23-Dec-2022 This file contains the list of McIDAS-X version 2022.1 modules that were changed since the previous release (version 2021.1). This information is provided so you can see exactly what has changed since version 2021.1 (and note bug fixes, try new features, etc.). The changes are listed below, sorted by SSEC inquiry number. Each entry contains the following information: - SSEC inquiry number (the five-digit number at the beginning) - each module that was updated in the inquiry, followed by the module's CVS version number - a general description of the changes and how they impact McIDAS Modules released 23-Dec-2022 in version 2022.1 17393 mcinst.sh 1.158 The installation script was improved to recognize when platform dependent makefile files are present and to then use those when doing a make. 17390 daynite.pgm 1.6 XRD.TXT 1.33 The -XRD command DAYNITE was added. This command combines a visible and infrared image at the terminator. 17385 grib2NavLookup.txt 1.48 The NDF-AKPSDRS, GEFS-USME0P5 and GEFS-USMEP25 datasets were added to grib2NavLookup.txt to allow these grids to be recognized by the GRD* commands. 17384 XCDCONDUITGRID.BAT 1.14 XCDNOAAPORTGRID.BAT 1.15 Updates for the XCDNOAAPORTGRID.BAT and XCDCONDUITGRID.BAT batch files in the -XCD directories. 17378 wariaget.cp 1.42 The WARI server was updated to correctly list Himawari-9 in the memo field when using IMGLIST with the FORM=ALL keyword. 17373 mccomp.sh 1.114 The compiling script was updated to optimize the -XRD SANDWICH command. This allows some random image artifacts to not be displayed on Linux platforms. 17368 STAR-ABI_B1-6.ET 1.1 STAR-ABI_B11-14.ET 1.1 STAR-ABI_B14_HURR.ET 1.1 STAR-ABI_B15.ET 1.1 STAR-ABI_B16.ET 1.1 STAR-ABI_B7.ET 1.1 STAR-ABI_B8-10.ET 1.1 XRD.TXT 1.31 NOAA STAR enhancement files used in the GOES Image Viewer were added to McIDAS-XRD. These are named STAR-ABI_*.ET where * represents the enhancement band. 17360 areaagetsub.for 1.11 areaparm.inc 1.23 mcaget.for 1.99 mcidas.h 1.114 Some modules were modified to set the calibration and aux block sizes larger, specifically for use with newer HimawariCast data obtained from EUMETSAT using the WARC servers. 17356 kbxwarc.dlm 1.6 warcadir2.for 1.11 warcaget2.for 1.14 The WARC servers were updated for use with newer HimawariCast data obtained from EUMETSAT maintaining backward compatibility with older HimawariCast files. 17350 RGB-VIIRS.MCB 1.3 RGB.MCB 1.4 The temperature range was updated for the -XRD RGB VIIRS FIRETEMP command to better show the fire pixels. 17346 abinadir.cp 1.51 abinaget.cp 1.88 abincalb.inc 1.17 abinparm.h 1.11 kbxabin.dlm 1.33 SATBAND 1.116 The ABIN servers were updated to handle new variable types contained in Level 2 Aerosol Detection Smoke and Dust fields as well as Level 2 and Level 3 NOAA Vlab GLM products. 17343 abinaget.cp 1.83 The ABIN servers were updated to recognize invalid units in the UNIT= keyword. 17342 abinaget.cp 1.85 When using an SQLite database with the ABIN servers, all band lists will be correctly copied with the IMGCOPY command. 17341 mccomp.sh 1.110 Some updates were made to the compiling scripts for future support of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. 17340 m0pirdec.for 1.18 obtdbgserv.cp 1.7 ptdbkssub.for 1.23 sqlite_text.for 1.98 Updates were made to the McIDAS-XCD modules included in the McIDAS-X release for upcoming support of the McIDAS-XCD redesign. 