Objects;
070import java.util.Set;
071import java.util.TimeZone;
072import java.util.TreeSet;
074import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
075import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
076import javax.swing.DefaultListCellRenderer;
077import javax.swing.DefaultListModel;
078import javax.swing.GroupLayout;
079import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
080import javax.swing.JButton;
081import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
082import javax.swing.JComboBox;
083import javax.swing.JComponent;
084import javax.swing.JLabel;
085import javax.swing.JList;
086import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
087import javax.swing.JPanel;
088import javax.swing.JRadioButton;
089import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
090import javax.swing.JSlider;
091import javax.swing.JTextField;
092import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel;
093import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
094import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
095import javax.swing.border.BevelBorder;
096import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
097import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
098import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
099import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
101import edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.ColorSwatchComponent;
102import edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util.GetMem;
104import org.bushe.swing.event.EventBus;
105import org.bushe.swing.event.annotation.AnnotationProcessor;
106import org.bushe.swing.event.annotation.EventSubscriber;
107import org.slf4j.Logger;
108import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
109import org.w3c.dom.Element;
110import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
112import ucar.unidata.data.DataUtil;
113import ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionImpl;
114import ucar.unidata.idv.ControlDescriptor;
115import ucar.unidata.idv.DisplayControl;
116import ucar.unidata.idv.IdvConstants;
117import ucar.unidata.idv.IdvObjectStore;
118import ucar.unidata.idv.IdvPreferenceManager;
119import ucar.unidata.idv.IntegratedDataViewer;
120import ucar.unidata.idv.MapViewManager;
121import ucar.unidata.idv.ViewManager;
122import ucar.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl;
123import ucar.unidata.ui.CheckboxCategoryPanel;
124import ucar.unidata.ui.FontSelector;
125import ucar.unidata.ui.HelpTipDialog;
126import ucar.unidata.ui.XmlUi;
127import ucar.unidata.util.FileManager;
128import ucar.unidata.util.GuiUtils;
129import ucar.unidata.util.IOUtil;
130import ucar.unidata.util.LogUtil;
131import ucar.unidata.util.Misc;
132import ucar.unidata.util.Msg;
133import ucar.unidata.util.ObjectListener;
134import ucar.unidata.util.StringUtil;
135import ucar.unidata.util.TwoFacedObject;
136import ucar.unidata.xml.PreferenceManager;
137import ucar.unidata.xml.XmlObjectStore;
138import ucar.unidata.xml.XmlUtil;
139import ucar.visad.UtcDate;
140import visad.DateTime;
141import visad.Unit;
142import edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.servermanager.EntryStore;
143import edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.servermanager.AddePreferences;
144import edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.servermanager.AddePreferences.AddePrefConglomeration;
145import edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.startupmanager.Platform;
146import edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.startupmanager.StartupManager;
147import edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.McvToolbarEditor;
148import edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.UIManager;
149import edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util.CollectionHelpers;
150import edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util.McVGuiUtils;
151import edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util.McVGuiUtils.Width;
154 * <p>An extension of {@link ucar.unidata.idv.IdvPreferenceManager} that uses
155 * a JList instead of tabs to lay out the various PreferenceManagers.</p>
156 *
157 * @author McIDAS-V Dev Team
158 */
159public class McIdasPreferenceManager extends IdvPreferenceManager implements ListSelectionListener, Constants {
161    /** Logger object. */
162    private static final Logger logger =
163        LoggerFactory.getLogger(McIdasPreferenceManager.class);
165    public static final float LOGO_SCALE_MIN = 0.1f;
166    public static final float LOGO_SCALE_MAX = 2.0f;
168    public static final String PROP_HIQ_FONT_RENDERING = "visad.newfontrendering";
170    public static final String PROP_IS_OFFSCREEN = "visad.offscreen";
172    /** 
173     * <p>Controls how the preference panel list is displayed. Want to modify 
174     * the preferences UI in some way? PREF_PANELS is your friend. Think of 
175     * it like a really brain-dead SQLite.</p>
176     * 
177     * <p>Each row is a panel, and <b>must</b> consist of three columns.</p>
178     *
179     * <ol start="0">
180     * <li>Name of the panel.</li>
181     * <li>Path to the icon associated with the panel.</li>
182     * <li>The panel's {@literal "help ID."}</li>
183     * </ol>
184     *
185     * <p>The {@link JList} in the preferences window will order the panels
186     * based upon {@code PREF_PANELS}.</p>
187     */
188    public static final String[][] PREF_PANELS = {
189        { Constants.PREF_LIST_GENERAL, "/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidasv/resources/icons/prefs/mcidasv-round32.png", "idv.tools.preferences.generalpreferences" },
190        { Constants.PREF_LIST_VIEW, "/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidasv/resources/icons/prefs/tab-new32.png", "idv.tools.preferences.displaywindowpreferences" },
191        { Constants.PREF_LIST_TOOLBAR, "/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidasv/resources/icons/prefs/application-x-executable32.png", "idv.tools.preferences.toolbarpreferences" },
192        { Constants.PREF_LIST_DATA_CHOOSERS, "/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidasv/resources/icons/prefs/preferences-desktop-remote-desktop32.png", "idv.tools.preferences.datapreferences" },
193        { Constants.PREF_LIST_ADDE_SERVERS, "/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidasv/resources/icons/prefs/applications-internet32.png", "idv.tools.preferences.serverpreferences" },
194        { Constants.PREF_LIST_AVAILABLE_DISPLAYS, "/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidasv/resources/icons/prefs/video-display32.png", "idv.tools.preferences.availabledisplayspreferences" },
195        { Constants.PREF_LIST_NAV_CONTROLS, "/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidasv/resources/icons/prefs/input-mouse32.png", "idv.tools.preferences.navigationpreferences" },
196        { Constants.PREF_LIST_FORMATS_DATA,"/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidasv/resources/icons/prefs/preferences-desktop-theme32.png", "idv.tools.preferences.formatpreferences" },
197        { Constants.PREF_LIST_ADVANCED, "/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidasv/resources/icons/prefs/applications-internet32.png", "idv.tools.preferences.advancedpreferences" }
198    };
200    /** Desired rendering hints with their desired values. */
201    public static final Object[][] RENDER_HINTS = {
202        { RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON },
203        { RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY },
204        { RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON }
205    };
207    /** Options for bundle loading */
208    public static final String[] loadComboOptions = {
209        "Create new window(s)",
210        "Merge with active tab(s)",
211        "Add new tab(s) to current window",
212        "Replace session"
213    };
215    /**
216     * @return The rendering hints to use, as determined by RENDER_HINTS.
217     */
218    public static RenderingHints getRenderingHints() {
219        RenderingHints hints = new RenderingHints(null);
220        for (int i = 0; i < RENDER_HINTS.length; i++) {
221            hints.put(RENDER_HINTS[i][0], RENDER_HINTS[i][1]);
222        }
223        return hints;
224    }
226    /** Help McV remember the last preference panel the user selected. */
227    private static final String LAST_PREF_PANEL = "mcv.prefs.lastpanel";
229    private static final String LEGEND_TEMPLATE_DATA = "%datasourcename% - %displayname%";
230    private static final String DISPLAY_LIST_TEMPLATE_DATA = "%datasourcename% - %displayname% " + UtcDate.MACRO_TIMESTAMP;
231    private static final String TEMPLATE_IMAGEDISPLAY = "%longname% " + UtcDate.MACRO_TIMESTAMP;
233    private static final String TEMPLATE_NO_DATA = "%displayname%";
235    /** test value for formatting */
236    private static double latlonValue = -104.56284;
238    /** Decimal format */
239    private static DecimalFormat latlonFormat = new DecimalFormat();
241    /** Provide some default values for the lat-lon preference drop down. */
242    private static final Set<String> defaultLatLonFormats =
243        CollectionHelpers.set("##0",
244                              "##0.0",
245                              "##0.0#",
246                              "##0.0##",
247                              "0.0",
248                              "0.00",
249                              "0.000");
251    private static final Set<String> probeFormatsList =
252        CollectionHelpers.set(DisplayControl.DEFAULT_PROBEFORMAT,
253                              "%rawvalue% [%rawunit%]",
254                              "%value%",
255                              "%rawvalue%",
256                              "%value% <i>%unit%</i>");
258    /** 
259     * Replacing the "incoming" IDV preference tab names with whatever's in
260     * this map.
261     */
262    private static final Map<String, String> replaceMap = 
263        CollectionHelpers.zipMap(
264            CollectionHelpers.arr("Toolbar", "View"), 
265            CollectionHelpers.arr(Constants.PREF_LIST_TOOLBAR, Constants.PREF_LIST_VIEW));
267    /** Path to the McV choosers.xml */
268    private static final String MCV_CHOOSERS = "/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidasv/resources/choosers.xml";
270    /** 
271     * Maps the {@literal "name"} of a panel to the actual thing holding the 
272     * PreferenceManager. 
273     */
274    private final Map<String, Container> prefMap = CollectionHelpers.concurrentMap();
276    /** Maps the name of a panel to an icon. */
277    private final Map<String, ImageIcon> iconCache = CollectionHelpers.concurrentMap();
279    /** 
280     * A table of the different preference managers that'll wind up in the
281     * list.
282     */
283    private final Map<String, PreferenceManager> managerMap = CollectionHelpers.concurrentMap();
285    /**
286     * Each PreferenceManager has associated data contained in this table.
287     * TODO: bug Unidata about getting IdvPreferenceManager's dataList protected
288     */
289    private final Map<String, Object> dataMap = CollectionHelpers.concurrentMap();
291    private final Set<String> labelSet = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
293    /** 
294     * The list that'll contain all the names of the different 
295     * PreferenceManagers 
296     */
297    private JList labelList;
299    /** The "M" in the MVC for JLists. Contains all the list data. */
300    private DefaultListModel listModel;
302    /** Handle scrolling like a pro. */
303    private JScrollPane listScrollPane;
305    /** Holds the main preference pane */
306    private JPanel mainPane;
308    /** Holds the buttons at the bottom */
309    private JPanel buttonPane;
311    /** Date formats */
312    private final Set<String> dateFormats = CollectionHelpers.set(
313        DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, "MM/dd/yy HH:mm z", "dd.MM.yy HH:mm z", 
314        "EEE, MMM dd yyyy HH:mm z", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'",
315        "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ");
317    /** The toolbar editor */
318    private McvToolbarEditor toolbarEditor;
320    /**
321     * Prep as much as possible for displaying the preference window: load up
322     * icons and create some of the window features.
323     * 
324     * @param idv Reference to the supreme IDV object.
325     */
326    public McIdasPreferenceManager(IntegratedDataViewer idv) {
327        super(idv);
328        AnnotationProcessor.process(this);
329        init();
331        for (int i = 0; i < PREF_PANELS.length; i++) {
332            URL url = getClass().getResource(PREF_PANELS[i][1]);
333            iconCache.put(PREF_PANELS[i][0], new ImageIcon(url));
334        }
336        setEmptyPref("idv.displaylist.template.data", DISPLAY_LIST_TEMPLATE_DATA);
337        setEmptyPref("idv.displaylist.template.nodata", TEMPLATE_NO_DATA);
338        setEmptyPref("idv.displaylist.template.imagedisplay", TEMPLATE_IMAGEDISPLAY);
339        setEmptyPref("idv.legendlabel.template.data", LEGEND_TEMPLATE_DATA);
340        setEmptyPref("idv.legendlabel.template.nodata", TEMPLATE_NO_DATA);
341    }
343    private boolean setEmptyPref(final String id, final String val) {
344        IdvObjectStore store = getIdv().getStore();
345        if (store.get(id, (String)null) == null) {
346            store.put(id, val);
347            return true;
348        }
349        return false;
350    }
352    /**
353     * Overridden so McIDAS-V can direct users to specific help sections for
354     * each preference panel.
