09 Sep 2019 fastrack2019.1_changes.txt This file contains the list of McIDAS-X version 2019.1 modules that were changed since the previous release (version 2018.2). This information is provided so you can see exactly what has changed between those versions (and note bug fixes, try new features, etc.). The changes are listed below, sorted by SSEC inquiry number. Each entry contains the following information: - SSEC inquiry number (the five-digit number at the beginning) - each module that was updated in the inquiry, followed by the module's CVS version number - a general description of the changes and how they impact McIDAS Modules released 09-Sep-19 in version 2019.1 -------------------------------------------- 16859 kph5aget.cp 1.15 With the changes to lalo navigation modules, the Kalpana kph5 server needed to be updated to read the new changes. 16858 kbxavh3.dlm 1.11 kbxavhr.dlm 1.20 kbxgvar.dlm 1.49 kbxmods.dlm 1.24 kbxviir.dlm 1.11 Multiple calibration modules were updated to correctly set the return code in kbxopt for the MCSTRETCH option. This allows IMGPROBE to be correct on EXPANDED and ORIGINAL imagery. 16846 grib2func.c 1.36 Updated code removes incorrect undecoded grid error messages when doing GRDLIST commands. 16844 msgsadir2.for 1.7 msgsaget2.for 1.13 The MSGS servers which access native format MSG files were updated to correctly read Meteosat-11 *.nat files from the Eumetsat EO Portal. 16825 abinadir.cp 1.30 abinaget.cp 1.50 abincalb.inc 1.11 abinparm.h 1.8 dsserve.pgm 1.104 SATBAND 1.109 Numerous modifications made to the ABIN servers to add support for serving ABI L2 image products that derive from NOAAPORT distributed image tiles, and add support for value-added GLM L2 imagery. Also, additions to help the servers perform better when bad images or metadata is present in the files of the dataset. 16812 gvaraget.cp 1.42 msataget.cp 1.15 poesaget.cp 1.42 Updates for the GVAR and MSAT servers to correctly call kb1opt. No user functionality has changed. 16804 SATBAND 1.110 The McIDAS-XRD NSSX server information in SATBAND was updated to include a section for GOES-16, 17, 18, 19 as well as other updates for existing satellites. 16802 mcxpyinstall.sh 1.7 The McIDAS-XRD Python package was updated to work with Python 3.x in addition to Python 2.x. 16794 abinadir.cp 1.26 abinaget.cp 1.45 When 'ABI-' is in the DIRFILE= for ABIN server datasets, the files will correctly be recognized with the IMG* commands. 16793 xrefit.sh 1.5 The xrefit command (for man pages) now uses the more common 'awk' command which helps it work on most platforms. 16792 dsserve.pgm 1.101 The DSSERVE help was updated with a note to use !ls to determine if the files in INFO= and DIRFILE= are accessible when creating datasets. 16789 modsks.cp 1.5 When using MODIS hdf files with PT* commands and the domain includes the dateline, the data will be correctly plotted. 16785 stnlist.c 1.42 stnplot.c 1.24 stnqry.c 1.13 When the LAT= and LON= keywords are used with STNLIST and STNPLOT, ranges and single values will be correctly interpreted. 16777 modx.h 1.17 The MODX server calibration for MODIS product files was updated for some bands to give better default displays with more contrasting BRIT values. 16773 addegribgget.c 1.6 grdimg.pgm 1.54 imgdisp.pgm 1.133 mcraob.for 1.9 msgsadir.cp 1.3 msgsaget.cp 1.3 repeat.pgm 1.21 svfutil.c 1.18 tu.pgm 1.25 wwmisc.c 1.93 za.pgm 1.53 Many modules were updated so McIDAS-X compiles correctly on MacOS 10.14.* machines. 16772 ptlist.pgm 1.42 The PTLIST FORM=PARAM help was clarified that it only works correctly with McIDAS-X MD files. 