March 2012


Director's Note

John Roberts

Welcome to spring/summer! I noticed an article in one of the student newspapers that “Spring” had been murdered by “Summer”. Interesting view, and probably true. My first robin sighting this year in my neighborhood was March 6th. Last year it was March 9th. The morning of March 8th was the first time this year that the roads had night-crawlers on them, due to the night rain. Wonder how the robins knew lunch would only be two days behind their arrival? I also read that the farmers are itching to get into their fields now as the planting weather is perfect. But most are waiting because cold weather between now and late April could cause severe issues if they plant too soon. Global warming anyone?

I remember when we used to watch for flocks of geese heading north in the spring to make spring’s arrival official. Now there are flocks of geese here all winter. Another sign of global warming?

On the other hand I checked the Vilas Zoo dam this morning (20 March) and there weren’t any tiger muskies trying to make the leap into Lake Wingra yet, but I am guessing they will start soon.

The last scheduled state legislation session of this spring ended last week. The two bills that had been introduced to change the State’s rehired annuitant policies were not acted on. Also the Governor’s office released a statement that they had no plans to change the Wisconsin Retirement System. The statement said that they thought it prudent to review the retirement system, and there would be a committee report submitted by 30 June 2012 but at this time they did not anticipate any changes.

One proposed change in the system was submitted to this session of the legislature but was not acted on. It would have allowed NEW employees to opt out of the State Retirement System and instead set up a 401-k plan. That was advertised as being requested by the University because it might help recruiting. The thought being that 401-k’s are an advantage if you move to another University after a few years.

Reworking the University Human Resources System

You have been receiving emails from various University departments as well as some of your SSEC co-workers regarding the extensive reworking of the University Human Resources System. This is VERY important information so please try to keep up with what is going on and if you have any ideas let your representatives know about them. I have been at the University over 39 years now and in my tenure nothing has ever happened in the Human Resources area that even approaches this level of potential change and improvement.

Have a great spring/summer and don’t forget the sunscreen and bug repellant (yes they are here already too). Cheers!

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