355     */
356    @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
357        String cmd = event.getActionCommand();
358        if (!CMD_HELP.equals(cmd) || labelList == null) {
359            super.actionPerformed(event);
360            return;
361        }
363        int selectedIndex = labelList.getSelectedIndex();
364        getIdvUIManager().showHelp(PREF_PANELS[selectedIndex][2]);
365    }
367    public void replaceServerPrefPanel(final JPanel panel) {
368        String name = "SERVER MANAGER";
369        mainPane.add(name, panel);
370        ((CardLayout)mainPane.getLayout()).show(mainPane, name);
371    }
373    @EventSubscriber(eventClass=EntryStore.Event.class)
374    public void replaceServerPreferences(EntryStore.Event evt) {
375        EntryStore remoteAddeStore = ((McIDASV)getIdv()).getServerManager();
376        AddePreferences prefs = new AddePreferences(remoteAddeStore);
377        AddePrefConglomeration eww = prefs.buildPanel((McIDASV)getIdv());
378    }
380    /**
381     * Add a PreferenceManager to the list of things that should be shown in
382     * the preference dialog.
383     * 
384     * @param tabLabel The label (or name) of the PreferenceManager.
385     * @param description Not used.
386     * @param listener The actual PreferenceManager.
387     * @param panel The container holding all of the PreferenceManager stuff.
388     * @param data Data passed to the preference manager.
389     */
390    @Override public void add(String tabLabel, String description, 
391        PreferenceManager listener, Container panel, Object data) {
393        // if there is an alternate name for tabLabel, find and use it.
394        if (replaceMap.containsKey(tabLabel) == true) {
395            tabLabel = replaceMap.get(tabLabel);
396        }
398        if (prefMap.containsKey(tabLabel) == true) {
399            return;
400        }
402        // figure out the last panel that was selected.
403        int selected = getIdv().getObjectStore().get(LAST_PREF_PANEL, 0);
404        if (selected < 0 || selected >= PREF_PANELS.length) {
405            logger.warn("attempted to select an invalid preference panel: {}", selected);
406            selected = 0;
407        }
408        String selectedPanel = PREF_PANELS[selected][0];
410        panel.setPreferredSize(null);
412        Msg.translateTree(panel);
414        managerMap.put(tabLabel, listener);
415        if (data == null) {
416            dataMap.put(tabLabel, new Hashtable());
417        } else {
418            dataMap.put(tabLabel, data);
419        }
420        prefMap.put(tabLabel, panel);
422        if (labelSet.add(tabLabel)) {
423            JLabel label = new JLabel();
424            label.setText(tabLabel);
425            label.setIcon(iconCache.get(tabLabel));
426            listModel.addElement(label);
428            labelList.setSelectedIndex(selected);
429            mainPane.add(tabLabel, panel);
430            if (selectedPanel.equals(tabLabel)) {
431                ((CardLayout)mainPane.getLayout()).show(mainPane, tabLabel);
432            }
433        }
435        mainPane.repaint();
436    }
438    /**
439     * Apply the preferences (taken straight from IDV). 
440     *
441     * @return Whether or not each of the preference managers applied properly.
442     */
443    // TODO(jon?): bug Unidata about making managers and dataList protected instead of private
444    @Override public boolean apply() {
445        try {
446            for (String id : labelSet) {
447                PreferenceManager manager = managerMap.get(id);
448                manager.applyPreference(getStore(), dataMap.get(id));
449            }
450            fixDisplayListFont();
451            getStore().save();
452            return true;
453        } catch (Exception exc) {
454            LogUtil.logException("Error applying preferences", exc);
455            return false;
456        }
457    }
459    // For some reason the display list font can have a size of zero if your
460    // new font size didn't change after starting the prefs panel. 
461    private void fixDisplayListFont() {
462        IdvObjectStore s = getStore();
463        Font f = s.get(ViewManager.PREF_DISPLAYLISTFONT, FontSelector.getDefaultFont());
464        if (f.getSize() == 0) {
465            f = f.deriveFont(14f);
466            s.put(ViewManager.PREF_DISPLAYLISTFONT, f);
467        }
468    }
470    /**
471     * Select a list item and its corresponding panel that both live within the 
472     * preference window JList.
473     * 
474     * @param labelName The "name" of the JLabel within the JList.
475     */
476    public void selectListItem(String labelName) {
477        show();
478        toFront();
480        for (int i = 0; i < listModel.getSize(); i++) {
481            String labelText = ((JLabel)listModel.get(i)).getText();
482            if (StringUtil.stringMatch(labelText, labelName)) {
483                // persist across restarts
484                getIdv().getObjectStore().put(LAST_PREF_PANEL, i);
485                labelList.setSelectedIndex(i);
486                return;
487            }
488        }
489    }
491    /**
492     * Wrapper so that IDV code can still select which preference pane to show.
493     * 
494     * @param tabNameToShow The name of the pane to be shown. Regular
495     * expressions are supported.
496     */
497    public void showTab(String tabNameToShow) {
498        selectListItem(tabNameToShow);
499    }
501    /**
502     * Handle the user clicking around.
503     * 
504     * @param e The event to be handled! Use your imagination!
505     */
506    public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
507        if (e.getValueIsAdjusting() == false) {
508            String name = getSelectedName();
509            ((CardLayout)mainPane.getLayout()).show(mainPane, name);
510        }
511    }
513    /**
514     * Returns the container the corresponds to the currently selected label in
515     * the JList. Also stores the selected panel so that the next time a user
516     * tries to open the preferences they will start off in the panel they last
517     * selected.
518     * 
519     * @return The current container.
520     */
521    private String getSelectedName() {
522        // make sure the selected panel persists across restarts
523        getIdv().getObjectStore().put(LAST_PREF_PANEL, labelList.getSelectedIndex());
524        String key = ((JLabel)listModel.getElementAt(labelList.getSelectedIndex())).getText();
525        return key;
526    }
528    /**
529     * Perform the GUI initialization for the preference dialog.
530     */
531    public void init() {
532        listModel = new DefaultListModel();
533        labelList = new JList(listModel);
535        labelList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION);
536        labelList.setCellRenderer(new IconCellRenderer());
537        labelList.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() {
538            public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
539                if (e.getValueIsAdjusting() == false) {
540                    String name = getSelectedName();
541                    if (Constants.PREF_LIST_NAV_CONTROLS.equals(name)) {
542                        mainPane.add(name, makeEventPanel());
543                        mainPane.validate();
544                    }
545                    ((CardLayout)mainPane.getLayout()).show(mainPane, name);
546                }
547            }
548        });
550        listScrollPane = new JScrollPane(labelList);
551        listScrollPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createBevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED));
553        mainPane = new JPanel(new CardLayout());
554        mainPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createBevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED));
555        mainPane.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
556            public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
557//                System.err.println("prop change: prop="+e.getPropertyName()+" old="+e.getOldValue()+" new="+e.getNewValue());
558                String p = e.getPropertyName();
559                if (!"Frame.active".equals(p) && !"ancestor".equals(p)) {
560                    return;
561                }
563                Object v = e.getNewValue();
564                boolean okay = false;
565                if (v instanceof Boolean) {
566                    okay = ((Boolean)v).booleanValue();
567                } else if (v instanceof JPanel) {
568                    okay = true;
569                } else {
570                    okay = false;
571                }
573                if (okay) {
574                    if (getSelectedName().equals(Constants.PREF_LIST_NAV_CONTROLS)) {
575                        mainPane.add(Constants.PREF_LIST_NAV_CONTROLS, makeEventPanel());
576                        mainPane.validate();
577                        ((CardLayout)mainPane.getLayout()).show(mainPane, Constants.PREF_LIST_NAV_CONTROLS);
578                    }
579                }
580            }
581        });
583        JPanel buttons = GuiUtils.makeButtons(this, new String[]{"Apply", "OK", "Help",
584                "Cancel"}, new String[]{
585                CMD_APPLY,
586                CMD_OK, CMD_HELP, CMD_CANCEL}, new String[] {"Accept changed preferences and keep this window open",
587                "Accept changed preferences and close this window",
588                "Open the User Guide page for User Preferences",
589                "Exit User Preferences"}, null);
590        buttonPane = McVGuiUtils.makePrettyButtons(buttons);
592        contents = new JPanel();
593        GroupLayout layout = new GroupLayout(contents);
594        contents.setLayout(layout);
595        layout.setHorizontalGroup(
596            layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
597            .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
598                .addComponent(listScrollPane, PREFERRED_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, PREFERRED_SIZE)
599                .addPreferredGap(RELATED)
600                .addComponent(mainPane, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
601                .addComponent(buttonPane, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
602        );
603        layout.setVerticalGroup(
604            layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
605            .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
606                .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(TRAILING)
607                    .addComponent(mainPane, LEADING, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
608                    .addComponent(listScrollPane, LEADING, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
609                    .addPreferredGap(RELATED)
610                    .addComponent(buttonPane, PREFERRED_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, PREFERRED_SIZE))
611        );
612    }
614    /**
615     * Initialize the preference dialog. Leave most of the heavy lifting to
616     * the IDV, except for creating the server manager.
617     */
618    protected void initPreferences() {
619        // General/McIDAS-V
620        addMcVPreferences();
622        // View/Display Window
623        addDisplayWindowPreferences();
625        // Toolbar/Toolbar Options
626        addToolbarPreferences();
628        // Available Choosers/Data Sources
629        addChooserPreferences();
631        // ADDE Servers
632        addServerPreferences();
634        // Available Displays/Display Types
635        addDisplayPreferences();
637        // Navigation/Navigation Controls
638        addNavigationPreferences();
640        // Formats & Data
641        addFormatDataPreferences();
643        // Advanced
644        if (!labelSet.contains(Constants.PREF_LIST_ADVANCED)) {
645            // due to issue with MemoryOption.getTextComponent, we don't
646            // want to do this again if Advanced tab is already built.
647            // (the heap size text field will disappear on second opening
648            //  of McV preferences window!)
649            addAdvancedPreferences();
650        }
651    }
653    /**
654     * Build a {@link AddePreferences} panel {@literal "around"} the
655     * server manager {@link EntryStore}.
656     * 
657     * @see McIDASV#getServerManager()
658     */
659    public void addServerPreferences() {
660        EntryStore remoteAddeStore = ((McIDASV)getIdv()).getServerManager();
661        AddePreferences prefs = new AddePreferences(remoteAddeStore);
662        prefs.addPanel(this);
663    }
665    /**
666     * Create the navigation preference panel
667     */
668    public void addNavigationPreferences() {
669        PreferenceManager navigationManager = new PreferenceManager() {
670            public void applyPreference(XmlObjectStore theStore, Object data) {
671//                System.err.println("applying nav prefs");
672            }
673        };
674        this.add(Constants.PREF_LIST_NAV_CONTROLS, "", navigationManager, makeEventPanel(), new Hashtable());
675    }
677    /**
678     * Create the toolbar preference panel
679     */
680    public void addToolbarPreferences() {
681        if (toolbarEditor == null) {
682            toolbarEditor = 
683                new McvToolbarEditor((UIManager)getIdv().getIdvUIManager());
684        }
686        PreferenceManager toolbarManager = new PreferenceManager() {
687            public void applyPreference(XmlObjectStore s, Object d) {
688                if (toolbarEditor.anyChanges() == true) {
689                    toolbarEditor.doApply();
690                    UIManager mngr = (UIManager)getIdv().getIdvUIManager();
691                    mngr.setCurrentToolbars(toolbarEditor);
692                }
693            }
694        };
695        this.add("Toolbar", "Toolbar icons", toolbarManager,
696                              toolbarEditor.getContents(), toolbarEditor);
697    }
699    /**
700     * Make a checkbox preference panel
701     *
702     * @param objects Holds (Label, preference id, Boolean default value).
