November 2011

Academic Staff

The October Academic Staff Assembly overview was summarized nicely by several contributions and Denny Hackel sent the following to his constituents:

Concealed Carry:

The State Concealed Carry bill becomes effective on 01 November 2011.

Here is the UW policy that the Academic Staff Assembly voted on and passed with the amended wording of "dangerous weapon" in place of "weapon."

New Personnel System:

The Badger Working Group Personnel System Principles and an addendum of items that groups members felt should not be lost in discussion of the new personnel system have been finalized and posted.

Academic Staff Assembly Priorities:

During the last assembly meeting groups were formed to discuss the following 3 priorities.

Priority 1: Review, propose, and respond to issues arising from changes in the academic staff personnel system.
Priority 2: Propose, anticipate, review and respond to possible changes in academic staff working conditions.
Priority 3: Serving as a communication hub in a year of uncertainty.

Copies of the meeting's handouts and meeting's notes that include discussion details of the above priorities are posted.

* Meeting notes were compiled by assembly members that work in SSEC (Jean Phillips, Wayne Feltz, Mat Gunshor, Mark Werner and Denny Hackel)

Public Perception of State Employees:

A few of us attended this University Roundtable discussion in which Wayne Feltz and a colleague composed a summary document of what we took away from it.

Graduate School Committee for Academic Staff Issues (GS-CASI)

September Meeting:

GS-CASI had its annual retreat at SSEC to discuss objectives for the next year. Of particular interest over the next year is coming up with ways to showcase academic staff work and procuring speakers to keep us informed on campus changes such as the new personnel system and the administrative efficiency study (Huron consultants). If you have any ideas or suggestions of ways to showcase important Academic Staff contributions, please contact Jenny Hackel or Wayne Feltz.

October Meeting:

Steve Lund from the Office of Human Resources presented a brief overview of the new personnel system project currently underway. UW Madison leaders wish to present a broad framework plan to the Joint Committee on Employment Relations by Feb 2012. The full plan with structure and details needs to be in place by June 30, 2013 per state statutes. GS CASI will not be directly involved with approving or developing the new system, but is committed to staying informed and relaying that information to our constituents.

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