The following are examples of sampling rate :

Example 1: Oversampling

If the sampling rate is such that there is some overlap between successive spatial intervals, the resulting pixel will include energy from adjacent pixels.

Example 2: Undersampling

If the sampling rate is such that there are gaps between successive spatial intervals, a complete image of the scene will not be collected.


The following are not examples of sampling rate:

Not an example Dwell rate

A related but inverse concept is staring time, or dwell rate, of the sensor. This is the finite time interval the sensor collects energy at each IFOV. A lower dwell rate means more data generated (sensor "dwells" on each spot less), but quality goes down for two reasons: 1) less radiation collected means a lower accuracy for the generated data, and 2) faster movement of the sensor implies a larger cross-track boundary dimension of each output pixel (i.e., lower image resolution)