16759 grib2NavLookup.txt 1.44 grib2NCEPModels.txt 1.16 grib2Parameters.txt 1.20 Updates to GRIB2 information in grib2NavLookup.txt, grib2Parameters.txt, and grib2NCEPModels.txt which will be used in McIDAS-XCD 2019.1. 16758 d.pgm 1.26 imgprobe.pgm 1.148 mcasort.for 1.38 The DAY= and TIME= keywords were added to IMGPROBE to allow the command to be used on archive datasets that require DAY=. Also, the DAY=IMA option was added to D and IMGPROBE to read the day value from the frame directory for use on imagery displayed directly from the archive server. 16754 m0tunnel.c 1.17 mctunnel.c 1.5 SSH tunneling capabilities were expanded with the MCTUNNEL START option to initialize the tunnel without having to call an ADDE command. The port can also be specified by setting the MCLOCALPORT variable within (or before you start) a mcenv session. 16753 viiradir.cp 1.15 viiraget.cp 1.15 The VIIR servers were enhanced to accept up to 20000 files per dataset. This allows larger datasets, especially in archive servers, to work correctly. 16748 ddesub.for 1.26 The IMGDISP process was improved by eliminating coding errors that resulted in array bounds read errors. 16742 setenhstr.for 1.5 The MCSTRETCH feature was incorrectly enhancing older VISR BRIT AREA files in 2018.2. The code was updated to read these files correctly and not use the expanded stretch on them. 16739 isenhstr.for 1.15 MCSTRETCH.TXT 1.15 viiraget.cp 1.13 The MCSTRETCH feature was updated to include VIIRS band 18 (4.050um) and MODIS band 23 (4.0567) for the short wave IR stretched display. 16736 dsserve.pgm 1.103 laloutil.c 1.20 latlon.h 1.6 nvxlalo.dlm 1.14 viiradir.cp 1.25 viiraget.cp 1.26 There were many updates to the VIIR servers, including the removal of the required descriptor names, improved listing functionality, and new SS numbers distinguishing between SDR and EDR files. 16730 addefunc.c 1.33 An error code was corrected in order for archive servers to be interpreted correctly in McIDAS-V. 16729 aboutgui.gui 1.38 imglist.pgm 1.73 license.txt 1.8 makefile 1.357 mcinst.sh 1.147 mcntinst.sh 1.30 VERSION.TXT 1.111 XRD.TXT 1.25 Updated system files, helps, and copyrights for 2019.1. 16728 DCISFC 1.7 STNDB.CORE 1.101 txt2md.pgm 1.21 The STNDB.CORE file was updated with 556 more synoptic stations in Brazil. The DCISFC schema had the amount of columns increased to 12500. 16727 USCOUNTY.MAP 1.32 USZONE.MAP 1.27 The USCOUNTY.MAP and USZONE.MAP files were updated with the latest changes in NWS county and zone shapefiles. 16725 mcgetscantime.for 1.10 When IMGCOPY with STYPE=VISR is run on ABI and Himawari data, the scan line time is now preserved in the AREA file. 16719 addefunc.c 1.37 servutil.c 1.17 The code was updated to allow expansion of replaceables with DSSERVE DIRFILE= entries for all types of datasets (e.g., YYYY and yyyymmdd). 16713 batch.pgm 1.60 The BATCH command can now accept up to 99 input values and will error informatively if more are specified. 16711 abinadir.cp 1.24 abinaget.cp 1.43 areaadirsub.for 1.10 imglist.pgm 1.74 kbxabin.dlm 1.30 The TDQF (Temperature Data Quality Flag) in ABI data is now listed with the FORM=AUX option in IMGLIST. 16696 dsserve.pgm 1.100 The DSSERVE command was improved to check for invalid characters in the comment field. 16692 SATANNOT 1.52 The SATANNOT file was updated to list "GOES-" instead of "G-" for GOES satellites which improves FRMLABEL and ZA functionality. 16686 frmlabel.pgm 1.31 m0frmlbl.c 1.3 m0frmtyp.c 1.6 makefile 1.355 mcexptxt.for 1.29 rgbdisp.c 1.27 za.pgm 1.54 The RGBDISP command was updated to provide a more informative default frame label. 