703     * If preference id is null then just show the label. If the entry is only length
704     * 2 (i.e., no value) then default to true.
705     * @param widgets The map to store the id to widget
706     * @param store  Where to look up the preference value
707     *
708     * @return The created panel
709     */
710    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // idv-style.
711    public static JPanel makePrefPanel(final Object[][] objects, final Hashtable widgets, final XmlObjectStore store) {
712        List<JComponent> comps = CollectionHelpers.arrList();
713        for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
714            final String name = (String)objects[i][0];
715            final String id = (String)objects[i][1];
716            final boolean value = ((objects[i].length > 2) ? ((Boolean) objects[i][2]).booleanValue() : true);
718            if (id == null) {
719                if (i > 0) {
720                    comps.add(new JLabel(" "));
721                }
722                comps.add(new JLabel(name));
723                continue;
724            }
726            final JCheckBox cb = new JCheckBox(name, store.get(id, value));
727            cb.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
728                public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent e) {
729                    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
730                        public void run() {
731                            cb.setSelected(store.get(id, value));
732                        }
733                    });
734                }
735            });
736            if (objects[i].length > 3) {
737                cb.setToolTipText(objects[i][3].toString());
738            }
739            widgets.put(id, cb);
740            comps.add(cb);
741        }
742        return GuiUtils.top(GuiUtils.vbox(comps));
743    }
745    public void addAdvancedPreferences() {
746        Hashtable<String, Component> widgets = new Hashtable<String, Component>();
748        McIDASV mcv = (McIDASV)getIdv();
750        // Build the startup options panel
751        final StartupManager startup = StartupManager.getInstance();
752        Platform platform = startup.getPlatform();
753        platform.setUserDirectory(
754                mcv.getObjectStore().getUserDirectory().toString());
755        platform.setAvailableMemory(GetMem.getMemory());
756        JPanel smPanel = startup.getAdvancedPanel(true);
757        List<JPanel> stuff = Collections.singletonList(smPanel);
759        PreferenceManager advancedManager = new PreferenceManager() {
760            public void applyPreference(XmlObjectStore theStore, Object data) {
761                IdvPreferenceManager.applyWidgets((Hashtable)data, theStore);
762                startup.handleApply();
763            }
764        };
766        JPanel outerPanel = new JPanel();
768        // Outer panel layout
769        GroupLayout layout = new GroupLayout(outerPanel);
770        outerPanel.setLayout(layout);
771        layout.setHorizontalGroup(
772            layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
773            .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
774                .addContainerGap()
775                .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
776                    .addComponent(smPanel, TRAILING, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
777                .addContainerGap())
778        );
779        layout.setVerticalGroup(
780            layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
781            .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
782                .addContainerGap()
783                .addComponent(smPanel, PREFERRED_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, PREFERRED_SIZE)
784                .addContainerGap(DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
785        );
787        this.add(Constants.PREF_LIST_ADVANCED, "complicated stuff dude", 
788            advancedManager, outerPanel, widgets);
789    }
791    /**
792     * Add in the user preference tab for the controls to show
793     */
794    protected void addDisplayPreferences() {
795        McIDASV mcv = (McIDASV)getIdv();
796        cbxToCdMap = new Hashtable<JCheckBox, ControlDescriptor>();
797        List<JPanel> compList = new ArrayList<JPanel>();
798        List<ControlDescriptor> controlDescriptors = 
799            getIdv().getAllControlDescriptors();
801        final List<CheckboxCategoryPanel> catPanels = 
802            new ArrayList<CheckboxCategoryPanel>();
804        final Hashtable<String, CheckboxCategoryPanel> catMap = 
805            new Hashtable<String, CheckboxCategoryPanel>();
807        for (ControlDescriptor cd : controlDescriptors) {
808            final String displayCategory = cd.getDisplayCategory();
810            CheckboxCategoryPanel catPanel =
811                (CheckboxCategoryPanel) catMap.get(displayCategory);
813            if (catPanel == null) {
814                catPanel = new CheckboxCategoryPanel(displayCategory, false);
815                catPanels.add(catPanel);
816                catMap.put(displayCategory, catPanel);
817                compList.add(catPanel.getTopPanel());
818                compList.add(catPanel);
819            }
821            JCheckBox cbx = new JCheckBox(cd.getLabel(),
822                                          shouldShowControl(cd, true));
823            cbx.setToolTipText(cd.getDescription());
824            cbxToCdMap.put(cbx, cd);
825            catPanel.addItem(cbx);
826            catPanel.add(GuiUtils.inset(cbx, new Insets(0, 20, 0, 0)));
827        }
829        for (CheckboxCategoryPanel cbcp : catPanels) {
830            cbcp.checkVisCbx();
831        }
833        final JButton allOn = new JButton("All on");
834        allOn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
835            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
836                for (CheckboxCategoryPanel cbcp : catPanels) {
837                    cbcp.toggleAll(true);
838                }
839            }
840        });
841        final JButton allOff = new JButton("All off");
842        allOff.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
843            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
844                for (CheckboxCategoryPanel cbcp : catPanels) {
845                    cbcp.toggleAll(false);
846                }
847            }
848        });
850        Boolean controlsAll =
851            (Boolean)mcv.getPreference(PROP_CONTROLDESCRIPTORS_ALL, Boolean.TRUE);
852        final JRadioButton useAllBtn = new JRadioButton("Use all displays",
853                                           controlsAll.booleanValue());
854        final JRadioButton useTheseBtn =
855            new JRadioButton("Use selected displays:",
856                             !controlsAll.booleanValue());
857        GuiUtils.buttonGroup(useAllBtn, useTheseBtn);
859        final JPanel cbPanel = GuiUtils.top(GuiUtils.vbox(compList));
861        JScrollPane cbScroller = new JScrollPane(cbPanel);
862        cbScroller.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(10);
863        cbScroller.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 300));
865        JComponent exportComp =
866            GuiUtils.right(GuiUtils.makeButton("Export to Plugin", this,
867                "exportControlsToPlugin"));
869        JComponent cbComp = GuiUtils.centerBottom(cbScroller, exportComp);
871        JPanel bottomPanel =
872            GuiUtils.leftCenter(
873                GuiUtils.inset(
874                    GuiUtils.top(GuiUtils.vbox(allOn, allOff)),
875                    4), new Msg.SkipPanel(
876                        GuiUtils.hgrid(
877                            Misc.newList(cbComp, GuiUtils.filler()), 0)));
879        JPanel controlsPanel =
880            GuiUtils.inset(GuiUtils.topCenter(GuiUtils.hbox(useAllBtn,
881                useTheseBtn), bottomPanel), 6);
883        GuiUtils.enableTree(cbPanel, !useAllBtn.isSelected());
884        useAllBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
885            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
886                GuiUtils.enableTree(cbPanel, !useAllBtn.isSelected());
887                allOn.setEnabled(!useAllBtn.isSelected());
888                allOff.setEnabled(!useAllBtn.isSelected());
889            }
890        });
892        useTheseBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
893            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
894                GuiUtils.enableTree(cbPanel, !useAllBtn.isSelected());
895                allOn.setEnabled(!useAllBtn.isSelected());
896                allOff.setEnabled(!useAllBtn.isSelected());
897            }
898        });
900        GuiUtils.enableTree(cbPanel, !useAllBtn.isSelected());
902        allOn.setEnabled(!useAllBtn.isSelected());
904        allOff.setEnabled(!useAllBtn.isSelected());
906        PreferenceManager controlsManager = new PreferenceManager() {
907            public void applyPreference(XmlObjectStore theStore, Object data) {
908                controlDescriptorsToShow = new Hashtable();
910                Hashtable<JCheckBox, ControlDescriptor> table = (Hashtable)data;
912                List<ControlDescriptor> controlDescriptors = getIdv().getAllControlDescriptors();
914                for (Enumeration keys = table.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements(); ) {
915                    JCheckBox cbx = (JCheckBox) keys.nextElement();
916                    ControlDescriptor cd = (ControlDescriptor)table.get(cbx);
917                    controlDescriptorsToShow.put(cd.getControlId(), Boolean.valueOf(cbx.isSelected()));
918                }
920                showAllControls = useAllBtn.isSelected();
922                theStore.put(PROP_CONTROLDESCRIPTORS, controlDescriptorsToShow);
923                theStore.put(PROP_CONTROLDESCRIPTORS_ALL, Boolean.valueOf(showAllControls));
924            }
925        };
927        this.add(Constants.PREF_LIST_AVAILABLE_DISPLAYS,
928                 "What displays should be available in the user interface?",
929                 controlsManager, controlsPanel, cbxToCdMap);
930    }
932    protected void addDisplayWindowPreferences() {
934        Hashtable<String, JCheckBox> widgets = new Hashtable<>();
935        MapViewManager mappy = new MapViewManager(getIdv());
937        Object[][] legendObjects = {
938            { "Show Side Legend", MapViewManager.PREF_SHOWSIDELEGEND, Boolean.valueOf(mappy.getShowSideLegend()) },
939            { "Show Bottom Legend", MapViewManager.PREF_SHOWBOTTOMLEGEND, Boolean.valueOf(mappy.getShowBottomLegend()) }
940        };
941        JPanel legendPanel = makePrefPanel(legendObjects, widgets, getStore());
942        legendPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Legends"));
944        Object[][] navigationObjects = {
945            { "Show Earth Navigation Panel", MapViewManager.PREF_SHOWEARTHNAVPANEL, Boolean.valueOf(mappy.getShowEarthNavPanel()) },
946            { "Show Viewpoint Toolbar", MapViewManager.PREF_SHOWTOOLBAR + "perspective" },
947            { "Show Zoom/Pan Toolbar", MapViewManager.PREF_SHOWTOOLBAR + "zoompan" },
948            { "Show Undo/Redo Toolbar", MapViewManager.PREF_SHOWTOOLBAR + "undoredo" }
949        };
950        JPanel navigationPanel = makePrefPanel(navigationObjects, widgets, getStore());
951        navigationPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Navigation Toolbars"));
953        String arLabel = "<html>"+MapViewManager.PR_LABEL+"<p>Changes do not affect current displays/layers.</html>";
955        Object[][] panelObjects = {
956            { "Show Globe Background", MapViewManager.PREF_SHOWGLOBEBACKGROUND, Boolean.valueOf(getStore().get(MapViewManager.PREF_SHOWGLOBEBACKGROUND, false)) },
957            { "Show Top Bar", MapViewManager.PREF_TOPBAR_VISIBLE, Boolean.valueOf(mappy.getTopBarVisible()) },
958            { "Show Wireframe Box", MapViewManager.PREF_WIREFRAME, Boolean.valueOf(mappy.getWireframe()) },
959            { "Show Cursor Readout", MapViewManager.PREF_SHOWCURSOR, Boolean.valueOf(mappy.getShowCursor()) },
960            { "Clip View At Box", MapViewManager.PREF_3DCLIP, Boolean.valueOf(mappy.getClipping()) },
961            { "Show Times In Panel", MapViewManager.PREF_ANIREADOUT, Boolean.valueOf(mappy.getAniReadout()) },
962            { "Show Map Display Scales", MapViewManager.PREF_SHOWSCALES, Boolean.valueOf(mappy.getLabelsVisible()) },
963            { "Show Transect Display Scales", MapViewManager.PREF_SHOWTRANSECTSCALES, Boolean.valueOf(mappy.getTransectLabelsVisible()) },
964            { "Show \"Please Wait\" Message", MapViewManager.PREF_WAITMSG, Boolean.valueOf(mappy.getWaitMessageVisible()) },
965            { "Reset Projection With New Data", MapViewManager.PREF_PROJ_USEFROMDATA },
966            { ViewManager.LABEL_AUTO_DEPTH, ViewManager.PREF_AUTO_DEPTH, mappy.getAutoDepth() },
967            { arLabel, MapViewManager.PREF_USE_PROGRESSIVE_RESOLUTION, Boolean.valueOf(getStore().get(MapViewManager.PREF_USE_PROGRESSIVE_RESOLUTION, false)) }
968        };
969        JPanel panelPanel = makePrefPanel(panelObjects, widgets, getStore());
971        JCheckBox adaptiveRezCheckBox = widgets.get(MapViewManager.PREF_USE_PROGRESSIVE_RESOLUTION);
972        adaptiveRezCheckBox.setVerticalTextPosition(SwingConstants.TOP);
974        panelPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Panel Configuration"));
976        XmlObjectStore store = getStore();
978        Color globeColor = mappy.getGlobeBackgroundColor();
979        ColorSwatchComponent globeSwatch = new ColorSwatchComponent(store, globeColor, "Set Globe Background Color");
980        globeSwatch.setPreferredSize(Constants.DEFAULT_COLOR_PICKER_SIZE);
981        JPanel globePanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
982        globePanel.add(globeSwatch);
983        final JComponent[] globeBg = { globeSwatch, globeSwatch.getSetButton(), globeSwatch.getClearButton() };
985        Color bgColor = store.get(ViewManager.PREF_BGCOLOR, mappy.getBackground());
986        ColorSwatchComponent bgSwatch = new ColorSwatchComponent(store, bgColor, "Set Background Color");
987        bgSwatch.setPreferredSize(Constants.DEFAULT_COLOR_PICKER_SIZE);
988        JPanel bgPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
989        bgPanel.add(bgSwatch);
990        final JComponent[] bgComps = { bgSwatch, bgSwatch.getSetButton(), bgSwatch.getClearButton() };
992        Color fgColor = store.get(ViewManager.PREF_FGCOLOR, mappy.getForeground());
