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July 2013

Director's Note

mark mulliganMark Mulligan

As Hank mentioned at the Hail & Farewell in June, some concerns have been raised regarding staff support due to programs ramping down, the effects of sequestration, and continuing resolution on others...more

Human Resources

Think of the things you’ve recently planned. Have you planned to save for your future retirement with the UW Tax-Sheltered Annuity 403(b) Program?...more

Comings and Goings


satellite data

New Retrieval Technique Yields More Useful Satellite Data

Dr. Elisabeth Weisz and her colleagues Dr. Nadia Smith and Dr. William L. Smith Sr., are developing new techniques to help scientists work with the increased flow of data....more


CIMSS Student Workshop Encourages Scientific Careers

CIMSS held its annual Student Workshop on Atmospheric, Satellite, and Earth Sciences on 23-27 June 2013. Eleven students from...more

tta cover

The Summer 2013 issue of "Through the Atmosphere" is published

The Summer 2013 issue of "Through the Atmosphere" focuses on polar studies at SSEC/CIMSS...more


hwt screen

Super Rapid Scan Imaging: Tracking Severe Weather Minute-by-Minute

Researchers at CIMSS and SSEC in collaboration with scientists from NOAA’s Advanced Satellite Products Branch stationed at the UW-Madison are preparing for a powerful new imager that will be standard equipment on the next generation of weather satellites...more


tornado data

SSEC Executive Director Tom Achtor Retires

After 33 years Tom Achtor has made the difficult decision to retire and leave the University, but not without first sharing a few tales from his career...more


tornado data

Lifting the Veil on the IPCC: Assessing Climate Change Researchs

Jim Kossin, a NOAA research scientist stationed at CIMSS has been a lead and contributing author for five report chapters of the IPCC...more



Truth in science can be defined as the working hypothesis best suited to open the way to the next better one.

Konrad Lorenz