Working with AHI Files ---------------------- This example walks through the creation of Himawari AHI GeoTIFF subset image files and adding overlays. The Basics of Geo2Grid for AHI GeoTIFF File Creation **************************************************** Find the options available when creating AHI HSD GeoTIFFs: `` -r ahi_hsd -w geotiff -h`` List the products that can be created from your AHI HSD dataset: `` -r ahi_hsd -w geotiff --list-products -f `` To create GeoTIFF output files of all bands found in your data set, including true and natural color full resolution sharpened 24 bit RGBs in standard satellite projection using 8 worker threads: `` -r ahi_hsd -w geotiff --num-workers 8 -f `` Create a subset of AHI band output Geotiff image files for Bands 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5: `` -r ahi_hsd -w geotiff -p B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 natural_color -f `` Create AHI images over a Lambert Conic Conformal (LCC) grid centered over Perth, Australia. Run the grid helper script to define the grid center, areal extent, spatial resolution and projection . `` perth 117.9 -32.4 500 500 1500 1500`` .. code-block:: bash perth: projection: proj: lcc lat_1: -32.4 lat_0: -32.4 lon_0: 117.9 datum: WGS84 units: m no_defs: null type: crs shape: height: 1500 width: 1500 center: x: 117.9 y: -32.4 units: degrees resolution: dx: 500.0 dy: 500.0 Copy the output grid projection information into a grid configuration yaml file (my_grid.yaml). Use the grid to create an HSD AHI true color image from data observed on 12 November 2017, at 23:30 UTC. .. code-block:: bash -r ahi_hsd -w geotiff -p true_color --grid-configs /geo/hsd/my_grid.yaml -g perth --method nearest -f /data/ahi8/hsd/2330/*FLDK*.DAT The resulting image is displayed beow. .. raw:: latex \newpage .. figure:: ../_static/example_images/HIMAWARI-8_AHI_true_color_20181112_233020_perth_example.png :width: 100% :align: center AHI True color GeoTIFF image centered on Perth, Australia (HIMAWARI-8_AHI_true_color_20181112_233020_perth.tif). .. raw:: latex \newpage Add coastlines, borders and latitude/longitude grid lines and rivers to the image. .. code-block:: bash --add-coastlines --add-rivers --rivers-resolution=h --add-grid HIMAWARI-8_AHI_true_color_20181112_233020_perth.tif .. figure:: ../_static/example_images/HIMAWARI-8_AHI_true_color_20181112_233020_perth.png :width: 100% :align: center Himawari-8 AHI true color image with overlays (HIMAWARI-8_AHI_true_color_20181112_233020_perth.png)