993        ColorSwatchComponent fgSwatch = new ColorSwatchComponent(store, fgColor, "Set Foreground Color");
994        fgSwatch.setPreferredSize(Constants.DEFAULT_COLOR_PICKER_SIZE);
995        JPanel fgPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
996        fgPanel.add(fgSwatch);
997        final JComponent[] fgComps = { fgSwatch, fgSwatch.getSetButton(), fgSwatch.getClearButton() };
999        Color borderColor = store.get(ViewManager.PREF_BORDERCOLOR, Constants.MCV_BLUE_DARK);
1000        ColorSwatchComponent borderSwatch = new ColorSwatchComponent(store, borderColor, "Set Selected Panel Border Color");
1001        borderSwatch.setPreferredSize(Constants.DEFAULT_COLOR_PICKER_SIZE);
1002        JPanel borderPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
1003        borderPanel.add(borderSwatch);
1004        final JComponent[] border = { borderSwatch, borderSwatch.getSetButton(), borderSwatch.getClearButton() };
1006        JPanel colorPanel = GuiUtils.vbox(
1007                GuiUtils.hbox(
1008                        McVGuiUtils.makeLabelRight("Globe Background:", Width.ONEHALF),
1009                        GuiUtils.left(globePanel),
1010                        GAP_RELATED
1011                ),
1012                GuiUtils.hbox(
1013                        McVGuiUtils.makeLabelRight("Background:", Width.ONEHALF),
1014                        GuiUtils.left(bgPanel),
1015                        GAP_RELATED
1016                ),
1017                GuiUtils.hbox(
1018                        McVGuiUtils.makeLabelRight("Foreground:", Width.ONEHALF),
1019                        GuiUtils.left(fgPanel),
1020                        GAP_RELATED
1021                ),
1022                GuiUtils.hbox(
1023                        McVGuiUtils.makeLabelRight("Selected Panel:", Width.ONEHALF),
1024                        GuiUtils.left(borderPanel),
1025                        GAP_RELATED
1026                )
1027        );
1029        colorPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Color Scheme"));
1031        final FontSelector fontSelector = new FontSelector(FontSelector.COMBOBOX_UI, false, false);
1032        Font f = getStore().get(MapViewManager.PREF_DISPLAYLISTFONT, mappy.getDisplayListFont());
1033        if (Objects.equals(f.getName(), "Default")) {
1034            f = FontSelector.getDefaultFont();
1035            store.put(MapViewManager.PREF_DISPLAYLISTFONT, f);
1036        }
1037        fontSelector.setFont(f);
1038        Color dlColor = store.get(MapViewManager.PREF_DISPLAYLISTCOLOR, mappy.getDisplayListColor());
1039        final ColorSwatchComponent dlColorWidget = new ColorSwatchComponent(store, dlColor, "Set Display List Color");
1040        dlColorWidget.setPreferredSize(Constants.DEFAULT_COLOR_PICKER_SIZE);
1041        JPanel dlColPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
1042        dlColPanel.add(dlColorWidget);
1044        // Layer Label Rendering - see Inq #2532
1046        Object[][] layerListObjects = {
1047                {"Show Layer List in Panel", MapViewManager.PREF_SHOWDISPLAYLIST, Boolean.valueOf(mappy.getShowDisplayList())}
1048        };
1049        JPanel layerListPanel = makePrefPanel(layerListObjects, widgets, getStore());
1051        JPanel fontPanel = GuiUtils.vbox(
1052                GuiUtils.hbox(
1053                        McVGuiUtils.makeLabelRight("Font:", Width.ONEHALF),
1054                        GuiUtils.left(fontSelector.getComponent()),
1055                        GAP_RELATED
1056                ),
1057                GuiUtils.hbox(
1058                        McVGuiUtils.makeLabelRight("Color:", Width.ONEHALF),
1059                        GuiUtils.left(dlColPanel),
1060                        GAP_RELATED
1061                ),
1062                layerListPanel
1063        );
1065        fontPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Layer List Properties"));
1067        List<ProjectionImpl> projections = (List<ProjectionImpl>)mappy.getProjectionList();
1068        final JComboBox projBox = new JComboBox();
1069        final Map<String, ProjectionImpl> projectionNamesToObjects = new HashMap<>(projections.size());
1071        Collection<String> projectionNames = new TreeSet<>(Collator.getInstance());
1073        for (ProjectionImpl projection : projections) {
1074            String name = projection.getName();
1075            projectionNamesToObjects.put(name, projection);
1076            projectionNames.add(name);
1077        }
1079        GuiUtils.setListData(projBox, projectionNames.toArray());
1080        Object defaultProj = mappy.getDefaultProjection();
1081        if (defaultProj != null) {
1082            if (defaultProj instanceof ProjectionImpl) {
1083                projBox.setSelectedItem(((ProjectionImpl)defaultProj).getName());
1084            } else {
1085                projBox.setSelectedItem(defaultProj);
1086            }
1087        }
1089        JPanel projPanel = GuiUtils.left(projBox);
1090        projPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Default Projection"));
1092        McIDASV mcv = (McIDASV)getIdv();
1094        // START MCV INQUIRY 2718 changes
1095        // see the comments for the ViewManager.PREF_LOGO_CHANGED field
1096        // as well as Inquiry 2718 for more
1097        boolean logoViz = true;
1098        String logoPath = mcv.getStateManager().getPreferenceOrProperty(ViewManager.PREF_LOGO, Constants.ICON_MCIDASV_DEFAULT);
1099        if (getStore().getKeys().contains(ViewManager.PREF_LOGO_CHANGED)) {
1100            logoViz = mcv.getStateManager().getPreferenceOrProperty(
1101                ViewManager.PREF_LOGO_VISIBILITY, true);
1102            if (logoPath.isEmpty()) {
1103                logoPath = Constants.ICON_MCIDASV_DEFAULT;
1104            }
1105        }
1106        // END MCV INQUIRY 2718 changes
1108        final JCheckBox logoVizBox = new JCheckBox("Show Logo in View", logoViz);
1109        final JTextField logoField = new JTextField(logoPath);
1110        logoField.setToolTipText("Enter a file or URL");
1112        JButton browseButton = new JButton("Browse..");
1113        browseButton.setToolTipText("Choose a logo from disk");
1114        browseButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
1115            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
1116                String filename = FileManager.getReadFile(FileManager.FILTER_IMAGE);
1117                if (filename == null) {
1118                    return;
1119                }
1120                logoField.setText(filename);
1121            }
1122        });
1124        // TJJ Jan 2018 - reworking Logo panel layout
1125        // http://mcidas.ssec.wisc.edu/inquiry-v/?inquiry=1933
1127        JPanel logoPanel = new JPanel();
1128        logoPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(logoPanel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
1129        String[] logos = ViewManager.parseLogoPosition(
1130                        mcv.getStateManager().getPreferenceOrProperty(
1131                                        ViewManager.PREF_LOGO_POSITION_OFFSET, ""));
1132        final JComboBox logoPosBox = new JComboBox(ViewManager.logoPoses);
1133        logoPosBox.setToolTipText("Set the logo position on the screen");
1134        logoPosBox.setSelectedItem(ViewManager.findLoc(logos[0]));
1136        final JTextField logoOffsetField = new JTextField(logos[1]);
1137        // provide enough space for 8 characters
1138        logoOffsetField.setColumns(8);
1139        logoOffsetField.setToolTipText("Set an offset from the position (x,y)");
1141        JPanel logoScalePanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
1142        float scaleMin = LOGO_SCALE_MIN;
1143        float scaleMax = LOGO_SCALE_MAX;
1144        float logoScaleFactor =
1145                (float) mcv.getStateManager().getPreferenceOrProperty(ViewManager.PREF_LOGO_SCALE, 1.0);
1146        final JSlider  logoScaleSlider = new JSlider(1, 20, 1);
1147        final JTextField logoSizeTextField = new JTextField("" + logoScaleFactor);
1148        // Legal values will never be more than three characters, e.g. 1.5
1149        logoSizeTextField.setColumns(3);
1150        ActionListener logoListener = new ActionListener() {
1152            @Override
1153            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1154                try {
1155                    float val = Float.parseFloat(logoSizeTextField.getText());
1156                    if ((val >= scaleMin) && (val <= scaleMax)) {
1157                        logoScaleSlider.setValue((int) (val * 10));
1158                    } else {
1159                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Value provided is not a floating point number within valid range (0.1 to 2.0)");
1160                    }
1161                } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
1162                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Value provided is not a floating point number within valid range (0.1 to 2.0)");
1163                }
1164            }
1166        };
1167        logoSizeTextField.addActionListener(logoListener);
1169        logoScaleSlider.setMinorTickSpacing(1);
1170        logoScaleSlider.setPaintTicks(true);
1172        // TJJ Jan 2018 - create custom labels since we want float values for scale multiplier
1173        Hashtable<Integer, JLabel> labelTable = new Hashtable<Integer, JLabel>();
1174        labelTable.put(1, new JLabel("0.1"));
1175        labelTable.put(5, new JLabel("0.5"));
1176        labelTable.put(10, new JLabel("1.0"));
1177        labelTable.put(15, new JLabel("1.5"));
1178        labelTable.put(20, new JLabel("2.0"));
1179        logoScaleSlider.setLabelTable(labelTable);
1180        logoScaleSlider.setPaintLabels(true);
1181        logoScaleSlider.setValue((int) (logoScaleFactor * 10));
1182        ChangeListener listener = new ChangeListener() {
1183                public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
1184                        logoSizeTextField.setText("" + logoScaleSlider.getValue() / 10.f);
1185                }
1186        };
1187        logoScaleSlider.addChangeListener(listener);
1188        logoScaleSlider.setToolTipText("Change Logo Scale Value");
1190        logoScalePanel.add(logoSizeTextField);
1191        logoScalePanel.add(logoScaleSlider);
1193        JPanel logoTop = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
1194        logoTop.add(logoVizBox);
1196        JPanel logoMiddle = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
1197        logoMiddle.add(logoField, BorderLayout.CENTER);
1198        logoMiddle.add(browseButton, BorderLayout.LINE_END);
1200        JPanel logoBottomOne = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
1201        logoBottomOne.add(new JLabel("Screen Position:"));
1202        logoBottomOne.add(logoPosBox);
1203        logoBottomOne.add(new JLabel("Offset:"));
1204        logoBottomOne.add(logoOffsetField);
1205        JPanel logoBottomTwo = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
1206        logoBottomTwo.add(new JLabel("Scale:"));
1207        logoBottomTwo.add(logoScalePanel);
1209        logoPanel.add(logoTop);
1210        logoPanel.add(logoMiddle);
1211        logoPanel.add(logoBottomOne);
1212        logoPanel.add(logoBottomTwo);
1214        logoPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Logo"));
1216        JPanel outerPanel = new JPanel();
1218        // Outer panel layout
1219        GroupLayout layout = new GroupLayout(outerPanel);
1220        outerPanel.setLayout(layout);
1221        layout.setHorizontalGroup(
1222            layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
1223            .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
1224                .addContainerGap()
1225                .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
1226                    .addComponent(navigationPanel, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
1227                    .addComponent(panelPanel, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
1228                .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1229                .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
1230                    .addComponent(colorPanel, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
1231                    .addComponent(legendPanel, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
1232                    .addComponent(fontPanel, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
1233                    .addComponent(logoPanel, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
1234                    .addComponent(projPanel, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
1235                .addContainerGap())
1236        );
1237        layout.setVerticalGroup(
1238            layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
1239            .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
1240                .addContainerGap()
1241                .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING, false)
1242                    .addComponent(navigationPanel, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
1243                    .addComponent(legendPanel, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
1244                .addPreferredGap(RELATED)
1245                .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING, false)
1246                    .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
1247                        .addComponent(colorPanel, PREFERRED_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, PREFERRED_SIZE)
1248                        .addPreferredGap(RELATED)
1249                        .addComponent(fontPanel, PREFERRED_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, PREFERRED_SIZE)
1250                        .addPreferredGap(RELATED)
1251                        .addComponent(logoPanel, PREFERRED_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, PREFERRED_SIZE)
1252                        .addPreferredGap(RELATED)
1253                        .addComponent(projPanel, PREFERRED_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, PREFERRED_SIZE))
1254                    .addComponent(panelPanel, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
1255                .addContainerGap(DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
1256        );
1258        PreferenceManager miscManager = new PreferenceManager() {
1259            // applyWidgets called the same way the IDV does it.
