VIIRS SDR Reader ================ .. automodule:: polar2grid.readers.viirs_sdr :noindex: Command Line Arguments ---------------------- .. argparse:: :module: polar2grid.readers.viirs_sdr :func: add_reader_argument_groups :prog: -r viirs_sdr -w :passparser: Examples: .. code-block:: bash -r viirs_sdr -w geotiff -f / -r viirs_sdr -w geotiff -h -r viirs_sdr -w geotiff --list-products -f ../sdr/*.h5 -r viirs_sdr -w geotiff --fill-value 0 -f ../sdr/*.h5 -r viirs_sdr -w geotiff -p true_color false_color --num-workers 8 --tiled -f ../sdr/*.h5 -r viirs_sdr -w awips_tiled -p i04 adaptive_dnb dynamic_dnb --awips-true-color --awips-false-color --sza-threshold=90.0 --letters --compress --sector-id Polar -g polar_alaska_1km --dnb-saturation-correction -f -r viirs_sdr -w hdf5 --compress gzip --m-bands -f ../sdr/*.h5 -r viirs_sdr -w binary -g lcc_fit -p m15 --num-workers 8 -f ../sdr/SVM15*.h5 ../sdr/GMTCO*.h5 Product Explanation ------------------- True Color ^^^^^^^^^^ The VIIRS SDR "true_color" composite produced by |project| provides a view of the Earth as the human eye would see it; or as close as we can come to with satellite data and the channels we have available. This means things like trees and grass are green, water is blue, deserts are red/brown, and clouds are white. The True Color GeoTIFF 24 bit image is an :ref:`RGB (Red, Green, Blue) image ` consisting of a combination of Red: VIIRS M-Band 5, Green: VIIRS M-Band 4, and Blue: VIIRS M-Band 3 reflectance channels. Each channel goes through a series of adjustments to produce the final high quality image output by |project|. Creation of true color RGBs includes the following steps: * Atmospheric :ref:`Rayleigh Scattering Correction ` of the RGB visible reflectances. * Combining the 3 channels into a 24 bit output file. * :ref:`Sharpening of the image ` to full 350m resolution if the VIIRS I-Band 1 is provided as input. * Application of a :ref:`non-linear enhancement `. See the :doc:`../examples/viirs_example` example to see how |project| can be used to make this product as a GeoTIFF and KMZ file. False Color ^^^^^^^^^^^ A false color image is any combination of 3 bands outside of those used to create a "true color" image (see above). These combinations can be used to highlight features in the observations that may not be easily identified in individual band imagery. |project| can readily create a preconfigured legacy false color (product false_color) GeoTIFF 24 bit image that consists of a combination :ref:`RGB (Red, Green, Blue) image ` using uses Red:VIIRS M-Band 11 (2.25 μm), Green:VIIRS M-Band 7 (.87 μm) and Blue:VIIRS M-Band 5 (.67 μm). This band combination is very effective at distinguishing land/water boundaries as well as burn scars. Creation of VIIRS legacy false color RGBs includes the following steps: * Atmospheric :ref:`Rayleigh Scattering Correction ` of the RGB visible reflectances. * Combining the 3 channels into a 24 bit output file. * :ref:`Sharpening of the image ` to full 350m resolution if the VIIRS I-Band 2 is provided as input. * Application of a :ref:`non-linear enhancement `. See the :doc:`../examples/viirs_example` example to see how |project| can be used to make this product as a GeoTIFF and KMZ output file. Fog - Temperature Difference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The VIIRS SDR reader can also produce a "ifog" product which is a simple difference of the infrared brightness temperatures between the I05 (11.45 μm) and I04 (3.74 μm) bands (I05 - I04). The result is scaled linearly between -10.0 and 10.0 Kelvin before being saved to an output image. Day Night Band ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |project| allows the user to create images from the VIIRS Day/Night Band, which contains observations of visible radiances for both day and night. |project| provides 4 options for enhancing and scaling the DNB data. A full description of these options are described in detail in the :doc:`../viirs_day_night_band` appendix. Reflectance I-Bands 01-03 and M-Bands 01-11 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The I01-I03 and M01-M11 bands are visible reflectance channels on the VIIRS instrument. Besides the basic calibration necessary to convert the radiance values to reflectances, the data is passed through a square root function before being written to a grayscale image. The square root operation has the effect of balancing the bright and dark regions of the image. Infrared I-Bands 04-05 and M-Bands 12-16 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The I04-I05 and M12-M16 bands are all brightness temperature (infrared (IR)) channels. To produce a grayscale image with dark land and white clouds, the data is inverted and scaled linearly in two segments. The first segment is from 163K to 242K, the second 242K to 330K. This is a common scaling used by the National Weather Service (NWS) for their AWIPS visualization clients.