
Johnson, D. R., A. J. Lenzen, T. H. Zapotocny, and T. K. Schaack, 2000:  Numerical uncertainties in the simulation of reversible isentropic processes and entropy conservation.  J. Climate, 13, 3860-3884.

Johnson, D. R., 1999:  Entropy, the Lorenz Energy Cycle and Climate.  In “General Circulation Model Development: Past, Present and Future” (D. A. Randall, ed.),  Academic Press, pp. 659-720.

Johnson, D. R., 1997:  On the "General Coldness of Climate Models" and the Second Law: Implications for Modeling the Earth System.  J. Climate, 10, 2826-2846.

Johnson, D. R., T. H. Zapotocny, F. M. Reames, A. J. Lenzen and T. K. Schaack, 1994: The dynamical structure of atmospheric transport processes within extratropical cyclones viewed through isentropic analysis. Proceedings of an International Symposium, The Life Cycles of Extratropical Cyclones, Vol. II, 27 June - 1 July 1994, Bergen, Norway, 233-238. J. Climate, 10, 2826-2846.

Pierce, R.B., D.R. Johnson, F.R. Reames, T.H. Zapotocny and B.J. Wolf, 1991: Numerical investigations with a hybrid isentropic-sigma model, Part I: Normal mode characteristics.  J. Atmos. Sci., 48, 2005-2024. 

Reames, F. M. and T. H. Zapotocny, 1999a:  Inert trace constituent transport in sigma and hybrid isentropic-sigma models.  Part I:  Nine advection algorithms.  Mon. Wea. Rev., 127, 173-187.

Reames, F. M. and T. H. Zapotocny, 1999b:  Inert trace constituent transport in sigma and hybrid isentropic-sigma models.  Part II:  Twelve semi-Lagrangian algorithms.  Mon. Wea. Rev., 127, 188-200.

Zapotocny, T. H., A. J. Lenzen, D. R. Johnson, F. M. Reames, and T. K. Schaack, 1997a: A comparison of inert trace constituent transport between the University of Wisconsin isentropic-sigma model and the NCAR community climate model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 125, 120-142.

Zapotocny, T. H., D. R. Johnson, T. K. Schaack, A. J. Lenzen, F. M. Reames, and P. A. Politowicz, 1997b: Simulations of Joint Distributions of Equivalent Potential Temperature and an Inert Trace Constituent in the UW Isentropic-Sigma Model and CCM2. Geophys. Res. Let., 24, 865-868.

Zapotocny, T. H., A. J. Lenzen, D. R. Johnson, F. M. Reames, P. A. Politowicz, and T. K. Schaack, 1996: Joint distributions of potential vorticity and inert trace constituent in CCM2 and UW isentropic-sigma model simulations. Geophys. Res. Let., 23, 2525-2528.

Zapotocny, T. H., D. R. Johnson, and F. M. Reames, 1994: Development and initial test of the University of Wisconsin global isentropic-sigma model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 122, 2160-2178.

Zapotocny, T. H., D. R. Johnson, and F. M. Reames, 1993: A comparison of regional isentropic-sigma and sigma model simulations of the January 1979 Chicago blizzard. Mon. Wea. Rev., 121, 2115-2135.

Zapotocny, T.H., D.R. Johnson, F.M. Reames, R.B. Pierce and B.J. Wolf, 1991:  Numerical investigations with a hybrid isentropic-sigma model, Part II: The inclusion of moist processes.  J. Atmos. Sci., 48, 2025-2043.

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