1260            public void applyPreference(XmlObjectStore theStore, Object data) {
1262                savePrefsFromWidgets((Hashtable)data, theStore);
1264                // START MCV INQUIRY 2718 changes
1265                // see the comments for the ViewManager.PREF_LOGO_CHANGED field
1266                // as well as Inquiry 2718 for more
1267                theStore.put(ViewManager.PREF_LOGO_CHANGED, true);
1268                // END MCV INQUIRY 2718 changes
1270                Object projBoxSelection = projBox.getSelectedItem();
1271                if (projBoxSelection instanceof String) {
1272                    String projName = (String)projBoxSelection;
1273                    ProjectionImpl proj = projectionNamesToObjects.get(projName);
1274                    theStore.put(MapViewManager.PREF_PROJ_DFLT, proj);
1275                } else {
1276                    theStore.put(MapViewManager.PREF_PROJ_DFLT, projBoxSelection);
1277                }
1279                theStore.put(MapViewManager.PREF_BGCOLOR, bgComps[0].getBackground());
1280                theStore.put(MapViewManager.PREF_FGCOLOR, fgComps[0].getBackground());
1281                theStore.put(MapViewManager.PREF_BORDERCOLOR, border[0].getBackground());
1282                theStore.put(MapViewManager.PREF_DISPLAYLISTFONT, fontSelector.getFont());
1283                theStore.put(MapViewManager.PREF_LOGO, logoField.getText());
1284                String lpos =
1285                    ((TwoFacedObject) logoPosBox.getSelectedItem()).getId()
1286                        .toString();
1287                String loff = logoOffsetField.getText().trim();
1288                theStore.put(MapViewManager.PREF_LOGO_POSITION_OFFSET,
1289                             ViewManager.makeLogoPosition(lpos, loff));
1290                theStore.put(MapViewManager.PREF_LOGO_VISIBILITY, logoVizBox.isSelected());
1291                theStore.put(MapViewManager.PREF_LOGO_SCALE,
1292                             logoScaleSlider.getValue() / 10f);
1293                theStore.put(MapViewManager.PREF_DISPLAYLISTCOLOR, dlColorWidget.getSwatchColor());
1294                theStore.put(MapViewManager.PREF_GLOBEBACKGROUND, globeBg[0].getBackground());
1296                ViewManager.setHighlightBorder(border[0].getBackground());
1297                EventBus.publish("McvPreference.ProgRez", theStore.get(MapViewManager.PREF_USE_PROGRESSIVE_RESOLUTION, false));
1299                // TJJ Aug 2023 - we decided High Quality only going forward
1300                boolean hiqLabelState = true;
1301                theStore.put(PROP_HIQ_FONT_RENDERING, hiqLabelState);
1302                System.setProperty(PROP_HIQ_FONT_RENDERING, Boolean.toString(hiqLabelState));
1304            }
1305        };
1307        this.add(Constants.PREF_LIST_VIEW, "Display Window Preferences", miscManager, outerPanel, widgets);
1308    }
1310    private static void savePrefsFromWidgets(Hashtable widgets, XmlObjectStore store) {
1311        IdvPreferenceManager.applyWidgets(widgets, store);
1312        for (Enumeration keys = widgets.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements(); ) {
1313            String key = (String) keys.nextElement();
1314            Object widget = widgets.get(key);
1315            if (MapViewManager.PREF_USE_PROGRESSIVE_RESOLUTION.equals(key)) {
1316                store.put(key, ((JCheckBox)widget).isSelected());
1317            }
1318        }
1319    }
1321    /**
1322     * Creates and adds the basic preference panel.
1323     */
1324    protected void addMcVPreferences() {
1326        Hashtable<String, Component> widgets = new Hashtable<String, Component>();
1327        McIDASV mcv = (McIDASV)getIdv();
1328        StateManager sm = (edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.StateManager)mcv.getStateManager();
1330        PreferenceManager basicManager = new PreferenceManager() {
1331            // IDV-style call to applyWidgets.
1332            public void applyPreference(XmlObjectStore theStore, Object data) {
1333                applyWidgets((Hashtable)data, theStore);
1334                getIdv().getIdvUIManager().setDateFormat();
1335                getIdv().getIdvUIManager().favoriteBundlesChanged();
1336                getIdv().initCacheManager();
1337                applyEventPreferences(theStore);
1338            }
1339        };
1341        boolean isPrerelease = sm.getIsPrerelease();
1342        Object[][] generalObjects = {
1343            { "Show McIDAS-V system bundles", PREF_SHOW_SYSTEM_BUNDLES, Boolean.TRUE },
1344            { "Show Help Tips on start", HelpTipDialog.PREF_HELPTIPSHOW },
1345            { "Show Data Explorer on start", PREF_SHOWDASHBOARD, Boolean.TRUE },
1346            { "Check for new version and notice on start", Constants.PREF_VERSION_CHECK, Boolean.TRUE },
1347            { "Include prereleases in version check", Constants.PREF_PRERELEASE_CHECK, isPrerelease },
1348            { "Confirm before exiting", PREF_SHOWQUITCONFIRM },
1349            { "Automatically save default layout at exit", Constants.PREF_AUTO_SAVE_DEFAULT_LAYOUT, Boolean.FALSE },
1350            { "Save visibility of Data Explorer", Constants.PREF_SAVE_DASHBOARD_VIZ, Boolean.FALSE },
1351            { "Confirm removal of all data sources", PREF_CONFIRM_REMOVE_DATA, Boolean.TRUE },
1352            { "Confirm removal of all layers", PREF_CONFIRM_REMOVE_LAYERS, Boolean.TRUE },
1353            { "Confirm removal of all layers and data sources", PREF_CONFIRM_REMOVE_BOTH, Boolean.TRUE },
1354        };
1355        final IdvObjectStore store = getStore();
1356        JPanel generalPanel = makePrefPanel(generalObjects, widgets, store);
1357        generalPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("General"));
1359        // Turn what used to be a set of checkboxes into a corresponding menu selection
1360        // The options have to be checkboxes in the widget collection
1361        // That way "applyWidgets" will work as expected
1362        boolean shouldRemove = store.get(PREF_OPEN_REMOVE, false);
1363        boolean shouldMerge  = store.get(PREF_OPEN_MERGE, false);
1364        final JCheckBox shouldRemoveCbx = new JCheckBox("You shouldn't see this", shouldRemove);
1365        final JCheckBox shouldMergeCbx  = new JCheckBox("You shouldn't see this", shouldMerge);
1366        widgets.put(PREF_OPEN_REMOVE, shouldRemoveCbx);
1367        widgets.put(PREF_OPEN_MERGE, shouldMergeCbx);
1369        final JComboBox loadComboBox = new JComboBox(loadComboOptions);
1370        loadComboBox.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
1371            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1372                switch (((JComboBox)e.getSource()).getSelectedIndex()) {
1373                case 0:
1374                    shouldRemoveCbx.setSelected(false);
1375                    shouldMergeCbx.setSelected(false);
1376                    break;
1377                case 1:
1378                    shouldRemoveCbx.setSelected(true);
1379                    shouldMergeCbx.setSelected(false);
1380                    break;
1381                case 2:
1382                    shouldRemoveCbx.setSelected(false);
1383                    shouldMergeCbx.setSelected(true);
1384                    break;
1385                case 3:
1386                    shouldRemoveCbx.setSelected(true);
1387                    shouldMergeCbx.setSelected(true);
1388                    break;
1389                }
1390            }
1391        });
1393        // update the bundle loading options upon visibility changes.
