June 2012

Equity & Diversity

submitted by Claire Pettersen, Chair, SSEC E&D Committee

The Equity and Diversity Committee has seen a lot of great suggestions from the "Suggestion Box" on 4th floor outside the Break Room. You may notice the latest suggestion come to life on 4th floor as well - the large World Map! This map is accompanied with many colored pins for SSEC employees to show where they have lived, worked, and traveled for SSEC all over the world. Please take some time to check it out and add your own pins.

We are in the process of working on some other great suggestions as well - so keep them coming.

The first AOSS Building Tour for AOS/SSEC employees was conducted Friday 01 June 2012 by Mark Hobson. He reports that there were some rough edges to be smoothed down, but that it went well. (Thank you, Jenny Hackel, for both attending and making excellent suggestions). Keep your eyes open for the next tour announcement. Take the opportunity to get to know the whole building (and spend some quality time on the roof!)

Also, the E&D Committee is looking for some new members. If you feel like this is something of interest, please feel free to contact me for more information. We welcome anyone who is interested in being part of the committee come chat with those of us on E&D."

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