27 Feb 2017 fastrack2017.1_changes.txt This file contains the list of McIDAS-X version 2017.1 modules that were changed since the previous release (version 2016.2). This information is provided so you can see exactly what has changed between those versions (and note bug fixes, try new features, etc.). The changes are listed below, sorted by SSEC inquiry number. Each entry contains the following information: - SSEC inquiry number (the five-digit number at the beginning) - each module that was updated in the inquiry, followed by the module's CVS version number - a general description of the changes and how they impact McIDAS Modules released 27-Feb-17 in version 2017.1 -------------------------------------------- 16296 abinaget.cp 1.25 A GOES-16 ABIN server bug was fixed when using IMGDISP commands containing MAG= with LATLON= or STATION= to compare bands of differing resolutions. 16295 abinaget.cp 1.24 kbxabin.dlm 1.13 Updated the ABIN servers to list the correct units with emissive radiance values with IMGPROBE, and fixed a code problem that could lead to possible calibration errors. 16283 nvxabin.dlm 1.7 There was a bug with GOES-R navigation that was seen in IMGREMAP with GOES-16 first light data. The navigation modules did not account for the curvature and limb of the earth correctly and this has been corrected. 16263 CORE.SAT 1.26 isir.for 1.56 SATANNOT 1.43 SATBAND 1.96 wariadir.cp 1.24 wariaget.cp 1.36 The Himawari (WARI) servers and associated data files were updated to support Himawari-9 data. 16258 kbxwari.dlm 1.10 wariaget.cp 1.37 The Himawari satellite can send some pixel values (mainly in the IR bands) as an invalid or undefined value that could be due to, for example, the sensor being saturated. When IMGCOPY was used, these pixels would be converted from black (BRIT=0) to white (BRIT=255) in the resultant AREA file. This behavior has been fixed so the pixel's RAW value of 0 and BRIT value of 0 are preserved in the AREA file. 16253 makefile 1.345 mcxpyinstall.sh 1.3 -XRD release of the McIDAS-X Python routines that setup a Python environment to run McIDAS-X commands in Python scripts. 16237 m0shmget.c 1.9 The 10.11 OS X and 10.12 MacOS operating systems require a minimum shared memory segment to be associated with commands run from mcenv or on the command line. A change was made to force these commands to set a minimum shared memory segment size to allow these types of commands to complete properly on all operating systems. 16234 aboutgui.gui 1.34 adt.c 1.12 dsserve.pgm 1.90 license.txt 1.6 makefile 1.344 mcinst.sh 1.141 mcntinst.sh 1.26 VERSION.TXT 1.105 XRD.TXT 1.19 Updated system files, helps, and copyrights for 2017.1. 16229 wariadir.cp 1.21 wariaget.cp 1.35 Support was added to the Himawari (WARI) servers for landmark region files. 16215 bar.pgm 1.32 The BAR command was updated to support new Unidata NEXRAD Level III composites in gini format. 16212 SATBAND 1.97 The central wavelengths of GOES-R ABI bands 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 13 were updated in SATBAND when listing GOES-R ABI data. 16189 uacross.pgm 1.41 The labels for the U and V components of the wind were corrected when using UACROSS to display these parameters. 16183 imgparm.pgm 1.13 The IMGPARM command was updated to fail with an informative error for satellites it does not support. 16177 nvxabin.dlm 1.6 The ABIN server navigation modules were modified to improve speed and performance. This is especially noticed in the AXFORM and IMGPARM commands when used with GOES-R data. 16056 abinadir.cp 1.12 abinaget.cp 1.22 abinparm.h 1.6 imgcopy.pgm 1.128 The ABIN servers were modified to allow multi-band IMGCOPYs with GOES-R Series ABI Level 1b data. Other updates included a fix to not separate one image into two with times that are one second apart, and to correctly display Southern Hemisphere meso sectors. 16001 OUTLHRES 1.12 The OUTLHRES map file was fixed to remove duplicate map lines over Samoa. 15982 dsserve.pgm 1.91 GLM_EVENT.cfg 1.1 GLM_FLASH.cfg 1.1 GLM_GROUP.cfg 1.1 ncdfks.cp 1.19 Preliminary release of the point servers to support the access to GOES-R Series netCDF Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) point files with the PT* commands. Also included are three new configuration files, GLM_EVENT.cfg, GLM_FLASH.cfg, and GLM_GROUP.cfg.