1394        loadComboBox.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
1395            public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent e) {
1396                String prop = e.getPropertyName();
1397                if (!"ancestor".equals(prop) && !"Frame.active".equals(prop)) {
1398                    return;
1399                }
1401                boolean remove = store.get(PREF_OPEN_REMOVE, false);
1402                boolean merge  = store.get(PREF_OPEN_MERGE, false);
1404                if (!remove) {
1405                    if (!merge) { 
1406                        loadComboBox.setSelectedIndex(0);
1407                    } else {
1408                        loadComboBox.setSelectedIndex(2);
1409                    }
1410                }
1411                else {
1412                    if (!merge) {
1413                        loadComboBox.setSelectedIndex(1);
1414                    } else {
1415                        loadComboBox.setSelectedIndex(3);
1416                    }
1417                }
1418            }
1419        });
1421        if (!shouldRemove) {
1422            if (!shouldMerge) {
1423                loadComboBox.setSelectedIndex(0);
1424            } else {
1425                loadComboBox.setSelectedIndex(2);
1426            }
1427        }
1428        else {
1429            if (!shouldMerge) {
1430                loadComboBox.setSelectedIndex(1);
1431            } else { 
1432                loadComboBox.setSelectedIndex(3);
1433            }
1434        }
1436        Object[][] bundleObjects = {
1437            { "Prompt when opening bundles", PREF_OPEN_ASK },
1438            { "Prompt for location for zipped data", PREF_ZIDV_ASK }
1439        };
1440        JPanel bundlePanelInner = makePrefPanel(bundleObjects, widgets, getStore());
1441        JPanel bundlePanel = GuiUtils.topCenter(loadComboBox, bundlePanelInner);
1442        bundlePanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("When Opening a Bundle"));
1444        Object[][] layerObjects = {
1445            { "Show windows when they are created", PREF_SHOWCONTROLWINDOW },
1446            { "Use fast rendering", PREF_FAST_RENDER, Boolean.FALSE, "<html>Turn this on for better performance at the risk of having funky displays</html>" },
1447            { "Auto-select data when loading a template", IdvConstants.PREF_AUTOSELECTDATA, Boolean.FALSE, "<html>When loading a display template should the data be automatically selected</html>" },
1448        };
1449        JPanel layerPanel = makePrefPanel(layerObjects, widgets, getStore());
1450        layerPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Layer Controls"));
1452        Object[][] layerclosedObjects = {
1453            { "Remove the display", DisplayControl.PREF_REMOVEONWINDOWCLOSE, Boolean.FALSE },
1454            { "Remove standalone displays", DisplayControl.PREF_STANDALONE_REMOVEONCLOSE, Boolean.FALSE }
1455        };
1456        JPanel layerclosedPanel = makePrefPanel(layerclosedObjects, widgets, getStore());
1457        layerclosedPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("When Layer Control Window is Closed"));
1459        JPanel outerPanel = new JPanel();
1461        // Outer panel layout
1462        GroupLayout layout = new GroupLayout(outerPanel);
1463        outerPanel.setLayout(layout);
1464        layout.setHorizontalGroup(
1465            layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
1466            .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
1467                .addContainerGap()
1468                .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(TRAILING)
1469                    .addComponent(generalPanel, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
1470                    .addComponent(layerPanel, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
1471                .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1472                .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
1473                    .addComponent(bundlePanel, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
1474                    .addComponent(layerclosedPanel, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
1475                .addContainerGap())
1476        );
1477        layout.setVerticalGroup(
1478            layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
1479            .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
1480                .addContainerGap()
1481                .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING, false)
1482                    .addComponent(bundlePanel, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
1483                    .addComponent(generalPanel, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
1484                .addPreferredGap(RELATED)
1485                .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING, false)
1486                    .addComponent(layerclosedPanel, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
1487                    .addComponent(layerPanel, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
1488                .addContainerGap(DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
1489        );
1490        this.add(Constants.PREF_LIST_GENERAL, "General Preferences", basicManager, outerPanel, widgets);
1491    }
1493    /**
1494     * <p>This determines whether the IDV should do a remove display and data 
1495     * before a bundle is loaded. It returns a 2 element boolean array. The 
1496     * first element is whether the open should take place at all. The second 
1497     * element determines whether displays and data should be removed before 
1498     * the load.</p>
1499     *
1500     * <p>Overridden by McIDAS-V so that we can ask the user whether or not we
1501     * should limit the number of new windows a bundle can create.</p>
1502     *
1503     * @param name Bundle name - may be null.
1504     *
1505     * @return Element 0: did user hit cancel; Element 1: Should remove data 
1506     *         and displays; Element 2: limit new windows.
1507     * 
1508     * @see IdvPreferenceManager#getDoRemoveBeforeOpening(String)
1509     */
1510    @Override public boolean[] getDoRemoveBeforeOpening(String name) {
1511        IdvObjectStore store = getStore();
1512        boolean shouldAsk    = store.get(PREF_OPEN_ASK, true);
1513        boolean shouldRemove = store.get(PREF_OPEN_REMOVE, false);
1514        boolean shouldMerge  = store.get(PREF_OPEN_MERGE, false);
1516        if (shouldAsk) {
1517            JComboBox loadComboBox = new JComboBox(loadComboOptions);
1518            JCheckBox preferenceCbx = new JCheckBox("Save as default preference", true);
1519            JCheckBox askCbx = new JCheckBox("Don't show this window again", false);
1521            if (!shouldRemove) {
1522                if (!shouldMerge) {
1523                    loadComboBox.setSelectedIndex(0);
1524                } else { 
1525                    loadComboBox.setSelectedIndex(2);
1526                }
1527            }
1528            else {
1529                if (!shouldMerge) {
1530                    loadComboBox.setSelectedIndex(1);
1531                } else {
1532                    loadComboBox.setSelectedIndex(3);
1533                }
1534            }
1536            JPanel inner = new JPanel();
1537            GroupLayout layout = new GroupLayout(inner);
1538            inner.setLayout(layout);
1539            layout.setHorizontalGroup(
1540                layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
1541                    .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
1542                        .addContainerGap()
1543                        .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
1544                            .addComponent(loadComboBox, PREFERRED_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
1545                            .addComponent(preferenceCbx)
1546                            .addComponent(askCbx))
1547                        .addContainerGap())
1548            );
1549            layout.setVerticalGroup(
1550                layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
1551                    .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
1552                        .addContainerGap()
1553                        .addComponent(loadComboBox, PREFERRED_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, PREFERRED_SIZE)
1554                        .addPreferredGap(RELATED)
1555                        .addComponent(preferenceCbx)
1556                        .addPreferredGap(RELATED)
1557                        .addComponent(askCbx)
1558                        .addContainerGap())
1559            );
1561            if (!GuiUtils.showOkCancelDialog(null, "Open bundle", inner, null)) {
1562                return new boolean[] { false, false, false };
1563            }
1565            switch (loadComboBox.getSelectedIndex()) {
1566                case 0: // new windows
1567                    shouldRemove = false;
1568                    shouldMerge = false;
1569                    break;
1570                case 1: // merge with existing tabs
1571                    shouldRemove = true;
1572                    shouldMerge = false;
1573                    break;
1574                case 2: // add new tab(s) to current
1575                    shouldRemove = false;
1576                    shouldMerge = true;
1577                    break;
1578                case 3: // replace session
1579                    shouldRemove = true;
1580                    shouldMerge = true;
1581                    break;
1582            }
1584            // Save these as default preference if the user wants to
1585            if (preferenceCbx.isSelected()) {
1586                store.put(PREF_OPEN_REMOVE, shouldRemove);
1587                store.put(PREF_OPEN_MERGE, shouldMerge);
1588            }
1589            store.put(PREF_OPEN_ASK, !askCbx.isSelected());
1590        }
1591        return new boolean[] { true, shouldRemove, shouldMerge };
1592    }
1594    /**
1595     * Creates and adds the formats and data preference panel.
1596     */
1597    protected void addFormatDataPreferences() {
1598        Hashtable<String, Component> widgets = new Hashtable<String, Component>();
1600        JPanel formatPanel = new JPanel();
1601        formatPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Formats"));
1603        // Date stuff
1604        JLabel dateLabel = McVGuiUtils.makeLabelRight("Date/Time Format:", Width.ONEHALF);
1606        String dateFormat = getStore().get(PREF_DATE_FORMAT, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
1608        if (!dateFormats.contains(dateFormat)) {
1609            dateFormats.add(dateFormat);
1610        }
1612        final JComboBox dateComboBox = McVGuiUtils.makeComboBox(dateFormats, dateFormat, Width.TRIPLE);
1613        widgets.put(PREF_DATE_FORMAT, dateComboBox);
1615        JComponent dateHelpButton = getIdv().makeHelpButton("idv.tools.preferences.dateformat");
1617        JLabel dateExLabel = new JLabel("");
1619        // Time stuff
1620        JLabel timeLabel = McVGuiUtils.makeLabelRight("Time Zone:", Width.ONEHALF);
1622        String timeString = getStore().get(PREF_TIMEZONE, DEFAULT_TIMEZONE);
1623        String[] zoneStrings = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs();
1624        Arrays.sort(zoneStrings);
1626        final JComboBox timeComboBox = McVGuiUtils.makeComboBox(zoneStrings, timeString, Width.TRIPLE);
1627        widgets.put(PREF_TIMEZONE, timeComboBox);
1629        try {
1630            dateExLabel.setText("ex:  " + new DateTime().toString());
1631        } catch (Exception ve) {
1632            dateExLabel.setText("Can't format date: " + ve);
1633        }
1635        ObjectListener timeLabelListener = new ObjectListener(dateExLabel) {
1636            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
1637                JLabel label  = (JLabel) theObject;
1638                String format = dateComboBox.getSelectedItem().toString();
1639                String zone = timeComboBox.getSelectedItem().toString();
1640                try {
1641                    TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(zone);
1642                    // hack to make it the DateTime default
1643                    if (format.equals(DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT)) {
1644                        if (zone.equals(DEFAULT_TIMEZONE)) {
1645                            format = DateTime.DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT + "'Z'";
1646                        }
1647                    }
1648                    label.setText("ex:  " + new DateTime().formattedString(format, tz));
1649                } catch (Exception ve) {
1650                    label.setText("Invalid format or time zone");
1651                    LogUtil.userMessage("Invalid format or time zone");
1652                }
1653            }
1654        };
1655        dateComboBox.addActionListener(timeLabelListener);
1656        timeComboBox.addActionListener(timeLabelListener);
1658        // Lat/Lon stuff
1659        JLabel latlonLabel = McVGuiUtils.makeLabelRight("Lat/Lon Format:", Width.ONEHALF);
1661        String latlonFormatString = getStore().get(PREF_LATLON_FORMAT, "##0.0");
1662        JComboBox latlonComboBox = McVGuiUtils.makeComboBox(defaultLatLonFormats, latlonFormatString, Width.TRIPLE);
1663        widgets.put(PREF_LATLON_FORMAT, latlonComboBox);
1665        JComponent latlonHelpButton = getIdv().makeHelpButton("idv.tools.preferences.latlonformat");
1667        JLabel latlonExLabel = new JLabel("");
1669        try {
1670            latlonFormat.applyPattern(latlonFormatString);
1671            latlonExLabel.setText("ex: " + latlonFormat.format(latlonValue));
1672        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
1673            latlonExLabel.setText("Bad format: " + latlonFormatString);
1674        }
1675        latlonComboBox.addActionListener(new ObjectListener(latlonExLabel) {
1676            public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent ae) {
1677                JLabel label = (JLabel)theObject;
1678                JComboBox box = (JComboBox)ae.getSource();
1679                String pattern = box.getSelectedItem().toString();
1680                try {
1681                    latlonFormat.applyPattern(pattern);
1682                    label.setText("ex: " + latlonFormat.format(latlonValue));
1683                } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
1684                    label.setText("bad pattern: " + pattern);
1685                    LogUtil.userMessage("Bad format:" + pattern);
1686                }
1687            }
1688        });
1690        // Probe stuff
1691        JLabel probeLabel = McVGuiUtils.makeLabelRight("Probe Format:", Width.ONEHALF);
1693        String probeFormat = getStore().get(DisplayControl.PREF_PROBEFORMAT, DisplayControl.DEFAULT_PROBEFORMAT);
1695        JComboBox probeComboBox = McVGuiUtils.makeComboBox(probeFormatsList, probeFormat, Width.TRIPLE);
1696        widgets.put(DisplayControl.PREF_PROBEFORMAT, probeComboBox);
1698        JComponent probeHelpButton = getIdv().makeHelpButton("idv.tools.preferences.probeformat");
1700        // Distance stuff
