January 2012

Awards Season at SSEC/CIMSS

UW-Madison CIMSS received the Space Shuttle Program Commendation from the Space Shuttle Program Manager:

nasa award

NOAA-CIMSS Collaborations Awards were presented to Mathew Gunshor, Anthony J. Schreiner, James P. Nelson III, A. Scott Bachmeier, Dave Stettner, Steve Wanzong, Christopher C. Schmidt, Wayne Feltz, Justin Sieglaff, William Straka, Chris Velden and the SSEC Data Center:

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And Steven Ackerman (CIMSS) and Hank Revercomb (SSEC) each received certificates from the National Weather Service Spaceflight Meteorology Group (SMG). CIMSS was recognized for uses of MODIS imagery to support NASA's human spaceflight program. SSEC was recognized for McIDAS, a mainstay meteorological analysis and visualization tool for 25 years.

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These awards and certificates, and much more, are on display in the Schwerdtfeger Library on the 3rd Floor of the AOS Building.

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