16639 GLM.CORE 1.16 glmdisp.pgm 1.48 The GLMDISP command was enhanced to allow specification of the LOC= symbol and size on the command line and in the GLM.CORE context file. 16638 imgprobe.pgm 1.145 Modifications to IMGPROBE were made to allow the DAY= keyword to be specified. 16596 gridparm.inc 1.23 mcidas.h 1.112 ncdfks.cp 1.21 ptdisp.pgm 1.97 ptlist.pgm 1.41 The point netCDF servers were updated to access up to 10 million data points. The previous limit was 999,999 points. 16575 nvxmsgt.dlm 1.10 The Meteosat navigation module was updated to use the satellite longitude correctly when computing satellite zenith angle. 16568 poesadir.cp 1.28 poesaget.cp 1.41 The POES servers were fixed to give correct IMGPROBE results when the MCS= keyword is used. 16540 CORE.SAT 1.29 The CORE.SAT data file was updated for GOES-R and beyond satellites. They now include SENSOR=PRODUCT for these satellites. 16483 ncdffh.cp 1.10 When using GLM data with the point netCDF servers, PTLIST commands with FORM=FILE will work correctly on all platforms. 16481 imgconv.pgm 1.10 IMGCONV was updated for cases where the input image did not have a satellite subpoint. The conversions will now work correctly and error informatively when needed. 16470 imgremap.pgm 1.123 When using IMGREMAP with PRO=DEST, a check was added to determine if the destination file is 1-byte. If not 1-byte, an informative error message is displayed. 16346 abinaget.cp 1.52 The ABIN server was updated to error informatively when IMGDISP with SU= is used and the stretch table has invalid units. 16286 isenhstr.for 1.16 isir.for 1.61 MCSTRETCH.TXT 1.14 SATANNOT 1.51 SATBAND 1.106 warcadir2.for 1.5 warcaget2.for 1.8 HimawariCast data was updated to list as HIM-CAST in the frame labels and a new SS number was created to include all data from Himawari-8 and Himawari-9. 16254 addegget.for 1.2 addegribgget.c 1.9 grddisp.pgm 1.173 gribfunc.c 1.86 mcserv.c 1.45 m0fixglobalgrid.for 1.2 Modifications to the grib server were made to handle the interpolation of data values at the seam of global grids. An extra column is duplicated for this computation which can be analyzed in GRDINFO. 16245 combine.c 1.10 The COMBINE command now displays the correct graphics colors when making RGB displays from the combine window and when saved from FRMSAVE in the mcenv environment. 16225 eu.gui 1.30 When accessing the EB command through the GUI on a macOS machine, an informational message will appear stating to use EB from the command line. 16199 addefunc.c 1.32 giniadir.cp 1.11 giniaget.cp 1.9 giniutil.c 1.16 giniutil.h 1.11 kbxnexr.dlm 1.7 servutil.h 1.10 Updated the GINI servers for better IMGPROBE results and matching results when GINI data is converted to AREA files with IMGCOPY. 16182 areaagetsub.for 1.10 The code was updated so IMGFILT now works correctly with NEXRAD radar files. 16139 CORE.SAT 1.28 SATANNOT 1.50 SATBAND 1.107 GMS 1-3 was added to SATANNOT, SATBAND and CORE.SAT. 16079 aputserv.fp 1.44 areaparm.inc 1.22 lalonavutil.c 1.6 mcidas.h 1.113 viiraget.cp 1.16 When using NAVTYPE=LALO, the computation to determine the best lat/lon grid resolution has been updated so the default will work correctly. 15596 lv1butil.c 1.54 Metop-C was added to the Level 1b imagery servers to correctly identify and serve the data. 14914 sfcdata.c 1.13 The code was updated to correctly list all special reports right before 0Z with SFCLIST. Some cases were listing the wrong day of the special report.