1701        JLabel distanceLabel = McVGuiUtils.makeLabelRight("Distance Unit:", Width.ONEHALF);
1703        Unit distanceUnit = null;
1704        try {
1705            distanceUnit = ucar.visad.Util.parseUnit(getStore().get(PREF_DISTANCEUNIT, "km"));
1706        } catch (Exception exc) {}
1707        JComboBox distanceComboBox = getIdv().getDisplayConventions().makeUnitBox(distanceUnit, null);
1708        McVGuiUtils.setComponentWidth(distanceComboBox, Width.TRIPLE);
1709        widgets.put(PREF_DISTANCEUNIT, distanceComboBox);
1711        // Locale stuff (largely ripped out of IDV prefs)
1712        JLabel localeLabel = McVGuiUtils.makeLabelRight("Number Style:", Width.ONEHALF);
1713        String defaultLocale = getStore().get(PREF_LOCALE, "SYSTEM_LOCALE");
1714        JRadioButton sysLocale = new JRadioButton("System Default",
1715            defaultLocale.equals("SYSTEM_LOCALE"));
1717        sysLocale.setToolTipText(
1718            "Use the system default locale for number formatting");
1720        JRadioButton usLocale = new JRadioButton("English/US",
1721            !defaultLocale.equals("SYSTEM_LOCALE"));
1723        usLocale.setToolTipText("Use the US number formatting");
1724        GuiUtils.buttonGroup(sysLocale, usLocale);
1725        widgets.put("SYSTEM_LOCALE", sysLocale);
1726        widgets.put("US_LOCALE", usLocale);
1728        // Format panel layout
1729        GroupLayout formatLayout = new GroupLayout(formatPanel);
1730        formatPanel.setLayout(formatLayout);
1731        formatLayout.setHorizontalGroup(
1732            formatLayout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
1733            .addGroup(formatLayout.createSequentialGroup()
1734                .addContainerGap()
1735                .addGroup(formatLayout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
1736                    .addGroup(formatLayout.createSequentialGroup()
1737                        .addComponent(dateLabel)
1738                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1739                        .addComponent(dateComboBox)
1740                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1741                        .addComponent(dateHelpButton)
1742                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1743                        .addComponent(dateExLabel))
1744                    .addGroup(formatLayout.createSequentialGroup()
1745                        .addComponent(timeLabel)
1746                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1747                        .addComponent(timeComboBox))
1748                    .addGroup(formatLayout.createSequentialGroup()
1749                        .addComponent(latlonLabel)
1750                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1751                        .addComponent(latlonComboBox)
1752                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1753                        .addComponent(latlonHelpButton)
1754                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1755                        .addComponent(latlonExLabel))
1756                    .addGroup(formatLayout.createSequentialGroup()
1757                        .addComponent(probeLabel)
1758                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1759                        .addComponent(probeComboBox)
1760                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1761                        .addComponent(probeHelpButton))
1762                    .addGroup(formatLayout.createSequentialGroup()
1763                        .addComponent(distanceLabel)
1764                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1765                        .addComponent(distanceComboBox))
1766                    .addGroup(formatLayout.createSequentialGroup()
1767                        .addComponent(localeLabel)
1768                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1769                        .addComponent(sysLocale)
1770                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1771                        .addComponent(usLocale)))
1772                .addContainerGap(DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
1773        );
1774        formatLayout.setVerticalGroup(
1775            formatLayout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
1776            .addGroup(formatLayout.createSequentialGroup()
1777                .addGroup(formatLayout.createParallelGroup(BASELINE)
1778                    .addComponent(dateComboBox)
1779                    .addComponent(dateLabel)
1780                    .addComponent(dateHelpButton)
1781                    .addComponent(dateExLabel))
1782                .addPreferredGap(RELATED)
1783                .addGroup(formatLayout.createParallelGroup(BASELINE)
1784                    .addComponent(timeComboBox)
1785                    .addComponent(timeLabel))
1786                .addPreferredGap(RELATED)
1787                .addGroup(formatLayout.createParallelGroup(BASELINE)
1788                    .addComponent(latlonLabel)
1789                    .addComponent(latlonComboBox)
1790                    .addComponent(latlonHelpButton)
1791                    .addComponent(latlonExLabel))
1792                .addPreferredGap(RELATED)
1793                .addGroup(formatLayout.createParallelGroup(BASELINE)
1794                    .addComponent(probeComboBox)
1795                    .addComponent(probeLabel)
1796                    .addComponent(probeHelpButton))
1797                .addPreferredGap(RELATED)
1798                .addGroup(formatLayout.createParallelGroup(BASELINE)
1799                    .addComponent(distanceComboBox)
1800                    .addComponent(distanceLabel))
1801                .addPreferredGap(RELATED)
1802                .addGroup(formatLayout.createParallelGroup(BASELINE)
1803                    .addComponent(localeLabel)
1804                    .addComponent(sysLocale)
1805                    .addComponent(usLocale))
1806                .addContainerGap(DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
1807        );
1809        JPanel dataPanel = new JPanel();
1810        dataPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Data"));
1812        // Sampling stuff
1813        JLabel sampleLabel = McVGuiUtils.makeLabelRight("Sampling Mode:", Width.ONEHALF);
1815        String sampleValue = getStore().get(PREF_SAMPLINGMODE, DisplayControlImpl.WEIGHTED_AVERAGE);
1816        JRadioButton sampleWA = new JRadioButton(DisplayControlImpl.WEIGHTED_AVERAGE,
1817            sampleValue.equals(DisplayControlImpl.WEIGHTED_AVERAGE));
1819        sampleWA.setToolTipText("Use a weighted average sampling");
1820        JRadioButton sampleNN = new JRadioButton(DisplayControlImpl.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR,
1821            sampleValue.equals(DisplayControlImpl.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR));
1823        sampleNN.setToolTipText("Use a nearest neighbor sampling");
1824        GuiUtils.buttonGroup(sampleWA, sampleNN);
1825        widgets.put("WEIGHTED_AVERAGE", sampleWA);
1826        widgets.put("NEAREST_NEIGHBOR", sampleNN);
1828        // Pressure stuff
1829        JLabel verticalLabel = McVGuiUtils.makeLabelRight("Pressure to Height:", Width.ONEHALF);
1831        String verticalValue = getStore().get(PREF_VERTICALCS, DataUtil.STD_ATMOSPHERE);
1832        JRadioButton verticalSA = new JRadioButton("Standard Atmosphere", verticalValue.equals(DataUtil.STD_ATMOSPHERE));
1833        verticalSA.setToolTipText("Use a standard atmosphere height approximation");
1834        JRadioButton verticalV5D = new JRadioButton("Vis5D", verticalValue.equals(DataUtil.VIS5D_VERTICALCS));
1835        verticalV5D.setToolTipText("Use the Vis5D vertical transformation");
1836        GuiUtils.buttonGroup(verticalSA, verticalV5D);
1837        widgets.put(DataUtil.STD_ATMOSPHERE, verticalSA);
1838        widgets.put(DataUtil.VIS5D_VERTICALCS, verticalV5D);
1840        // Caching stuff
1841        JLabel cacheLabel = McVGuiUtils.makeLabelRight("Caching:", Width.ONEHALF);
1843        JCheckBox cacheCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Cache Data in Memory", getStore().get(PREF_DOCACHE, true));
1844        widgets.put(PREF_DOCACHE, cacheCheckBox);
1846        JLabel cacheEmptyLabel = McVGuiUtils.makeLabelRight("", Width.ONEHALF);
1848        JTextField cacheTextField = McVGuiUtils.makeTextField(Misc.format(getStore().get(PREF_CACHESIZE, 20.0)));
1849        JComponent cacheTextFieldComponent = GuiUtils.hbox(new JLabel("Disk Cache Size: "), cacheTextField, new JLabel(" megabytes"));
1850        widgets.put(PREF_CACHESIZE, cacheTextField);
1852        // Image stuff
1853        JLabel imageLabel = McVGuiUtils.makeLabelRight("Max Image Size:", Width.ONEHALF);
1855        JTextField imageField = McVGuiUtils.makeTextField(Misc.format(getStore().get(PREF_MAXIMAGESIZE, -1)));
1856        JComponent imageFieldComponent = GuiUtils.hbox(imageField, new JLabel(" pixels (-1 = no limit)"));
1857        widgets.put(PREF_MAXIMAGESIZE, imageField);
1859        // Grid stuff
1860        JLabel gridLabel = McVGuiUtils.makeLabelRight("Grid Threshold:", Width.ONEHALF);
1862        JTextField gridField = McVGuiUtils.makeTextField(Misc.format(getStore().get(PREF_FIELD_CACHETHRESHOLD, 1000000.)));
1863        JComponent gridFieldComponent = GuiUtils.hbox(gridField, new JLabel(" bytes (Cache grids larger than this to disk)"));
1864        widgets.put(PREF_FIELD_CACHETHRESHOLD, gridField);
1866        // Data panel layout
1867        GroupLayout dataLayout = new GroupLayout(dataPanel);
1868        dataPanel.setLayout(dataLayout);
1869        dataLayout.setHorizontalGroup(
1870            dataLayout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
1871            .addGroup(dataLayout.createSequentialGroup()
1872                .addContainerGap()
1873                .addGroup(dataLayout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
1874                    .addGroup(dataLayout.createSequentialGroup()
1875                        .addComponent(sampleLabel)
1876                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1877                        .addComponent(sampleWA)
1878                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1879                        .addComponent(sampleNN))
1880                    .addGroup(dataLayout.createSequentialGroup()
1881                        .addComponent(verticalLabel)
1882                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1883                        .addComponent(verticalSA)
1884                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1885                        .addComponent(verticalV5D))
1886                    .addGroup(dataLayout.createSequentialGroup()
1887                        .addComponent(cacheLabel)
1888                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1889                        .addComponent(cacheCheckBox))
1890                    .addGroup(dataLayout.createSequentialGroup()
1891                        .addComponent(cacheEmptyLabel)
1892                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1893                        .addComponent(cacheTextFieldComponent))
1894                    .addGroup(dataLayout.createSequentialGroup()
1895                        .addComponent(imageLabel)
1896                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1897                        .addComponent(imageFieldComponent))
1898                    .addGroup(dataLayout.createSequentialGroup()
1899                        .addComponent(gridLabel)
1900                        .addGap(GAP_RELATED)
1901                        .addComponent(gridFieldComponent)))
1902                .addContainerGap(DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
1903        );
1904        dataLayout.setVerticalGroup(
1905            dataLayout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
1906            .addGroup(dataLayout.createSequentialGroup()
1907                .addGroup(dataLayout.createParallelGroup(BASELINE)
1908                    .addComponent(sampleLabel)
1909                    .addComponent(sampleWA)
1910                    .addComponent(sampleNN))
1911                .addPreferredGap(RELATED)
1912                .addGroup(dataLayout.createParallelGroup(BASELINE)
1913                    .addComponent(verticalLabel)
1914                    .addComponent(verticalSA)
1915                    .addComponent(verticalV5D))
1916                .addPreferredGap(RELATED)
1917                .addGroup(dataLayout.createParallelGroup(BASELINE)
1918                    .addComponent(cacheLabel)
1919                    .addComponent(cacheCheckBox))
1920                .addPreferredGap(RELATED)
1921                .addGroup(dataLayout.createParallelGroup(BASELINE)
1922                    .addComponent(cacheEmptyLabel)
1923                    .addComponent(cacheTextFieldComponent))
1924                .addPreferredGap(RELATED)
1925                .addGroup(dataLayout.createParallelGroup(BASELINE)
1926                    .addComponent(imageLabel)
1927                    .addComponent(imageFieldComponent))
1928                .addPreferredGap(RELATED)
1929                .addGroup(dataLayout.createParallelGroup(BASELINE)
1930                    .addComponent(gridLabel)
1931                    .addComponent(gridFieldComponent))
1932                .addContainerGap(DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
1933        ); 
1935        JPanel outerPanel = new JPanel();
1937        // Outer panel layout
1938        GroupLayout layout = new GroupLayout(outerPanel);
1939        outerPanel.setLayout(layout);
1940        layout.setHorizontalGroup(
1941            layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
1942            .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
1943                .addContainerGap()
1944                .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
1945                    .addComponent(formatPanel, TRAILING, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
1946                    .addComponent(dataPanel, TRAILING, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
1947                .addContainerGap())
1948        );
1949        layout.setVerticalGroup(
1950            layout.createParallelGroup(LEADING)
1951            .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
1952                .addContainerGap()
1953                .addComponent(formatPanel, PREFERRED_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, PREFERRED_SIZE)
1954                .addGap(GAP_UNRELATED)
1955                .addComponent(dataPanel, PREFERRED_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, PREFERRED_SIZE)
1956                .addContainerGap(DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
1957        );
1959        PreferenceManager formatsManager = new PreferenceManager() {
1960            public void applyPreference(XmlObjectStore theStore, Object data) {
1961                IdvPreferenceManager.applyWidgets((Hashtable)data, theStore);
1963                // if we ever need to add formats and data prefs, here's where
1964                // they get saved off (unless we override applyWidgets).
