Great Lakes Weather and Climate - Size of Lake Ontario

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Lake Ontario
Lake Ontario lies 325 ft (99 m) below Lake Erie, at the base of Niagara Falls. It is the smallest of the Great Lakes in surface area but its average depth of 283 ft (86 m) is second only to Lake Superior.

To measure the surface area of Lake Ontario:

1. Use the contrast tools to see the shoreline more clearly.

2. Use the pencil tool to trace around the outer edge of the Lake.

3. Click the calculator tool to automatically calculate the area.

4. Submit answer and get feedback below.

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This application lets you estimate the size of Lake Ontario using satellite imagery.

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This application is used for a Lake Ontario size quiz.

The Land of Seasons

The Great Lakes straddle the 45th parallel. This mid-lattitude location guarantees four distinct seasons annually. Learn more about this phenomena by clicking on the animated image of the four seasons to your right.

right arrow  Great Lakes seasons animation
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