29-Dec-2023 This file contains the list of McIDAS-X version 2023.1 modules that were changed since the previous release (version 2022.1). This information is provided so you can see exactly what has changed since version 2022.1 (and note bug fixes, try new features, etc.). The changes are listed below, sorted by SSEC inquiry number. Each entry contains the following information: - SSEC inquiry number (the five-digit number at the beginning) - each module that was updated in the inquiry, followed by the module's CVS version number - a general description of the changes and how they impact McIDAS Modules released 29-Dec-2023 in version 2023.1 Ready to release (30) 17510 grib2NavLookup.txt 1.51 grib2NCEPModels.txt 1.17 grib2Parameters.txt 1.24 The grib2*.txt files were updated for ETSS, PETS, SPC, GLW, GLSW grids. Also updates for upcoming RRFS grids potentially available in 2024 were made. These changes allow these grids to be recognized by the GRD* commands. 17488 abinadir.cp 1.52 abinaget.cp 1.89 dsserve.pgm 1.113 kbxscmi.dlm 1.3 scmicalb.inc 1.3 The abin servers and scmi calibration modules were updated to support NOAAPort American Samoa sectors. 17486 addegribdbgdir.c 1.23 addegribdbgget.c 1.25 m0afflbk.for 1.1 m0filblk.for 1.1 m0splnam.for 1.3 makefile 1.23 Mccfgutils.c 1.1 obtdbgserv.cp 1.8 ptdbfhsub.for 1.7 ptdbksread.for 1.9 ptdbkssub.for 1.24 sqlite_text.for 1.100 sqlite_text_upperman.for 1.24 wtxdbgserv.cp 1.2 XCDCONDUITGRID.BAT 1.15 XCDNOAAPORTGRID.BAT 1.17 Updates were made to the McIDAS-XCD modules included in the McIDAS-X release for upcoming support of the new McIDAS-XCD redesign. These changes included dataset updates, code for JSC local compiling, and PTLIST command performance. 17483 SUVI-FE093.ET 1.1 SUVI-FE131.ET 1.1 SUVI-FE171.ET 1.1 SUVI-FE195.ET 1.1 SUVI-FE284.ET 1.1 SUVI-HE303.ET 1.1 Color enhancement tables for SUVI data were added to the -XRD package. 17478 frmsave.c 1.16 The FRMSAVE command was updated so the TERM K OFF setting is correctly interpreted when running from a mcenv session or mcenv script. 17475 dsserve.pgm 1.111 The DSSERVE help section was updated to include EDR file information in the JPSS data remarks. 17474 m0grayscale.for 1.5 The REFL calibrated value was added to the subroutine m0grayscale.for so IMGCOPY of Meteosat Third Generation visible bands would be correctly written in the resulting AREA file. 17463 imgeu.pgm 1.4 The IMGEU command was added to -XRD. This command reads in an AREA file and McIDAS-X enhancement table to create a multi-banded RGB AREA file. 17453 database.c 1.69 makefile 1.24 Updates were made to subroutines used by the McIDAS-XCD modules for the upcoming McIDAS-XCD redesign. Updates for multi-field grib2 messages were made. 17446 mcgetscantime.for 1.14 Updates were made so correct scan line times could be retrieved from VIIRS data for use in commands like IMGPROBE and IMGPARM. 17442 RGB-VIIRS.MCB 1.6 The RGB command in -XRD was updated to use ABI RGB scaling with some VIIRS data recipes, and new VIIRS recipes were added. 17439 ptcon.pgm 1.95 ptcopy.pgm 1.33 ptdisp.pgm 1.98 ptlist.pgm 1.43 The PT* command help sections were updated to include a remark regarding valid TIME and HMS inputs. 