1965            }
1966        };
1968        this.add(Constants.PREF_LIST_FORMATS_DATA, "", formatsManager, outerPanel, widgets);
1969    }
1971    /**
1972     * Add in the user preference tab for the choosers to show.
1973     */
1974    protected void addChooserPreferences() {
1975        Hashtable<String, JCheckBox> choosersData = new Hashtable<String, JCheckBox>();
1976        List<JPanel> compList = new ArrayList<JPanel>();
1978        Boolean choosersAll =
1979            (Boolean) getIdv().getPreference(PROP_CHOOSERS_ALL, Boolean.TRUE);
1981        final List<String[]> choosers = getChooserData();
1983        final JRadioButton useAllBtn = new JRadioButton("Use all data sources",
1984                                           choosersAll.booleanValue());
1985        final JRadioButton useTheseBtn =
1986            new JRadioButton("Use selected data sources:",
1987                             !choosersAll.booleanValue());
1989        GuiUtils.buttonGroup(useAllBtn, useTheseBtn);
1991        final List<CheckboxCategoryPanel> chooserPanels = 
1992            new ArrayList<CheckboxCategoryPanel>();
1994        final Hashtable<String, CheckboxCategoryPanel> chooserMap = 
1995            new Hashtable<String, CheckboxCategoryPanel>();
1997        // create the checkbox + chooser name that'll show up in the preference
1998        // panel.
1999        for (String[] cs : choosers) {
2000            final String chooserCategory = getChooserCategory(cs[1]);
2001            String chooserShortName = getChooserShortName(cs[1]);
2003            CheckboxCategoryPanel chooserPanel =
2004                (CheckboxCategoryPanel) chooserMap.get(chooserCategory);
2006            if (chooserPanel == null) {
2007                chooserPanel = new CheckboxCategoryPanel(chooserCategory, false);
2008                chooserPanels.add(chooserPanel);
2009                chooserMap.put(chooserCategory, chooserPanel);
2010                compList.add(chooserPanel.getTopPanel());
2011                compList.add(chooserPanel);
2012            }
2014            JCheckBox cbx = new JCheckBox(chooserShortName, shouldShowChooser(cs[0], true));
2015            choosersData.put(cs[0], cbx);
2016            chooserPanel.addItem(cbx);
2017            chooserPanel.add(GuiUtils.inset(cbx, new Insets(0, 20, 0, 0)));
2018        }
2020        for (CheckboxCategoryPanel cbcp : chooserPanels) {
2021            cbcp.checkVisCbx();
2022        }
2024        // handle the user opting to enable all choosers.
2025        final JButton allOn = new JButton("All on");
2026        allOn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
2027            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
2028                for (CheckboxCategoryPanel cbcp : chooserPanels) {
2029                    cbcp.toggleAll(true);
2030                }
2031            }
2032        });
2034        // handle the user opting to disable all choosers.
2035        final JButton allOff = new JButton("All off");
2036        allOff.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
2037            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
2038                for (CheckboxCategoryPanel cbcp : chooserPanels) {
2039                    cbcp.toggleAll(false);
2040                }
2041            }
2042        });
2044        final JPanel cbPanel = GuiUtils.top(GuiUtils.vbox(compList));
2046        JScrollPane cbScroller = new JScrollPane(cbPanel);
2047        cbScroller.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(10);
2048        cbScroller.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 300));
2050        GuiUtils.enableTree(cbPanel, !useAllBtn.isSelected());
2051        GuiUtils.enableTree(allOn, !useAllBtn.isSelected());
2052        GuiUtils.enableTree(allOff, !useAllBtn.isSelected());
2054        JPanel widgetPanel =
2055            GuiUtils.topCenter(
2056                GuiUtils.hbox(useAllBtn, useTheseBtn),
2057                GuiUtils.leftCenter(
2058                    GuiUtils.inset(
2059                        GuiUtils.top(GuiUtils.vbox(allOn, allOff)),
2060                        4), cbScroller));
2061        JPanel choosersPanel =
2062            GuiUtils.topCenter(
2063                GuiUtils.inset(
2064                    new JLabel("Note: This will take effect the next run"),
2065                    4), widgetPanel);
2066        choosersPanel = GuiUtils.inset(GuiUtils.left(choosersPanel), 6);
2067        useAllBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
2068            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
2069                GuiUtils.enableTree(cbPanel, !useAllBtn.isSelected());
2070                GuiUtils.enableTree(allOn, !useAllBtn.isSelected());
2071                GuiUtils.enableTree(allOff, !useAllBtn.isSelected());
2073            }
2074        });
2075        useTheseBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
2076            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
2077                GuiUtils.enableTree(cbPanel, !useAllBtn.isSelected());
2078                GuiUtils.enableTree(allOn, !useAllBtn.isSelected());
2079                GuiUtils.enableTree(allOff, !useAllBtn.isSelected());
2080            }
2081        });
2083        PreferenceManager choosersManager = new PreferenceManager() {
2084            public void applyPreference(XmlObjectStore theStore, Object data) {
2086                Hashtable<String, Boolean> newToShow = new Hashtable<String, Boolean>();
2088                Hashtable table = (Hashtable)data;
2089                for (Enumeration keys = table.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements(); ) {
2090                    String chooserId = (String) keys.nextElement();
2091                    JCheckBox chooserCB = (JCheckBox) table.get(chooserId);
2092                    newToShow.put(chooserId, Boolean.valueOf(chooserCB.isSelected()));
2093                }
2095                choosersToShow = newToShow;
2096                theStore.put(PROP_CHOOSERS_ALL, Boolean.valueOf(useAllBtn.isSelected()));
2097                theStore.put(PROP_CHOOSERS, choosersToShow);
2098            }
2099        };
2100        this.add(Constants.PREF_LIST_DATA_CHOOSERS,
2101                 "What data sources should be shown in the user interface?",
2102                 choosersManager, choosersPanel, choosersData);
2103    }
2105    /**
2106     * <p>Return a list that contains a bunch of arrays of two strings.</p>
2107     * 
2108     * <p>The first item in one of the arrays is the chooser id, and the second
2109     * item is the "name" of the chooser. The name is formed by working through
2110     * choosers.xml and concatenating each panel's category and title.</p>
2111     * 
2112     * @return A list of chooser ids and names.
2113     */
2114    private final List<String[]> getChooserData() {
2115        List<String[]> choosers = new ArrayList<String[]>();
2116        String tempString;
2118        try {
2119            // get the root element so we can iterate through
2120            final String xml = 
2121                IOUtil.readContents(MCV_CHOOSERS, McIdasPreferenceManager.class);
2123            final Element root = XmlUtil.getRoot(xml);
2124            if (root == null) {
2125                return null;
2126            }
2127            // grab all the children, which should be panels.
2128            final NodeList nodeList = XmlUtil.getElements(root);
2129            for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) {
2131                final Element item = (Element)nodeList.item(i);
2133                if (item.getTagName().equals(XmlUi.TAG_PANEL) || item.getTagName().equals("chooser")) {
2135                    // form the name of the chooser.
2136                    final String title = 
2137                        XmlUtil.getAttribute(item, XmlUi.ATTR_TITLE, "");
2139                    final String cat = 
2140                        XmlUtil.getAttribute(item, XmlUi.ATTR_CATEGORY, "");
2142                    if (cat.equals("")) {
2143                        tempString = title;
2144                    } else {
2145                        tempString = cat + ">" + title;
2146                    }
2148                    final NodeList children = XmlUtil.getElements(item);
2150                    if (item.getTagName().equals("chooser")) {
2151                        final String id = 
2152                            XmlUtil.getAttribute(item, XmlUi.ATTR_ID, "");
2153                        String[] tmp = {id, tempString};
2154                        choosers.add(tmp);
2155                    }
2156                    else {
2157                        for (int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++) {
2158                            final Element child = (Element)children.item(j);
2160                            // form the id of the chooser and add it to the list.
2161                            if (child.getTagName().equals("chooser")) {
2162                                final String id = 
2163                                    XmlUtil.getAttribute(child, XmlUi.ATTR_ID, "");
2164                                String[] tmp = {id, tempString};
2165                                choosers.add(tmp);
2166                            }
2167                        }
2168                    }
2169                }
2170            }
2171        } catch (Exception e) {
2172            logger.error("Problem getting chooser data", e);
2173        }
2174        return choosers;
2175    }
2177    /**
2178     * Parse the full chooser name for a category.
2179     * 
2180     * @param chooserName Name of a chooser. Cannot be {@code null}.
2181     * 
2182     * @return {@literal "Category"} associated with {@code chooserName} or 
2183     * {@literal "Other"} if no category is available.
2184     */
2185    private String getChooserCategory(String chooserName) {
2186        String chooserCategory = "Other";
2187        int indexSep = chooserName.indexOf('>');
2188        if (indexSep >= 0) {
2189            chooserCategory = chooserName.substring(0, indexSep);
2190        }
2191        return chooserCategory;
2192    }
2194    /**
2195     * Parse the full chooser name for a short name.
2196     * 
2197     * @param chooserName Name of a chooser. Cannot be {@code null}.
2198     * 
2199     * @return The {@literal "short name"} of {@code chooserName}.
2200     */
2201    private String getChooserShortName(String chooserName) {
2202        String chooserShortName = chooserName;
2203        int indexSep = chooserName.indexOf('>');
2204        if (indexSep >= 0 && chooserName.length() > indexSep + 1) {
2205            chooserShortName = 
2206                chooserName.substring(indexSep + 1, chooserName.length());
2207        }
2208        return chooserShortName;
2209    }
2211    public class IconCellRenderer extends DefaultListCellRenderer {
2213        /**
2214         * Extends the default list cell renderer to use icons in addition to
2215         * the typical text.
2216         */
2217        public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, 
2218                int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) {
2220            super.getListCellRendererComponent(list, value, index, isSelected, 
2221                    cellHasFocus);
2223            if (value instanceof JLabel) {
2224                setText(((JLabel)value).getText());
2225                setIcon(((JLabel)value).getIcon());
2226            }
2228            return this;
2229        }
2231        /** 
2232         * I wear some pretty fancy pants, so you'd better believe that I'm
2233         * going to enable fancy-pants text antialiasing.
2234         * 
2235         * @param g The graphics object that we'll use as a base.
2236         */
2237        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
2238            Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
2239            g2d.setRenderingHints(getRenderingHints());
2240            super.paintComponent(g2d);
2241        }
2242    }