17327 abinadir.cp 1.50 abinaget.cp 1.81 addefunc.c 1.41 The ABIN SQLite database servers were updated to process the navigation correctly from 0Z-1Z so the MAP command will work properly. 17318 frntdisp.pgm 1.17 The FRNTDISP command was updated to handle messages that are over 100 lines. 17317 mcinet.sh 1.54 The mcinet script was updated so that the system administrator can choose systemd or xinetd for installation of remote serving processes. The mcinet script LIST option was updated to be more informative. 17312 sunlit.pgm 1.18 The SUNLIT command was updated to format negative longitude values correctly. 17298 mccomp.sh 1.112 mcinst.sh 1.156 tclcomp.sh 1.39 Compiling and installation scripts were updated for support of macOS with Apple silicon processors. 17270 mcterm.c 1.24 A lower level routine was updated to have better cut and paste behavior to avoid crashing on some operating systems. 17262 IMGDISP.CORE 1.24 nexraget.cp 1.22 nexrutil.c 1.21 servutil.h 1.11 XCDRADAR.BAT 1.7 XCDTDWR.BAT 1.7 XCDWSR.BAT 1.5 The NEXR servers and McIDAS-XCD modules were updated to handle new super resolution WSR Products available in February 2022. 17253 aboutgui.gui 1.41 license.txt 1.11 makefile 1.368 mcinst.sh 1.157 VERSION.TXT 1.114 Updated system files, helps, and copyrights for 2022.1. 17252 STNDB.CORE 1.117 METAR and TAF stations were added to the station database file, STNDB.CORE. 17251 OUTNWSCWA 1.3 USCOUNTY.MAP 1.35 USSTATE.MAP 1.19 USZONE.MAP 1.30 The USSTATE.MAP, USZONE.MAP and USCOUNTY.MAP files were updated with current NWS shapefiles. The OUTNWSCWA was also updated in -XRD. 17248 imgcopy.pgm 1.133 imgdisp.pgm 1.136 imgfilt.pgm 1.62 imgoper.pgm 1.63 The documentation was updated to remove MRTSWATH and the NAV=RECT keyword. 17245 addegdir.for 1.4 addegget.for 1.5 database.c 1.67 grddisp.pgm 1.183 grdinfo.pgm 1.75 grdlist.pgm 1.109 grib2func.c 1.54 gribfunc.c 1.101 m0fndv.for 1.8 m0levuni.for 1.15 mcfndgrd.for 1.30 ncdffunc.c 1.69 readsort.for 1.23 The GRDINFO command and grid servers were updated to handle decimal levels, new parameters, and sigma (SIGM) levels. 17241 imgprobe.pgm 1.166 The IMGPROBE command was updated to have better error messages when using the NORM option. 17235 mcaget.for 1.98 A subroutine was updated for when the IMGDISP command is used with the SU= keyword, and the SU values are now scaled correctly for all IMGPROBE command options. 17219 addegribdbgdir.c 1.22 addegribdbgget.c 1.24 The -XCD servers included for the new -XCD update were updated to handle SST grids correctly. 17188 mcidas.sh 1.73 The font section of the .mcidasrc system file was updated to make it clear that the fonts are only for use in the Text and Command Window and that the FONT command and FONT= keyword should be used to change the fonts of the graphics labels in the Image Window. 17182 pc.pgm 1.37 plax.pgm 1.9 The PLAX and PC commands were updated to follow the TERM DMS setting for latitude/longitude output in decimal or degree, minute, second format. 17181 plax.pgm 1.10 The help for the PLAX command was updated to indicate that specifying latitude and longitude is often better than relying on the cursor position. 16842 isenhstr.for 1.18 kbxfcin.dlm 1.3 MCSTRETCH.TXT 1.18 nvxfcin.dlm 1.1 SATANNOT 1.56 SATBAND 1.119 Updates were made for Meteosat Third Generation satellites (Meteosat 12, 13, 14). Navigation and calibration modules were added (nvxfcin.dlm and kbxfcin.dlm). 16684 viiradir.cp 1.28 viiraget.cp 1.35 The VIIRS server was updated to read VIIRS EDR files, and scaling was improved for some bands.