26 Sep 2016 fastrack2016.2_changes.txt This file contains the list of McIDAS-X version 2016.2 modules that were changed since the previous release (version 2016.1). This information is provided so you can see exactly what has changed between those versions (and note bug fixes, try new features, etc.). The changes are listed below, sorted by SSEC inquiry number. Each entry contains the following information: - SSEC inquiry number (the five-digit number at the beginning) - each module that was updated in the inquiry, followed by the module's CVS version number - a general description of the changes and how they impact McIDAS Modules released 26-Sep-16 in version 2016.2 -------------------------------------------- 16169 kbxmet.dlm 1.4 nvxmet.dlm 1.3 SATBAND 1.95 The Meteosat calibration and navigation was updated to be able to use Meteosat-1 AREA files. 16166 grib2NavLookup.txt 1.38 grib2NCEPModels.txt 1.12 GRIB2 tables were updated for new and existing grib types for the following models: RAP, NWPS, WPC, MOS, NAEF, and NBGR. 16164 grib2func.c 1.30 gribfunc.c 1.75 The GRIB server was updated to recognize Model Output Statistics GRIB2 files more effciently. Definitions were also added to recognize Storm Prediction Center (SPC) grib files. 16158 addegribgdir.c 1.5 addegribgget.c 1.5 grib2func.c 1.33 gribfunc.c 1.76 mcgdir.f 1.40 mcgget.f 1.45 The GRIB server was enhanced to give an informational error message when it cannot process a large grid due to limits in stack size on the server machine. 16145 SATBAND 1.94 The band information was updated for the Himawari satellite to include better descriptions for the red, green, and blue visible bands used in RGB composites. 16122 lanfit.f 1.14 m0dslook.f 1.14 mcsound.f 1.13 sdsort.f 1.6 sndaltim.f 1.22 sndhodo.f 1.29 sndlist.f 1.22 sndplot.f 1.27 sndskewt.f 1.40 uacross.f 1.40 uaedit.f 1.7 vrtfit.f 1.8 The upper air commands (HODO, UACROSS, UALIST, UAPLOT) were updated to be compatible with the new XCD server that will be released in the future. Improvements to handling significant level data were necessary. 16121 mcidas.h 1.110 mcread.c 1.13 There were minor additions to two subroutines for the upcoming new XCD release. There should be no functional changes to McIDAS-X behavior. 16090 abinadir.c 1.8 abinaget.c 1.12 The GOES-R ABI server will now read files with the CSPP-GEO naming convention along with the mission-standard naming convention. 16087 abinaget.c 1.11 kph5aget.c 1.14 wariaget.c 1.32 The GOES-R ABI, Himawari, and Kalpana servers now accept MAG= values of less than -50 in the image commands. 16081 omtpaget2.f 1.9 The McIDAS-XRD OMTP server was updated to fix a navigation shift when using IMGCOPY. 16078 aboutgui.gui 1.33 dsserve.f 1.89 ispnghed_.c 1.2 makefile 1.337 mcinst.sh 1.140 mcntinst.sh 1.25 VERSION.TXT 1.104 XRD.TXT 1.17 Updated system files and copyrights for 2016.2. 16074 wariadir.c 1.19 wariaget.c 1.31 The Himawari server was updated to report the correct time for the JAPAN and TARGET sector data. 16073 GEODATA.CORE 1.22 The GEO command was updated to use the HIMAWARI dataset which operationally replaced the MTSAT dataset. 16072 grddisp.f 1.170 The GRDDISP command was updated to allow the PARAM=MOVIE option to work with U and V grids that are scaled by 10000. Previously GRDDISP only worked with U and V scaled by 100. 16062 isir.f 1.54 IMGCOPY with STYPE=VISR will save the TEMP calibration information on all IR bands for HimawariCast data. 16055 abinadir.c 1.10 abinaget.c 1.16 abincalb.inc 1.5 abinparm.h 1.5 isir.f 1.55 kbxabin.dlm 1.12 SATANNOT 1.42 SATBAND 1.93 Second release of the GOES-R ABI servers which includes support for Level 2 product files, improved server performance and other bug fixes. 16046 MSAT.c 1.9 msataget.c 1.14 SDIUtil.c 1.36 SDIUtil.h 1.24 The older Meteosat server (MSAT) was updated to return the correct image time for archived PDUS area files to match the enhancements to the OMTP server that were previously released. 16032 m0wwmisc.h 1.22 wwdisp.c 1.82 wwlist.c 1.40 wwmisc.c 1.56 Blizzard Watches were added as a valid type in the WWDISP and WWLIST commands. 16021 STNDB.CORE 1.86 The station database files have been updated based upon NWS technical implementation notices. 16017 grib2Parameters.txt 1.17 Updates for GRIB2 parameters were added to the grib2Parameters.txt file in accordance to this information: http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table0-0.shtml 15997 tclcomp.sh 1.35 Some modifications to the McIDAS-X installation process were needed to compile the GUI on Red Hat 7 Linux machines. 15972 DCGFSMOS 1.7 DCNAMMOS 1.2 STNDB.CORE 1.84 The station database file was updated for a number of GFS MOS (Model Output Statistics) stations. Also, the number of columns defined in MOS schema files was increased for the additional stations. 15959 newplt.f 1.10 The IDUM variable was fixed to be initialized correctly within the subroutine NEWPLT.FOR. 15950 giniadir.c 1.7 giniaget.c 1.6 giniutil.c 1.14 giniutil.h 1.8 ispnghed_.c 1.1 makefile 1.340 The GINI ADDE servers were enhanced to process the Unidata NEXRAD Level III national composite imagery data. 15949 areaadirsub.f 1.3 m0auxi.f 1.5 m0auxl.f 1.6 Subroutine changes were included to handle long AREA file names when DIRFILE= is used. In addition, a bug was uncovered and fixed for 256-level radar files. 15923 frmlabel.f 1.28 mcexptxt.f 1.26 za.f 1.52 In the FRMLABEL and ZA commands, the (DESC) placeholder was added to list the band description of an image. 15859 getnav.f 1.9 navapi.c 1.31 NAVCALC was updated to work correctly with Meteosat-7 data when using the SP option. This inquiry also fixed a NAVCALC problem with newer Meteosat data accessed with the MSGT servers. 15811 navapi.c 1.34 nvxabin.dlm 1.5 ssrange.c 1.12 The McIDAS-X navigation routines were updated for GOES-R ABI data to return sun/satellite angles with the NAVCALC command. 15744 ADDERROR.DOC 1.9 In the ADDERROR.DOC file, the error code 'No images satisfy the selection criteria' was added so it matches the standard error message listed when an invalid band is requested. 15694 CORE.SAT 1.25 navapi.c 1.35 SATANNOT 1.41 SATBAND 1.92 Navigation information was added to McIDAS-X so the swath width of the FENGYUN and METOP satellites can be displayed with NAVDISP. 15691 mcfbarn.f 1.10 ptcon.f 1.94 The limit on the maximum number of points in a MD file was increased so PTCON will work with larger files. 15371 raobcon.f 1.52 raobplot.f 1.49 sfccon.f 1.59 sfcplot.f 1.72 The RAOBPLOT, RAOBCON, SFCPLOT, and SFCCON commands were updated to be compatible with archive servers that require a day to be specified in the command.