17426 RGB-ABI.MCB 1.4 RGB.MCB 1.7 The RGB command in -XRD was updated so the ABI Day Land Cloud Fire RGB is now called the Day Fire RGB. 17419 RGB-ABI.MCB 1.3 RGB.MCB 1.6 The ABI Day and Night Rocket Plume RGB recipes were added to the RGB command in -XRD. 17415 RGB-VIIRS.MCB 1.5 RGB.MCB 1.8 The RGB command in -XRD was updated so the JPSS Day Land Cloud Fire RGB is now called the Day Fire RGB. 17411 isenhstr.for 1.19 isir.for 1.62 kbxfcin.dlm 1.5 MCSTRETCH.TXT 1.19 REFLCORE.ST 1.1 The subroutines that apply MCSTRETCH were updated so bands 3, 9, 10, and 11 of Meteosat Third Generation data will be correctly displayed. 17405 mcar.sh 1.14 mcinst.sh 1.159 Updates to some McIDAS-X system files to correctly compile on more recently updated WSL/Ubuntu machines. 17402 RGB-VIIRS.MCB 1.4 RGB.MCB 1.5 The VIIRS Sea Spray RGB recipe was added to the RGB command in -XRD. 17396 aboutgui.gui 1.42 imgeu.pgm 1.5 LEODATA.CORE 1.18 makefile 1.369 mcinst.sh 1.160 VERSION.TXT 1.115 XRD.TXT 1.34 Updated system files, helps, and copyrights for 2023.1. 17394 OUTNWSCWA 1.4 USCOUNTY.MAP 1.36 USSTATE.MAP 1.20 USZONE.MAP 1.31 The USSTATE.MAP, USZONE.MAP and USCOUNTY.MAP files were updated with current NWS shapefiles since the previous release. The OUTNWSCWA was also updated in -XRD. 17345 isir.for 1.63 SATANNOT 1.58 SATBAND 1.121 Satellite sensor numbers were added for ATS-1 and ATS-3 satellites. 17308 geotaput.cp 1.14 grdimg.pgm 1.61 imgconv.pgm 1.13 imgfilt.pgm 1.65 imgoper.pgm 1.65 imgplot.pgm 1.44 imgprobe.pgm 1.167 ncdfaput.cp 1.31 prdutil.pgm 1.13 unpkscale.for 1.4 The GRDIMG command was updated to use scaling factors from the source grid. Other subroutines and various IMG* commands also needed updating so probing and data analysis is done correctly with the scaled values. 17295 maadir.cp 1.7 maaget.cp 1.10 The mode-a servers in -XRD were updated so IMGCOPY into netCDF files and IMGPROBE now work correctly. This was beneficial for use with the Satellite Data Services archive servers. 17292 __init__.py 1.5 mcidasx.py 1.5 setup.py 1.3 The -XRD Python package was updated to have consistent results with TIME= in the IMGLIST and IMGCOPY commands. 17277 nexraget.cp 1.25 The nexr* servers were updated so IMGCOPY of radar data to the netCDF format without UNIT= correctly writes a file with the default unit. Other issues with IMGPROBE were addressed in the server in this inquiry for specific radar data types. 17271 dsserve.pgm 1.112 lock_.c 1.30 The DSSERVE command and file locking routine were updated so the RESOLV.SRV file will not be deleted when accessed by multiple commands. 17259 mct_winx.c 1.14 mcterm.c 1.29 For machine environments that experience crashing with cutting and pasting processes, environmental variables were added to improve performance and predictability when cutting and pasting. 17194 nvxgmsx.dlm 1.8 The GMS navigation modules was updated to compute satellite angles for FY2 data which uses GMS navigation. Commands like NAVCALC and ANGLES in -XRD now will calculate satellite angle information for FY2 data. 16720 SATANNOT 1.57 SATBAND 1.120 System files were updated for band and satellite information for the GEO-KOMPSAT-2A satellite. 16637 ncdfaput.cp 1.29 The netCDF servers that write image files with IMGCOPY were updated to better handle pixels that are in space. This improves performance when displaying the netCDF files in McIDAS-V.