October 2012

Academic Staff

submitted by Mat Gunshor

The HR design project has taken a giant leap forward from the 155 recommendations of the work teams and all of the feedback from around campus to a more focused plan that can be implemented on 01 July 2013. Darrell Bazzell (Vice Chancellor for Administration), Steve Lund, and Bob Lavigna came to a special session of the Academic Staff Assembly  on 24 September to present an overview of the plan. The presentation slides can be viewed here: http://hrdesign.wisc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/120926HR_Design_presentation.pdf

While we do not know all of the details of the plan yet, it seems to be a fairly solid effort of having gathered a lot of information and narrowed it down to a few actionable items that can be implemented in the next state fiscal year. Some of the more important things to handle right away are the issues dealing with current classified staff.

Assuming Act 10 is still the law of the land on 01 July 2013, the university will need personnel policies in place at that time because university employees can no longer be part of the state classified system at that time. The plan as it was explained to us seems to be a fair balance between not forcing people out of their unions and not forcing people into the academic staff, while hopefully addressing some of the issues that staff have with what has been described as a caste system of employee classes at the university. "Classified Staff" as a term will be going away and most of those employees will become "University Staff" - then they want University Staff to be given governance rights through the Board of Regents.

Much of the work of the work teams and recommendations are being put off until later. For example, the fact that the UW-Madison has around 1700 working titles is something that will be tackled in a future year. They hope to perform a study on titles and compensation to address this later. Some of the facts about the HR Design:

The things they hope to implement immediately for 01 July 2013:
We encourage you to read the slides linked above, which give a good overview of what's happening.  We also encourage you to attend any of the Information sessions:

We have not run into anything in this plan to object to so far, but we're not all-knowing. If you read or hear anything that you think could have a negative impact on your work or the work environment, please let us know.  The Academic Staff Assembly reps and alternates in SSEC are:

Mat Gunshor
Denny Hackel
Wayne Feltz
Dave Tobin
Mark Mulligan
Jean Phillips
Mark Werner

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Academic staff are encouraged to submit proposals for the Academic Staff Professional Development Grants.

Important dates to remember for this program are:

October 2 or October 5:

Attend a Brown Bag Lunch about how to write a successful proposal:

Tuesday, October 2, 2012 - 12:00 p.m., Bascom Hall Conference Room #67
Friday, October 5, 2012 - 12:00 p.m. Mechanical Engineering, Room #1101

October 22, 2012 - Applications due to Department Chair/Unit Head/Director

October 29, 2012 - Applications due to Dean or Equivalent

November 12, 2012 - Completed electronic packets due from Dean or equivalent to the Secretary of the Academic Staff.

Details about the Academic Staff Professional Development Grant program are available at http://acstaff.wisc.edu/academic-staff-professional-development-grants.htm

Questions? Contact Mary Johansen, Office of the Secretary of the Academic Staff, 263-2985, acstaff_gov@lists.wisc.edu

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